Uzay yolculuğu, küresel bir ilgi odağı haline gelmiş ve sınırsız potansiyeli nedeniyle daima büyüleyici bir konu olmuştur. İleri teknoloji gelişmeleri, daha önce hayal edilemeyen hedeflere ulaşmayı mümkün kılarak insan türünün sınırlarını genişletmiştir. Ancak, astronotlar, uzay görevleri sırasında karşılaşabilecekleri tehlikelerle yüzleşmektedirler ve bu tehlikelerin bedensel ve ruhsal sağlık üzerinde önemli etkileri olabilir. Duygusal düzensizlik, bilişsel işlev bozukluğu, uyku-uyanıklık ritimlerinin bozulması gibi önemli ruhsal sorunlar, uzay görevleri sırasında en sık rapor edilen durumlardan bazılarıdır. Bu faktörlerin astronotların ruh sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkileyebileceği göz önüne alındığında, uzay araştırmalarına olan artan ilgi ve yatırım önem kazanmaktadır. Bu makale, uzay görevleri sırasındaki risk faktörlerine ve bunlara bağlı ortaya çıkabilecek ruhsal sağlık sorunlarını özetlemeyi ve bu konuda mevcut literatüre katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Vernikos J. Human exploration of space: why, where, what for? Hippokratia. 2008;12 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):6-9.
Historical day: The space journey of the first Turkish astronaut Alper Gezeravcı began. Access: 24 January 2024 (Available from:
Arone A, Ivaldi T, Kuts K, Loganovsky K, Marazziti D. Space missions: psychological and psychopathological issues. CNS spectrums. 2022;27(5):536-40.
Slack K, Williams T, Schneiderman J, Whitmire A, Picano J. Evidence report: risk of adverse cognitive or behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders. 2016. from
Desai RI, Limoli CL, Stark CEL, Stark SM. Impact of spaceflight stressors on behavior and cognition: A molecular, neurochemical, and neurobiological perspective. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2022;138:104676.
Rudobeck E, Bellone JA, Szücs A, Bonnick K, Mehrotra-Carter S, Badaut J, et al. Low-dose proton radiation effects in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease - Implications for space travel. PloS one. 2017;12(11):e0186168.
Wu B, Wang Y, Wu X, Liu D, Xu D, Wang F. On-orbit sleep problems of astronauts and countermeasures. Military Medical Research. 2018;5(1):17.
Space travel has become a global spotlight and has always been a fascinating subject due to its limitless potential. Advanced technological advances have expanded the boundaries of the human species, making it possible to achieve previously unimaginable goals. However, astronauts face dangers during space missions, and these dangers can have significant effects on physical and mental health. Significant mental problems such as emotional dysregulation, cognitive dysfunction, and disruption of sleep-wake rhythms are some of the most frequently reported conditions during space missions. Considering that these factors can negatively affect the mental health of astronauts, increasing interest and investment in space research is gaining importance. This article aims to summarize the risk factors during space missions and the mental health problems that may arise due to them and to contribute to the existing literature on this subject.
Vernikos J. Human exploration of space: why, where, what for? Hippokratia. 2008;12 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):6-9.
Historical day: The space journey of the first Turkish astronaut Alper Gezeravcı began. Access: 24 January 2024 (Available from:
Arone A, Ivaldi T, Kuts K, Loganovsky K, Marazziti D. Space missions: psychological and psychopathological issues. CNS spectrums. 2022;27(5):536-40.
Slack K, Williams T, Schneiderman J, Whitmire A, Picano J. Evidence report: risk of adverse cognitive or behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders. 2016. from
Desai RI, Limoli CL, Stark CEL, Stark SM. Impact of spaceflight stressors on behavior and cognition: A molecular, neurochemical, and neurobiological perspective. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2022;138:104676.
Rudobeck E, Bellone JA, Szücs A, Bonnick K, Mehrotra-Carter S, Badaut J, et al. Low-dose proton radiation effects in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease - Implications for space travel. PloS one. 2017;12(11):e0186168.
Wu B, Wang Y, Wu X, Liu D, Xu D, Wang F. On-orbit sleep problems of astronauts and countermeasures. Military Medical Research. 2018;5(1):17.