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Karmaşık ve büyük kesi fıtıklarının onarımı: Ön bileşen ayırma tekniği ile modifiye rives-stoppa tekniğinin karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2024, , 92 - 100, 20.12.2024


Arka Plan: İnsizyonel herniler, abdominal cerrahilerden sonra sık görülen komplikasyonlardan biridir. Bu makalede, anterior komponent ayırma tekniği (ACST) ile modifiye rives-stoppa tekniğini (MRST) karşılaştırdık.
Materyaller ve yöntemler: Ocak 2017 ile Aralık 2022 arasında büyük insizyonel herni nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 78 hastanın kayıtları incelendi. En az 1 yıl takip edilen, 10 cm'den büyük abdominal defekti olan ve alan kaybı ≥%20 olan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bağışıklık sistemini baskılayan hastalar, ciddi kardiyak, solunum ve karaciğer yetmezliği olan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edilmedi. Hastalar iki bölüme ayrıldı: mesh destekli ACST (grup 1) ve MRST (grup 2). Gruplar, tekrarlama, komplikasyonlar ve diğer klinik özellikler açısından karşılaştırıldı.
Sonuçlar: Grup 1'de 33 hasta ve grup 2'de 29 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. İki grup arasında ameliyat süresi, ameliyat sonrası hastanede kalış süresi, dren sayısı, dren çıkarma süresi ve normal hayata dönüş açısından fark görüldü. Grup 2'de ameliyat süresi, ameliyat sonrası hastanede kalış süresi ve normal hayata dönüş daha kısaydı, kullanılan dren sayısı daha azdı ve drenler daha erken çıkarıldı. İki grup arasında ameliyat sonrası ağrı skoru (VAS) açısından fark görüldü. Grup 2'de ağrı skoru 1. ve 3. günlerde daha düşüktü.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, iki grup arasında tekrarlama ve ameliyat sonrası morbidite açısından fark olmasa da, maliyet-etkin sonuçlar açısından ameliyat süresi, ameliyat sonrası ağrı, hastanede kalış süresi ve normal hayata dönüş açısından fark bulundu.
Anahtar kelimeler: Büyük kesi fıtığı, tekrarlayan fıtık, rives-stoppa, bileşen ayırma tekniği

Etik Beyan

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Destekleyen kurum yok


  • Nachiappan S, Markar S, Karthikesalingam A, et al. Prophylactic mesh placement in high-risk patients undergoing elective laparotomy: a systematic review. World J Surg 2013; 37:1861.
  • Kingsnorth A, LeBlanc K. Hernias: inguinal and incisional. Lancet 2003; 362:1561.
  • Sanders DL, Kingsnorth AN. The modern management of incisional hernias. BMJ 2012; 344:e2843.
  • Bickenbach KA, Karanicolas PJ, Ammori JB, et al. Up and down or side to side? A systematic review and meta-analysis examining the impact of incision on outcomes after abdominal surgery. Am J Surg 2013; 206:400.
  • Fassiadis N, Roidl M, Hennig M, et al. Randomized clinical trial of vertical or transverse laparotomy for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Br J Surg 2005; 92:1208.
  • Inaba T, Okinaga K, Fukushima R, et al. Prospective randomized study of two laparotomy incisions for gastrectomy: midline incision versus transverse incision. Gastric Cancer 2004; 7:167.
  • Itatsu K, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, et al. Incidence of risk factors for incisional hernia after abdominal surgery. Br J Surg 2014; 101:1439.
  • Bosanquet DC, Ansell J, Abdelrahman T, et al. Systematic Review and Meta-Regression of Factors Affecting Midline Incisional Hernia Rates: Analysis of 14,618 Patients. PLoS One 2015; 10:e0138745.
  • Lau B, Kim H, Haigh PI, Tejirian T. Obesity increases the odds of acquiring and incarcerating noninguinal abdominal wall hernias. Am Surg 2012; 78:1118.
  • Holihan JL, Alawadi Z, Martindale RG, et al. Adverse Events after Ventral Hernia Repair: The Vicious Cycle of Complications. J Am Coll Surg 2015; 221:478.
  • Pearl ML, Rayburn WF. Choosing abdominal incision and closure techniques: a review. J Reprod Med 2004; 49:662.
  • Muysoms FE, Antoniou SA, Bury K, et al. European Hernia Society guidelines on the closure of abdominal wall incisions. Hernia 2015; 19:1.
  • Millbourn D, Cengiz Y, Israelsson LA. Effect of stitch length on wound complications after closure of midline incisions: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Surg 2009; 144:1056.
  • Deerenberg EB, Harlaar JJ, Steyerberg EW, et al. Small bites versus large bites for closure of abdominal midline incisions (STITCH): a double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2015; 386:1254.
  • Burger JW, Luijendijk RW, Hop WC, Halm JA, Verdaasdonk EG, Jeekel J. Long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of suture versus mesh repair of incisional hernia. Ann Surg 2004;240:578-83; discussion 583-5. 8.
  • de Vries Reilingh TS, van Goor H, Charbon JA, Rosman C, Hesselink EJ, van der Wilt GJ, et al. Repair of giant midline abdominal wall hernias: “components separation technique” versus prosthetic repair: Interim analysis of a randomized controlled trial. World J Surg 2007;31:756-63.
  • Parker SG, Wood CPJ, Sanders DL, Windsor ACJ. Nomenclature in abdominal wall hernias: is it time for consensus? World J Surg. 2017;41(10):2488–91.
  • Parker SG, Halligan S, Liang MK, et al. International classification of abdominal wall planes (ICAP) to describe mesh insertion for ventral hernia repair. Br J Surg 2020; 107:209.
  • Holihan JL, Nguyen DH, Nguyen MT, et al. Mesh Location in Open Ventral Hernia Repair: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. World J Surg 2016; 40:89.
  • Tansawet A, Numthavaj P, Techapongsatorn S, et al. Risk-benefit assessment of onlay and retrorectus mesh augmentation for incisional hernia prophylaxis: A secondary analysis from network meta-analysis. Int J Surg 2021; 92:106053.
  • Ramirez OM, Ruas E, Dellon AL. "Components separation" method for closure of abdominal-wall defects: an anatomical and clinical study. PlastReconstrSurg 1990; 86:519 .
  • Rosen MJ, Williams C, Jin J, et al. Laparoscopic versus open-component separation: a comparative analysis in a porcine model. Am J Surg 2007; 194:385.
  • Temudom T, Siadati M, Sarr MG (1996) Repair of complex giant or recurrent ventral hernias by using tension-free intraparietal prosthetic mesh (Stoppa technique): lessons learned from our initial experience (fifty patients). Surgery 120:738–743, discussion 743–744
  • Stoppa R, Henry X, Verhaeghe P, et al. (1981) Trends in the surgical treatment of chronic dehiscences of the abdominal walls. Bull Acad Natl Med 165:493–501
  • Muysoms, Filip E, et al. "Classification of primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias." hernia 13 (2009): 407-414.Nau, Peter, et al. "Modified rives-stoppa repair for abdominal incisional hernias." Health 2.02 (2010): 162.
  • Maman, Daniel, et al. "Modified Rives-Stoppa technique for repair of complex incisional hernias in 59 patients." Annals of Plastic Surgery 68.2 (2012): 190-193.
  • Iqbal, Corey W, et al. "Long‐term outcome of 254 complex incisional hernia repairs using the modified Rives‐Stoppa technique." World journal of surgery 31.12 (2007): 2398-2404.
  • Nau, Peter, et al. "Modified rives-stoppa repair for abdominal incisional hernias." Health 2.02 (2010): 162.
  • Clavien PA, Barkun J, de Oliveira ML, Vauthey JN, Dindo D, Schulick RD, et al. The Clavien–Dindo classifcation of surgical complications: fve-year experience. Ann Surg. 2009;250(2):187–96.
  • Carbonell AM, Cobb WS, Chen SM. Posterior components separation during retromuscular hernia repair. Hernia 2008;12:359- 62. 12.
  • Novitsky YW, Elliott HL, Orenstein SB, Rosen MJ. Transversus abdominis muscle release: A novel approach to posterior component separation during complex abdominal wall reconstruction. Am J Surg 2012;204:709-16.
  • Benek S, Şevki P, and Duran Y. "Repair of giant incisional hernias: Comparison of separation technique with and without mesh." International Journal of Abdominal Wall and Hernia Surgery 5.3; 2022; 110.
  • Tong WM, Hope W, Overby DW, Hultman CS. Comparison of results after mesh-only repair, laparoscopic component separation, and open component separation. Ann Plast Surg 2011;66:551-6.
  • Korenkov M, Sauerland S, Arndt M, Bograd L, Neugebauer EA, Troidl H. Randomized clinical trial of suture repair, polypropylene mesh or autodermal hernioplasty for incisional hernia. Br J Surg 2002;89:50-6.
  • Stoppa RE. The treatment of complicated groin and incisional hernias. World J Surg 1989; 13:545.
  • Antony T, Bergen P C, Kim LT, et al: Factors affecting recurrens following incisional herniorraphy. World J. Surg. 2000;24:95-101.)
  • Chan G, Chan CK. A review of incisional hernia repairs: Preoperative weight loss and selective use of the mesh repair. Hernia 2005;9:37-41.
  • Yahchouchy-Chouillard E, Aura T, Picone O, Etienne JC, Fingerhut A. Incisional hernias: I. Related risk factors. Excav Operat 2003;20:3-9.
  • Gómez R, Hidalgo M, Marques E, Marin L, Loinaz C, Gonzalez I, et al. Incidence and predisposing factors for incisional hernia in patients with liver transplantation. Hernia 2001;5:172-6.
  • Rios A, Rodriques J.M, Munitiz V et al: Factors that affect recurrence after incisional herniorraphy with prosthetic material. Eur J Surg. 2001; 167:855-859.
  • Abrahamson J. Etiology and pathophysiology of primary and recurret groin hernia formation. Surg Clin North Am 1998; 78: 953-71.)
  • Fischer JP, Basta MN, Mirzabeigi MN, Bauder AR, Fox JP, Drebin JA. A risk model and cost analysis of incisional hernia after elective, abdominal surgery based upon 12,373 cases the case for targeted prophylactic intervention. Ann Surg 2016;263:1010-7.
  • Milad NM, Said SM, Samir M. Comparison between onlay and retromuscular drainless mesh repair for para- umbilrical hernia with divarication of recti. Kasr El Aini J Surg 2009;10:11–6.
  • Martel G, Ahmad J, Taylor M. Novel treatment of refractory seroma after incisional hernia repair. Gut 2013;62:A19–20.
  • Kaafarani HM, Hur K, Hirter A, Kim LT, Thomas A, Berger DH, et al. Seroma in ventral incisional herniorrhaphy: incidence, predictors and outcome. Am J Surg 2009;198:639–4

Repair of complex and large incisional hernias: Comparison of anterior component separation technique and modified rives-stoppa technique

Yıl 2024, , 92 - 100, 20.12.2024


Repair of complex and large incisional hernias: Comparison of anterior component separation technique and modified rives-stoppa technique
Background: Incisional hernias are one of the common complications after abdominal surgeries. In this article, we compared the anterior component separation technique (ACST) and the modified rives-stoppa technique (MRST).
Materials and methods: The records of 78 patients who underwent surgery for large incisional hernia between January 2017 and December 2022 were reviewed. Patients who were followed for at least 1 year, had an abdominal defect larger than 10 cm and area loss ≥20% were included in the study. Immunosuppressive patients, patients with severe cardiac, respiratory and hepatic insufficiency were not included in the study. The patients were divided into two parts: mesh-supported ACST (group 1) and MRST (group 2). The groups were compared in terms of recurrence, complications, and other clinical features.
Results: 33 patients in group 1 and 29 patients in group 2 were included in the study. The difference was seen between the two groups in terms of surgery time, postoperative hospital stay, number of drains, drain removal time, and return to normal life. In Group 2, the duration of surgery, postoperative hospital stay and return to normal life were shorter, the number of drains used was less, and the drains were removed earlier. The difference was seen between the two groups in terms of postoperative pain score (VAS). In Group 2, the pain score was lower on the 1st and 3rd days.
Conclusion: In conclusion, although there was no difference between the two groups in terms of recurrence and postoperative morbidities but a difference was found in terms of duration of surgery, postoperative pain, length of hospital stay and return to normal life in terms of cost-effective results.
Keywords: Large incisional hernia, recurrent hernia, rives-stoppa, component separation technique


  • Nachiappan S, Markar S, Karthikesalingam A, et al. Prophylactic mesh placement in high-risk patients undergoing elective laparotomy: a systematic review. World J Surg 2013; 37:1861.
  • Kingsnorth A, LeBlanc K. Hernias: inguinal and incisional. Lancet 2003; 362:1561.
  • Sanders DL, Kingsnorth AN. The modern management of incisional hernias. BMJ 2012; 344:e2843.
  • Bickenbach KA, Karanicolas PJ, Ammori JB, et al. Up and down or side to side? A systematic review and meta-analysis examining the impact of incision on outcomes after abdominal surgery. Am J Surg 2013; 206:400.
  • Fassiadis N, Roidl M, Hennig M, et al. Randomized clinical trial of vertical or transverse laparotomy for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Br J Surg 2005; 92:1208.
  • Inaba T, Okinaga K, Fukushima R, et al. Prospective randomized study of two laparotomy incisions for gastrectomy: midline incision versus transverse incision. Gastric Cancer 2004; 7:167.
  • Itatsu K, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, et al. Incidence of risk factors for incisional hernia after abdominal surgery. Br J Surg 2014; 101:1439.
  • Bosanquet DC, Ansell J, Abdelrahman T, et al. Systematic Review and Meta-Regression of Factors Affecting Midline Incisional Hernia Rates: Analysis of 14,618 Patients. PLoS One 2015; 10:e0138745.
  • Lau B, Kim H, Haigh PI, Tejirian T. Obesity increases the odds of acquiring and incarcerating noninguinal abdominal wall hernias. Am Surg 2012; 78:1118.
  • Holihan JL, Alawadi Z, Martindale RG, et al. Adverse Events after Ventral Hernia Repair: The Vicious Cycle of Complications. J Am Coll Surg 2015; 221:478.
  • Pearl ML, Rayburn WF. Choosing abdominal incision and closure techniques: a review. J Reprod Med 2004; 49:662.
  • Muysoms FE, Antoniou SA, Bury K, et al. European Hernia Society guidelines on the closure of abdominal wall incisions. Hernia 2015; 19:1.
  • Millbourn D, Cengiz Y, Israelsson LA. Effect of stitch length on wound complications after closure of midline incisions: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Surg 2009; 144:1056.
  • Deerenberg EB, Harlaar JJ, Steyerberg EW, et al. Small bites versus large bites for closure of abdominal midline incisions (STITCH): a double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2015; 386:1254.
  • Burger JW, Luijendijk RW, Hop WC, Halm JA, Verdaasdonk EG, Jeekel J. Long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of suture versus mesh repair of incisional hernia. Ann Surg 2004;240:578-83; discussion 583-5. 8.
  • de Vries Reilingh TS, van Goor H, Charbon JA, Rosman C, Hesselink EJ, van der Wilt GJ, et al. Repair of giant midline abdominal wall hernias: “components separation technique” versus prosthetic repair: Interim analysis of a randomized controlled trial. World J Surg 2007;31:756-63.
  • Parker SG, Wood CPJ, Sanders DL, Windsor ACJ. Nomenclature in abdominal wall hernias: is it time for consensus? World J Surg. 2017;41(10):2488–91.
  • Parker SG, Halligan S, Liang MK, et al. International classification of abdominal wall planes (ICAP) to describe mesh insertion for ventral hernia repair. Br J Surg 2020; 107:209.
  • Holihan JL, Nguyen DH, Nguyen MT, et al. Mesh Location in Open Ventral Hernia Repair: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. World J Surg 2016; 40:89.
  • Tansawet A, Numthavaj P, Techapongsatorn S, et al. Risk-benefit assessment of onlay and retrorectus mesh augmentation for incisional hernia prophylaxis: A secondary analysis from network meta-analysis. Int J Surg 2021; 92:106053.
  • Ramirez OM, Ruas E, Dellon AL. "Components separation" method for closure of abdominal-wall defects: an anatomical and clinical study. PlastReconstrSurg 1990; 86:519 .
  • Rosen MJ, Williams C, Jin J, et al. Laparoscopic versus open-component separation: a comparative analysis in a porcine model. Am J Surg 2007; 194:385.
  • Temudom T, Siadati M, Sarr MG (1996) Repair of complex giant or recurrent ventral hernias by using tension-free intraparietal prosthetic mesh (Stoppa technique): lessons learned from our initial experience (fifty patients). Surgery 120:738–743, discussion 743–744
  • Stoppa R, Henry X, Verhaeghe P, et al. (1981) Trends in the surgical treatment of chronic dehiscences of the abdominal walls. Bull Acad Natl Med 165:493–501
  • Muysoms, Filip E, et al. "Classification of primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias." hernia 13 (2009): 407-414.Nau, Peter, et al. "Modified rives-stoppa repair for abdominal incisional hernias." Health 2.02 (2010): 162.
  • Maman, Daniel, et al. "Modified Rives-Stoppa technique for repair of complex incisional hernias in 59 patients." Annals of Plastic Surgery 68.2 (2012): 190-193.
  • Iqbal, Corey W, et al. "Long‐term outcome of 254 complex incisional hernia repairs using the modified Rives‐Stoppa technique." World journal of surgery 31.12 (2007): 2398-2404.
  • Nau, Peter, et al. "Modified rives-stoppa repair for abdominal incisional hernias." Health 2.02 (2010): 162.
  • Clavien PA, Barkun J, de Oliveira ML, Vauthey JN, Dindo D, Schulick RD, et al. The Clavien–Dindo classifcation of surgical complications: fve-year experience. Ann Surg. 2009;250(2):187–96.
  • Carbonell AM, Cobb WS, Chen SM. Posterior components separation during retromuscular hernia repair. Hernia 2008;12:359- 62. 12.
  • Novitsky YW, Elliott HL, Orenstein SB, Rosen MJ. Transversus abdominis muscle release: A novel approach to posterior component separation during complex abdominal wall reconstruction. Am J Surg 2012;204:709-16.
  • Benek S, Şevki P, and Duran Y. "Repair of giant incisional hernias: Comparison of separation technique with and without mesh." International Journal of Abdominal Wall and Hernia Surgery 5.3; 2022; 110.
  • Tong WM, Hope W, Overby DW, Hultman CS. Comparison of results after mesh-only repair, laparoscopic component separation, and open component separation. Ann Plast Surg 2011;66:551-6.
  • Korenkov M, Sauerland S, Arndt M, Bograd L, Neugebauer EA, Troidl H. Randomized clinical trial of suture repair, polypropylene mesh or autodermal hernioplasty for incisional hernia. Br J Surg 2002;89:50-6.
  • Stoppa RE. The treatment of complicated groin and incisional hernias. World J Surg 1989; 13:545.
  • Antony T, Bergen P C, Kim LT, et al: Factors affecting recurrens following incisional herniorraphy. World J. Surg. 2000;24:95-101.)
  • Chan G, Chan CK. A review of incisional hernia repairs: Preoperative weight loss and selective use of the mesh repair. Hernia 2005;9:37-41.
  • Yahchouchy-Chouillard E, Aura T, Picone O, Etienne JC, Fingerhut A. Incisional hernias: I. Related risk factors. Excav Operat 2003;20:3-9.
  • Gómez R, Hidalgo M, Marques E, Marin L, Loinaz C, Gonzalez I, et al. Incidence and predisposing factors for incisional hernia in patients with liver transplantation. Hernia 2001;5:172-6.
  • Rios A, Rodriques J.M, Munitiz V et al: Factors that affect recurrence after incisional herniorraphy with prosthetic material. Eur J Surg. 2001; 167:855-859.
  • Abrahamson J. Etiology and pathophysiology of primary and recurret groin hernia formation. Surg Clin North Am 1998; 78: 953-71.)
  • Fischer JP, Basta MN, Mirzabeigi MN, Bauder AR, Fox JP, Drebin JA. A risk model and cost analysis of incisional hernia after elective, abdominal surgery based upon 12,373 cases the case for targeted prophylactic intervention. Ann Surg 2016;263:1010-7.
  • Milad NM, Said SM, Samir M. Comparison between onlay and retromuscular drainless mesh repair for para- umbilrical hernia with divarication of recti. Kasr El Aini J Surg 2009;10:11–6.
  • Martel G, Ahmad J, Taylor M. Novel treatment of refractory seroma after incisional hernia repair. Gut 2013;62:A19–20.
  • Kaafarani HM, Hur K, Hirter A, Kim LT, Thomas A, Berger DH, et al. Seroma in ventral incisional herniorrhaphy: incidence, predictors and outcome. Am J Surg 2009;198:639–4
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Cerrahi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Suat Benek 0000-0003-0774-7695

İlhan Bali 0000-0001-9979-7117

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Benek S, Bali İ. Repair of complex and large incisional hernias: Comparison of anterior component separation technique and modified rives-stoppa technique. HTD / HMJ. 2024;4(3):92-100.

e-ISSN: 2791-9935