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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 48 Sayı: 3, 239 - 244, 15.06.2020



  • 1. B. Frei, Natural antioxidants in human health and disease, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 20 (1996) 157–159.
  • 2. A. Cardador-Martinez, G. Loacra-Pina, B.D. Oomah, Antioxidant activity in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), J. of Agri. and Food Chem., 50 (2002) 6975–6980.
  • 3. V. N. Enujiugha, J. Y. Talabi, S.A. Malomo, A.L. Olagunju, DPPH radical scavenging capacity of phenolic extracts from african yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa), Food and Nutrition Sci., 3 (2012) 7–13.
  • 4. E.B. Rimm, A. Ascherio, E. Giovannucci, D. Spiegelman, M.J. Stampfer, W.C. Willett, Vegetable, fruit and cereal fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease among men, J. of the American Medical Ass., 275 (1996) 447–451.
  • 5. G. Semiz, A. Semiz, N. Mercan-Doğan, Essential oil composition, total phenolic content, antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of four Origanum species from southeastern Turkey, Int. J. of Food Properties, 21:1 (2018) 194-204.
  • 6. G.B. Salha, R.H. Diaz, J. Labidi, M. Abderrabba, Deterpenation of Origanum majorana L. essential oil by reduced pressure steam distillation, Indust. Crops and Products, 109 (2017) 116-122.
  • 7. A. Cháfer, J. Torre, R. Muñoz, M.C. Burguet, Liquid-liquid equlibria of the mixture linalool + ethanol +water at different temperatures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 238 (2005) 72–76.
  • 8. O.O. Okoh, A.P. Sadimenko, A.J. Afolayan, Comparative evaluation of the antibacterial activities of the essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis L. obtained by hydrodistillation and solvent free microwave extraction methods, Food Chem., 120:1 (2010) 308-312.
  • 9. C. Busattaa, J. Barbosaa, R. I.Cardosoa, N. Paroula, M. Rodriguesb, D. Oliveirac, J. V. Oliveirac, R.L. Cansiana, Chemical profiles of essential oils of marjoram (Origanum majorana) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical CO2, J. of Essential Oil Research 29:5 (2017) 367-374.
  • 10. R. Raja, Medicinally potential plants of Labiatae (Lamiaceae) family: An overview, J. Res. Plants Med. 6 (2012) 203-213.
  • 11. J.H. Ietswaart, A taxonomic revision of the genus Origanum (La¬biatae), Leiden Botanical series, Leiden Uni¬versity Press, 4 (1980).
  • 12. S. Chishti, Z.A. Kaloo, P. Sultan, Medical importance of genus Origanum: A review, J. Pharmacognosy Phytother. 5 (2013) 170-177.
  • 13. M. Meyers, Oregano and Marjoram, The Herb Society of America, Guide to the genus Origanum, The Herb Society of America, Kirtland, Ohio, 2005.
  • 14. B. Teixeira, A. Maryues, C. Ramos, C. Serrano, O. Matos, N.R. Neng, J.M. Noqueira, J.A. Saraiva, M.L. Nunes, Chemical composition and bioactivity of different oregano (Origanum vulgare) extracts and essentail oil, J. Sci. Food Agric, 93 (2013) 2707-2714.
  • 15. C.M. Asensio, N.R. Grosso, H.R. Juliani, Quality characters, chemical composition and biological activities of oregano (Origanum spp.) Essential oils from Central and Southern Argentina, Ind. Crop. Prod. 63 (2015) 203–221.
  • 16. O. Baâtour, I. Tarchoun, N. Nasri, R. Kaddour, J. Harrathi, E. Drawi, M. Ben Nasri- Ayachi, B. Marzouk, M. Lachaâl, Effect of growth stages on phenolics content and antioxidant activities of shoots in sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) varieties under salt stress. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11:99 (2012) 16486–16493.
  • 17.F. Chemat, M.A. Vian, G. Cravotto, Green extraction of natural products: concept and principles, Int. J. of Molecular Sci., 13:7 (2012) 8615-8627.
  • 18. C. Busatta, J. Barbosa, R.I. Cardoso, N. Paroul, M. Rodrigues, D. Oliveira, J.V. Oliveira, R.L. Cansian, Chemical profiles of essential oils of marjoram (Origanum majorana) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical CO2, J. of Essential Oil Research, 29:5 (2017) 367-374.
  • 19. S.M. Pourmortazavi, S.S. Hajimirsadeghiİ Supercritical fluid extraction in plant essential and volatile oil analysis, J Chromatogr A 1163 (2007) 2–24.
  • 20. B. Berka-Zougali, M.A. Ferhat, A. Hassani, F. Chemat, K.S. Allaf, Comparative study of essential oils extracted from Algerian Myrtus communis L. leaves using microwaves and hydrodistillation. Intl J Mol Sci 13:4 (2012) 4673–95.
  • 21. Y. Yamini, F. Sefidkon, S.M. Pourmortazavi, Comparison of essential oil composition of Iranian fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and hydrodistillation methods, Flav Fragr J., 17:5 (2002) 345–8.
  • 22. A.C. Figueiredo, J.G. Barroso, L.G. Pedro, J.J.C. Scheffer, Factors affecting secondary metabolite production in plants: Volatile components and essential oils, Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 23 (2008) 213–226.
  • 23. C. Turek, F.C. Stintzing, Stability of Essential Oils: A review, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Vol 12, 2013.
  • 24. R.P.W. Scott, Essential oils, Encyclopedia of analytical science. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, London, New York: Elsevier (2005) 554–61.
  • 25. B. Simandi, M. Ozszagyan, E.A. Lemberkovics, A.A. Kery, J. Kaszacs, F. Thyrion, T. Matyas, Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and fractionation of oregano oleoresin, Food Res. Int., 31 (1998) 723-728.
  • 26. M. Ordaza, A. Sanchez, Steam distillation and supercritical fluid extraction of some Mexican spices, Chromatographia, 30 (1990) 16-18.
  • 27. F. Temelli, R.J. Braddock, C.S. Chen, Nagy, Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of terpenes from orange essential oil In: Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography: Techniques and applications; B.A. Charpentier, R. Sevenants, Eds.; ACS Symposium Series 366; American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1988; p 109.
  • 28. M.R.A. Rodrigues, L.C. Krause, E.B. Caramoa, J.G. Santos, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira, Chemical composition and extraction yield of the extract of origanum vulgare obtained from sub- and supercritical CO2, J. of Agricultural and Food Chem., 52 (2004) 3042-3047.
  • 29. M. Sharifi-Rad, E.M. Varoni, M. Iriti, M. Martorell, W.N. Setzer, M.M. Contreras, B. Salehi, A.S. Nejad, S. Rajabi, M. Tajbakhsh, J. Sharifi-Rad, Carvacrol and human health: A comprehensive review, Phytotherapy Research, 32 (2018) 1675–1687.
  • 30. K.M. Arunasree, Anti-proliferative effects of carvacrol on a human metastatic breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB 231, Phytomedicine, 17 (2010) 581-588.
  • 31. Y. Lu, C. Wu, Reduction of Salmonella enterica contamination on grape tomatoes by washing with thyme oil, thymol, and carvacrol as compared with chlorine treatment., J Food Prot., 73:12 (2010) 2270-2275.
  • 32. S. Ravishankar, L. Zhu, J. Reyna-Granados, B. Law, L. Joens, M. Friedman, Carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde inactivate antibiotic-resistant Salmonella enterica in buffer and on celery and oysters., J. Food Prot., 73:2 (2010) 234-240.
  • 33. C. Marcos-Arias, E. Eraso, L. Madariaga, G. Quindós., In vitro activities of natural products against oral Candida isolates from denture wearers., BMC Complement Altern Med.,11 (2011) 119-121.
  • 34. T. Kulisi, A. Krisko, V. Dragovi-Uzelac, M. Milos, G. Pifat, The effects of essential oils and aqueous tea infusions of oregano (Origanum vulgare L. spp. hirtum), thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.) on the copper-induced oxidation of human low-density lipoproteins., Int J Food Sci Nutr., 58:2 (2007) 87-93.
  • 35. E. Kemertelidze, T. Sagareishvili, V. Syrov, Z. Khushbaktova, L. Tsutskiridze, R. Kurashvili, Saturin - effective vegetative remedy in treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus., Georgian Med News.,203 (2012) 47-52.
  • 36. M. Hotta, R. Nakata, M. Katsukawa, K. Hori, S. Takahashi, H. Inoue, Carvacrol, a component of thyme oil, activates PPAR alpha and gamma and suppresses COX-2 expression., J Lipid Res., 51 (2010) 132-139.
  • 37. M.A. Desai, K.A. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Chilling, J.L. Silva, Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms on stainless steel and polystyrene surfaces by essential oils., J Food Prot., 75:7 (2012) 1332-1337.
  • 38. A. Sokmen, M. Gulluce, H. A. Akpulat, Dimitra Daferera, B. Tepe, M. Polissiou, M. Sokmen, F, Sahin, The in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oils and methanol extracts of endemic Thymus spathulifolius, Food Control, 15 (2004) 627-634.

Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 48 Sayı: 3, 239 - 244, 15.06.2020


volatile components of Origanum majorana L. essential oil obtained from both
clevenger and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) were determined by GC–MS and
GC-FID. Extraction of these biologically active compounds requires the usage of
large amounts of environmentally unfriendly solvents and technologies operating
with high costs. Supercritical fluid extraction is an environmentally friendly
and efficient extraction technique for solid materials, being extensively
studied for the separation of active compounds from herbs and other plants. The
essential oil obtained by SFE contains mainly carvacrol (76.69% with GC-MS and
91.95% with GC-FID) which are responsible for the characteristic flavour and
fragrance of marjoram oil. And also to compare with SFE, the essential oil
obtained by Clevenger contains mainly carvacrol (70.47% with GC-MS and 89.00%
with GC-FID). It can be concluded that almost all the biologically active
compounds from marjoram herb can be efficiently extracted by SFE.


  • 1. B. Frei, Natural antioxidants in human health and disease, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 20 (1996) 157–159.
  • 2. A. Cardador-Martinez, G. Loacra-Pina, B.D. Oomah, Antioxidant activity in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), J. of Agri. and Food Chem., 50 (2002) 6975–6980.
  • 3. V. N. Enujiugha, J. Y. Talabi, S.A. Malomo, A.L. Olagunju, DPPH radical scavenging capacity of phenolic extracts from african yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa), Food and Nutrition Sci., 3 (2012) 7–13.
  • 4. E.B. Rimm, A. Ascherio, E. Giovannucci, D. Spiegelman, M.J. Stampfer, W.C. Willett, Vegetable, fruit and cereal fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease among men, J. of the American Medical Ass., 275 (1996) 447–451.
  • 5. G. Semiz, A. Semiz, N. Mercan-Doğan, Essential oil composition, total phenolic content, antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of four Origanum species from southeastern Turkey, Int. J. of Food Properties, 21:1 (2018) 194-204.
  • 6. G.B. Salha, R.H. Diaz, J. Labidi, M. Abderrabba, Deterpenation of Origanum majorana L. essential oil by reduced pressure steam distillation, Indust. Crops and Products, 109 (2017) 116-122.
  • 7. A. Cháfer, J. Torre, R. Muñoz, M.C. Burguet, Liquid-liquid equlibria of the mixture linalool + ethanol +water at different temperatures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 238 (2005) 72–76.
  • 8. O.O. Okoh, A.P. Sadimenko, A.J. Afolayan, Comparative evaluation of the antibacterial activities of the essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis L. obtained by hydrodistillation and solvent free microwave extraction methods, Food Chem., 120:1 (2010) 308-312.
  • 9. C. Busattaa, J. Barbosaa, R. I.Cardosoa, N. Paroula, M. Rodriguesb, D. Oliveirac, J. V. Oliveirac, R.L. Cansiana, Chemical profiles of essential oils of marjoram (Origanum majorana) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical CO2, J. of Essential Oil Research 29:5 (2017) 367-374.
  • 10. R. Raja, Medicinally potential plants of Labiatae (Lamiaceae) family: An overview, J. Res. Plants Med. 6 (2012) 203-213.
  • 11. J.H. Ietswaart, A taxonomic revision of the genus Origanum (La¬biatae), Leiden Botanical series, Leiden Uni¬versity Press, 4 (1980).
  • 12. S. Chishti, Z.A. Kaloo, P. Sultan, Medical importance of genus Origanum: A review, J. Pharmacognosy Phytother. 5 (2013) 170-177.
  • 13. M. Meyers, Oregano and Marjoram, The Herb Society of America, Guide to the genus Origanum, The Herb Society of America, Kirtland, Ohio, 2005.
  • 14. B. Teixeira, A. Maryues, C. Ramos, C. Serrano, O. Matos, N.R. Neng, J.M. Noqueira, J.A. Saraiva, M.L. Nunes, Chemical composition and bioactivity of different oregano (Origanum vulgare) extracts and essentail oil, J. Sci. Food Agric, 93 (2013) 2707-2714.
  • 15. C.M. Asensio, N.R. Grosso, H.R. Juliani, Quality characters, chemical composition and biological activities of oregano (Origanum spp.) Essential oils from Central and Southern Argentina, Ind. Crop. Prod. 63 (2015) 203–221.
  • 16. O. Baâtour, I. Tarchoun, N. Nasri, R. Kaddour, J. Harrathi, E. Drawi, M. Ben Nasri- Ayachi, B. Marzouk, M. Lachaâl, Effect of growth stages on phenolics content and antioxidant activities of shoots in sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) varieties under salt stress. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11:99 (2012) 16486–16493.
  • 17.F. Chemat, M.A. Vian, G. Cravotto, Green extraction of natural products: concept and principles, Int. J. of Molecular Sci., 13:7 (2012) 8615-8627.
  • 18. C. Busatta, J. Barbosa, R.I. Cardoso, N. Paroul, M. Rodrigues, D. Oliveira, J.V. Oliveira, R.L. Cansian, Chemical profiles of essential oils of marjoram (Origanum majorana) and oregano (Origanum vulgare) obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical CO2, J. of Essential Oil Research, 29:5 (2017) 367-374.
  • 19. S.M. Pourmortazavi, S.S. Hajimirsadeghiİ Supercritical fluid extraction in plant essential and volatile oil analysis, J Chromatogr A 1163 (2007) 2–24.
  • 20. B. Berka-Zougali, M.A. Ferhat, A. Hassani, F. Chemat, K.S. Allaf, Comparative study of essential oils extracted from Algerian Myrtus communis L. leaves using microwaves and hydrodistillation. Intl J Mol Sci 13:4 (2012) 4673–95.
  • 21. Y. Yamini, F. Sefidkon, S.M. Pourmortazavi, Comparison of essential oil composition of Iranian fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and hydrodistillation methods, Flav Fragr J., 17:5 (2002) 345–8.
  • 22. A.C. Figueiredo, J.G. Barroso, L.G. Pedro, J.J.C. Scheffer, Factors affecting secondary metabolite production in plants: Volatile components and essential oils, Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 23 (2008) 213–226.
  • 23. C. Turek, F.C. Stintzing, Stability of Essential Oils: A review, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Vol 12, 2013.
  • 24. R.P.W. Scott, Essential oils, Encyclopedia of analytical science. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, London, New York: Elsevier (2005) 554–61.
  • 25. B. Simandi, M. Ozszagyan, E.A. Lemberkovics, A.A. Kery, J. Kaszacs, F. Thyrion, T. Matyas, Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and fractionation of oregano oleoresin, Food Res. Int., 31 (1998) 723-728.
  • 26. M. Ordaza, A. Sanchez, Steam distillation and supercritical fluid extraction of some Mexican spices, Chromatographia, 30 (1990) 16-18.
  • 27. F. Temelli, R.J. Braddock, C.S. Chen, Nagy, Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of terpenes from orange essential oil In: Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography: Techniques and applications; B.A. Charpentier, R. Sevenants, Eds.; ACS Symposium Series 366; American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1988; p 109.
  • 28. M.R.A. Rodrigues, L.C. Krause, E.B. Caramoa, J.G. Santos, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira, Chemical composition and extraction yield of the extract of origanum vulgare obtained from sub- and supercritical CO2, J. of Agricultural and Food Chem., 52 (2004) 3042-3047.
  • 29. M. Sharifi-Rad, E.M. Varoni, M. Iriti, M. Martorell, W.N. Setzer, M.M. Contreras, B. Salehi, A.S. Nejad, S. Rajabi, M. Tajbakhsh, J. Sharifi-Rad, Carvacrol and human health: A comprehensive review, Phytotherapy Research, 32 (2018) 1675–1687.
  • 30. K.M. Arunasree, Anti-proliferative effects of carvacrol on a human metastatic breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB 231, Phytomedicine, 17 (2010) 581-588.
  • 31. Y. Lu, C. Wu, Reduction of Salmonella enterica contamination on grape tomatoes by washing with thyme oil, thymol, and carvacrol as compared with chlorine treatment., J Food Prot., 73:12 (2010) 2270-2275.
  • 32. S. Ravishankar, L. Zhu, J. Reyna-Granados, B. Law, L. Joens, M. Friedman, Carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde inactivate antibiotic-resistant Salmonella enterica in buffer and on celery and oysters., J. Food Prot., 73:2 (2010) 234-240.
  • 33. C. Marcos-Arias, E. Eraso, L. Madariaga, G. Quindós., In vitro activities of natural products against oral Candida isolates from denture wearers., BMC Complement Altern Med.,11 (2011) 119-121.
  • 34. T. Kulisi, A. Krisko, V. Dragovi-Uzelac, M. Milos, G. Pifat, The effects of essential oils and aqueous tea infusions of oregano (Origanum vulgare L. spp. hirtum), thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.) on the copper-induced oxidation of human low-density lipoproteins., Int J Food Sci Nutr., 58:2 (2007) 87-93.
  • 35. E. Kemertelidze, T. Sagareishvili, V. Syrov, Z. Khushbaktova, L. Tsutskiridze, R. Kurashvili, Saturin - effective vegetative remedy in treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus., Georgian Med News.,203 (2012) 47-52.
  • 36. M. Hotta, R. Nakata, M. Katsukawa, K. Hori, S. Takahashi, H. Inoue, Carvacrol, a component of thyme oil, activates PPAR alpha and gamma and suppresses COX-2 expression., J Lipid Res., 51 (2010) 132-139.
  • 37. M.A. Desai, K.A. Soni, R. Nannapaneni, M.W. Chilling, J.L. Silva, Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms on stainless steel and polystyrene surfaces by essential oils., J Food Prot., 75:7 (2012) 1332-1337.
  • 38. A. Sokmen, M. Gulluce, H. A. Akpulat, Dimitra Daferera, B. Tepe, M. Polissiou, M. Sokmen, F, Sahin, The in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oils and methanol extracts of endemic Thymus spathulifolius, Food Control, 15 (2004) 627-634.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Articles

Ezgi Aytaç 0000-0001-6447-5273

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2020
Kabul Tarihi 26 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 48 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Aytaç, E. (2020). Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 48(3), 239-244.
AMA Aytaç E. Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE. HJBC. Haziran 2020;48(3):239-244. doi:10.15671/hjbc.514042
Chicago Aytaç, Ezgi. “Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 48, sy. 3 (Haziran 2020): 239-44.
EndNote Aytaç E (01 Haziran 2020) Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 48 3 239–244.
IEEE E. Aytaç, “Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE”, HJBC, c. 48, sy. 3, ss. 239–244, 2020, doi: 10.15671/hjbc.514042.
ISNAD Aytaç, Ezgi. “Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 48/3 (Haziran 2020), 239-244.
JAMA Aytaç E. Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE. HJBC. 2020;48:239–244.
MLA Aytaç, Ezgi. “Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, c. 48, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 239-44, doi:10.15671/hjbc.514042.
Vancouver Aytaç E. Comparison Essential Oil Contents Origanum Majorana L. Obtained by Clevenger and SFE. HJBC. 2020;48(3):239-44.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science