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The Effect of Cold Application on Drain-Related Pain Control After Thyroidectomy

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 226 - 231, 30.11.2020


Aim: To determine the effect of cold application on pain experienced and analgesic requirement frequency in patients with post-thyroidectomy drains.
Material and Methods: This randomized controlled trial was carried out in a Training and Research Hospital General Surgery Department in Istanbul between 15 May and 20 November, 2016. Fifty-nine patients with drains inserted post-thyroidectomy were randomly divided into two groups. Cold application was performed on the experimental group three times, 3 hours after analgesic administration on post-operative day 0, and immediately before drain removal on post-operative day 1. A cold gel pad was placed on the neck area for 20 minutes. Pain severity was measured 15 minutes after the cold application. The control group did not receive cold therapy, but pain severity was also measured.
Results: The patients in the experimental group had less pain on post-operative day 0, although the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.001). The severity of pain experienced after the removal of the drain on post-operative day 1 was significantly lower in the experimental group (p<0.001). Analgesic requirement frequencies among patients in the experimental group were significantly lower on post-operative days 0 and 1 (p≤0.001).
Conclusion: Cold application reduced drain-related pain along with analgesic requirements. It can contribute to the healing process by reducing pain.


  • 1. Al-Qahtani, Ali S., and Tarek Abouzeid Osman. Could post-thyroidectomy bleeding be the clue to modify the concept of postoperative drainage? A prospective randomized controlled study. Asian J Surg. 2018;41(5):511-16.
  • 2. Pothier DD. The use of drains following thyroid and parathyroid surgery: a meta-analysis. J Laryngol Otol. 2005;119:669-71.
  • 3. Herranz J, Latorre J. Drainage in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2007;58(1):7-9.
  • 4. Samraj K, Gurusamy KS. Wound drains following thyroid surgery. Cochrane database Syst Rev. 2007;17(4):CD006099.
  • 5. Nawaz S, Naeem A, Zeb A. Thyroid surgery: drain versus no drain. J Postgrad Med Inst. 2015;29(2):101-04.
  • 6. Portinari M, Carcoforo P. The application of drains in thyroid surgery. Gland Surg. 2017;6(5):563-73.
  • 7. Colak T, Akca T, Turkmenoglu O, Canbaz H, Ustunsoy B, Kanık A, Aydın S. Drainage after total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroidal disorders. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2008;9(4):319-23.
  • 8. Ersoz F, Celik G, Bektas H, Sari S, Gunes E, Ozcan O. Drain Usage in Noncomplicated Thyroidectomies. İstanbul Med J. 2009;1:9-11.
  • 9. Blasto ER, Waintrop C, Mourey DF, Landru PJ, Eurin GB, Jacob PL. Intravenous Ketoprofen in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Anesth Analg. 2001;92:1052-7 . 10. Duman K, Cetin B, Yigit G, Erem HH. A Retrospective Analysis of Thyroidectomy Cases Without Drain Usage: Is It Really Necessary to use Draınage Routinly in Thyroidectomy?. Gülhane Med J. 2014;56:143-46.
  • 11. Mohammadi N, Pooria A, Yarahmadi S, Tarrahi MJ, Najafizadeh H, Abbasi P, & Moradi B. Effects of cold application on chest tube removal pain in heart surgery patients. Tanaffos. 2018;17(1):29-36.
  • 12. Felfernig M, Salat A, Kimberger O, Gradisek P, Müller MR, Felfernig D. Preemptive analgesia by lornoxicam--an NSAID-significantly inhibits perioperative platelet aggregation. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2008;25(9):726-31.
  • 13. Castro J, Cooney MF. Intravenous Magnesium in the Management of Postoperative Pain. J Perianesth Nurs. 2017;32(1):72-6.
  • 14. Imani FA, Hasani V, Bazargani B, Entezari SR, Mirdehghan MH. Evaluation of oral gabapentin premedication on postoperative pain after thoracotomy. RJMS. 2009;16(62):73-9.
  • 15. Mwanza E, Gwisai RD, & Munemo C. Knowledge on Nonpharmacological Methods of Pain Management among Nurses at Bindura Hospital, Zimbabwe. Pain Res Treat. (in press). 2019.
  • 16. Pak SC, Micalos PS, Maria SJ, & Lord B. Nonpharmacological interventions for pain management in paramedicine and the emergency setting: a review of the literature. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015. 2015(873039):
  • 17. Berman AT, Synder S, Geralyn Frandsen EdD. Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing. 10th edition. Pearson Education; 2015. 18. Potter PA, Perry AG, Stockert P, Hall A. Fundamentals of Nursing- E-Book. 8th Edition. Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013.
  • 19. Pıshkar MZ, Navıdıan A, Azadı AC, Alıahmadı E. Effect of cryotherapy on the severity of thoracic pain in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Med. Surg. Nurs. J. 2016;5(1):25-31.
  • 20. Hsieh, Ling-Yu, Yi-Rong Chen, and Mei-Chun Lu. Efficacy of cold application on pain during chest tube removal: a randomized controlled trial: A CONSORT-compliant article. Medicine. 2017;96(46):1-7.
  • 21. Ertug N, Ulker S. The effect of cold application on pain due to chest tube removal. J Clin Nurs. 2012;21(5‐6):784-90.
  • 22. Babajani S, Babatabar H, Ebadi A, Mahmoudi H, Nasiri E. The effect of foot reflexology massage on the level of pain during chest tube removal after open heart surgery. Iran J Crit Care Nurs. 2014;7(1):15-22.
  • 23. Schietroma M, Pessia B, Bianchi Z, De Vita F, Carlei F, Guadagni S., ... & Clementi M. Thyroid surgery: to drain or not to drain, that is the problem-a randomized clinical trial. ORL. 2017;79(4):202-11.
  • 24. Deveci U, Altintoprak F, Sertan KM, et al. Is the use of a drain for thyroid surgery realistic? A prospective randomized interventional study. J Thyroid Res. 2013;2013: 285768.
  • 25. Aslan EF. Ağrı Doğası ve Kontrolü. Ankara:Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2014.
  • 26. Kalemera Ssenyondo E, Fualal J, Jombwe J, Galukande M. To drain or not to drain after thyroid surgery: a randomized controlled trial at a tertiary Hospital in East Africa. Afr Health Sci. 2013;13(3):748-55.
  • 27. Künzli BM, Walensi M, Wilimsky J, et al. Impact of drains on nausea and vomiting after thyroid and parathyroid surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2019;404(6):693-701.
  • 28. Fregoli L, Materazzi G, Miccoli M, Papini P, Guarino G, Wu HS, Miccoli P. Postoperative Pain Evaluation After Robotic Transaxillary Thyroidectomy Versus Conventional Thyroidectomy: A Prospective Study. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2017;27(2):146-50.
  • 29. Çöçelli LP, Bacaksız BD, Ovayolu N. Ağrı tedavisinde hemşirenin rolü. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi. 2008;14:53-58.
  • 30. Memon ZA, Ahmed G, Khan SR, Khalid M, Sultan N. Postoperative use of drain in thyroid lobectomy - a randomized clinical trial conducted at Civil Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Thyroid Res. 2012; 5:
  • 31. Erden S, Şenol Celik, S. Postthoracotomy Pain and Nurse’s Role on the Use of Analgesia Methods. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences. 2013;2(1-2-3):11-24.
  • 32. Jafari H, Emami Zeydi A, Khani S, Esmaeili R, Soleimani A. The effects of listening to preferred music on pain intensity after open heart surgery. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2012;17(1):1-6.
  • 33. Ettrich U, Seifert J, Scharnagel R, Günther KP. A multimodal and multidisciplinary postoperative pain management concept. Orthopade. 2007;36(6):546-51.
  • 34. Ganji Z, Shirvani MA, Rezaei-Abhari F, & Danesh M. The effect of intermittent local heat and cold on labor pain and child birth outcome. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2013;18(4):298-303.
  • 35. Haynes JM. Randomized controlled trial of cryoanalgesia (ice bag) to reduce pain associated with arterial puncture. Respir Care. 2015;60(1):1-5.

Tiroidektomi Sonrası Drenle İlişkili Ağrı Kontrolü Üzerine Soğuk Uygulamanın Etkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 226 - 231, 30.11.2020


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, tiroidektomi sonrası dreni olan hastaların yaşadığı ağrı ve analjezik gereksinim sıklığı üzerine soğuk uygulamanın etkisini belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Randomize kontrollü deneysel bir tasarım olan bu çalışma, Mayıs-Kasım 2016 tarihinde, İstanbulda bir Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesinin genel cerrahi servisinde yürütüldü. Tiroidektomi sonrası dren takılan 59 hasta ile yapıldı. Hastalar randomize bir şekilde iki gruba ayrıldı. Soğuk uygulama, ameliyat sonrası 0. gün analjezik uygulamalarından 3 saat sonra toplam 3 kere uygulandı. Ameliyat sonrası 1. gün ise dren çıkartılmadan hemen önce uygulama yapıldı. Soğuk jel ped boyun bölgesinde drenin üzerine yerleştirilerek, 20 dakika boyunca soğuk uygulama yapıldı. Ağrı şiddeti soğuk uygulamadan 15 dakika sonra ölçüldü. Kontrol grubuna herhangi bir girişim uygulanmadı, sadece ağrı şiddeti ölçüldü.
Bulgular: Deney grubundaki hastaların ağrı şiddeti, ameliyat sonrası 0. gün daha azdı ancak, istatistiksel bir fark bulunmadı (p>0.001); ameliyat sonrası 1. günde dren çıkarıldıktan sonraki ağrının şiddeti deney grubunda anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p<0.001). Deney grubundaki hastaların analjezik gereksinim sıklığı ameliyat sonrası 0. ve 1. günlerde anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu (p≤0.001).
Sonuç: Soğuk uygulamanın, drenle ilişkili ağrı ile beraber analjezik gereksinimini azalttığı bulundu. Soğuk uygulama ağrıyı azaltarak iyileşme sürecine katkıda bulunabilir.


  • 1. Al-Qahtani, Ali S., and Tarek Abouzeid Osman. Could post-thyroidectomy bleeding be the clue to modify the concept of postoperative drainage? A prospective randomized controlled study. Asian J Surg. 2018;41(5):511-16.
  • 2. Pothier DD. The use of drains following thyroid and parathyroid surgery: a meta-analysis. J Laryngol Otol. 2005;119:669-71.
  • 3. Herranz J, Latorre J. Drainage in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2007;58(1):7-9.
  • 4. Samraj K, Gurusamy KS. Wound drains following thyroid surgery. Cochrane database Syst Rev. 2007;17(4):CD006099.
  • 5. Nawaz S, Naeem A, Zeb A. Thyroid surgery: drain versus no drain. J Postgrad Med Inst. 2015;29(2):101-04.
  • 6. Portinari M, Carcoforo P. The application of drains in thyroid surgery. Gland Surg. 2017;6(5):563-73.
  • 7. Colak T, Akca T, Turkmenoglu O, Canbaz H, Ustunsoy B, Kanık A, Aydın S. Drainage after total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroidal disorders. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2008;9(4):319-23.
  • 8. Ersoz F, Celik G, Bektas H, Sari S, Gunes E, Ozcan O. Drain Usage in Noncomplicated Thyroidectomies. İstanbul Med J. 2009;1:9-11.
  • 9. Blasto ER, Waintrop C, Mourey DF, Landru PJ, Eurin GB, Jacob PL. Intravenous Ketoprofen in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Anesth Analg. 2001;92:1052-7 . 10. Duman K, Cetin B, Yigit G, Erem HH. A Retrospective Analysis of Thyroidectomy Cases Without Drain Usage: Is It Really Necessary to use Draınage Routinly in Thyroidectomy?. Gülhane Med J. 2014;56:143-46.
  • 11. Mohammadi N, Pooria A, Yarahmadi S, Tarrahi MJ, Najafizadeh H, Abbasi P, & Moradi B. Effects of cold application on chest tube removal pain in heart surgery patients. Tanaffos. 2018;17(1):29-36.
  • 12. Felfernig M, Salat A, Kimberger O, Gradisek P, Müller MR, Felfernig D. Preemptive analgesia by lornoxicam--an NSAID-significantly inhibits perioperative platelet aggregation. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2008;25(9):726-31.
  • 13. Castro J, Cooney MF. Intravenous Magnesium in the Management of Postoperative Pain. J Perianesth Nurs. 2017;32(1):72-6.
  • 14. Imani FA, Hasani V, Bazargani B, Entezari SR, Mirdehghan MH. Evaluation of oral gabapentin premedication on postoperative pain after thoracotomy. RJMS. 2009;16(62):73-9.
  • 15. Mwanza E, Gwisai RD, & Munemo C. Knowledge on Nonpharmacological Methods of Pain Management among Nurses at Bindura Hospital, Zimbabwe. Pain Res Treat. (in press). 2019.
  • 16. Pak SC, Micalos PS, Maria SJ, & Lord B. Nonpharmacological interventions for pain management in paramedicine and the emergency setting: a review of the literature. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015. 2015(873039):
  • 17. Berman AT, Synder S, Geralyn Frandsen EdD. Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing. 10th edition. Pearson Education; 2015. 18. Potter PA, Perry AG, Stockert P, Hall A. Fundamentals of Nursing- E-Book. 8th Edition. Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013.
  • 19. Pıshkar MZ, Navıdıan A, Azadı AC, Alıahmadı E. Effect of cryotherapy on the severity of thoracic pain in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Med. Surg. Nurs. J. 2016;5(1):25-31.
  • 20. Hsieh, Ling-Yu, Yi-Rong Chen, and Mei-Chun Lu. Efficacy of cold application on pain during chest tube removal: a randomized controlled trial: A CONSORT-compliant article. Medicine. 2017;96(46):1-7.
  • 21. Ertug N, Ulker S. The effect of cold application on pain due to chest tube removal. J Clin Nurs. 2012;21(5‐6):784-90.
  • 22. Babajani S, Babatabar H, Ebadi A, Mahmoudi H, Nasiri E. The effect of foot reflexology massage on the level of pain during chest tube removal after open heart surgery. Iran J Crit Care Nurs. 2014;7(1):15-22.
  • 23. Schietroma M, Pessia B, Bianchi Z, De Vita F, Carlei F, Guadagni S., ... & Clementi M. Thyroid surgery: to drain or not to drain, that is the problem-a randomized clinical trial. ORL. 2017;79(4):202-11.
  • 24. Deveci U, Altintoprak F, Sertan KM, et al. Is the use of a drain for thyroid surgery realistic? A prospective randomized interventional study. J Thyroid Res. 2013;2013: 285768.
  • 25. Aslan EF. Ağrı Doğası ve Kontrolü. Ankara:Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2014.
  • 26. Kalemera Ssenyondo E, Fualal J, Jombwe J, Galukande M. To drain or not to drain after thyroid surgery: a randomized controlled trial at a tertiary Hospital in East Africa. Afr Health Sci. 2013;13(3):748-55.
  • 27. Künzli BM, Walensi M, Wilimsky J, et al. Impact of drains on nausea and vomiting after thyroid and parathyroid surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2019;404(6):693-701.
  • 28. Fregoli L, Materazzi G, Miccoli M, Papini P, Guarino G, Wu HS, Miccoli P. Postoperative Pain Evaluation After Robotic Transaxillary Thyroidectomy Versus Conventional Thyroidectomy: A Prospective Study. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2017;27(2):146-50.
  • 29. Çöçelli LP, Bacaksız BD, Ovayolu N. Ağrı tedavisinde hemşirenin rolü. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi. 2008;14:53-58.
  • 30. Memon ZA, Ahmed G, Khan SR, Khalid M, Sultan N. Postoperative use of drain in thyroid lobectomy - a randomized clinical trial conducted at Civil Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Thyroid Res. 2012; 5:
  • 31. Erden S, Şenol Celik, S. Postthoracotomy Pain and Nurse’s Role on the Use of Analgesia Methods. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences. 2013;2(1-2-3):11-24.
  • 32. Jafari H, Emami Zeydi A, Khani S, Esmaeili R, Soleimani A. The effects of listening to preferred music on pain intensity after open heart surgery. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2012;17(1):1-6.
  • 33. Ettrich U, Seifert J, Scharnagel R, Günther KP. A multimodal and multidisciplinary postoperative pain management concept. Orthopade. 2007;36(6):546-51.
  • 34. Ganji Z, Shirvani MA, Rezaei-Abhari F, & Danesh M. The effect of intermittent local heat and cold on labor pain and child birth outcome. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2013;18(4):298-303.
  • 35. Haynes JM. Randomized controlled trial of cryoanalgesia (ice bag) to reduce pain associated with arterial puncture. Respir Care. 2015;60(1):1-5.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Zeynep Temiz Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7053-3046

Aylin Aydın Sayılan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0576-8732

Yalçın Kanbay Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8025-9877

Cevher Akarsu Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1650-8805

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Temiz Z, Aydın Sayılan A, Kanbay Y, Akarsu C. The Effect of Cold Application on Drain-Related Pain Control After Thyroidectomy. HUHEMFAD. 2020;7(3):226-31.