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Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 4, 421 - 426, 01.12.2011


In the present study, the melatonin levels were measured in pearl mullets also known as Van fish and trouts. Pearl mullets grow naturally in Lake Van in Turkey, and trouts, raised by private fish farms, were used as study materials. These fish are known to secrete melatonin, a hormone associated with development and stress, as occurs in human beings. Melatonin was measured in the plasma taken from living pearl mullets and trouts by an ELISA method using commercial kits. The study was conducted in accordance with the ELISA kit procedure. In the spring, the mean melatonin levels of trouts were 160.8 ± 4.090 pg/mL in light and 198.3 ± 3.694 pg/mL in dark, whereas in winter 86.69 ± 3.203 pg/mL and 128.9 ± 1.999 pg/mL in light and dark, respectively. In pearl mullets, the mean melatonin levels were 84.73 ± 2.281 pg/mL in light and 118.1 ± 2.560 pg/mL in dark in spring, and in winter 36.32 ± 1.627 pg/mL in light and 70.53 ± 2.919 pg/mL in darks p < 0.001 .The results emphasized the significance of the photoperiod.


  • A. Baysal, Nutrition. 9th Edn., Hatioğlu of Publication, Ankara (2002).
  • J. Arendt, The Pineal Gland, Basic Physiology and Clinical Implications. In, Endocrinology, L. J. DeGroot, (Eds.), 3rd Edn., Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, (1995) 433.
  • J. Barrenetxe, P. Delagrange, J. A. Martínez, Physio- logical and metabolic functions of melatonin, J. Physiol Biochem., 60 (2004) 61., DOI: doi:10.1007/ BF03168221; PMID 15352385.
  • A. Çam, M. F. Erdoğan, Melatonin, Ankara University, J. Medic., 56 (2003) 103.
  • J. A. Boutin, V. Audinot, G. Ferry, P. Delagrange, Molecular tools to study melatonin pathways and actions, Trends Pharmacol Sci., 26 (2005) 412. DOI: 10.1016/; PMID: 15992934.
  • W. Dean, J. Margehattaller, S. W. Fowkes, Smart Drugs II: The Next generation: New drugs and nutriends to improve your memory and increase your intelligent, Smart Drug Series V. 2., Smart Publications ISBN 9627418(0), 7 (1993) 6.
  • S. Oaknin-Bendahan, Y. Anis, I. Nir, N. Zisapel, Effects of long-term administration of melatonin and a putative antagonist on the ageing rat, Neuroreport., 6 (1995) 785, PMID 7605949.
  • E. B. Arushanian, E. V. Beĭer, Immunotropic properties of pineal melatonin, Eksp Klin Farmakol., 65 (2002) 73, PMID 12596522.
  • A. J. Lewy, R. L. Sack, L. S. Miller, T. M. Hoban, Antidepressant and circadian phase shifting effects of light, Science, 235 (1987) 352, DOI: 10.1126/Science, 3798117; PMID 3798117.
  • L. Volicer, D. G. Harper, B. C. Manning, R. Goldstein, A. Satlin, Sundowning and circadian rhythms in Alzheimer’s disease, Am. J. Psychiatry., 158 (2001) 704, DOI: 10.1176/appi.aj.p.158.5.704; PMID: 11329390.
  • W. Randolp, M. D. Evans, R. Frederick, M. D. Taylor, ‘‘Natural’’ or Alternative Medications for Migrane Prevention, HEADACHE, 46 (6) (2006) 1012.
  • M. J. Bayarri, J. A. Madrid, F. J. Sánchez-Vázquez, Influence of light intensity, spectrum and orientation on sea bass plasma and ocular melatonin, J. Pineal Res., 32 (2002) 34, DOI: 10.1034/J.1600-079x.2002.10806.x; PMID 11841598.
  • A. Noyan, Fizyoloji Ders Kitabı. 5th Edn., Meteksan Ltd. Şti., Ankara (1988).
  • R. García-Allegue, J. A. Madrid, F. J. Sánchez-Vázquez, Melatonin rhythms in European sea bass plasma and eye: influence of seasonal photoperiod and water temperature, J. Pineal Res., 31 (2001) 68, DOI:10.1034/ J.1600-079X.2001.310110.x; PMID 11485007.
  • M. S. Rahman, B. H. Kim, A. Takemura, C. B. Park, Y D. Lee, Effects of moonlight exposure on plasma melatonin rhythms in the seagrass rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus, J. Biol Rhythms., 19 (2004) 325, DOI: 10.1177/0748730404266712; PMID 15245651.
  • A. Takemura, S. Ueda, N. Hiyakawa, Y. Nikaido, A direct influence of moonlightintensity on changes in melatonin production by cultured pineal glands of the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus, J. Pineal Res., 40 (2006) 236,DOI:10.1111/J.1600-079X.2005.00306.x; PMID 16499560.
  • C. Pape, K. Lüning, Quantification of melatonin in phototrophic organisms, J. Pineal Res., 41 (2006) 157, DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-079X.2006.00348.x; PMID: 16879322.
  • N. W. Pankhurst, M. J. R. Porter, Cold and dark or warm and light: variations on the theme of environmental control of reproduction, Fish Physiol Biochem., 28 (2003) 385, DOI: 10.1023/B:FISH.0000030602.51939.50.
  • S. Sahu, M. Shedpure, Air-breathing rhythm in Clarias batrachus (Linn.): modulatoryrole of eyes, pineal and exogenous melatonin, Indian J. Exp Biol., 44 (2006) 55, PMID 16430092.
  • J. Ghosh, P. Nath, Seasonal effects of melatonin on ovary and plasma gonadotropin and vitellogenin levels in intact and pinealectomized catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linn). Indian J. Exp. Biol., 43 (2005) 224, PMID 15816408.
  • A. C. Roberts, N D. Martensz, M. H. Hastings, J. Herbert, Changes in photoperiod alter the daily rhythms of pineal melatonin content and hypothalamic beta-endorphin content and the luteinizing hormone response to naloxone in the male Syrian hamster, Endocrinology, 117 (1985) 141, PMID 3159563.
  • D. A. Guerrero-Tortolero, M. J. R. Porter, N. R. Bromage, The effects of different daytime light intensities on the diel patterns of plasma melatonin in fingerling and broodstock rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Fish Physiol. Biochem., 28 (2003) 415, DOI: 10.1023/B:FI SH.0000030610.93492.
  • R. Chaube, K. P. Joy, Effects of altered photoperiod and temperature, serotonin affecting drugs, and melatonin on brain tyrosine hydroxylase activity in female catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis: a study correlating ovarian activity changes, J. Exp Zool., 293 (2002) 585, DOI: 10.1002/J.ez.10185; PMID 12410607.
  • J. Falcón, Y. Gothilf, S. L. Coon, G. Boeuf, D. C. Klein, Genetic, temporal and developmental differences between melatonin rhythm generating systems in the teleost fish pineal organ and retina, J. Neuroendocrinol., 15 (2003) 378, DOI: 10.1046/J.1365, 2826.2003. 00993.x; PMID 12622837.
  • H. Yamada, H. Chiba, M. Amano, M. Ligo, M. Iwata, Rainbow trout eyed-stage embryos demonstrate melatonin rhythms under light-dark conditions as measured by a newly developed time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 125 (2002) 41(b). DOI:10.1006/gcen.2001.7731; PMID 11825033.
  • T. Masuda, M. Ligo, K. Mizusawa, M. Naruse, T. Oishi, K. Aida, M. Tabata, Variations in plasma melatonin levels of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under various light and temperature conditions, Zoolog Sci., 20 (2003) 1011.
  • H. Migaud, J. F. Taylor, G. L. Taranger, A. Davie, J. M. Cerdá-Reverter, M. Carrillo, T. Hansen, N. R. Bromage, A comparative ex vivo and in vivo study of day and night perception in teleosts species using the melatonin rhythm., J. Pineal Res., 41 (2006) 42, DOI: 10.1111/J.1 600079X.2006.00330.x; PMID 16842540.
  • M. Pavlidis, L. Greenwood, M. Paalavuo, H. Mölsä, J. T. Laitinen, The effect of photoperiod on diel rhythms in serum melatonin, cortisol, glucose, and electrolytes in the common, Dentex, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 113 (1999) 240, DOI 10.1006/gcen.1998.7190; PMID 10082626.
  • C. F. Randall, N. R. Bromage, J. E. Thorpe, M. S. Miles, J. S. Muir, Melatonin rhythms in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) maintained under natural and out-of-phase photoperiods, Gen Comp Endocrinol., 98 (1995) 73, DOI: 10.1006/gcen.1995.1045; PMID 7781966.
  • R. M. Ceinos, S. Rábade, J. L. Soengas, J. M. Míguez, Indoleamines and 5-methoxyindoles in trout pineal organ in vivo: daily changes and influence of photoperiod, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 144 (2005) 67.
  • M. Amano, M. Ligo, S. Kitamura, N. Amiya, K. Yamamori, Changes in melatonin binding sites under artificial light dark, constant light and constant dark conditions in the masusalmon brain, Comp. Biochem.Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 144 (2006) 509, DOI:10.1016/J. cbpa.2006.04.018; PMID 16759892.
  • N. Bromage, M. Porter, C. Randall, The environmental regulation of maturation in farmed finfish with special reference to the role of photoperiod and melatonin, Aquaculture, 197 (2000) 63, DOI: 10.1016/S0044- 8486(01)00583-X.
  • E. Sokolowska, H. Kalamarz, E. Kulczykowska, Seasonal changes in brain melatonin concentration in the three- spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): towards an endocrinecalendar, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 139 (2004) 365, PMID 15556393.
  • R. J. Reiter, B. Poeggeler, D. Tan, Antioxidant Capacity of Melatonin: A Novel Action not Requiring a Receptor, Neuroendocrinol Lett., 15 (1993) 103.
  • J. Duston, N. Bromage, Photoperiodic mechanisms and rhythms of reproduction in the female rainbow trout, Fish Physiol Biochem., 2 (1986) 35, DOI: 10.1007/ BF02264072.
  • J. A. Madrid, L. M. Vera, M. J. Sanchenz-Muros, N. De Petro, E. Gomez- Milan, F. J. Sanchenz-Vazguez, M. J. Delkado, Feding entrainment of lokomotor activitiy rhythmus, digestive enzymes and neuroendocrine factors in goldfishes, Physiol. Behar, 5 (1) (1006) 130.
  • M. Ligo, M. Hara, R. O. Kaneko, K. Hirata, M. Tabata, K. Aida, Photic and circadian regulations of melatonin rhythms in fishes, Biol. Signals., 6 (1997) 225, DOI: 10.1159/000109132; PMID 9500660.
  • E. T. Larson, S. Winberg, I. Mayer, O. Lepage, C. H. Summers, Ø. Øverli, Social stress affects circulating melatonin levels in rainbow trout, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 136 (2004) 322, DOI: 10.1016/J.ygcen.2004.01.005; PMID 15081831.
  • O. Lepage, E. T. Larson, I. Mayer, S. Winberg, Tryptophan affects both gastrointestinal melatonin production and interrenal activity in stressed and nonstressed rainbow trout, J. Pineal Res., 38 (2005) 264, PMID 15813903.
  • T. Heinzeller, B. N. Joshi, F. Nürnberger, R. J. Reiter, Effects of aggressive encounters on pineal melatonin formation in male gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus, Cricetidae), J. Comp Physiol A., 164 (1988) 91, DOI: 10.1007/BF00612722; MID 3236263.
  • T. J. Lam, A. D. Munro, Environmental control of reproduc-tion in teleosts: Anoverview. In: Reproductive Physiology of Fish, D. R. Idler, L. W. Crim and J. M. Walsh, (Eds.). Canada, St. J.ohn’s, Newfoundland (1987).
  • W. A. Tyler III, F. Stanton, Potential Influence of Food Abundance on Spawning Patterns in a Damselfish, Abudefduf Abdominalis, Bull. Mar. Sci., 57 (1995) 610.
  • M. J. R. Porter, S. O. Stefansson, G. Nyhammer, Ø. Karlsen, B. Norberg, N. R. Bromage, Environmental influences on melatonin secretion in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) and their relevance to commercial culture, Fish Physiol Biochem., 23 (2000) 191, DOI: 10.1023/A:1007816426509.

Van Yöresinde Yetişen Van Gölü Balığı İnci Kefali ve Alabalıkta Melatonin Hormonun Ölçülmesi

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 4, 421 - 426, 01.12.2011


B u çalışmada, Van Yöresinde yetişen Van Gölü balığı inci kefali ve alabalıkta melatonin hormonu seviyesi ölçüldü. Araştırma materyali olarak da Van Gölü’nde yetişen Van Gölü balığı inci kefali ve özel tesislerde yetiştirilen alabalık kullanıldı. Araştırma, insanlar gibi bu hormonun salgılandığı hayvanlar olan balıklarda; gelişim ve stres hormonu olan melatoninin bu özelliği göz önünde bulundurarak yürütülmüştür. Metod; melatonin hormonu, canlılardan Van Gölü balığı ve alabalıkta alınan kanda, özel kitlerle elisa cihazı ile ölçüldü. Araştırma, alabalık ve Van Gölü balığının plazmasında melatonin ölçülmesinden sonra, elisa parelelizmi standartlarına uygun olarak yapıldı. Alabalıkta yapılan çalışmada ortalama değer; 160.8 ± 4.090pg/ml aydınlık , 198.3 ± 3.694 pg/ml. karanlık olarak ilkbaharda bulunmuştur. Kış mevsimi ölçümlerimizde ortalama değer ise 86.69 ± 3.203 pg/ml aydınlık 128.9 ± 1.999 pg/ml karanlık olarak bulunmuştur. Van Gölü balığında ise ortalama 84.73 ± 2.281 pg/ml. aydınlık , 118.1 ± 2.560 pg/ml. karanlık olarak ilkbahar ölçümleri bulunmuştur. Kış mevsimi ölçümlerimizde ise ortalama 36.32 ± 1.627 pg/ml aydınlık , 70.53 ± 2.919 pg/ml karanlık değeri bulunmuştur


  • A. Baysal, Nutrition. 9th Edn., Hatioğlu of Publication, Ankara (2002).
  • J. Arendt, The Pineal Gland, Basic Physiology and Clinical Implications. In, Endocrinology, L. J. DeGroot, (Eds.), 3rd Edn., Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, (1995) 433.
  • J. Barrenetxe, P. Delagrange, J. A. Martínez, Physio- logical and metabolic functions of melatonin, J. Physiol Biochem., 60 (2004) 61., DOI: doi:10.1007/ BF03168221; PMID 15352385.
  • A. Çam, M. F. Erdoğan, Melatonin, Ankara University, J. Medic., 56 (2003) 103.
  • J. A. Boutin, V. Audinot, G. Ferry, P. Delagrange, Molecular tools to study melatonin pathways and actions, Trends Pharmacol Sci., 26 (2005) 412. DOI: 10.1016/; PMID: 15992934.
  • W. Dean, J. Margehattaller, S. W. Fowkes, Smart Drugs II: The Next generation: New drugs and nutriends to improve your memory and increase your intelligent, Smart Drug Series V. 2., Smart Publications ISBN 9627418(0), 7 (1993) 6.
  • S. Oaknin-Bendahan, Y. Anis, I. Nir, N. Zisapel, Effects of long-term administration of melatonin and a putative antagonist on the ageing rat, Neuroreport., 6 (1995) 785, PMID 7605949.
  • E. B. Arushanian, E. V. Beĭer, Immunotropic properties of pineal melatonin, Eksp Klin Farmakol., 65 (2002) 73, PMID 12596522.
  • A. J. Lewy, R. L. Sack, L. S. Miller, T. M. Hoban, Antidepressant and circadian phase shifting effects of light, Science, 235 (1987) 352, DOI: 10.1126/Science, 3798117; PMID 3798117.
  • L. Volicer, D. G. Harper, B. C. Manning, R. Goldstein, A. Satlin, Sundowning and circadian rhythms in Alzheimer’s disease, Am. J. Psychiatry., 158 (2001) 704, DOI: 10.1176/appi.aj.p.158.5.704; PMID: 11329390.
  • W. Randolp, M. D. Evans, R. Frederick, M. D. Taylor, ‘‘Natural’’ or Alternative Medications for Migrane Prevention, HEADACHE, 46 (6) (2006) 1012.
  • M. J. Bayarri, J. A. Madrid, F. J. Sánchez-Vázquez, Influence of light intensity, spectrum and orientation on sea bass plasma and ocular melatonin, J. Pineal Res., 32 (2002) 34, DOI: 10.1034/J.1600-079x.2002.10806.x; PMID 11841598.
  • A. Noyan, Fizyoloji Ders Kitabı. 5th Edn., Meteksan Ltd. Şti., Ankara (1988).
  • R. García-Allegue, J. A. Madrid, F. J. Sánchez-Vázquez, Melatonin rhythms in European sea bass plasma and eye: influence of seasonal photoperiod and water temperature, J. Pineal Res., 31 (2001) 68, DOI:10.1034/ J.1600-079X.2001.310110.x; PMID 11485007.
  • M. S. Rahman, B. H. Kim, A. Takemura, C. B. Park, Y D. Lee, Effects of moonlight exposure on plasma melatonin rhythms in the seagrass rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus, J. Biol Rhythms., 19 (2004) 325, DOI: 10.1177/0748730404266712; PMID 15245651.
  • A. Takemura, S. Ueda, N. Hiyakawa, Y. Nikaido, A direct influence of moonlightintensity on changes in melatonin production by cultured pineal glands of the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus, J. Pineal Res., 40 (2006) 236,DOI:10.1111/J.1600-079X.2005.00306.x; PMID 16499560.
  • C. Pape, K. Lüning, Quantification of melatonin in phototrophic organisms, J. Pineal Res., 41 (2006) 157, DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-079X.2006.00348.x; PMID: 16879322.
  • N. W. Pankhurst, M. J. R. Porter, Cold and dark or warm and light: variations on the theme of environmental control of reproduction, Fish Physiol Biochem., 28 (2003) 385, DOI: 10.1023/B:FISH.0000030602.51939.50.
  • S. Sahu, M. Shedpure, Air-breathing rhythm in Clarias batrachus (Linn.): modulatoryrole of eyes, pineal and exogenous melatonin, Indian J. Exp Biol., 44 (2006) 55, PMID 16430092.
  • J. Ghosh, P. Nath, Seasonal effects of melatonin on ovary and plasma gonadotropin and vitellogenin levels in intact and pinealectomized catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linn). Indian J. Exp. Biol., 43 (2005) 224, PMID 15816408.
  • A. C. Roberts, N D. Martensz, M. H. Hastings, J. Herbert, Changes in photoperiod alter the daily rhythms of pineal melatonin content and hypothalamic beta-endorphin content and the luteinizing hormone response to naloxone in the male Syrian hamster, Endocrinology, 117 (1985) 141, PMID 3159563.
  • D. A. Guerrero-Tortolero, M. J. R. Porter, N. R. Bromage, The effects of different daytime light intensities on the diel patterns of plasma melatonin in fingerling and broodstock rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Fish Physiol. Biochem., 28 (2003) 415, DOI: 10.1023/B:FI SH.0000030610.93492.
  • R. Chaube, K. P. Joy, Effects of altered photoperiod and temperature, serotonin affecting drugs, and melatonin on brain tyrosine hydroxylase activity in female catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis: a study correlating ovarian activity changes, J. Exp Zool., 293 (2002) 585, DOI: 10.1002/J.ez.10185; PMID 12410607.
  • J. Falcón, Y. Gothilf, S. L. Coon, G. Boeuf, D. C. Klein, Genetic, temporal and developmental differences between melatonin rhythm generating systems in the teleost fish pineal organ and retina, J. Neuroendocrinol., 15 (2003) 378, DOI: 10.1046/J.1365, 2826.2003. 00993.x; PMID 12622837.
  • H. Yamada, H. Chiba, M. Amano, M. Ligo, M. Iwata, Rainbow trout eyed-stage embryos demonstrate melatonin rhythms under light-dark conditions as measured by a newly developed time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 125 (2002) 41(b). DOI:10.1006/gcen.2001.7731; PMID 11825033.
  • T. Masuda, M. Ligo, K. Mizusawa, M. Naruse, T. Oishi, K. Aida, M. Tabata, Variations in plasma melatonin levels of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under various light and temperature conditions, Zoolog Sci., 20 (2003) 1011.
  • H. Migaud, J. F. Taylor, G. L. Taranger, A. Davie, J. M. Cerdá-Reverter, M. Carrillo, T. Hansen, N. R. Bromage, A comparative ex vivo and in vivo study of day and night perception in teleosts species using the melatonin rhythm., J. Pineal Res., 41 (2006) 42, DOI: 10.1111/J.1 600079X.2006.00330.x; PMID 16842540.
  • M. Pavlidis, L. Greenwood, M. Paalavuo, H. Mölsä, J. T. Laitinen, The effect of photoperiod on diel rhythms in serum melatonin, cortisol, glucose, and electrolytes in the common, Dentex, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 113 (1999) 240, DOI 10.1006/gcen.1998.7190; PMID 10082626.
  • C. F. Randall, N. R. Bromage, J. E. Thorpe, M. S. Miles, J. S. Muir, Melatonin rhythms in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) maintained under natural and out-of-phase photoperiods, Gen Comp Endocrinol., 98 (1995) 73, DOI: 10.1006/gcen.1995.1045; PMID 7781966.
  • R. M. Ceinos, S. Rábade, J. L. Soengas, J. M. Míguez, Indoleamines and 5-methoxyindoles in trout pineal organ in vivo: daily changes and influence of photoperiod, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 144 (2005) 67.
  • M. Amano, M. Ligo, S. Kitamura, N. Amiya, K. Yamamori, Changes in melatonin binding sites under artificial light dark, constant light and constant dark conditions in the masusalmon brain, Comp. Biochem.Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 144 (2006) 509, DOI:10.1016/J. cbpa.2006.04.018; PMID 16759892.
  • N. Bromage, M. Porter, C. Randall, The environmental regulation of maturation in farmed finfish with special reference to the role of photoperiod and melatonin, Aquaculture, 197 (2000) 63, DOI: 10.1016/S0044- 8486(01)00583-X.
  • E. Sokolowska, H. Kalamarz, E. Kulczykowska, Seasonal changes in brain melatonin concentration in the three- spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): towards an endocrinecalendar, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 139 (2004) 365, PMID 15556393.
  • R. J. Reiter, B. Poeggeler, D. Tan, Antioxidant Capacity of Melatonin: A Novel Action not Requiring a Receptor, Neuroendocrinol Lett., 15 (1993) 103.
  • J. Duston, N. Bromage, Photoperiodic mechanisms and rhythms of reproduction in the female rainbow trout, Fish Physiol Biochem., 2 (1986) 35, DOI: 10.1007/ BF02264072.
  • J. A. Madrid, L. M. Vera, M. J. Sanchenz-Muros, N. De Petro, E. Gomez- Milan, F. J. Sanchenz-Vazguez, M. J. Delkado, Feding entrainment of lokomotor activitiy rhythmus, digestive enzymes and neuroendocrine factors in goldfishes, Physiol. Behar, 5 (1) (1006) 130.
  • M. Ligo, M. Hara, R. O. Kaneko, K. Hirata, M. Tabata, K. Aida, Photic and circadian regulations of melatonin rhythms in fishes, Biol. Signals., 6 (1997) 225, DOI: 10.1159/000109132; PMID 9500660.
  • E. T. Larson, S. Winberg, I. Mayer, O. Lepage, C. H. Summers, Ø. Øverli, Social stress affects circulating melatonin levels in rainbow trout, Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 136 (2004) 322, DOI: 10.1016/J.ygcen.2004.01.005; PMID 15081831.
  • O. Lepage, E. T. Larson, I. Mayer, S. Winberg, Tryptophan affects both gastrointestinal melatonin production and interrenal activity in stressed and nonstressed rainbow trout, J. Pineal Res., 38 (2005) 264, PMID 15813903.
  • T. Heinzeller, B. N. Joshi, F. Nürnberger, R. J. Reiter, Effects of aggressive encounters on pineal melatonin formation in male gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus, Cricetidae), J. Comp Physiol A., 164 (1988) 91, DOI: 10.1007/BF00612722; MID 3236263.
  • T. J. Lam, A. D. Munro, Environmental control of reproduc-tion in teleosts: Anoverview. In: Reproductive Physiology of Fish, D. R. Idler, L. W. Crim and J. M. Walsh, (Eds.). Canada, St. J.ohn’s, Newfoundland (1987).
  • W. A. Tyler III, F. Stanton, Potential Influence of Food Abundance on Spawning Patterns in a Damselfish, Abudefduf Abdominalis, Bull. Mar. Sci., 57 (1995) 610.
  • M. J. R. Porter, S. O. Stefansson, G. Nyhammer, Ø. Karlsen, B. Norberg, N. R. Bromage, Environmental influences on melatonin secretion in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) and their relevance to commercial culture, Fish Physiol Biochem., 23 (2000) 191, DOI: 10.1023/A:1007816426509.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Tülay Gürsoy Bu kişi benim

Nurhayat Atasoy Bu kişi benim

İhsan Alacabey Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürsoy, T., Atasoy, N., & Alacabey, İ. (2011). Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 39(4), 421-426.
AMA Gürsoy T, Atasoy N, Alacabey İ. Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts. HJBC. Aralık 2011;39(4):421-426.
Chicago Gürsoy, Tülay, Nurhayat Atasoy, ve İhsan Alacabey. “Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl Mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 39, sy. 4 (Aralık 2011): 421-26.
EndNote Gürsoy T, Atasoy N, Alacabey İ (01 Aralık 2011) Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 39 4 421–426.
IEEE T. Gürsoy, N. Atasoy, ve İ. Alacabey, “Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts”, HJBC, c. 39, sy. 4, ss. 421–426, 2011.
ISNAD Gürsoy, Tülay vd. “Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl Mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 39/4 (Aralık 2011), 421-426.
JAMA Gürsoy T, Atasoy N, Alacabey İ. Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts. HJBC. 2011;39:421–426.
MLA Gürsoy, Tülay vd. “Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl Mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, c. 39, sy. 4, 2011, ss. 421-6.
Vancouver Gürsoy T, Atasoy N, Alacabey İ. Measurement of Melatonin in Pearl mullets, an Endemic Species Growing in Lake Van, and Trouts. HJBC. 2011;39(4):421-6.


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