Study is carried out to determine the strains of caregivers of Alzheimer patients. The sample of this descriptive study is comprised of 50 caregivers. Literature based questionnaire were used for data collection. Chi square and Fisher's exact tests were used to evaluate the data. 64% of caregivers were feeling strain in family life because of caring, 40.6% couldn't take support, 34.4% feel psychological strain and 18.8% feel economical strain. While 90% of caregivers' daily life were influenced, 83.3% were having problem in caring. Significant difference was determined between patients' wandering problem and feeling strain in family life and having problem in caring; patients' fecal incontinence problem and caregivers' having problem in caring (p0.05). There was no significant difference between status of having support and feeling strain in family life (p>0.05); there was difference between caregivers' having another person to look after and feeling strain in family life; caregivers' problem in caring and caregivers information needs; caregivers' economic status that influenced from caring and feeling strain in family life (p
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Nüfus Kayıt Sonuçları. URL: http:// 11 Ağustos 2010.
Mark M. Pathogenesis of neurodegeneratif disorders. New Jersey:Humana Pres.;2001.
Cankurtaran M. Alzheimer hastasının tedavisinde dikkate alınacak noktalar. 7.Ulusal İç Hastalıkları Kongresi; 19-24 Eylül 2005; Antalya.
Ganguli M, Dodge H, Shen C, Pandav R, Dekosky S. Alzheimer disease and mortality: a 15 year epidemiological study. Archives of Neurology 2005;62(5):779 -84.
Ritchie K, Lovestone S. The dementias seminar. The Lancet 2002; 360(30);1759-66.
Family Caregiving. URL:
National%20Family%20Caregiver%20Support%20Program.pdf. 22 Ağustos 2010.
Haley W. The family caregivers role in alzheimer disease. Neurology 1997; 48(Supp 6): 25-29.
Akdemir N. Evde bakım. II. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi; 20-24 Ekim 2003; Antalya.
Akbayrak N. Bakım verenlerin sorunları. I. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi; 30 Ekim- 3 Kasım 2002; Antalya.
Akdemir N, Fesçi H, Yurtsever S. Evde bakım gereksinimi olan hastalara bakım veren bireylerin karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin belirlenmesi. I.Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi; 30 Ekim- 3 Kasım 2002; Antalya.
Duffy H. The Alzheimer’s Association national policy agenda. Nc Med. 2005; 66(1): 26-29.
Deeken J, Taylor K, Mangan P, Yabroff K, Ingham J. Care for the caregivers: a review of self-reported instruments developed to measure the burden, needs, and quality of life of informal caregivers. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2003; 26(4):922-53.
Dileköz A. Alzheimer hastalarına bakım veren yakınlarının tükenmişlik ve stresle başa çıkma tarzlarının karşılaştırılması. Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, 2003.
Gubrium J. Family responsibility and caregiving in the qualitative analysis of the Alzheimer’s disease experience. Journal of Marriage and Family 2002; 50(1):197-207.
Mittelman M. Family Caregiving for people with alzheimer’s disease: results of the NYU spouse caregiver intervention study. Generations 2002; 26(1):104-6.
Ho B, Freidland J, Rappolt S, Noh S. Caregiving for relatives with alzheimer’s disease: feelings of chinese-canadian women. Journal of Aging Studies 2003; 17:301-21.
Stevens L. Alzheimer disease. JAMA 2001; 286(17):2194.
Akdemir N, Birol L. İç hastalıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. Ankara: Sistem Ofset;2004.
Matsuda N. For betterment of family care for the aged with dementia. Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 2001; 47:123-29.
Covinsky KE, Goldman L, Cook EF, Oye R, Desbiens R, Reding D, et al. The impact of serious illness on patients’ families SUPPORT investigators (Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatment). JAMA 1994; 272 (23): 1839-1844.
Wackerbarth S, Johnson M. The carrot and the stick: Benefits and barriers in getting a diagnosis. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders 2002;16(4):213–220.
Gauthier S. Clinical diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease. 2nd Edition. United Kingdom: Martin Dunitz Ltd.;1999.
Wolf-Klein GP, Silverstone FA, Levy AP. Nutrional patterns and weight changes in Alzheimer patients. International Psychogeriatrics 1992; 4:103-111.
Navratilova M, Sobotka L, Jarkovsky J. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have higher risk of malnutrisyon than other patients with dementia. 21st Internatıonal Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International; 2005; İstanbul.
Gillick M, Mitchell S. Facing eating difficulties in end stage dementia. Alzheimer Care Quarterly 2002;3(3):227-232.
Bourgeois M. The challenge of communicating with persons with dementia. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly 2002; 3(2):132-144.
Shimabukuro J, Awata S, Matsuoka H. Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia characteristic of mild Alzheimer patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2005;59:274– 279.
Cummings JL.Çev: Kara-Sevin K. Alzheimer hastalığı ve diğer demanslarda davranışsal bozuklukların tanınması ve tedavisi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi 1996; 2(3-4): 113-120.
Cole C, Richards K. Sleep and cognition in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2005; 26:687-698.
Kumamoto K, Arai Y. Validation of “personal strain” and “role strain”: subscales of the short version of the japanese version of the Zarit Burden Interview. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2004; 58: 606-610.
Bilgili N. Yaşlı Bireye bakım veren ailelerin yaşadıkları sorunların belirlenmesi, Hemşirelik Programı Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2000.
Hosaka T, Sugiyama Y. Structured interventıon in family caregivers of the demented elderly and changes in their immune functıon. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2003; 57: 147-151.
Wright L, Hickey J, Buckwalter K, Hendrix S, Kelechi T. Emotional and physical health of spouse caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1999; 30(3): 552-563.
Takahaski M, Katsutoshi T, Miyaoka H. Depression and associated factors of informal caregivers versus professıonal caregivers of demented patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2005; 59: 473-480.
Wackerbarth S, Johnson M. Essential information and support needs of family caregivers. Patient Education And Counseling 2002; 47: 95-100.
Marin D, Dugue M, Schmeidler J. The Caregiver activity survey (CAS): Longitudinal validation of an instrument that measures time spent caregiving for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2002; 15: 680-86.
Rossi Ferrario S, Vitaliano P, Zotti AM. Alzheimer’s disease: Usefulness and the screen for caregiver burden in the study of caregiving- related problems. Internetional Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2003; 18: 1110-1114.
Mausbach B, Coon D, Depp C. Ethnicity and time to institutionalization of dementia patients: A comparison of latina and caucasian female caregivers. Journal of American Geriatric Society 2004; 52: 1077-1084.
Lieberman M, Fisher L. The effects of nursing home placement on family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The Gerontologist 2001; 41(6): 819-826.
Rossi Ferrario S, Zotti AM, Ippoliti, M., Zotti, P. Caregiving-related needs analysis: A proposed model reflecting current research and social-political developments. Health and Social Care in the Community 2002; 11(2): 103-110.
Almberg B, Jansson W, Grafström M, Winblad B. Differences between and within genders in caregiving strain: A comparison between caregivers of demented and non-caregivers of non-demented elderly people. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1998; 28(4): 849-858.
Bu araştırma, Alzheimer hastalarına bakım verenlerin yaşadıkları güçlükleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı olarak 50 bakım veren ile yapılan araştırmada, veri toplama aracı olarak, araştırmacı tarafından ilgili literatür incelerek geliştirilen veri toplama formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel değerlendirilmesinde Ki-kare ve Fisher's exact testleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre bakım verenlerin %64'ü bakım verme nedeniyle ailede güçlük yaşamakta, güçlük yaşayanların %40.6'sı bakımda destek alamama, %34.4'ü psikolojik, %18.8'i ekonomik güçlük yaşamaktadır. Bakım verenlerin %90'ının günlük yaşamı etkilenirken, hastası ileri evrede olan bakım verenlerin %83.3'ü bakımda sorun yaşamaktadır. Bakım verenlerin hastanın amaçsız gezinme sorunu olması ile ailede güçlük ve bakımda sorun; fekal inkontinansı olması ile bakımda sorun yaşaması arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunurken (p0.05). Bakım verenlerin destek alma durumları ile ailede güçlük yaşama durumları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmazken (p>0.05), Alzheimer hastası dışında bakım verilen bir başka kişinin olması ile ailede güçlük yaşaması arasındaki fark; bakım verenin bakımda sorun yaşaması ile bilgi gereksinimi olma durumu arasındaki fark ve bakım verenin ekonomik durumunun hastalık nedeniyle etkilenmesi ile ailede güçlük yaşaması arasındaki fark önemli bulunmuştur (p
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Nüfus Kayıt Sonuçları. URL: http:// 11 Ağustos 2010.
Mark M. Pathogenesis of neurodegeneratif disorders. New Jersey:Humana Pres.;2001.
Cankurtaran M. Alzheimer hastasının tedavisinde dikkate alınacak noktalar. 7.Ulusal İç Hastalıkları Kongresi; 19-24 Eylül 2005; Antalya.
Ganguli M, Dodge H, Shen C, Pandav R, Dekosky S. Alzheimer disease and mortality: a 15 year epidemiological study. Archives of Neurology 2005;62(5):779 -84.
Ritchie K, Lovestone S. The dementias seminar. The Lancet 2002; 360(30);1759-66.
Family Caregiving. URL:
National%20Family%20Caregiver%20Support%20Program.pdf. 22 Ağustos 2010.
Haley W. The family caregivers role in alzheimer disease. Neurology 1997; 48(Supp 6): 25-29.
Akdemir N. Evde bakım. II. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi; 20-24 Ekim 2003; Antalya.
Akbayrak N. Bakım verenlerin sorunları. I. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi; 30 Ekim- 3 Kasım 2002; Antalya.
Akdemir N, Fesçi H, Yurtsever S. Evde bakım gereksinimi olan hastalara bakım veren bireylerin karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin belirlenmesi. I.Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi; 30 Ekim- 3 Kasım 2002; Antalya.
Duffy H. The Alzheimer’s Association national policy agenda. Nc Med. 2005; 66(1): 26-29.
Deeken J, Taylor K, Mangan P, Yabroff K, Ingham J. Care for the caregivers: a review of self-reported instruments developed to measure the burden, needs, and quality of life of informal caregivers. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2003; 26(4):922-53.
Dileköz A. Alzheimer hastalarına bakım veren yakınlarının tükenmişlik ve stresle başa çıkma tarzlarının karşılaştırılması. Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, 2003.
Gubrium J. Family responsibility and caregiving in the qualitative analysis of the Alzheimer’s disease experience. Journal of Marriage and Family 2002; 50(1):197-207.
Mittelman M. Family Caregiving for people with alzheimer’s disease: results of the NYU spouse caregiver intervention study. Generations 2002; 26(1):104-6.
Ho B, Freidland J, Rappolt S, Noh S. Caregiving for relatives with alzheimer’s disease: feelings of chinese-canadian women. Journal of Aging Studies 2003; 17:301-21.
Stevens L. Alzheimer disease. JAMA 2001; 286(17):2194.
Akdemir N, Birol L. İç hastalıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. Ankara: Sistem Ofset;2004.
Matsuda N. For betterment of family care for the aged with dementia. Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 2001; 47:123-29.
Covinsky KE, Goldman L, Cook EF, Oye R, Desbiens R, Reding D, et al. The impact of serious illness on patients’ families SUPPORT investigators (Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatment). JAMA 1994; 272 (23): 1839-1844.
Wackerbarth S, Johnson M. The carrot and the stick: Benefits and barriers in getting a diagnosis. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders 2002;16(4):213–220.
Gauthier S. Clinical diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease. 2nd Edition. United Kingdom: Martin Dunitz Ltd.;1999.
Wolf-Klein GP, Silverstone FA, Levy AP. Nutrional patterns and weight changes in Alzheimer patients. International Psychogeriatrics 1992; 4:103-111.
Navratilova M, Sobotka L, Jarkovsky J. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have higher risk of malnutrisyon than other patients with dementia. 21st Internatıonal Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International; 2005; İstanbul.
Gillick M, Mitchell S. Facing eating difficulties in end stage dementia. Alzheimer Care Quarterly 2002;3(3):227-232.
Bourgeois M. The challenge of communicating with persons with dementia. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly 2002; 3(2):132-144.
Shimabukuro J, Awata S, Matsuoka H. Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia characteristic of mild Alzheimer patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2005;59:274– 279.
Cummings JL.Çev: Kara-Sevin K. Alzheimer hastalığı ve diğer demanslarda davranışsal bozuklukların tanınması ve tedavisi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi 1996; 2(3-4): 113-120.
Cole C, Richards K. Sleep and cognition in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2005; 26:687-698.
Kumamoto K, Arai Y. Validation of “personal strain” and “role strain”: subscales of the short version of the japanese version of the Zarit Burden Interview. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2004; 58: 606-610.
Bilgili N. Yaşlı Bireye bakım veren ailelerin yaşadıkları sorunların belirlenmesi, Hemşirelik Programı Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2000.
Hosaka T, Sugiyama Y. Structured interventıon in family caregivers of the demented elderly and changes in their immune functıon. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2003; 57: 147-151.
Wright L, Hickey J, Buckwalter K, Hendrix S, Kelechi T. Emotional and physical health of spouse caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1999; 30(3): 552-563.
Takahaski M, Katsutoshi T, Miyaoka H. Depression and associated factors of informal caregivers versus professıonal caregivers of demented patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2005; 59: 473-480.
Wackerbarth S, Johnson M. Essential information and support needs of family caregivers. Patient Education And Counseling 2002; 47: 95-100.
Marin D, Dugue M, Schmeidler J. The Caregiver activity survey (CAS): Longitudinal validation of an instrument that measures time spent caregiving for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2002; 15: 680-86.
Rossi Ferrario S, Vitaliano P, Zotti AM. Alzheimer’s disease: Usefulness and the screen for caregiver burden in the study of caregiving- related problems. Internetional Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2003; 18: 1110-1114.
Mausbach B, Coon D, Depp C. Ethnicity and time to institutionalization of dementia patients: A comparison of latina and caucasian female caregivers. Journal of American Geriatric Society 2004; 52: 1077-1084.
Lieberman M, Fisher L. The effects of nursing home placement on family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The Gerontologist 2001; 41(6): 819-826.
Rossi Ferrario S, Zotti AM, Ippoliti, M., Zotti, P. Caregiving-related needs analysis: A proposed model reflecting current research and social-political developments. Health and Social Care in the Community 2002; 11(2): 103-110.
Almberg B, Jansson W, Grafström M, Winblad B. Differences between and within genders in caregiving strain: A comparison between caregivers of demented and non-caregivers of non-demented elderly people. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1998; 28(4): 849-858.