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İndirilemeyen Foley Kateter Balonları İçin Yeni Bir Yöntem ve Algoritma

Yıl 2024, , 464 - 468, 27.12.2024


Amaç: Nadir durumlarda, foley kateter çıkarma veya değiştirme sırasında foley kateter balonu indirile-mez. Bu çalışmada, foley kateter balonu indirilemeyen hastalar için bir tedavi algoritması oluşturmayı ve yeni uygulanan bir yöntemin etkinliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
Materyal ve Metod: Ocak 2020 ile Temmuz 2023 arasında kliniğimize foley kateterin çıkarılamaması nedeniyle başvuran 55 erkek hasta değerlendirildi. Kliniğimizde uyguladığımız algoritma doğrultusunda uygulanan yöntemler komplikasyonlar açısından değerlendirildi. Ancak, literatürde daha önce tanımlan-mamış yeni bir yöntem de komplikasyonlar ve etkinlik açısından değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Toplam 55 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 73,8 yıl olarak bulundu. Ortalama foley kateter kalış süresi 14,9±8 gündü. Hastaların kateterizasyon nedenlerine baktığımızda; 5 hastaya nörojenik mesane, 30 hastaya hareket kısıtlılığı ve 10 hastaya mesane çıkım obstrüksiyonu nedeniyle idrar yapamama sebebiyle kateter takılmıştı. Tüm hastalar, uyguladığımız algoritma ile başa-rıyla tedavi edildi.
Sonuç: Nadir durumlarda foley kateter balonunun söndürülememesi, hastalar için oldukça rahatsız edici bir durumdur. Ancak, tedavi sırasında çoğunlukla hafif olan bazı komplikasyonlar meydana gelebilir. Tanımladığımız bu yöntem ve algoritmanın, diğer yöntemler gibi güvenle kullanılabilecek bir yöntem olduğunu düşünüyoruz.


  • 1. Ndirangu K, Ngugi M. Problems of indwelling Foley catheters. East Afr Med J. 1994;71(2):132-4.
  • 2. Godwin RJ, Lloyd SN. The non-deflating Foley catheter. Br J Clin Pract. 1990;44(11):438-40.
  • 3. Chin PL, Singh RK, and Athey G: Removal of retained urinary catheters. Br J Urol. 1984;56:185–7.
  • 4. Sood SC, and Sahota H: Removing obstructed balloon cathe-ter. BMJ 1972;4:735.
  • 5. Browning GP, Barr L, and Horsburgh AG: Management of obstructed balloon catheters. BMJ. 1984;289:89–91.
  • 6. Hessl JM: Removal of Foley catheter when balloon does not deflate (letter). Urology. 1983;22:219.
  • 7. Moskovich R: Suprapubic puncture for non-deflating urethral balloon catheters: a safe method of deflation. J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1984;29:181–3.
  • 8. Collins GN: Catheter balloon rupture using transrectal ultraso-und. J Urol. 1993;149:91.
  • 9. Saxena A, Khanna S, and Vohra BK: Endoscopic management of undeflatable Foley catheter balloon. Br J Urol. 1992;69:217–218.
  • 10. Williams JC, Doebler RW, Curtis MR, Richardson JR. Deflation techniques for faulty Foley catheter balloons: presentation of a cystoscopic technique. Tech Urol 1996;2:174-7.
  • 11. Daneshmand S, Youssefzadeh D, Skinner EC. Review of tech-niques to remove a Foley catheter when the balloon does not deflate. Urology. 2002 Jan;59(1):127-9.
  • 12. Robert J. Hamilton, Michael A. S. Jewett, and Antonio Finelli. An efficient solution to the retained foley catheter. Urology. 2006;68:1109–11.
  • 13. Khan SA, Landes F, Paola AS, Ferrarotto L. Emergency mana-gement of the nondeflating Foley catheter balloon. Am J Emerg Med. 1991;9(3):260–3.
  • 14. Murphy GF, Wood DP. The use of mineral oil to manage the non-deflating Foley catheter. J Urol. 1993;149:89–90.
  • 15. Moffat LE, Teo C, Dawson I. Ultrasound in management of undeflatable Foley catheter balloon. Urology 1985;26:79.
  • 16. Kleeman FJ. Technique for removal of Foley catheter when balloon does not deflate. Urology 1983;21:416.
  • 17. Carr LK. An alternative to manage a nondeflating Foley cathe-ter in women. J UroI. 1995;153:716-7.
  • 18. Gülmez I, Ekmekcioglu O, Karacagil M. A comparison of vari-ous methods to burst Foley catheter balloons and the risk of free‐fragment formation. Br J Urol 1996;77:716-8.
  • 19. Bui HT, Agarwal D, Clarke A. An easy method of deflating a blocked Foley balloon. Austr New Zeal J Surg. 2002;72(11):843.
  • 20. Utlu A, Guclu Utlu S, Aksakalli T, Cinislioglu AE, Demirdogen SO, Karabulut I. Undeflatable Transurethral Catheter Balloons Management. Grand J Urol 2023;3(3):80-4.

A New Method And An Algorithm For Non-Deflating Foley Catheter Balloons

Yıl 2024, , 464 - 468, 27.12.2024


Background: In rare cases, the catheter balloon cannot be deflated during catheter removal or repla-cement. In this study, we aimed to create a treatment algorithm for patients whose catheter balloon could not be deflated and to evaluate the effectiveness of a newly applied method.
Materials and Methods: 55 male patients who applied to our clinic between January 2020 and July 2023 because the foley catheter could not be removed were evaluated. The methods applied in line with the algorithm we applied in our clinic were evaluated in terms of complications. However, a new met-hod that has not been described before in the literature was evaluated in terms of complications and effectiveness
Results: A total of 55 patients were included in the study. The average age of the patients was 73.8 years. The average foley catheter stay was 14.9±8 days. When we examine the reasons for patients' catheterization; A catheter was placed in 5 patients, due to neurogenic bladder, 30 patients due to immobility, and 10 patients due to inability to urinate due to bladder outlet obstruction. All patients were successfully treated with the algorithm we applied.
Conclusions: In rare cases, failure to deflate the foley catheter balloon is a very disturbing situation for patients. However, complications, mostly minor, may occur during treatment. We think that this met-hod and algorithm we have described is a method that can be used safely like other methods.


  • 1. Ndirangu K, Ngugi M. Problems of indwelling Foley catheters. East Afr Med J. 1994;71(2):132-4.
  • 2. Godwin RJ, Lloyd SN. The non-deflating Foley catheter. Br J Clin Pract. 1990;44(11):438-40.
  • 3. Chin PL, Singh RK, and Athey G: Removal of retained urinary catheters. Br J Urol. 1984;56:185–7.
  • 4. Sood SC, and Sahota H: Removing obstructed balloon cathe-ter. BMJ 1972;4:735.
  • 5. Browning GP, Barr L, and Horsburgh AG: Management of obstructed balloon catheters. BMJ. 1984;289:89–91.
  • 6. Hessl JM: Removal of Foley catheter when balloon does not deflate (letter). Urology. 1983;22:219.
  • 7. Moskovich R: Suprapubic puncture for non-deflating urethral balloon catheters: a safe method of deflation. J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1984;29:181–3.
  • 8. Collins GN: Catheter balloon rupture using transrectal ultraso-und. J Urol. 1993;149:91.
  • 9. Saxena A, Khanna S, and Vohra BK: Endoscopic management of undeflatable Foley catheter balloon. Br J Urol. 1992;69:217–218.
  • 10. Williams JC, Doebler RW, Curtis MR, Richardson JR. Deflation techniques for faulty Foley catheter balloons: presentation of a cystoscopic technique. Tech Urol 1996;2:174-7.
  • 11. Daneshmand S, Youssefzadeh D, Skinner EC. Review of tech-niques to remove a Foley catheter when the balloon does not deflate. Urology. 2002 Jan;59(1):127-9.
  • 12. Robert J. Hamilton, Michael A. S. Jewett, and Antonio Finelli. An efficient solution to the retained foley catheter. Urology. 2006;68:1109–11.
  • 13. Khan SA, Landes F, Paola AS, Ferrarotto L. Emergency mana-gement of the nondeflating Foley catheter balloon. Am J Emerg Med. 1991;9(3):260–3.
  • 14. Murphy GF, Wood DP. The use of mineral oil to manage the non-deflating Foley catheter. J Urol. 1993;149:89–90.
  • 15. Moffat LE, Teo C, Dawson I. Ultrasound in management of undeflatable Foley catheter balloon. Urology 1985;26:79.
  • 16. Kleeman FJ. Technique for removal of Foley catheter when balloon does not deflate. Urology 1983;21:416.
  • 17. Carr LK. An alternative to manage a nondeflating Foley cathe-ter in women. J UroI. 1995;153:716-7.
  • 18. Gülmez I, Ekmekcioglu O, Karacagil M. A comparison of vari-ous methods to burst Foley catheter balloons and the risk of free‐fragment formation. Br J Urol 1996;77:716-8.
  • 19. Bui HT, Agarwal D, Clarke A. An easy method of deflating a blocked Foley balloon. Austr New Zeal J Surg. 2002;72(11):843.
  • 20. Utlu A, Guclu Utlu S, Aksakalli T, Cinislioglu AE, Demirdogen SO, Karabulut I. Undeflatable Transurethral Catheter Balloons Management. Grand J Urol 2023;3(3):80-4.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Üroloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hakan Türk 0000-0002-4559-301X

Erkan Arslan 0000-0002-3262-2512

Sıtkı Ün 0000-0003-1477-7497

Mustafa Karabıçak 0000-0001-7434-3899

Arda Tongal 0009-0007-0210-0426

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Türk H, Arslan E, Ün S, Karabıçak M, Tongal A. A New Method And An Algorithm For Non-Deflating Foley Catheter Balloons. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;21(3):464-8.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty