Many methods have been developed in the history of Islam to understand the Quran and Sunnah correctly. In particular, the differences in approach to the narrations have led to the emergence of groups known as Ahl al-Hadith and Ahl al-Ray. As a reflection of the disagreement of the Companions, the view of the sects to the narrations in the following periods turned into a distinction in the form of preferring ra’y to hadith or not. The accusation that the Hanafis preferred ra’y and qiyas to the narrations and that they interpreted the narrations according to their own views enabled the sect to provide answers by developing a defense mechanism in this sense. In this point, while al-Tahâvî was writing the work Sharḥ Maʿāni al-Āthār, in which he collected the narrations of the madhhab, al-Bayhaqî tried to answer this work by objecting to this work about 62 subjects after a century. In an academic study named Hadis Mezhep İhtilaf, Taha Çelik tried to determine the methodologies of the two authors by analyzing these issues around the view of the narrations and the views of the sects.