Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 1 - 18, 31.03.2015
Hale Akbulut
Mehmet Cahit Güran
aim of this study is to examine the relationship between public transfer
payments and economic growth with a dynamic method for developing countries.
The econometric model is constituted by eliminating some previous deficiencies
about model spesification, sample and method. The relationship is tested with
system-GMM method for 27 developing countries (1990-2011). As a conclusion, the
long run effect of public transfer payments on economic growth is found to be
positive and statistically significant. In this context, public transfer
payments are productive expenditures in developing countries in the long run and
serve to eliminate the problem of low income levels.
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- Pickelmann, K., W. Roeger (2008) “Employment and Labour Productivity in the EU: Reconsidering a Potential Trade-Off in the Lisbon Strategy” in B. Eichengreen, M. Landesmann, and D. Stiefel (ed.), The European Economy in an American Mirror, 128-142.
- Pritchett, L. (2001) “Where Has All The Education Gone?”, World Bank Economic Review, 15(3), 367-391.
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- Sala-i-Martin, X. (1996) “Transfers, Social Safety Nets and Economic Growth”, IMF Working Paper, 44(1), 81-102.
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Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 1 - 18, 31.03.2015
Hale Akbulut
Mehmet Cahit Güran
Bu çalışmanın amacı kamu transfer harcamaları ve iktisadi büyüme ilişkisinin dinamik bir yöntem ile gelişmekte olan ülkeler için sınanmasıdır. Literatürde yer alan önceki çalışmaların model spesifikasyonu, örneklem ve yöntemlerine ilişkin eksiklikler giderilerek oluşturulan ekonometrik model; sistem GMM yöntemi kullanılarak 27 gelişmekte olan ülke verileri (1990-2011) ile test edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda kamu transfer harcamalarının uzun dönem iktisadi büyüme üzerindeki etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bulunmuştur. Bu bağlamda, kamu transfer harcamaları gelişmekte olan ülkelerde uzun dönemde üretken kamu harcaması niteliğinde olup düşük gelir düzeyi sorununun çözümüne hizmet etmektedir.
- Acemoğlu, D. (2007) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Aghion, P., P. Howitt (2009) The Economics of Growth, London: MIT Press.
- Arellano, M., S. Bond (1991) “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and An Application to Employment Equations”, Review of Economic Studies, 58(2), 277-297.
- Arellano, M., O. Bover (1995) “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error- Componenets Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 29-51.
- Barro, R.J. (1990) “Government Spending in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), 103-125.
- Barro, R.J. (1991) “ Economic Growth in a Cross-Section of Countries”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(2), 407-43.
- Beaudry, P., F. Collard (2002) “Why Has the Employment Productivity Trade-off Among Industrialized Countries Been So Strong?”, NBER Working Paper, 8754, Cambridge.
- Berg, H.V. (2001) Economic Growth and Development, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc..
- Bleaney, M., N. Gemmell, R. Kneller (2001) “Testing the Endogenous Growth Model: Public Expenditure, Taxation and Growth over the Long Run”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 34(1), 36-57.
- Bose, N., M.E. Haque, D.R. Osborn (2003) “Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Disaggregated Analysis for Developing Countries”, The Manchester School, 75(5), 533-56.
- Brons, M., H.L.F. Groot, P. Nijkamp (1999) “Growth Effects of Fiscal Policies: A Comparative Analysis in a Multi- Country Context”, Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy, 31(4), 547-72.
- Devarajan, S., V. Swaroop, H. Zou (1996) “The Composition of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 37(2), 313-344.
- Dew-Becker, G., R.J. Gordon (2008) “ The Role of Labor Market Changes in the Slowdown of European Productivity Growth”, National Bureau of Economic Research, 13840, Cambridge.
- International Monetary Fund (2012) World Economic Outlook Report, /external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/01.
- İslam, N. (1995) “Growth Empirics: A Panel Data Approach”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, CX, 1127-1170.
- Keane, M.P., E.S. Prasad (2000) “Inequality, Transfers and Growth: New Evidence from the Economic Transition in Poland”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(2), 324-41.
- Khadraoui, N. (2012) “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Static and Dynamic Panel Data Analysis”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(5), 94- 104.
- King, R., S. Rebello (1990) “Public Policy and Economic Growth: Developing Neoclassical Implications”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), 126-151.
- Kneller, R., M.F. Bleaney, N. Gemmell (1999) “Fiscal Policy and Growth: Evidence from OECD Countries”, Journal of Public Economics, 74(2), 171-90.
- Landau, D. (1983) "Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Cross Country Study", Southern Economic Journal, 49(3), 783-792.
- Mcguckin, R., V.B. Ark (2005) “Productivity and Participation: An International Comparison”, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, 78, Groningen.
- Mileva, E. (2007) Using Arellano-Bond Dynamic Panel GMM Estimators in Stata, University of Fordham Ağ Sitesi: htttp://–...
- Miller, S.M., F.S. Russek (1993) “Fiscal Structures and Economic Growth: International Structures”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 9309001.
- Narvaez, R.C. (2004) “The Composition of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth Inflow and Middle-Income Countries”, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(6), 39-50.
- Pickelmann, K., W. Roeger (2008) “Employment and Labour Productivity in the EU: Reconsidering a Potential Trade-Off in the Lisbon Strategy” in B. Eichengreen, M. Landesmann, and D. Stiefel (ed.), The European Economy in an American Mirror, 128-142.
- Pritchett, L. (2001) “Where Has All The Education Gone?”, World Bank Economic Review, 15(3), 367-391.
- Rajkumar, A.S., V. Swaroop (2002) “Public Spending and Outcomes: Does Governance Matter?”, Policy Research Working Paper, 2840, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Romero, A.D., R. Strauch (2003) “Public Finances and Long-Term Growth in Europe- Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis”, ECB Working Paper, 246, Frankfurt.
- Rubinson, R. (1977) "Dependency, Government Revenue, and Economic Growth", 1955-70. Studies in Comparative International Development, 12, 3-28.
- Sala-i-Martin, X. (1996) “Transfers, Social Safety Nets and Economic Growth”, IMF Working Paper, 44(1), 81-102.
- Solow, R. (1956) “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), 65-94.
- Swan T.W. (1956) “Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation”, Economic Record, 32(63), 334-61.
- Terasawa, K.L. (1998) “Relationships between Government Size and Economic Growth, Japan’s Government Reforms and Evidence from OECD”, International Public Management Journal, 1(2), 195-223.
- Thewissen, S.H. (Haziran 2012) “Is the Income Distribution or Redistribution that Affects Growth?”, 18th International Research Seminar of the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security, Sigtuna.
- World Bank (2013) World Development Indicator (WDI-GDF). /data-catalog/world-development-indicators.