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Yıl 2001, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 97 - 122, 31.12.2001


Bu çalışmanın amacı,
yolsuzlukla ilgili olarak yapılmış ampirik çalışmaların bulgularını
değerlendirmektir. Bunlardan birinci grup çalışma yolsuzluğun nedenlerine
ilişkin iken, ikinci grup çalışma yolsuzluğun sonuçlarına ilişkindir. Birinci
grup çalışmaların bulgularına göre; kanun hâkimiyeti, kamu harcamaları,
bürokratik kalite, doğal kaynak bolluğu, sanayileşme politikaları, rekabet
gücü, kamu sektöründe maaş ve ücret haddi ile yolsuzluk karşıtı kanunlar,
yolsuzluğun ana nedenleridir. İkinci grup çalışmaların bulgularına göre
yolsuzluk; düşük ekonomik büyüme hızına, yüksek enflâsyon değişkenliğine, düşük
doğrudan yabancı yatırımların azalmasına, kamu gelirlerinin azalmasına, sermaye
yoğun kamu yatırımlarının artmasına, kayıt dışı ekonominin artmasına, eğitim ve
sağlık harcamalarının azalmasına, askerî harcamaların artmasına ve gelir
eşitsizliğinin artmasına neden olmaktadır.


  • Ades, A. Ve R. Di Tella. “The Causes And Consequences Of Corruption: A Review Of Recent Empirical Contributions” Ids Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.2, 1996: 7-11.
  • Al-Mahrubı, Fahim.“Corruption And Inflation” Economic Letters, 66, 2000:199- 202.
  • Alesina A. Ve B. Weder. “Do Corrupt Governments Receive Less Foreign Aid?” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1999, No. 7108.
  • Bardhan N, Pranab. “Corruption And Development: A Review Of Issues” Journal Of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV, September 1997:1320-1346.
  • Besley, T. Ve J. Mclaren. “Taxes And Bribery: The Role Of Wage Incentives” The Economic Journal, 103, January 1993:119-141.
  • Braun, M. ve R. Di Tella. “Inflation and Corruption.” (Yayımlanmamış Makale), Massachussetts: Harvard University, 2000.
  • Campos, E.J., D. Lıen Ve S. Pradhan. “The Impact of Corruption on Investment: Predictability Matters” World Development, 27 (6), 1999: 1059-1067.
  • Chand, S.K. Ve K.O. Moene. “Controlling Fiscal Corruption.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1997: No.100.
  • Charap, J. Ve C. Harm. “Institutionalized Corruption and Kleptocratic State." International Monetary Fund Working Paper 1999: No.91.
  • Cingi, Selçuk. “Yolsuzluk Olgusu ve Ekonomik Analizi Üzerine Notlar.” Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadî ve İdarî Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt. 12, 1994:1-18.
  • Di Tella R. Ve E. Schargordsky. “The Role of Wages and Auditing during a Crackdown on Corruption in the City of Buenos Aires.” (Yayımlanmamış Makale) Massachussetts, Harvard University, 2000.
  • Djankov, S., R. La Porta, F.L. de Silanes ve A. Shleifer. “The Regulation of Entry.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 2000, No. 7892.
  • Frıedman, E.,S. Johnson, D.Kaufmann Ve P. Zoido-Lobaton “Dodging the Grabbing Hand: The Determinants of Unofficial Activity in 69 Countries.” Journal of Public Economics 76, 2000: 459-493.
  • Ghura, Dhaneshwar. “Tax Revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effects of Economic Policies and Corruption.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1998: No. 135.
  • Gupta, S., H. Davoodi Ve R. Alonso-Terme. “Does Corruption Affect Income Equality and Poverty?” International Monetary Fund. Working Paper, 1998, No.76.
  • Gupta, S., L. De Mello Ve R. Saharan. “Corruption and Military Spending” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 2000, No.23.
  • Gupta, S., H. Davoodı Ve E. Tıongson “Corruption and the Provision of Health Care, and Education Services.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 2000, No.116.
  • Hınes, James R. “Forbidden Payment: Foreign Bribery and American Business After 1977.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1995:5266. Huntıngton Samuel. Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven and London: Yale University Press,1968.
  • Johnson, S., D. Kaufmann, J. Mcmillan Ve C. Woodruff. “Why do firms hide? Bribes and Unofficial Activity after Communism.” Journal of Public Economics, 76, 2000:495-520.
  • Kaufmann, D. Ve S.J. Weı. “Does “Grease Money” Speed Up the Wheels of Commerce.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1999: No. 7093.
  • Krueger, O. Anne. “The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.” The American Economic Review, Vol.64, No.3, 1974:291-303.
  • Leff, Nathaniel. “Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption” American Behavioral Scientist, 8 (3), 1964:8-14.
  • Leıte, C. Ve J. Weıdmann. “Does Mother Nature Corrupt? Natural Resources, Corruption, and Economic Growth.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1999: No. 85.
  • Mauro, Paolo.“Corruption And Growth” The Quarterly Journal Of Economics August, 1995:681-712.
  • Mauro, Paolo. “Corruption and the composition of government expenditure” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 69, 1998:263-279.
  • Pigou, A.C. The Economics of Welfore. London: Macmillen and co. 1938.
  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan. “The Political Economy of Corruption.” K. A. Elliott (der.) Corruption and Global Economy içinde, Washington, DC, 1998:31-60.
  • Salimbene, Franklyn. “The OAS and the OECD Move against Transnational Bribery: Implications for U.S. Business and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.” Business and Society Review, Vol. 104, No.1, 1999: 91-105.
  • Shleifer, A. ve R. Vishny. The Grabbing Hand. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1998.
  • Smarzynska, B. ve S. Wei. “Corruption and Composition of Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Evidence.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 2000: No. 7969.
  • Stıgler, G.J. “The Theory of Economic Regulation” Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science II, 1971: 3-21.
  • Tanzı, V. ve H. DAVOODI. “Corruption, Public Investment and Growth.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1997: No.139.
  • Tosun, Umur Mustafa. “Bir Kamusal Başarısızlık Örneği: Yolsuzluk” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Maliye Anabilim Dalı, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara: 2001.
  • Treisman, Daniel. “The Causes of Corruption: a Cross-National Study”Journal of Public Economics, 76, 2000:399-457.
  • Van Rıjckeghem C. Ve B. Weder. “Corruption and the Rate of Temptation: Do Low Wages in Civil Service Cause Corruption.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1997, No. 73.
  • Varıan, R.Hal. Intermediate Microeconomics. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1990.
  • Wei, Shang-Jin. “How Taxing Is Corruption on International Investors?” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1997: No. 6030.

Notes on Empirical Studies of Corruption

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 97 - 122, 31.12.2001


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the empirical findings of
studies applied on the subject of corruption. A first group of studies is about
the determinants of corruption and a second group of studies is about the consequences
of corruption. According to the findings of the first group of studies: rule of
law, government expenditure, bureaucratic quality, natural resource abundance,
industrialization policies, degree of competitiveness, wages and salaries in
public sector and anti-corruption laws are found to be the main determinants of
corruption. According to the findings of the second group of studies: low level
of economic growth, high level of inflationist pressure variability, low level
of foreign direct investment, decreasing level of government revenues, increase
in level of capital intensive public investment, increase in the size of
underground economy, decrease in educational and health expenditures increase
in military spending, worsening income distribution are found to be the main
consequences of corruption.     


  • Ades, A. Ve R. Di Tella. “The Causes And Consequences Of Corruption: A Review Of Recent Empirical Contributions” Ids Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.2, 1996: 7-11.
  • Al-Mahrubı, Fahim.“Corruption And Inflation” Economic Letters, 66, 2000:199- 202.
  • Alesina A. Ve B. Weder. “Do Corrupt Governments Receive Less Foreign Aid?” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1999, No. 7108.
  • Bardhan N, Pranab. “Corruption And Development: A Review Of Issues” Journal Of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV, September 1997:1320-1346.
  • Besley, T. Ve J. Mclaren. “Taxes And Bribery: The Role Of Wage Incentives” The Economic Journal, 103, January 1993:119-141.
  • Braun, M. ve R. Di Tella. “Inflation and Corruption.” (Yayımlanmamış Makale), Massachussetts: Harvard University, 2000.
  • Campos, E.J., D. Lıen Ve S. Pradhan. “The Impact of Corruption on Investment: Predictability Matters” World Development, 27 (6), 1999: 1059-1067.
  • Chand, S.K. Ve K.O. Moene. “Controlling Fiscal Corruption.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1997: No.100.
  • Charap, J. Ve C. Harm. “Institutionalized Corruption and Kleptocratic State." International Monetary Fund Working Paper 1999: No.91.
  • Cingi, Selçuk. “Yolsuzluk Olgusu ve Ekonomik Analizi Üzerine Notlar.” Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadî ve İdarî Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt. 12, 1994:1-18.
  • Di Tella R. Ve E. Schargordsky. “The Role of Wages and Auditing during a Crackdown on Corruption in the City of Buenos Aires.” (Yayımlanmamış Makale) Massachussetts, Harvard University, 2000.
  • Djankov, S., R. La Porta, F.L. de Silanes ve A. Shleifer. “The Regulation of Entry.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 2000, No. 7892.
  • Frıedman, E.,S. Johnson, D.Kaufmann Ve P. Zoido-Lobaton “Dodging the Grabbing Hand: The Determinants of Unofficial Activity in 69 Countries.” Journal of Public Economics 76, 2000: 459-493.
  • Ghura, Dhaneshwar. “Tax Revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effects of Economic Policies and Corruption.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1998: No. 135.
  • Gupta, S., H. Davoodi Ve R. Alonso-Terme. “Does Corruption Affect Income Equality and Poverty?” International Monetary Fund. Working Paper, 1998, No.76.
  • Gupta, S., L. De Mello Ve R. Saharan. “Corruption and Military Spending” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 2000, No.23.
  • Gupta, S., H. Davoodı Ve E. Tıongson “Corruption and the Provision of Health Care, and Education Services.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 2000, No.116.
  • Hınes, James R. “Forbidden Payment: Foreign Bribery and American Business After 1977.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1995:5266. Huntıngton Samuel. Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven and London: Yale University Press,1968.
  • Johnson, S., D. Kaufmann, J. Mcmillan Ve C. Woodruff. “Why do firms hide? Bribes and Unofficial Activity after Communism.” Journal of Public Economics, 76, 2000:495-520.
  • Kaufmann, D. Ve S.J. Weı. “Does “Grease Money” Speed Up the Wheels of Commerce.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1999: No. 7093.
  • Krueger, O. Anne. “The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.” The American Economic Review, Vol.64, No.3, 1974:291-303.
  • Leff, Nathaniel. “Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption” American Behavioral Scientist, 8 (3), 1964:8-14.
  • Leıte, C. Ve J. Weıdmann. “Does Mother Nature Corrupt? Natural Resources, Corruption, and Economic Growth.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1999: No. 85.
  • Mauro, Paolo.“Corruption And Growth” The Quarterly Journal Of Economics August, 1995:681-712.
  • Mauro, Paolo. “Corruption and the composition of government expenditure” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 69, 1998:263-279.
  • Pigou, A.C. The Economics of Welfore. London: Macmillen and co. 1938.
  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan. “The Political Economy of Corruption.” K. A. Elliott (der.) Corruption and Global Economy içinde, Washington, DC, 1998:31-60.
  • Salimbene, Franklyn. “The OAS and the OECD Move against Transnational Bribery: Implications for U.S. Business and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.” Business and Society Review, Vol. 104, No.1, 1999: 91-105.
  • Shleifer, A. ve R. Vishny. The Grabbing Hand. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1998.
  • Smarzynska, B. ve S. Wei. “Corruption and Composition of Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Evidence.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 2000: No. 7969.
  • Stıgler, G.J. “The Theory of Economic Regulation” Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science II, 1971: 3-21.
  • Tanzı, V. ve H. DAVOODI. “Corruption, Public Investment and Growth.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1997: No.139.
  • Tosun, Umur Mustafa. “Bir Kamusal Başarısızlık Örneği: Yolsuzluk” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Maliye Anabilim Dalı, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara: 2001.
  • Treisman, Daniel. “The Causes of Corruption: a Cross-National Study”Journal of Public Economics, 76, 2000:399-457.
  • Van Rıjckeghem C. Ve B. Weder. “Corruption and the Rate of Temptation: Do Low Wages in Civil Service Cause Corruption.” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 1997, No. 73.
  • Varıan, R.Hal. Intermediate Microeconomics. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1990.
  • Wei, Shang-Jin. “How Taxing Is Corruption on International Investors?” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 1997: No. 6030.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Umur Tosun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2001
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tosun, U. (2001). YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 97-122.
AMA Tosun U. YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Aralık 2001;19(2):97-122.
Chicago Tosun, Umur. “YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 19, sy. 2 (Aralık 2001): 97-122.
EndNote Tosun U (01 Aralık 2001) YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 19 2 97–122.
IEEE U. Tosun, “YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 2, ss. 97–122, 2001.
ISNAD Tosun, Umur. “YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 19/2 (Aralık 2001), 97-122.
JAMA Tosun U. YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2001;19:97–122.
MLA Tosun, Umur. “YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 2, 2001, ss. 97-122.
Vancouver Tosun U. YOLSUZLUK OLGUSUNA YÖNELİK YAPILAN AMPİRİK ÇALIŞMALAR ÜZERİNE NOTLAR. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2001;19(2):97-122.

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