This article investigates the accounts narrating the roles of Devil and satan. The concepts of satan and Devil have an abstract meaning in Muslims’ minds. The status of the narratives which concretize this abstract concepts in the oral culture has attracted, and still does, scholarly interest. A lot of studies have engaged with the question of Devil’s nature in the disciplines such as Kalam (Islamic Philosophisical Theology), Tafsir (Exegesis) and Sufism. However, the correspondants of these traditions in Sīra (Prophetic biography) have not been examined yet to the best of our knowledge. In the sources of Prophetic biography, it is possible to find the accounts that narrate that the Devil and satan, which are described as being created out of fire and some forms of light in the Qu’ran, can physically disguise as human and play roles in the history. The principal research question in the present study is to analyze and determine the real status of such accounts. In so doing, we have employed a methodology drawing on History and Hadith disciplines, and this has enabled us to examine the accounts in all of the disciplines simultaneously. In conclusion, it has been concluded that the accounts in question are the interpretations that equate the unfavourable examples with the Devil and satan.