Bendopnenin Akut Koroner Sendromlu Hastalarda Hastane İçi Mortalitesindeki Öngördürücü Değeri
Yıl 2024,
, 509 - 515, 27.12.2024
Fatih Sivri
İlhan Koyuncu
İlker Gül
Mustafa Lütfüllah Ardiç
Yahya Kemal İçen
Amaç: Flexi-dispne olarak da bilinen bendopne, son zamanlarda sistolik ve dekompanse kalp yetmezliği olan hastalarda öne doğru eğilerek 30 saniye içinde nefes darlığı gelişmesi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada AKS hastalarında bendopne varlığının hastane içi mortalite üzerine etkisi araştırıldı.
Materyal ve Metod: Mart 2023 ile Ocak 2024 arasında AKS (kararsız anjina ve ST yükselmesiz miyokard en-farktüsü (NSTEMI)) ile başvuran hastalar üzerinde kesitsel bir analiz yapıldı. Bendopne varlığı kaydedildi. Tüm hastalara koroner anjiyografi yapıldı. Bu çalışmaya toplam 395 hasta dahil edildi.
Bulgular: Hastalar yaşayanlar ve ölenler olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Ölen grup istatististiksel olarak daha yaşlıydı. Bendopne, paroksismal nokturnal dispne (PND) ve ortopne, ölen grupta istatistiksel olarak daha yüksekti. Ölen grupta sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu istatistiksel olarak daha düşük, syntax skoru ise istatistiksel olarak daha yüksekti. Yaş ((%95 CI:1.254-1.627 , OR: 1.411 p:0.001), ürik asit (%95 CI: 1.151-1.394 OR: 1.278 p:0.001), bendopne (%95 CI: 1.285-1.611 OR: 1.452 p: 0.001), syntax skoru ((%95 CI: 1.103-1.358 OR: 1.258 p:0.001), mortalite için bağımsız risk faktörleri olduğu gösterilmiştir.
Sonuç: AKS'li hastalarda bendopnenin varlığı hastane içi mortalite ile yakından ilişkili olabilir
Destekleyen Kurum
adana şehir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesi
- 1. Bhatt DL, Lopes RD, Harrington RA. Diagnosis and Treat-ment of Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Review. JAMA. 2022 Feb 15;327(7):662-675.
- 2. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG, Holmes DR Jr. et al. 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients with Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-tion Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Dec 23;64(24):e139-e228.
- 3. Harrington J, Jones WS, Udell JA, Hannan K, Bhatt DL, Anker SD. Et al. Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in the Setting of Acute Coronary Syndrome. JACC Heart Fail. 2022 Jun;10(6):404-414.
- 4. Marcus G, Shimony S, Stein GY, Matezky S, Iakobishvili Z, Minha S, et al. Incidence, predictors and prognostic impli-cations of dyspnea at admission among acute coronary syndrome patients without heart failure. Int J Car-diol. 2020 Feb 15:301:29-33.
- 5. Nakade T, Maeda D, Matsue Y, Fujimoto Y, Kagiyama N, Sunayama T, et al.Bendopnea prevalence and prognostic value in older patients with heart failure: FRAGILE-HF-SONIC-HF post hoc analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2024 Aug 22;31(11):1363-1369.
- 6. Thibodeau JT, Jenny BE, Maduka JO, Divanji PH, Ayers CR, Araj F. et al. Bendopnea and risk of adverse clinical out-comes in ambulatory patients with systolic heart failure. Am Heart J. 2017 Jan;183:102-107.
- 7. Timóteo AT. Bendopnea: A new symptom for the differen-tial diagnosis of chronic cardiopulmonary disease? Rev Port Cardiol. 2017 Mar;36(3):187-188.
- 8. Larina VN, Bart BY, Chukaeva II, Karpenko DG, Zacharova MI, Kulbachinskaya OM. Bendopnea: Association With Echocardiographic Features and Clinical Outcomes in El-derly Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. Kardiologiia. 2018 Dec 25;58(12):36-44.
- 9. Byrne RA, Rossello X, Coughlan JJ, Barbato E, Berry C, Chieffo A 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J. 2023 Oct 12;44(38):3720-3826
- 10. Veerasamy M, Edwards R, Ford G, Kirkwood T, Newton J, Jones D et al. Acute coronary syndrome among older pa-tients: a review. Cardiol Rev. 2015 Jan-Feb;23(1):26-32.
- 11. Pogorevici A, Citu IM, Bordejevic DA, Caruntu F, Tomescu MC Canada acute coronary syndrome score was a stronger baseline predictor than age ≥75 years of in-hospital mor-tality in acute coronary syndrome patients in western Romania. Clin Interv Aging. 2016 Apr 26:11:481-8.
- 12. Nakahashi T, Tada H, Sakata K, Yoshida T, Tanaka Y, Nomura A,. et al. The Association Between Se-rum Uric Acid and Mortality in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome After Percutane-ous Coronary Intervention. Int Heart J. 2022 May 31;63(3):447-453.
- 13. Magnoni M, Berteotti M, Ceriotti F, Mallia V, Vergani V, Peretto G, et al. Serum uric acid on admission predicts in-hospital mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome Int J Cardiol. 2017 Aug 1;240:25-29.
- 14. Zhang S, Liu X, Song B, Yu H, Zhang X, Shao Y.. Impact of serum uric acid levels on the clinical prognosis and severi-ty of coronary artery disease in patients with acute coronary syndrome and hypertension after per-cutaneous coronary intervention: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 12;12(1):e052031.
- 15. Akboga MK, Inanc IH, Sabanoglu C, Akdi A, Yakut I, Yuksekkaya B et al. Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index and C-Reactive Protein/Albumin Ratio Could Pre-dict Acute Stent Thrombosis and High SYNTAX Score in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Angiolo-gy. 2023 Aug;74(7):693-701.
- 16. Scherff F, Vassalli G, Sürder D, Mantovani A, Corbacelli C, Pasotti E et al. The SYNTAX score predicts early mortality risk in the elderly with acute coronary syndrome having primary PCI. J Invasive Cardiol. 2011. Dec;23(12):505-10.
- 17. West RL, Hernandez AF, O'Connor CM, Starling RC, Califf RM. A review of dyspnea in acute heart failure syn-dromes. Am Heart J. 2010 Aug;160(2):209-14.
- 18. Yılmaz Öztekin GM, Genç A, Şahin A, çağırcı G, Arslan Ş. Effect of Bendopnea on Achievement Medical Treatment Target Doses in Heart Failure. Arch Iran Med. 2023 Jan 1;26(1):36-42.
- 19. Thibodeau JT, Turer AT, Gualano SK, Ayers CR, Martinez VM, Mishkin DJ et al. Characterization of a novel symp-tom of advanced heart failure: bendopnea. JACC Heart Fail. 2014 Feb;2(1):24-31.
- 20. Baeza-Trinidad R, Mosquera-Lozano JD. Ben-dopnea related to poor prognosis. Acta Cardiol. 2021 Dec;76(10):1166.
- 21. Pranata R, Yonas E, Chintya V, alkatiri AZ, Siswanto BB. Clinical significance of bendopnea in heart failure-Systematic review and meta-analysis. Indian Heart J. 2019 May-Jun;71(3):277-283.
- 22. Dominguez-Rodriguez A, Thibodeau JT, Ayers CR, Sosa AJ, Garrido P, Montoto J et al. Impact of bendopnea on post-operative outcomes in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing aortic valve replacement. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2018 Dec 1;27(6):808-812.
- 23. Şaylık F, Kümet Ö, Sarıkaya R, Akbulut T. Ben-dopnea Predicts High SYNTAX Score in Patients With Cor-onary Artery Disease: A Bayesian Approach. Angiology. 2024 Feb 22:33197241235957.
- 24. Rostamzadeh A, Khademvatani K, Salehi S, Seyyed Mo-hammadzad MH, Khani M, Hajahmadipour Rafsanjani M, et al. Echocardiograph-ic Parameters Associated with Bendopnea in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure. J Tehran Heart Cent. 2022 Oct;17(4):223-229.
The Prognostic Value of Bendopnea In-Hospital Mortality In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Yıl 2024,
, 509 - 515, 27.12.2024
Fatih Sivri
İlhan Koyuncu
İlker Gül
Mustafa Lütfüllah Ardiç
Yahya Kemal İçen
Background: Bendopnea, also known as flexi-dyspnea, has recently been defined as the development of shortness of breath within 30 seconds by bending forward in patients with systolic and decompensated heart failure. There is no clear data in the literature regarding acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients and in-hos-pital mortality. This study investigated the effect of the presence of bendopnea on in-hospital mortality in ACS patients.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted on patients admitted with ACS (unstable angina and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)) between March 2023 and January 2024. The presence of orthopnea, bendopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea PND and venous jugular distention (VJD) recorded. Coronary angiography was performed in all patients. A total of 395 patients were enrolled in this study.
Results: The patients were divided into 2 groups as living and deceased. The deceased group was significantly older. Bendopnea, PND, and orthopnea were statistically higher in the deceased group. left ventricular ejec-tion fraction(LVEF) was statistically lower, syntax score was statistically higher in the deceased group. Age (%95 CI:1.254-1.627 , OR: 1.411 p:0.001), uric acid (%95 CI: 1.151-1.394 OR: 1.278 p:0.001), bendopnea (%95 CI: 1.285-1.611 OR: 1.452 p: 0.001), syntax score (%95 CI: 1.103-1.358 OR: 1.258 p:0.001) were shown to be independent risk factors for mortality.
Conclusions: The presence of bendopnea in patients with ACS may be closely associated with in-hospital mor-tality.
- 1. Bhatt DL, Lopes RD, Harrington RA. Diagnosis and Treat-ment of Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Review. JAMA. 2022 Feb 15;327(7):662-675.
- 2. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG, Holmes DR Jr. et al. 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients with Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-tion Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Dec 23;64(24):e139-e228.
- 3. Harrington J, Jones WS, Udell JA, Hannan K, Bhatt DL, Anker SD. Et al. Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in the Setting of Acute Coronary Syndrome. JACC Heart Fail. 2022 Jun;10(6):404-414.
- 4. Marcus G, Shimony S, Stein GY, Matezky S, Iakobishvili Z, Minha S, et al. Incidence, predictors and prognostic impli-cations of dyspnea at admission among acute coronary syndrome patients without heart failure. Int J Car-diol. 2020 Feb 15:301:29-33.
- 5. Nakade T, Maeda D, Matsue Y, Fujimoto Y, Kagiyama N, Sunayama T, et al.Bendopnea prevalence and prognostic value in older patients with heart failure: FRAGILE-HF-SONIC-HF post hoc analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2024 Aug 22;31(11):1363-1369.
- 6. Thibodeau JT, Jenny BE, Maduka JO, Divanji PH, Ayers CR, Araj F. et al. Bendopnea and risk of adverse clinical out-comes in ambulatory patients with systolic heart failure. Am Heart J. 2017 Jan;183:102-107.
- 7. Timóteo AT. Bendopnea: A new symptom for the differen-tial diagnosis of chronic cardiopulmonary disease? Rev Port Cardiol. 2017 Mar;36(3):187-188.
- 8. Larina VN, Bart BY, Chukaeva II, Karpenko DG, Zacharova MI, Kulbachinskaya OM. Bendopnea: Association With Echocardiographic Features and Clinical Outcomes in El-derly Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. Kardiologiia. 2018 Dec 25;58(12):36-44.
- 9. Byrne RA, Rossello X, Coughlan JJ, Barbato E, Berry C, Chieffo A 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J. 2023 Oct 12;44(38):3720-3826
- 10. Veerasamy M, Edwards R, Ford G, Kirkwood T, Newton J, Jones D et al. Acute coronary syndrome among older pa-tients: a review. Cardiol Rev. 2015 Jan-Feb;23(1):26-32.
- 11. Pogorevici A, Citu IM, Bordejevic DA, Caruntu F, Tomescu MC Canada acute coronary syndrome score was a stronger baseline predictor than age ≥75 years of in-hospital mor-tality in acute coronary syndrome patients in western Romania. Clin Interv Aging. 2016 Apr 26:11:481-8.
- 12. Nakahashi T, Tada H, Sakata K, Yoshida T, Tanaka Y, Nomura A,. et al. The Association Between Se-rum Uric Acid and Mortality in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome After Percutane-ous Coronary Intervention. Int Heart J. 2022 May 31;63(3):447-453.
- 13. Magnoni M, Berteotti M, Ceriotti F, Mallia V, Vergani V, Peretto G, et al. Serum uric acid on admission predicts in-hospital mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome Int J Cardiol. 2017 Aug 1;240:25-29.
- 14. Zhang S, Liu X, Song B, Yu H, Zhang X, Shao Y.. Impact of serum uric acid levels on the clinical prognosis and severi-ty of coronary artery disease in patients with acute coronary syndrome and hypertension after per-cutaneous coronary intervention: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 12;12(1):e052031.
- 15. Akboga MK, Inanc IH, Sabanoglu C, Akdi A, Yakut I, Yuksekkaya B et al. Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index and C-Reactive Protein/Albumin Ratio Could Pre-dict Acute Stent Thrombosis and High SYNTAX Score in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Angiolo-gy. 2023 Aug;74(7):693-701.
- 16. Scherff F, Vassalli G, Sürder D, Mantovani A, Corbacelli C, Pasotti E et al. The SYNTAX score predicts early mortality risk in the elderly with acute coronary syndrome having primary PCI. J Invasive Cardiol. 2011. Dec;23(12):505-10.
- 17. West RL, Hernandez AF, O'Connor CM, Starling RC, Califf RM. A review of dyspnea in acute heart failure syn-dromes. Am Heart J. 2010 Aug;160(2):209-14.
- 18. Yılmaz Öztekin GM, Genç A, Şahin A, çağırcı G, Arslan Ş. Effect of Bendopnea on Achievement Medical Treatment Target Doses in Heart Failure. Arch Iran Med. 2023 Jan 1;26(1):36-42.
- 19. Thibodeau JT, Turer AT, Gualano SK, Ayers CR, Martinez VM, Mishkin DJ et al. Characterization of a novel symp-tom of advanced heart failure: bendopnea. JACC Heart Fail. 2014 Feb;2(1):24-31.
- 20. Baeza-Trinidad R, Mosquera-Lozano JD. Ben-dopnea related to poor prognosis. Acta Cardiol. 2021 Dec;76(10):1166.
- 21. Pranata R, Yonas E, Chintya V, alkatiri AZ, Siswanto BB. Clinical significance of bendopnea in heart failure-Systematic review and meta-analysis. Indian Heart J. 2019 May-Jun;71(3):277-283.
- 22. Dominguez-Rodriguez A, Thibodeau JT, Ayers CR, Sosa AJ, Garrido P, Montoto J et al. Impact of bendopnea on post-operative outcomes in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing aortic valve replacement. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2018 Dec 1;27(6):808-812.
- 23. Şaylık F, Kümet Ö, Sarıkaya R, Akbulut T. Ben-dopnea Predicts High SYNTAX Score in Patients With Cor-onary Artery Disease: A Bayesian Approach. Angiology. 2024 Feb 22:33197241235957.
- 24. Rostamzadeh A, Khademvatani K, Salehi S, Seyyed Mo-hammadzad MH, Khani M, Hajahmadipour Rafsanjani M, et al. Echocardiograph-ic Parameters Associated with Bendopnea in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure. J Tehran Heart Cent. 2022 Oct;17(4):223-229.