This study tackles a citical stage in the history of civilizationof the City of Bait Al-Maqdis Jeusalem) between 3200 B.C.E. and 135A.D. This period covers both the b٢onze and iron ages as well as the Pe٢sian and Hellenistic periods and part of the Roman era, which ended by the take over of Hadrian on the City and the end demolition of Bar Kochba Revolutionin 135A.D. Most historians did their best to ignore the real history of this City focusing just on the Jewish ruling of the City of bait al-maqdis by depending on resources such as the biblical text that are unauthentic and have no scientific back-up. Accordingly, this study aims at investigating this particular era to put the historical events into their right track and refuting the biblical claims. Moreover, the study aims to create an objective reality of the events that the City of Bait Al- Maqdis (Jerusalem) passed through during that period relying on archaeological excavations which revealed the real image of the chronological events of the City regardless of the disfigu٢ed events of the Bible.
4. Abu Talib, Mahmoud, Palestine and Jordan archaeology in old ages, ministry of culture an youth, amman, 1978
5. Aharoni, Y. The Land of the Bible: A Historical geography. Philadelphia, 1979.
6. Ahlstrom,G.the history of Palestine.1993.Pp 899
7. Albright, W. "New Egyptian data on Palestine in the Patriarchal age".BASOR 81 .1941a.16-21
8. Albright,w."TheAmarna Letters from Palestine".in CAH VOL 2.Cambridge 1975a.
9. Arav, Rami. "Some notes on the foundation of straton’s tower". Palestin exploration quarterly. 123. 1989. 147-151.
10. Ash-Shayab, Atif. The History\y and the Archeology of Ancient Greeks. Amman. 2011.
11. Bahat,D. the western wall tunnels. Ancient Jerusalem revealed.jerusalem. 1994
12. Bedien,D."3700 year old fortification excavated in Jerusalem".in the bulletin 2009.
13. Berard,G.The history of the city of Jerusalem,Pagewise,2002.
14. Cabill,J."Jerusalem at the time of the united monarchy",in the society of biblical literature.2003.
15. Davies,W.D and Finkelstein,I. "The Cambridge history of Judaism". Volume 2.1989
16. Fales,F.M. "remarks on the neirab texts". Orient 12.1973
17. Finkelstein,I."Archaeology of the united monarchy", Institute of Arhaeology university of telAviv.Levant , XX III 1996.177_187.
18. Finkelstein,I. "the rise of Jerusalem and Juddah, in Jerusalem in Bible and archaeology" the first temple period". Edited by andrew G, and Ann R.. 2003.81-101.
19. Ganneau,C. Archaeological researches in Palistine(1873-1874).1.1899
20. Geva , H. "for chronological tables listing the various excavations , History of archeological in Jerusalem"NEAEH 2 ,. 1994.801-804.
21. Grab, leister, Ethnic groups in jerusalem in the old ages between bible an history, translated by: firassawah, arab unity studies an research center, beirut, 2003.
22. Green,W.S. approaches to ancient Judaism II. Chico. 1980
23. Gophna,R.The intermediate age, in the archaeology of Ancient Israel, by A. ben-tor.1992.
24. Hitti, Philip, History of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Translated by George Haddad and Abd AL-Karim Rafiq, Macmillan Company, New York, 1951.
26. Kempinski , A. "Middle and Late Bronze Ages Fortifications" , in the Architecture of Ancient Israel : Israel exploration Society . Jerusalem 1992.127_142.
27. Kenyon, K. excavation in Jerusalem. 1961-1963. BA.1964
28. Kenyon.K. Archaeology of the holy Land .2th.London: university paperbacks 1965.
29. Kenyon,K.digging up Jerusalem, ernest ben . London 1974.
30. Khraisat, Mohammad The History of human civilization, Irbid: Hamada Press. Assoc, 1999.
31. Macalister, S and Duncan, G ."excavations on the Hill of ophel", palestine Exploration Fand Annual 1923_1925.Jerusalem 1923_1925.
32. Mazar,A. "The aqueducts of jeruslem in Jerusalem revealed. Archaeology in the holy city 1968-1974". Israel exploration society.1973. 79-84
33. Mazar,E . "did I find king david Palace" , Bar 32\1.,70 .2006.16_27.
34. Muna, Ziad . Introduction to Old History of Palestine. Bissan Publishing and Bistribution, Beirut , 2000.
35. Reich ,R, and Shukron , E. "Light at the end of the tunnel", Bar 25\1.1994.
36. Robinson, E, Biblical Researches in Palestine . mount sinai and arabiapetraea : A Journal of travels in the year 1838 in Biblical Geography, VOL 3,London 1841.
37. Robert .m. enberg, the Hyksos reconsidered. Chicago. 1939.
Bu çalışma, Kudüs şehrinin medeniyet tarihindeki önemli
bir aşamayı ele almaktadır. Araştırmamız, bronz ve demir çağlarından başlayarak
Pers ve Yunan-Helenistik hâkimiyetleri zamanlarına uzanan ve Roma İmparatorluğu
idaresinden Barkohba isyanının bastırılması ve Hadriyan’ın şehirde kontrolü ele
alması ile biten bir kesiti barındıran M.Ö.3200-M.S 125 yılları arasındaki
dönemde Kudüs’ü incelemektedir. Tarihçiler, Kudüs tarihini ele almaya bilindiği
gibi büyük bir özen göstermektedir. Genellikle tarihi çalışmalarda bilimsel bir
kaynak olarak temellendirilmesi tam olarak mümkün görülmeyen Tevrat metninden
hareketle ortaya atılan ve objektiflik barındırmayan iddialar yoluyla tüm
dünyayı Kudüs’ün Yahudi egemenliğinin merkezi olduğunu düşündürmeye yönelik bir
havaya tanık olunmaktadır. Bu çalışmamız, olayları mümkün olduğu ölçüde doğru
değerlendirmelerle yerli yerine koymayı, Tevrat metni temelli iddiaların
incelenmesini ve Kudüs’te tarih boyunca yaşanan olayları objektif bir realite
ve gerçekçi bir rota çerçevesinde ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmamızda;
Tevrat anlatısından elde edilen, arkeolojik veya tarihi realiteye dayanmayan ve
anlaşılması güç görülen olayların imajından uzak bir biçimde Kudüs’ün
kronolojik tarihinin gerçek portresini gün ışığına çıkaran arkeolojik kazı
sonuçlarına dayalı değerlendirmeler yapılacaktır.
4. Abu Talib, Mahmoud, Palestine and Jordan archaeology in old ages, ministry of culture an youth, amman, 1978
5. Aharoni, Y. The Land of the Bible: A Historical geography. Philadelphia, 1979.
6. Ahlstrom,G.the history of Palestine.1993.Pp 899
7. Albright, W. "New Egyptian data on Palestine in the Patriarchal age".BASOR 81 .1941a.16-21
8. Albright,w."TheAmarna Letters from Palestine".in CAH VOL 2.Cambridge 1975a.
9. Arav, Rami. "Some notes on the foundation of straton’s tower". Palestin exploration quarterly. 123. 1989. 147-151.
10. Ash-Shayab, Atif. The History\y and the Archeology of Ancient Greeks. Amman. 2011.
11. Bahat,D. the western wall tunnels. Ancient Jerusalem revealed.jerusalem. 1994
12. Bedien,D."3700 year old fortification excavated in Jerusalem".in the bulletin 2009.
13. Berard,G.The history of the city of Jerusalem,Pagewise,2002.
14. Cabill,J."Jerusalem at the time of the united monarchy",in the society of biblical literature.2003.
15. Davies,W.D and Finkelstein,I. "The Cambridge history of Judaism". Volume 2.1989
16. Fales,F.M. "remarks on the neirab texts". Orient 12.1973
17. Finkelstein,I."Archaeology of the united monarchy", Institute of Arhaeology university of telAviv.Levant , XX III 1996.177_187.
18. Finkelstein,I. "the rise of Jerusalem and Juddah, in Jerusalem in Bible and archaeology" the first temple period". Edited by andrew G, and Ann R.. 2003.81-101.
19. Ganneau,C. Archaeological researches in Palistine(1873-1874).1.1899
20. Geva , H. "for chronological tables listing the various excavations , History of archeological in Jerusalem"NEAEH 2 ,. 1994.801-804.
21. Grab, leister, Ethnic groups in jerusalem in the old ages between bible an history, translated by: firassawah, arab unity studies an research center, beirut, 2003.
22. Green,W.S. approaches to ancient Judaism II. Chico. 1980
23. Gophna,R.The intermediate age, in the archaeology of Ancient Israel, by A. ben-tor.1992.
24. Hitti, Philip, History of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Translated by George Haddad and Abd AL-Karim Rafiq, Macmillan Company, New York, 1951.
26. Kempinski , A. "Middle and Late Bronze Ages Fortifications" , in the Architecture of Ancient Israel : Israel exploration Society . Jerusalem 1992.127_142.
27. Kenyon, K. excavation in Jerusalem. 1961-1963. BA.1964
28. Kenyon.K. Archaeology of the holy Land .2th.London: university paperbacks 1965.
29. Kenyon,K.digging up Jerusalem, ernest ben . London 1974.
30. Khraisat, Mohammad The History of human civilization, Irbid: Hamada Press. Assoc, 1999.
31. Macalister, S and Duncan, G ."excavations on the Hill of ophel", palestine Exploration Fand Annual 1923_1925.Jerusalem 1923_1925.
32. Mazar,A. "The aqueducts of jeruslem in Jerusalem revealed. Archaeology in the holy city 1968-1974". Israel exploration society.1973. 79-84
33. Mazar,E . "did I find king david Palace" , Bar 32\1.,70 .2006.16_27.
34. Muna, Ziad . Introduction to Old History of Palestine. Bissan Publishing and Bistribution, Beirut , 2000.
35. Reich ,R, and Shukron , E. "Light at the end of the tunnel", Bar 25\1.1994.
36. Robinson, E, Biblical Researches in Palestine . mount sinai and arabiapetraea : A Journal of travels in the year 1838 in Biblical Geography, VOL 3,London 1841.
37. Robert .m. enberg, the Hyksos reconsidered. Chicago. 1939.
دخلت القدس خلال العحهور البرونزية والحديدية الفهرات الفارسية والهيلينستية وجزء من الغرة الروماذية(3200 ق.م-135 م)ء مرحلة مهمة من مراحلها الحضارية، فمع بداية العحهر البرونزي المتأخر يبدأ التاخ القديم للقدس، ويبدأ معه نشاطها الحضاري المتمثل في أول استيطان بشري دائم خلال الألفية الثالثة قبل الميلاد، وما لبث أن تطور الواقع الحضاري خلال العحهر البرونزي المتوسط, وتمثل في ص البنية الأساسية للقدس، وأخذت تشكل تدنيجيأوفق نظام دولة المدينة الذي كان سائدأآنذاك, واستمر حنى نهاية العحهر البرونزي المتأخر.
4. Abu Talib, Mahmoud, Palestine and Jordan archaeology in old ages, ministry of culture an youth, amman, 1978
5. Aharoni, Y. The Land of the Bible: A Historical geography. Philadelphia, 1979.
6. Ahlstrom,G.the history of Palestine.1993.Pp 899
7. Albright, W. "New Egyptian data on Palestine in the Patriarchal age".BASOR 81 .1941a.16-21
8. Albright,w."TheAmarna Letters from Palestine".in CAH VOL 2.Cambridge 1975a.
9. Arav, Rami. "Some notes on the foundation of straton’s tower". Palestin exploration quarterly. 123. 1989. 147-151.
10. Ash-Shayab, Atif. The History\y and the Archeology of Ancient Greeks. Amman. 2011.
11. Bahat,D. the western wall tunnels. Ancient Jerusalem revealed.jerusalem. 1994
12. Bedien,D."3700 year old fortification excavated in Jerusalem".in the bulletin 2009.
13. Berard,G.The history of the city of Jerusalem,Pagewise,2002.
14. Cabill,J."Jerusalem at the time of the united monarchy",in the society of biblical literature.2003.
15. Davies,W.D and Finkelstein,I. "The Cambridge history of Judaism". Volume 2.1989
16. Fales,F.M. "remarks on the neirab texts". Orient 12.1973
17. Finkelstein,I."Archaeology of the united monarchy", Institute of Arhaeology university of telAviv.Levant , XX III 1996.177_187.
18. Finkelstein,I. "the rise of Jerusalem and Juddah, in Jerusalem in Bible and archaeology" the first temple period". Edited by andrew G, and Ann R.. 2003.81-101.
19. Ganneau,C. Archaeological researches in Palistine(1873-1874).1.1899
20. Geva , H. "for chronological tables listing the various excavations , History of archeological in Jerusalem"NEAEH 2 ,. 1994.801-804.
21. Grab, leister, Ethnic groups in jerusalem in the old ages between bible an history, translated by: firassawah, arab unity studies an research center, beirut, 2003.
22. Green,W.S. approaches to ancient Judaism II. Chico. 1980
23. Gophna,R.The intermediate age, in the archaeology of Ancient Israel, by A. ben-tor.1992.
24. Hitti, Philip, History of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Translated by George Haddad and Abd AL-Karim Rafiq, Macmillan Company, New York, 1951.
26. Kempinski , A. "Middle and Late Bronze Ages Fortifications" , in the Architecture of Ancient Israel : Israel exploration Society . Jerusalem 1992.127_142.
27. Kenyon, K. excavation in Jerusalem. 1961-1963. BA.1964
28. Kenyon.K. Archaeology of the holy Land .2th.London: university paperbacks 1965.
29. Kenyon,K.digging up Jerusalem, ernest ben . London 1974.
30. Khraisat, Mohammad The History of human civilization, Irbid: Hamada Press. Assoc, 1999.
31. Macalister, S and Duncan, G ."excavations on the Hill of ophel", palestine Exploration Fand Annual 1923_1925.Jerusalem 1923_1925.
32. Mazar,A. "The aqueducts of jeruslem in Jerusalem revealed. Archaeology in the holy city 1968-1974". Israel exploration society.1973. 79-84
33. Mazar,E . "did I find king david Palace" , Bar 32\1.,70 .2006.16_27.
34. Muna, Ziad . Introduction to Old History of Palestine. Bissan Publishing and Bistribution, Beirut , 2000.
35. Reich ,R, and Shukron , E. "Light at the end of the tunnel", Bar 25\1.1994.
36. Robinson, E, Biblical Researches in Palestine . mount sinai and arabiapetraea : A Journal of travels in the year 1838 in Biblical Geography, VOL 3,London 1841.
37. Robert .m. enberg, the Hyksos reconsidered. Chicago. 1939.
Hijjih, Shawkat. “Eski Tarihte Kudüs ‘Yahudilerin Arkeolojik Ve Tarihsel Gerçekliği Üzerine Bir Çalışma’”. Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17/33 (Haziran 2018), 103-126.