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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24, 1 - 20, 15.10.2024


Widely interpreted as Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s justification for incorporating Christian themes within poetic discourse, “The Dead Pan” offers a Christian perspective in response to Friedrich Schiller’s favourable portrayal of Ancient Greek paganism in “Gods of Greece.” The poem epitomises Victorian pietism, exemplifying the period’s religious fervour and advocating for the synthesis of Christian content in poetry to enrich the literary canon. This advocacy originates from Browning’s belief that Christianity offers superior truths and values compared to Greek paganism. However, this study proposes a reassessment of Barrett Browning’s interpretation of Schiller’s work, suggesting that she may have misconstrued his allusions to Greek mythology as a straightforward endorsement of paganism. It is crucial to recognise that Schiller’s critique of Christianity primarily condemns the exploitation of the faith by religious and secular authorities to oppress and control the populace, rather than an outright denunciation of the religion itself. By examining the genesis of “The Dead Pan” through Barrett Browning’s personal correspondence, this study illuminates her specific objectives and her responses to Schiller’s perspectives. Additionally, by contextualising “Gods of Greece” within its socio-political and theological framework, this paper demonstrates that while Browning and Schiller have divergent approaches to Ancient Greek culture and Christianity, Barrett Browning overlooks Schiller’s nuanced criticism of the misuse of religion by religious and secular authorities.


  • Browning, E. B. (1904). Poems (A. Meynell, Ed.). Blackie and Son Limited. (Original work published in 1844)
  • Carruth, W. H. (1904). The religion of Friedrich Schiller. PMLA, 19(4), 496–582.
  • Carus, P. (1905). Friedrich Schiller: A sketch of his life and an appreciation of his poetry. Open Court Pub. Co.
  • Davies, C. (2007). Two of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Pan poems and their after-life in Robert Browning's “Pan and Luna.” Victorian Poetry. West Virginia University Press.
  • Ferber, M. (2005). European Romantic Poetry. Pearson Longman.
  • Gostwick, J. (1882). German culture and Christianity: Their controversy in the time 1770-1880. F. Norgate.
  • Hatfield, H. (1964). Aesthetic paganism in German literature. Harvard University Press.
  • High, J. L. (2015). Friedrich Schiller, secular virtue, and “The Gods of Ancient Greece” (1788). In C. Nadon (Ed.), Enlightenment and secularism: Essays on the mobilization of reason (pp. 315–325). Lexington Books.
  • High, J. L. (2017). Revolutionary virtue: Schiller and freedom from religion. Online Journal of Philosophy, 9(2), 76–87.
  • Hughes, L. K. (2010). Introducing Victorian poetry. In The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry (pp. 1–12). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Introductions to Literature.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1985). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 3: 1832–1837: Letters 435–601. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1987). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 5: January 1841–May 1842: Letters 784–966. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1989). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 7: March 1843–October 1843: Letters 1174–1406. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1990). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 8: October 1843–May 1844: Letters 1407–1617. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1991). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 9: June 1844–December 1844: Letters 1618–1798. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., Hudson, R., et al. (Eds.). (1984). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 6. Wedgestone Press.
  • Morlier, M. M. (1990). The death of Pan: Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the Romantic ego. Browning Institute Studies, 18, 131–155.
  • Palleske, E. (1860). Schiller’s life and works (G. Wallace, Trans., Vol. 2). Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.
  • Plutarch, L. M. (2003). Moralia (F. C. Babbitt, Trans., Vol. V). Harvard UP. (Original work published in c. 100 AD)
  • Raymond, M. B. (1991). Elizabeth Barrett Browning and John Kenyon: Critical cousins. Studies in Browning and His Circle, 19, 19–26. JSTOR,
  • Reed, T. J. (2002). Weimar classicism: Goethe’s alliance with Schiller. In L. Sharpe (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Goethe (pp. 101–115). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Companions to Literature.
  • Schiller, F. (2021, July 25). The Gods of Greece (D. B. Gosselin, Trans.). Thechainedmuse. (Original work published in 1788)
  • Wordsworth, W. (1997). Poems in Two Volumes. Woodstock Books. (Original work published in 1807)


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24, 1 - 20, 15.10.2024


Çoğunlukla Elizabeth Barrett Browning’in, Hristiyan temalarının şiirsel söylem içinde yer alması gerekliliğini meşrulaştırması olarak yorumlanan “The Dead Pan,” Friedrich Schiller’in “Gods of Greece” adlı eserinde Antik Yunan paganizmini olumlu bir şekilde tasvir etmesine bir yanıt olarak yazılmış olup Hristiyan bakış açısı sunar. Dönemin dini duygularını ortaya koyan bu şiir, Viktorya dönemi dindarlığının simgesi olarak kabul edilir ve edebiyatı zenginleştirmek için şiire Hristiyan içeriklerin dahil edilmesini savunur. Bu yaklaşımın temelinde, Browning’in, evrensel doğru ve değerlerin Hristiyanlık öğretilerinde barındığına dair inancı yatar. Ancak, bu çalışma, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’in Schiller’in eserine yönelik yorumunun yeniden değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini öne sürer; zira Browning’in, Schiller’in Yunan mitolojisine yaptığı göndermeleri, paganizmin kabul edilmesi ve yüceltilmesi olarak yanlış anlamış olması muhtemeldir. Altı çizilmesi gereken önemli nokta, Schiller’in Hristiyanlık eleştirisinin altında yatan temel motivasyonunun, dini tamamen reddetmek değil, aslında Hristiyanlığın dini ve laik otoriteler tarafından halkı baskı altına almak ve kontrol etmek amacıyla kötüye kullanılmasını kınamak olduğudur. Browning’in kişisel mektuplarına odaklanarak şiirin yazım sürecine ışık tutmayı amaçlayan bu çalışma, şairin bu şiirle neyi amaçladığını ve Schiller’e nasıl cevap verdiğini ortaya koymayı amaçlar. Ek olarak, bu makale, Schiller’in “Gods of Greece” şiirini yazıldığı dönemin sosyo-kültürel ve teolojik bağlamına oturtarak, Browning ve Schiller’in Antik Yunan kültürü ve Hristiyanlık konusundaki farklı yaklaşımlarına rağmen, Browning’in Schiller’in dinin kötüye kullanılmasına dair nüanslı eleştirisini gözden kaçırdığını gösterir.


  • Browning, E. B. (1904). Poems (A. Meynell, Ed.). Blackie and Son Limited. (Original work published in 1844)
  • Carruth, W. H. (1904). The religion of Friedrich Schiller. PMLA, 19(4), 496–582.
  • Carus, P. (1905). Friedrich Schiller: A sketch of his life and an appreciation of his poetry. Open Court Pub. Co.
  • Davies, C. (2007). Two of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Pan poems and their after-life in Robert Browning's “Pan and Luna.” Victorian Poetry. West Virginia University Press.
  • Ferber, M. (2005). European Romantic Poetry. Pearson Longman.
  • Gostwick, J. (1882). German culture and Christianity: Their controversy in the time 1770-1880. F. Norgate.
  • Hatfield, H. (1964). Aesthetic paganism in German literature. Harvard University Press.
  • High, J. L. (2015). Friedrich Schiller, secular virtue, and “The Gods of Ancient Greece” (1788). In C. Nadon (Ed.), Enlightenment and secularism: Essays on the mobilization of reason (pp. 315–325). Lexington Books.
  • High, J. L. (2017). Revolutionary virtue: Schiller and freedom from religion. Online Journal of Philosophy, 9(2), 76–87.
  • Hughes, L. K. (2010). Introducing Victorian poetry. In The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry (pp. 1–12). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Introductions to Literature.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1985). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 3: 1832–1837: Letters 435–601. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1987). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 5: January 1841–May 1842: Letters 784–966. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1989). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 7: March 1843–October 1843: Letters 1174–1406. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1990). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 8: October 1843–May 1844: Letters 1407–1617. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (1991). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 9: June 1844–December 1844: Letters 1618–1798. Wedgestone.
  • Kelley, P., Hudson, R., et al. (Eds.). (1984). The Brownings’ Correspondence. Vol. 6. Wedgestone Press.
  • Morlier, M. M. (1990). The death of Pan: Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the Romantic ego. Browning Institute Studies, 18, 131–155.
  • Palleske, E. (1860). Schiller’s life and works (G. Wallace, Trans., Vol. 2). Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.
  • Plutarch, L. M. (2003). Moralia (F. C. Babbitt, Trans., Vol. V). Harvard UP. (Original work published in c. 100 AD)
  • Raymond, M. B. (1991). Elizabeth Barrett Browning and John Kenyon: Critical cousins. Studies in Browning and His Circle, 19, 19–26. JSTOR,
  • Reed, T. J. (2002). Weimar classicism: Goethe’s alliance with Schiller. In L. Sharpe (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Goethe (pp. 101–115). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Companions to Literature.
  • Schiller, F. (2021, July 25). The Gods of Greece (D. B. Gosselin, Trans.). Thechainedmuse. (Original work published in 1788)
  • Wordsworth, W. (1997). Poems in Two Volumes. Woodstock Books. (Original work published in 1807)
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Hüseyin Alhas 0000-0002-4615-7797

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24

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