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Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 129 - 141, 01.03.2014


Acrylamide hydrogel was prepared by γ-irradiating ofthe aqueous solution of acrylamide monomer with 4.65 kGy γ-rays. Spectroscopic, thermal and mechanical properties, swelling properties, diffusional behavior of water, diffusion coefficients and network properties of AAm hydrogel are examined. In vitro swelling and in vivo biocompatibility of acrylamide hydrogel were investigated. The swellings of AAm hydrogelare investigated in distilled water, human serum and some simulated physiological fluids such as phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, glycine-HCl buffer at pH 1.1 physiological saline solution. For the analysis of human sera biocompatibility, acrylamide hydrogel was incubated in 10 different human sera for 24 hours and its biocompatibility with some biochemical parameters have been investigated. No significant difference in values before and after the test procedures has been found. AAm hydrogel was subcutaneously implanted in rats for up to 10 weeks and the tissue response to these implants was studied. Histological analysis indicated that tissue reaction at the implant site progressed from an initial acute inflammatory response characterized. No necrosis, tumorigenesis or infection was observed at the implant site up to 10 weeks. In vivo studies indicated that the radiation induced acrylamide hydrogel was found to be well-tolerated, non-toxic and highly biocompatible.


  • A.S. Hoffman, Hydrogels for biomedical applications, Adv. Drug Del. Rev., 54 (2002) 3.
  • N.A. Peppas, P. Bures, W. Leobandung, H. Ichikawa, Hydrogels in pharmaceutical formulations, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 50 (2000) 27.
  • A.S. Hoffman, Hydrogels for biomedical applications. Adv. Drug. Del. Rev., 64 (2012) 18.
  • K. Pal, A.K. Banthia, D.K. Majumdar, Polymeric hydrogels: characterization and biomedical applications –a mini review, Design. Monom. Polym., 12 (2009) 197.
  • A. Singh, P.K. Sharma, V.K. Garg, G. Garg, Hydrogels: a review, Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res.,4 (2010) 97.
  • I. Gibas, H. Janik, Review: synthetic polymer hydrogels for biomedical applications, Chem. Chem. Technol., 4 (2010) 297.
  • W.A. Laftah, S. Hashim, A.N. Ibrahim, Polymer hydrogels: a review, Polym. Plas. Technol. Eng., 50 (2011) 1475.
  • S. Dwivedi, P. Khatri, G.R. Mehra, V. Kumar, Hydrogel-a conceptual overview, Int. J. Pharm. Biol. Arch., 2 (2011) 1588.
  • D. Seliktar, Designing cell-compatible hydrogels for biomedical applications, Science, 336 (2012) 1124.
  • N. Das, Preparation methods and properties of hydrogel: A review, Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 5 (2013) 112.
  • S. Unver Saraydin, D. Saraydin, Histopatological effect characteristics of various biomaterials and monomers used in polymeric biomaterial production in Biomaterials - Physics and Chemistry Edited by Prof. Rosario Pignatello, p: 425-444 InTech, 2011 Rijeka, Croatia.
  • O. Guven, M. Sen, E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, A review on the radiation synthesis of copolymeric hydrogels for adsorption and separation purposes, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 56 (1999) 381.
  • IAEA-TECDOC-1324, Radiation synthesis and modification of polymers for biomedical applications IAEA, Vienna, Austria (2002) p. 199.
  • IAEA-TECDOC-1420, Advances in radiation chemistry of polymers, IAEA, Vienna, Austria (2004) p.125.
  • M.M. Alam, M.F. Mina, F. Akhtar. Effect of gamma rays in the preparation of polymer hydrogel from acrylamide monomer, Chin. J. Polym. Sci., 21 (2003) 437.
  • Z. Zicheng, L. Qian, L. Donghui, Z. Xin, L. Shuhua, Z. Lihua, Preparation of polyacrylamide hydrogels by radiation technique, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 30 (1987) 307.
  • D. Saraydın,E. Karadag, O. Guven, Acrylamide/ maleic acid hydrogels, Polym. Adv. Technol., 6 (1995) 719.
  • E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, O. Guven, Radiation induced superabsorbent hydrogels. Acrylamide/itaconic acid copolymers, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 286 (2001) 34.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, O. Guven, Highly swollen hydrogels – Cross–linked acrylamide–crotonic acid copolymers, Tr. J. Chem., 19 (1995) 179.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, O. Guven, The releases of agrochemicals from radiation induced acrylamide crotonic acid hydrogel, Polym. Bull., 41 (1998) 577.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, O. Guven, Super water– retainer hydrogels: Crosslinked acrylamide/succinic acid copolymers, Polym. J., 29 (1999) 631.
  • D. Saraydın, H.N. Oztop, E. Karadag, Y. Caldiran, O. Guven, Influence of some amino acids on the dynamic swelling behavior of radiation–induced acrylamide hydrogel, App. Biochem. Biotechnol., 82 (1999) 115.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, Y. Caldiran, O. Guven, Nicotine–selective radiation–induced poly (acrylamide/maleic acid) hydrogels, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 60 (2001) 203.
  • D. Saraydın, Y. Işıkver, E. Karadag, N. Sahiner, O. Guven. In vitro dynamic swelling behaviors of radiation synthesized polyacrylamide with crosslinkers in the simulated physiological body fluids, NIMB-B, 187 (2002) 340.
  • E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, N Sahiner, O. Guven, Radiation induced acrylamide/citric acid hydrogels and their swelling behaviors, J. Macromol. Sci. Pure Appl. Chem., 38 (2001) 1105.
  • Z.Y. Ding, J.J. Aklonis, R. Salovey, Model filled polymers. 6. Determination of the cross-link density of polymeric beads by swelling,J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 29 (1991) 1035.
  • J. Rosiak, K. Burczak, T. Czolozynska, W. Pekala, Radiation crosslinked hydrogels from acrylamide water solutions, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 22 (1983) 907.
  • D. Saraydın, Y. Caldiran, In vitro dynamic swelling behaviors of polyhydroxamic acid hydrogels in the simulated physiological body fluid,Polym. Bull., 46 (2001) 91.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, S. Cetinkaya, O. Guven, Preparation of acrylamide maleic–acid hydrogels and their biocompatibility with some biochemical parameters of human serum, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 46 (1995) 1049.
  • E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, S, Cetinkaya, O. Guven, In vitro swelling studies and preliminary biocompatibility evaluation of acrylamide–based hydrogels,Biomaterials, 17 (1996) 67.
  • S. Ünver Saraydın, H.E. Bulut, Ü. Özüm, Z. D. Şahin İnan, Z. Akın Polat, Y. Yalman, D. Saraydın, Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of various monomers in vitro also their effects on Apoptosis and GFAP immunolocalization in rat spinal cord in vivo, HealthMED, 5 (2011) 17.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Koptagel, S. Unver–Saraydin, E. Karadag, O. Guven, In vivo biocompatibility of radiation induced acrylamide and acrylamide/ maleic acid hydrogels, J. Mat. Sci., 36 (2001) 2473.
  • D. Saraydın, S. Unver Saraydın, E. Karadag, E. Koptagel, O. Guven, In vivo biocompatibility of radiation crosslinked acrylamide copolymers, NIMB-B, 217 (2004) 281.
  • R. Jeyanthi, K.P. Rao, In vivo biocompatibility of collagen poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogels, Biomaterials, 11 (1990) 238.
  • K. Smetana, Jr., J. Vacik, D. Souckova, Z. Krcova, J. Sulc, The influence of hydrogel functional-groups on cell behavior,J. Biomed. Met. Res., 24 (1990) 463.

Radyasyonla sentezlenen akrilamid hidrojeli: Hazırlama, karakterizasyon ve biyomateryal olarak kullanılabilirliği

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 129 - 141, 01.03.2014


A krilamidin sulu çözeltisi 4.65 kGy dozunda γ-ışınları ışınlanarak akrilamid AAm hidrojeli hazırlandı. AAm hidrojelinin spektroskopik, ısıl, mekanik özellikleri, şişme özellikleri, difüzyon davranışları, difüzyon katsayıları ve ağ özellikleri bulunmuştur.Amm hidrojelininin vitro şişmesi damıtık su, insan serumu ve fosfat tamponu pH 7.4 , fizyolojik serum çözeltisi, glisin - HCl tamponu pH 1.1 gibi bazı yapay fizyolojik sıvılarda incelenmiştir. İnsan serumunun bazı biyokimyasal parametreleri ile akrilamid hidrojelinin in vitro biyouyumluluk analizi için, AAm hidrojeli ile 10 farklı insan serumu 24 saat etkileştirilmiştir. Denemeler öncesi ve sonrası biyokimyasal parametrelerinin sayısal değerleri açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. AAm hidrojelinin in vivo biyouyumluluğu için, AAm hidrojeli sıçanları karın derialtı dokusuna yerleştirildi. Bu implantların doku yanıtı 10 hafta boyunca incelendi. İmplant bölgesinde nekroz, tümörogenez ya da enfeksiyon 10 hafta boyunca gözlenmemiştir. İn vivo çalışmalar, radyasyonla sentezlenen akrilamid hidrojelinin iyi tolere edilebildiği, toksik olmadığı ve biyouyumlu olduğu bulunmuştur


  • A.S. Hoffman, Hydrogels for biomedical applications, Adv. Drug Del. Rev., 54 (2002) 3.
  • N.A. Peppas, P. Bures, W. Leobandung, H. Ichikawa, Hydrogels in pharmaceutical formulations, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 50 (2000) 27.
  • A.S. Hoffman, Hydrogels for biomedical applications. Adv. Drug. Del. Rev., 64 (2012) 18.
  • K. Pal, A.K. Banthia, D.K. Majumdar, Polymeric hydrogels: characterization and biomedical applications –a mini review, Design. Monom. Polym., 12 (2009) 197.
  • A. Singh, P.K. Sharma, V.K. Garg, G. Garg, Hydrogels: a review, Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res.,4 (2010) 97.
  • I. Gibas, H. Janik, Review: synthetic polymer hydrogels for biomedical applications, Chem. Chem. Technol., 4 (2010) 297.
  • W.A. Laftah, S. Hashim, A.N. Ibrahim, Polymer hydrogels: a review, Polym. Plas. Technol. Eng., 50 (2011) 1475.
  • S. Dwivedi, P. Khatri, G.R. Mehra, V. Kumar, Hydrogel-a conceptual overview, Int. J. Pharm. Biol. Arch., 2 (2011) 1588.
  • D. Seliktar, Designing cell-compatible hydrogels for biomedical applications, Science, 336 (2012) 1124.
  • N. Das, Preparation methods and properties of hydrogel: A review, Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 5 (2013) 112.
  • S. Unver Saraydin, D. Saraydin, Histopatological effect characteristics of various biomaterials and monomers used in polymeric biomaterial production in Biomaterials - Physics and Chemistry Edited by Prof. Rosario Pignatello, p: 425-444 InTech, 2011 Rijeka, Croatia.
  • O. Guven, M. Sen, E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, A review on the radiation synthesis of copolymeric hydrogels for adsorption and separation purposes, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 56 (1999) 381.
  • IAEA-TECDOC-1324, Radiation synthesis and modification of polymers for biomedical applications IAEA, Vienna, Austria (2002) p. 199.
  • IAEA-TECDOC-1420, Advances in radiation chemistry of polymers, IAEA, Vienna, Austria (2004) p.125.
  • M.M. Alam, M.F. Mina, F. Akhtar. Effect of gamma rays in the preparation of polymer hydrogel from acrylamide monomer, Chin. J. Polym. Sci., 21 (2003) 437.
  • Z. Zicheng, L. Qian, L. Donghui, Z. Xin, L. Shuhua, Z. Lihua, Preparation of polyacrylamide hydrogels by radiation technique, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 30 (1987) 307.
  • D. Saraydın,E. Karadag, O. Guven, Acrylamide/ maleic acid hydrogels, Polym. Adv. Technol., 6 (1995) 719.
  • E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, O. Guven, Radiation induced superabsorbent hydrogels. Acrylamide/itaconic acid copolymers, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 286 (2001) 34.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, O. Guven, Highly swollen hydrogels – Cross–linked acrylamide–crotonic acid copolymers, Tr. J. Chem., 19 (1995) 179.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, O. Guven, The releases of agrochemicals from radiation induced acrylamide crotonic acid hydrogel, Polym. Bull., 41 (1998) 577.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, O. Guven, Super water– retainer hydrogels: Crosslinked acrylamide/succinic acid copolymers, Polym. J., 29 (1999) 631.
  • D. Saraydın, H.N. Oztop, E. Karadag, Y. Caldiran, O. Guven, Influence of some amino acids on the dynamic swelling behavior of radiation–induced acrylamide hydrogel, App. Biochem. Biotechnol., 82 (1999) 115.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, Y. Caldiran, O. Guven, Nicotine–selective radiation–induced poly (acrylamide/maleic acid) hydrogels, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 60 (2001) 203.
  • D. Saraydın, Y. Işıkver, E. Karadag, N. Sahiner, O. Guven. In vitro dynamic swelling behaviors of radiation synthesized polyacrylamide with crosslinkers in the simulated physiological body fluids, NIMB-B, 187 (2002) 340.
  • E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, N Sahiner, O. Guven, Radiation induced acrylamide/citric acid hydrogels and their swelling behaviors, J. Macromol. Sci. Pure Appl. Chem., 38 (2001) 1105.
  • Z.Y. Ding, J.J. Aklonis, R. Salovey, Model filled polymers. 6. Determination of the cross-link density of polymeric beads by swelling,J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 29 (1991) 1035.
  • J. Rosiak, K. Burczak, T. Czolozynska, W. Pekala, Radiation crosslinked hydrogels from acrylamide water solutions, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 22 (1983) 907.
  • D. Saraydın, Y. Caldiran, In vitro dynamic swelling behaviors of polyhydroxamic acid hydrogels in the simulated physiological body fluid,Polym. Bull., 46 (2001) 91.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Karadag, S. Cetinkaya, O. Guven, Preparation of acrylamide maleic–acid hydrogels and their biocompatibility with some biochemical parameters of human serum, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 46 (1995) 1049.
  • E. Karadag, D. Saraydın, S, Cetinkaya, O. Guven, In vitro swelling studies and preliminary biocompatibility evaluation of acrylamide–based hydrogels,Biomaterials, 17 (1996) 67.
  • S. Ünver Saraydın, H.E. Bulut, Ü. Özüm, Z. D. Şahin İnan, Z. Akın Polat, Y. Yalman, D. Saraydın, Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of various monomers in vitro also their effects on Apoptosis and GFAP immunolocalization in rat spinal cord in vivo, HealthMED, 5 (2011) 17.
  • D. Saraydın, E. Koptagel, S. Unver–Saraydin, E. Karadag, O. Guven, In vivo biocompatibility of radiation induced acrylamide and acrylamide/ maleic acid hydrogels, J. Mat. Sci., 36 (2001) 2473.
  • D. Saraydın, S. Unver Saraydın, E. Karadag, E. Koptagel, O. Guven, In vivo biocompatibility of radiation crosslinked acrylamide copolymers, NIMB-B, 217 (2004) 281.
  • R. Jeyanthi, K.P. Rao, In vivo biocompatibility of collagen poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogels, Biomaterials, 11 (1990) 238.
  • K. Smetana, Jr., J. Vacik, D. Souckova, Z. Krcova, J. Sulc, The influence of hydrogel functional-groups on cell behavior,J. Biomed. Met. Res., 24 (1990) 463.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Dursun Saraydın Bu kişi benim

Serpil Ünver Saraydın Bu kişi benim

Erdener Karadağ Bu kişi benim

Olgun Güven Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Saraydın, D., Saraydın, S. Ü., Karadağ, E., Güven, O. (2014). Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 42(1), 129-141.
AMA Saraydın D, Saraydın SÜ, Karadağ E, Güven O. Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial. HJBC. Mart 2014;42(1):129-141.
Chicago Saraydın, Dursun, Serpil Ünver Saraydın, Erdener Karadağ, ve Olgun Güven. “Radiation Synthesized Acrylamide Hydrogel: Preparation, Characterization and Usability As Biomaterial”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 42, sy. 1 (Mart 2014): 129-41.
EndNote Saraydın D, Saraydın SÜ, Karadağ E, Güven O (01 Mart 2014) Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 42 1 129–141.
IEEE D. Saraydın, S. Ü. Saraydın, E. Karadağ, ve O. Güven, “Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial”, HJBC, c. 42, sy. 1, ss. 129–141, 2014.
ISNAD Saraydın, Dursun vd. “Radiation Synthesized Acrylamide Hydrogel: Preparation, Characterization and Usability As Biomaterial”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 42/1 (Mart 2014), 129-141.
JAMA Saraydın D, Saraydın SÜ, Karadağ E, Güven O. Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial. HJBC. 2014;42:129–141.
MLA Saraydın, Dursun vd. “Radiation Synthesized Acrylamide Hydrogel: Preparation, Characterization and Usability As Biomaterial”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, c. 42, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 129-41.
Vancouver Saraydın D, Saraydın SÜ, Karadağ E, Güven O. Radiation synthesized acrylamide hydrogel: Preparation, characterization and usability as biomaterial. HJBC. 2014;42(1):129-41.


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