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Iris Murdoch's Structuralism: Disbelief in Language

Yıl 2019, , 358 - 372, 15.10.2019


Iris Murdoch published Under the Net among the structuralist discussions about meaning and language. As Murdoch was a philosopher, she published philosophical writings as well as literary works. Murdoch distrusted language, her main characters in Under the Net thus attend to the same concept. While her protagonist James Donaghue plagiarises from Hugo Belfounder in order to compose his book The Silencer, Hugo believes that it is silence instead of language where meaning is conveyed. James silences Hugo for he erases Hugo’s identity during the process of the composition of The Silencer as the speaker of the text. However, it is at the same time because of his approach to language that Hugo keeps silent in order to be meaningful. Besides being silenced by James, Hugo intentionally silences himself. This study, therefore, explores the traces of Murdoch’s involvement in the structuralist questions of meaning and language in her debut novel.


  • Antonaccio, Maria. (2004). “Iris Murdoch’s Secular Theology of Culture.” Literature and Theology, 18 (3), 271-291.
  • Barry, Peter. (1995). Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester: Manchester UP.
  • Bellamy, Michael O. and Iris Murdoch. (1977). “An Interview with Iris Murdoch.” Contemporary Literature, 18 (2), 129-140.
  • Bove, Cheryl K. (1993). Understanding Iris Murdoch. Columbia: U of South Carolina P.
  • Conradi, Peter J. (1990). Iris Murdoch: the Saint and the Artist. London: Macmillan.
  • Dipple, Elizabeth. (1982). Iris Murdoch: Work for the Spirit. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
  • Gordon, David J. (1995). Iris Murdoch’s Fables of Unselfing. Columbia: U of Missouri P.
  • Hague, Angela. (1984). Iris Murdoch’s Comic Vision. London: Associated UP.
  • ---. (1986). “Picaresque Structure and the Angry Young Novel.” Twentieth Century Literature, 32 (2), 209-220.
  • Johnson, Deborah. (1987). Iris Murdoch. Kent: The harvester P.
  • Mulhall, Stephen. (1997). “Constructing a Hall of Reflection: Perfectionist Edification in Iris Murdoch's ‘Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals’.” Philosophy, 72 (280), 219-239.
  • Murdoch, Iris. (1982). Under the Net. London: Penguin Books.
  • ---. (1999). “The Novelist as Metaphysician.” Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature. Peter Conradi (ed.). New York: Penguin Books.
  • Nicol, Bran. (2004). Iris Murdoch: The Retrospective Fiction. Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • ---. (2006). “Iris Murdoch's Aesthetics of Masochism.” Journal of Modern Literature, 29 (2), 148-165.
  • Porter, Raymond J. (1969). “Leitmotiv in Iris Murdoch’s Under the Net.” Modern Fiction Studies, 15 (3), 379-385.
  • Rice, Thomas Jackson. (1992). “The Reader’s Flight from the Enchanter.” Critical Essays on Iris Murdoch. Lindsey Tucker (ed.). New York: G. K. Hall & Co.
  • Spear, Hilda D. (1995). Iris Murdoch. London: Macmillan.
  • Sturrock, John. (1988). “Reading Iris Murdoch.” Salmagundi, 80, 144-160.
  • Vickery, John B. (1971). “The Dilemmas of Language: Sartre’s ‘La Nausée’ and Iris Murdoch's ‘Under the Net’.” The Journal of Narrative Technique, 1 (2), 69-76.

Iris Murdoch’ın Yapısalcılığı: Dile Olan Güvensizlik

Yıl 2019, , 358 - 372, 15.10.2019


Iris Murdoch Under the Net’i anlam ve dil hakkındaki yapısalcı tartışmaların arasında yayımlamıştır. Murdoch bir filozof olduğundan, edebi eserlerin yanında felsefi metinler de yayımlamıştır. Murdoch dile güvenmemekteydi, Under the Net’teki belli başlı kahramanları da bu nedenle bu konu ile meşgul olmaktadırlar. Ana kahramanı James Donaghue, kitabı olan The Silencer’ı yazmak için Hugo Belfounder’dan izinsiz alıntılar yaparken, Hugo anlamın dilde değil suskunlukta ifade edilebileceğine inanmaktadır. The Silencer’ın yazılması sırasında Hugo’nun kimliğini ortadan kaldırdığı için, James Hugo’yu sessizleştirmektedir. Fakat aynı zamanda dile olan yaklaşımından dolayı Hugo, anlamlı hâle gelebilmek için kendisini sessizleştirmektedir. James tarafından susturulmasının yanında, Hugo kasıtlı olarak kendisini susturmaktadır. Bu çalışma bu nedenle, Murdoch’ın ilk romanında yer alan anlam ve dil hakkındaki yapısalcı sorulara olan ilgisinin izlerini araştırmaktadır.


  • Antonaccio, Maria. (2004). “Iris Murdoch’s Secular Theology of Culture.” Literature and Theology, 18 (3), 271-291.
  • Barry, Peter. (1995). Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester: Manchester UP.
  • Bellamy, Michael O. and Iris Murdoch. (1977). “An Interview with Iris Murdoch.” Contemporary Literature, 18 (2), 129-140.
  • Bove, Cheryl K. (1993). Understanding Iris Murdoch. Columbia: U of South Carolina P.
  • Conradi, Peter J. (1990). Iris Murdoch: the Saint and the Artist. London: Macmillan.
  • Dipple, Elizabeth. (1982). Iris Murdoch: Work for the Spirit. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
  • Gordon, David J. (1995). Iris Murdoch’s Fables of Unselfing. Columbia: U of Missouri P.
  • Hague, Angela. (1984). Iris Murdoch’s Comic Vision. London: Associated UP.
  • ---. (1986). “Picaresque Structure and the Angry Young Novel.” Twentieth Century Literature, 32 (2), 209-220.
  • Johnson, Deborah. (1987). Iris Murdoch. Kent: The harvester P.
  • Mulhall, Stephen. (1997). “Constructing a Hall of Reflection: Perfectionist Edification in Iris Murdoch's ‘Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals’.” Philosophy, 72 (280), 219-239.
  • Murdoch, Iris. (1982). Under the Net. London: Penguin Books.
  • ---. (1999). “The Novelist as Metaphysician.” Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature. Peter Conradi (ed.). New York: Penguin Books.
  • Nicol, Bran. (2004). Iris Murdoch: The Retrospective Fiction. Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • ---. (2006). “Iris Murdoch's Aesthetics of Masochism.” Journal of Modern Literature, 29 (2), 148-165.
  • Porter, Raymond J. (1969). “Leitmotiv in Iris Murdoch’s Under the Net.” Modern Fiction Studies, 15 (3), 379-385.
  • Rice, Thomas Jackson. (1992). “The Reader’s Flight from the Enchanter.” Critical Essays on Iris Murdoch. Lindsey Tucker (ed.). New York: G. K. Hall & Co.
  • Spear, Hilda D. (1995). Iris Murdoch. London: Macmillan.
  • Sturrock, John. (1988). “Reading Iris Murdoch.” Salmagundi, 80, 144-160.
  • Vickery, John B. (1971). “The Dilemmas of Language: Sartre’s ‘La Nausée’ and Iris Murdoch's ‘Under the Net’.” The Journal of Narrative Technique, 1 (2), 69-76.
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Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Barış Mete 0000-0001-7471-5058

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Mete, B. (2019). Iris Murdoch’s Structuralism: Disbelief in Language. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(14), 358-372.