This research aims to develop a valid, reliable, and valuable measurement tool that measures teachers' empathy skills. Scale development stages can be listed as follows: the creation of items, getting expert opinion, pre-test, validity study, factor analysis, and reliability study. The developed scale is a five-point Likert-empathy scale. The scale was applied to 311 female and 287 male teachers, for a total of 598 teachers in Duhok, Iraq. At the end of these applications, When the item-total correlation values of the scale were examined, it was observed that some items showed weak correlation (r< .30), so it was decided to remove 20 items out of 27 items in the Teacher Empathy Scale (TES), and a 7-item scale has been finalized. Item number 8 will be graded in reverse. A high score indicates a high empathic tendency; a low score indicates a low empathic tendency. Within the scope of the validity and reliability studies of the teacher empathy scale, Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient analysis was performed before the general reliability and calculated as 0.771 after the analysis. In order to check whether the data structure of this developed scale is appropriate, factor analysis was checked using KMO and Barlett test methods. Finally, the value of the KMO test was determined to be 0.848, and the Bartlett test was 0.878. As a result of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, a valid and reliable scale consisting of 7 items with a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.771 was developed. It was concluded that the scale is reliable and valid for measuring teachers' empathic tendencies.