Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı diğer klinisyenler tarafından tanısal amaçlı olarak nükleer tıp ve radyoloji
bölümlerine gönderilen hastalarda tanısal girişim öncesinde anksiyete oluşup oluşmadığını araştırmak ve
oluşan anksiyetenin ölçümlemesini yapmaktır.
Materyal ve Metod: Bozok Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nükleer Tıp ve Radyoloji bölümlerine diğer klinikler
tarafından tanısal amaçlı gönderilen hastalar arasından gönüllü olanlar çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Nükleer
Tıp hastalarından 65, Radyoloji hastalarından 78 olmak üzere toplam 143 hastaya tanısal girişim yapılmadan
önce Beck Anksiyete Envanteri ( BAE ), Durumluk Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri 1 ve 2 ( STAI-1 ve 2 ) uygulandı.
Elde edilen puanlar istatistiksel olarak ölçümlendi.
Bulgular: Tanısal girişim öncesinde uygulanan BAE, STAI-1 ve STAI-2 puanları literatürle uyumlu bir
şekilde orta düzeyde anksiyeteyi göstermekteydi. Nükleer Tıp ve Radyoloji hastalarının anksiyete
düzeylerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Ancak cinsiyetlere göre karşılaştırıldığında;
kadınlarda Beck Anksiyete Envanteri (BAE) puanları istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur. STAI-1
ve STAI-2 puanlarında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.
Sonuç: Böyle bir çalışma bildiğimiz kadarıyla ilk kez yapılmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre hem
Nükleer Tıp hem Radyoloji bölümlerine tanısal amaçlı gönderilen hastalarda anksiyete düzeyleri yüksektir.
Bu durum hasta hekim ilişkisinin iyileştirilmesini ve hastaların kullanılacak yöntemler hakkında tatmin edici
bir şekilde bilgilendirilmesini gündeme getirmektedir
1) Murphy F. Understanding the humanistic interaction
with medical imaging technology. Radiogrphy 2001;
7(3): 193-201
2) Kevles BH. The transparent body in late twentieth
century culture. Rutgers University Press, New York
1997: 261-264
3) Phillips S, Deary IJ. Interventions to alleviate patient
anxiety during magnetic resonance imaging: A review.
Radiogrphy 1995; 1(1): 29-34
4) Pifarre P, Simo M, Gispert JD, Pallares MD, Plaza P,
Martinez-Miralles E. Diagnostic imaging studies: Do
they create anxiety? Rev Esp Med Nucl. 2011; 30(6):
5) Stark DPH, House A. Anxiety in cancer patients. Br J
Cancer 2000; 83(10): 1261-1267
6) Santos-Oliveira R, Smith SW, Carneiro-Leao AM.
Radiopharmaceuticals drug interactions: A critical
review. An Acad Bras Cienc 2008; 80(4): 665-675
7) Tyrer P, Cooper S, Crawford M, Dupont S, Green
J,Murphy D, et al. Prevalence of health anxiety
problems in medical clinics. J Psychosom Res 2011;
71(6): 392-394
8) Barrett B, Tyrer P, Tyrer H, Cooper S, Crawford MJ,
Byford S. An exemination of the factors that influence
costs in medical patients with health anxiety. J
Psychosom Res 2012; 73(1): 59-62
9) Calvo MG, Cano-Vindel A. The nature of trait anxiety:
Cognitive and biological vulnerability. Eur Psychol 1997;
2(4): 301-312
10) Şahin NH, Durak Batıgün A, Uzun C. Anksiyete
bozukluğu: Kişilerarası tarz, kendilik algısı ve öfke
açısından bir değerlendirme. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg
2011; 12(2): 107-113
11) Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Ster RA. An inventory
for measuring clinical anxiety: Psychometric properties. J
Consult Clin Psychol 1988; 56(6): 893-897
12) Ulusoy M, Şahin NH, Eerkmen H. Turkish version of
the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J
Cog Psychoteraphy 1998; 12: 163-172
13) Spielberger CD, Gorsuch RL, Lushene RE. Manual
for state-trait anxiety inventory. Consulting Psychologist
Press, California 1970.
14) Öner N, Le Compe A. Durumluk-Sürekli kaygı
envanteri el kitabı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayımları,
İstanbul 1985.
15) Domenech A, Notta P, Benitez A, Ramal
D,Rodriguez-Bel L, Massuet C, Martin-Comin J.
Evaluation of the anxiety state in patients receiving
radioiodine treatment or who undergo a sentinel lymph
node examination in the Nuclear Medicine Department.
Rev Esp Med Nucl 2010; 29(2): 63-72
16) McIsaac HK, Thordarson DS, Shafran R, Rachman S,
Poole G. Claustrophobia and the magnetic resonance
imaging procedure. J Behav Med 1998; 21(3): 255-268
17) Grey SJ, Price G, Mathews A. Reduction of anxiety
during MR imaging: a controlled trial. Magn Reson
Imaging 2000; 18(3): 351-355
18) Katz RC, Wilson L, Frazer N. Anxiety and its
determinants in patients undergoing magnetic resonance
imaging. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1994; 25(2): 131-
19) Harris LM, Cumming SR, Menzies RG. Predicting
anxiety in magnetic resonance imaging scans. Int J Behav
Med 2004; 11(1): 1-7
20) Qin X, Philips MR, Wang W, Li Y, Jin Q, Ai L, et al.
Prevalence and rates of recognition of anxiety disorders in
internal medicine outpatient departments of 23 general
hospitals in Shenyang, China. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2010;
32(2): 192-200
21) Wilson-Barnett J. Interventions to alleviate patients'
stres: a review. J Psychosom Res 1984; 28(1): 63-72
22) Takayama T, Yamazaki Y, Katsumata N. Relationship
between outpatients' perceptions of physicians'
communication styles and patients' anxiety levels in a
Japanese oncology setting. Soc Sci & Med 2001; 53(10):
23) Lim L, Chow P, Wong CY, Chung A, Chan YH, Wong
WK, et al. Doctor-patient communication, knowledge, and
question prompt lists in reducing preoperative anxiety- A
randomized control study. Asian J Surg 2011; 34(4): 175-
Measurement of the Effects of Diagnostic Methods on Patients Anxiety Status
Backgraund: Aim of this study is to investigate whether anxiety and measurement the anxiety level in
patients who undergone at previous diagnostic evaluation in radiology and nuclear medicine departments.
Material and Method: 143 volunteer patients whom attended to Bozok University Medical Faculty
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine outpatient clinic were selected (78 patients in Radiology Clinic, 65 patients
in Nuclear Medicine Clinic). Patient group were given Beck Anxiety Invantory (BAE), Stait-trait anxiety
inventory-1 and 2 (STAI-1-2), before any diagnostic interventions. The comparison was made statistically in
each group.
Results: BAE, STAI-1 and STAI-2 scores were showed moderate anxiety before Diagnostic procedures in
two groups which were consistented with the literature. There was no statistically significant difference in
anxiety status level between two groups, patients of nuclear medicine and patients of radiology. Although
Beck Anxiety Invantory (BAI) scores were higher in female patients. There was no statistically significant
difference in STAI-1 and STAI-2 scores between two genders.
Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, the investigation of anxiety status level in patients who
undergone diagnostic evaluation has never been investigated before. In a result, the outcome of our pointed
out to improve the patient-physician relationship in a satisfactory manner and the patients are informed about
the methods to be used should be developed.
1) Murphy F. Understanding the humanistic interaction
with medical imaging technology. Radiogrphy 2001;
7(3): 193-201
2) Kevles BH. The transparent body in late twentieth
century culture. Rutgers University Press, New York
1997: 261-264
3) Phillips S, Deary IJ. Interventions to alleviate patient
anxiety during magnetic resonance imaging: A review.
Radiogrphy 1995; 1(1): 29-34
4) Pifarre P, Simo M, Gispert JD, Pallares MD, Plaza P,
Martinez-Miralles E. Diagnostic imaging studies: Do
they create anxiety? Rev Esp Med Nucl. 2011; 30(6):
5) Stark DPH, House A. Anxiety in cancer patients. Br J
Cancer 2000; 83(10): 1261-1267
6) Santos-Oliveira R, Smith SW, Carneiro-Leao AM.
Radiopharmaceuticals drug interactions: A critical
review. An Acad Bras Cienc 2008; 80(4): 665-675
7) Tyrer P, Cooper S, Crawford M, Dupont S, Green
J,Murphy D, et al. Prevalence of health anxiety
problems in medical clinics. J Psychosom Res 2011;
71(6): 392-394
8) Barrett B, Tyrer P, Tyrer H, Cooper S, Crawford MJ,
Byford S. An exemination of the factors that influence
costs in medical patients with health anxiety. J
Psychosom Res 2012; 73(1): 59-62
9) Calvo MG, Cano-Vindel A. The nature of trait anxiety:
Cognitive and biological vulnerability. Eur Psychol 1997;
2(4): 301-312
10) Şahin NH, Durak Batıgün A, Uzun C. Anksiyete
bozukluğu: Kişilerarası tarz, kendilik algısı ve öfke
açısından bir değerlendirme. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg
2011; 12(2): 107-113
11) Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Ster RA. An inventory
for measuring clinical anxiety: Psychometric properties. J
Consult Clin Psychol 1988; 56(6): 893-897
12) Ulusoy M, Şahin NH, Eerkmen H. Turkish version of
the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J
Cog Psychoteraphy 1998; 12: 163-172
13) Spielberger CD, Gorsuch RL, Lushene RE. Manual
for state-trait anxiety inventory. Consulting Psychologist
Press, California 1970.
14) Öner N, Le Compe A. Durumluk-Sürekli kaygı
envanteri el kitabı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayımları,
İstanbul 1985.
15) Domenech A, Notta P, Benitez A, Ramal
D,Rodriguez-Bel L, Massuet C, Martin-Comin J.
Evaluation of the anxiety state in patients receiving
radioiodine treatment or who undergo a sentinel lymph
node examination in the Nuclear Medicine Department.
Rev Esp Med Nucl 2010; 29(2): 63-72
16) McIsaac HK, Thordarson DS, Shafran R, Rachman S,
Poole G. Claustrophobia and the magnetic resonance
imaging procedure. J Behav Med 1998; 21(3): 255-268
17) Grey SJ, Price G, Mathews A. Reduction of anxiety
during MR imaging: a controlled trial. Magn Reson
Imaging 2000; 18(3): 351-355
18) Katz RC, Wilson L, Frazer N. Anxiety and its
determinants in patients undergoing magnetic resonance
imaging. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1994; 25(2): 131-
19) Harris LM, Cumming SR, Menzies RG. Predicting
anxiety in magnetic resonance imaging scans. Int J Behav
Med 2004; 11(1): 1-7
20) Qin X, Philips MR, Wang W, Li Y, Jin Q, Ai L, et al.
Prevalence and rates of recognition of anxiety disorders in
internal medicine outpatient departments of 23 general
hospitals in Shenyang, China. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2010;
32(2): 192-200
21) Wilson-Barnett J. Interventions to alleviate patients'
stres: a review. J Psychosom Res 1984; 28(1): 63-72
22) Takayama T, Yamazaki Y, Katsumata N. Relationship
between outpatients' perceptions of physicians'
communication styles and patients' anxiety levels in a
Japanese oncology setting. Soc Sci & Med 2001; 53(10):
23) Lim L, Chow P, Wong CY, Chung A, Chan YH, Wong
WK, et al. Doctor-patient communication, knowledge, and
question prompt lists in reducing preoperative anxiety- A
randomized control study. Asian J Surg 2011; 34(4): 175-
Gül Aİ, Karaçavuş S, Okur A, Özkırış M, Uçar M, Sarp Ü, Börekçi E. Tanısal Testlerin Hastalarda Oluşturduğu Anksiyetenin Ölçümlemesi. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2014;11(3):257-63.