Olgu Sunumu
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Pericardial Cyst: A Case Report

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 288 - 291, 30.08.2015


Nonneoplastic mediastnal cysts occupy approximately 20% of primer mediastinal lesions and pericardial
cysts account 20-30% of mediastinal cysts. Generally these cysts have congenital origin and become
symptomatic in the 4th or 5th decades. Patients with congenital pericardial cysts are usually asymptomatic
and cysts are detected incidentally on radiographic examination. They are usually located in right
cardiophrenic sinus and less frequently in left costaphrenic sinus, hilus and upper mediasten. . Differential
diagnosis of pericardial cyst is complicated. We aimed to present 34 years old female patient that reffered to
our clinic with right upper quadrant pain, dyspnea by leaning and chest pain. Patients was misdiagnosed as
hydatic cyst or diaphragmatic hernie by magnetic resonance and computed tomography examination
however thorcotomy revealed out pericardial cyst. Pericardial cyst should be taken into consideration in the
differential diagnosis of mediastinal lesions.


  • 1. Pickhardt QC. Pleurodiaphragmatic cyst. Ann Surg 99:814, 1934. 2. Lillie WI, McDonald JR, Clagett OT. Pericardial celomic cysts and pericardial diverticula. A concept of etiology and report. J Thorac Surg 1950;20(3):494-504. 3. Lambert AVS. Etiology of thin-walled thoracic cysts. J Thorac Surg 10:1, 1940. 4. Strollo DC, Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Jett JR. Primary mediastinal tumors Part II. Tumors of the Middle and Posterior Mediastinum. Chest 1997;112(5):1344-57. 5. Unverferth DV, Wooley CF. The differential diagnosis of paracardiac lesions: pericardial cysts. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1979;5(1):31-40. 6. Okubo K, Chino M, Fuse J. Life-saving needle aspiration of a cardiac-compressing pericardial cyst. Am J Cardiol 2000;85(4):521. 7. Le Roux B. Pericardial coelomic cysts. Thorax 1959;14:27–34. 8. Feigin D. Pericardial cysts. A radiologic-pathologic correlation and review. Radiology 1977;125(1):15–20. 9. Brown K, Aberle DR, Batra P, Steckel RJ. Current use of imaging in the evaluation of primary mediastinal masses. Chest 1990;98(2):466–73. 10. McLeod A, Dewhurst N. An unusual cause of chest pain. Scott Med J 2002;47(1):38–9. 11. Okubo K, Chino M, Fuse J, et al. Life-saving needle aspiration of a cardiac-compressing pericardial cyst. Am J Cardiol 2000;85(4):521. 12. Satur C, Hsin M, Dussek J. Giant pericardial cysts. Ann Thorac Sung 1996;61(1):208–10. 13. Borges AC, Gellert K, Dietel M. Acute right-sided heart failure due to hemorrhage into a pericardial cyst. Ann Thorac Surg 1997;63(3):845-847. 14. Klatte EC, Yüne HY. Diagnosis and treatment of pericardial cysts. Radiology 1972; 104(3):541-544. 15. Chopra PS, Duke DJ, Pellett JR, Rahko PS. Pericardial cyst with partial erosion of the right ventricular wall. Ann Thorac Surg 1991;51(5):840-842. 16. Vinee P, Stover B, Sigmund G. MR imaging of the pericardial cyst. J Magn Reson Imaging 1992;2(5):593- 596.

Perikard kist: Olgu Sunumu

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 288 - 291, 30.08.2015


Nonneoplastik mediastinal kistler primer mediastinal lezyonların yaklaşık %20'sini oluştururken, bunların
%20-30'unu perikardial kistler oluşturur. Genelde konjenital olan bu lezyonlar 4 ve 5'inci dekatta
semptomatik hale gelirler. Konjenital perikardial kistler genelde asemptomatik olup rutin akciğer
grafilerinde tesadüfen saptanırlar. Genellikle kardiofrenik açıda, özellikle sağ tarafta yerleşirler. Nadiren sol
kostofrenik açıda, hilusta, arkus düzeyinde ve üst mediastende görülürler. Diğer lezyonlarla sıklıkla
karıştırılan bir hastalıktır. Çalışmamızda, sağ üst kadranda ağrı ve öne eğilmeyle artan nefes darlığı, göğüs
ağrısı şikâyetiyle kliniğimize müracaat eden, bilgisayarlı toraks tomografisi ve magnetik rezonans
görüntülemede hidatik kist ile diyafragma hernisi ayrımı yapılamayan ve torakotomide perikard kisti olduğu
görülen 34 yaşında kadın hastayı sunmayı amaçladık. Perikard kisti göğüs ağrısı olan hastalarda ön tanılarda
unutulmaması gereken bir patolojidir. 


  • 1. Pickhardt QC. Pleurodiaphragmatic cyst. Ann Surg 99:814, 1934. 2. Lillie WI, McDonald JR, Clagett OT. Pericardial celomic cysts and pericardial diverticula. A concept of etiology and report. J Thorac Surg 1950;20(3):494-504. 3. Lambert AVS. Etiology of thin-walled thoracic cysts. J Thorac Surg 10:1, 1940. 4. Strollo DC, Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Jett JR. Primary mediastinal tumors Part II. Tumors of the Middle and Posterior Mediastinum. Chest 1997;112(5):1344-57. 5. Unverferth DV, Wooley CF. The differential diagnosis of paracardiac lesions: pericardial cysts. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1979;5(1):31-40. 6. Okubo K, Chino M, Fuse J. Life-saving needle aspiration of a cardiac-compressing pericardial cyst. Am J Cardiol 2000;85(4):521. 7. Le Roux B. Pericardial coelomic cysts. Thorax 1959;14:27–34. 8. Feigin D. Pericardial cysts. A radiologic-pathologic correlation and review. Radiology 1977;125(1):15–20. 9. Brown K, Aberle DR, Batra P, Steckel RJ. Current use of imaging in the evaluation of primary mediastinal masses. Chest 1990;98(2):466–73. 10. McLeod A, Dewhurst N. An unusual cause of chest pain. Scott Med J 2002;47(1):38–9. 11. Okubo K, Chino M, Fuse J, et al. Life-saving needle aspiration of a cardiac-compressing pericardial cyst. Am J Cardiol 2000;85(4):521. 12. Satur C, Hsin M, Dussek J. Giant pericardial cysts. Ann Thorac Sung 1996;61(1):208–10. 13. Borges AC, Gellert K, Dietel M. Acute right-sided heart failure due to hemorrhage into a pericardial cyst. Ann Thorac Surg 1997;63(3):845-847. 14. Klatte EC, Yüne HY. Diagnosis and treatment of pericardial cysts. Radiology 1972; 104(3):541-544. 15. Chopra PS, Duke DJ, Pellett JR, Rahko PS. Pericardial cyst with partial erosion of the right ventricular wall. Ann Thorac Surg 1991;51(5):840-842. 16. Vinee P, Stover B, Sigmund G. MR imaging of the pericardial cyst. J Magn Reson Imaging 1992;2(5):593- 596.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Muharrem Çakmak

Mehmet Nail Kandemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2015
Kabul Tarihi 29 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Çakmak M, Kandemir MN. Perikard kist: Olgu Sunumu. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;12(2):288-91.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty