Evaluation of the Relationship between Total Vertebral Artery Flow and Quality of Life in Patients with Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 108 - 112, 29.04.2024
Mehmet Demir
Feza Demir
Background: Vertebrabasilar insufficiency is a common problem in the community and causes limitation in daily physical activities of patients. A questionnaire called the dizziness disability inventory is used to show the change in the quality of life of the patients. In our study, we wanted to show the change in quality of life indexes of patients with vertebrabasilar insufficiency depending on the degree of insufficiency.
Material and metod: Dizziness disability inventory was filled in patients diagnosed with vertebrabasilar insufficiency by Doppler ultrasonography and the relationship between the degree of vertebrabasilar insufficiency and the results of the questionnaire was investigated.
Results: A statistically significant difference was found between the groups according to the mean questionnaire results in patients classified as mild, moderate and severe according to their vertebrabasilar insufficiency. The mean questionnaire scores of those with severe vertebrabasilar impairment were significantly higher than those with moderate and mild impairment, but no significant difference was found between those with moderate and mild impairment. There was no significant difference in mean questionnaire scores between gender, treatment intake and duration of complaints. It was found that there was a significant decrease in total vertebral artery output depending on age.
Conclusion: In patients with vertebrabasilar insufficiency, restriction in activities of daily living, deterioration in quality of life are observed. It should be noted that the decrease in the quality of life index of the patients will be higher according to the severity of the vertebrabasilar insufficiency
- 1. Bradshaw P, McQuaid P. The Syndrome Of Vertebrobasiler Insufficiency. Q J Med. 1963; 32:279-296
- 2. Fernández L, Breinbauer HA, Delano PH. Vertigo and Dizzi-ness in the Elderly. Front Neurol. 2015; 6:144.
- 3. Salles N, Kressig RW, Michel JP. Management of chronic dizziness in elderly people. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2003; 36:10-15.
- 4. Lo AX, Harada CN. Geriatric dizziness: evolving diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the emergency department. Clin Geriatr Med. 2013; 29:181-204.
- 5. Bulsara KR, Velez DA, Villavicencio A. Rotational vertebral artery insufficiency resulting from cervical spondylosis: case report and review of the literature. Surg Neurol. 2006; 65:625-627.
- 6. Baloh RW. Vertigo. Lancet. 1998; 352:1841-1846.
- 7. Shigeta T, Nakagawa T, Takashima T, Yamane H, Nakai Y. Clinical value of MRA analysis of the vertebrobasilar system in vertiginous patients. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1998; 538:47-53.
- 8. Landwehr P, Schulte O, Voshage G. Ultrasound examination of carotid and vertebral arteries. Eur Radiol. 2001; 11:1521-1534.
- 9. Seo T, Tominaga S, Sakagami M. Relationship between neurological asymptomatic vertigo and the vertebrobasilar system as revealed by magnetic resonance angiography. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2000; 62:63-67.
- 10. Kim SH, Lee JS, Kwon OK, Han MK, Kim JH. Prevalence study of proximal vertebral artery stenosis using high-resolution contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angi-ography. Acta Radiol. 2005; 46:314-321.
- 11. Jacobson GP, Newman CW. The development of the Dizzi-ness Handicap Inventory. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1990; 116:424-427.
- 12. Canbal M, Cebeci S, Duyan G, Kurtaran H, Arslan I. A Study of Reliability and Validity for the Turkish Version of Dizzi-ness Handicap Inventory. Turkish Journal of Family Medi-cine and Primary Care. 2016; 10:19-24
- 13. Neuhauser HK, Radtke A, Von Brevern M, Lezius F, Feld-mann M, Lempert T. Burden of dizziness and vertigo in the community. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168:2118-2124.
- 14. Ausman JI. Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency. Arch Neurol. 1985; 1;42(8):803.
- 15. Post RE, Dickerson LM. Dizziness: a diagnostic approach. Am Fam Physician. 2010; 82:361-369.
- 16. Ardic FN, Topuz B, Kara C. Impact of multiple etiology on dizziness handicap. Otol Neurotol. 2006; 27:676-
- 17. Goto F, Tsutsumi T, Ogawa K. The Japanese version of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory as an index of treatment suc-cess: exploratory factor analysis. Acta Otolaryngol 2011; 131:817-825.
- 18. Yazici B, Erdogmus B, Tugay A. Cerebral blood flow meas-urements of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries with Doppler ultrasonography in healthy adults. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2005; 11:195-198.
- 19. Seidel E, Eicke BM, Tettenborn B, Krummenauer F. Refer-ence values for vertebral artery flow volume by duplex so-nography in young and elderly adults. Stroke. 1999; 30:2692-2696.
- 20. Ozdemir TS, Yıldız C, Cankur NS. Sağlıklı popülasyonda vertebral arter sisteminin renkli dupleks doppler ultraso-nografi ile değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2002; 28:95-99.
- 21. Acar M, Yücel A, Değirmenci B, Albayrak R, Haktanır A. Tek taraflı vertebral arter hipoplazisine bağlı vertebrobaziler yetmezlik tanısında renkli Doppler sonografi. Tıp araştırma-ları dergisi. 2004; 2:1–4 .
- 22. Bendick PJ, Glover JL. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency: evalua-tion by quantitative duplex flow measurements. A prelimi-nary report. J Vasc Surg. 1987; 5:594-600.
- 23. Acar M, Degirmenci B, Yucel A, Albayrak R, Haktanir A, Yaman M. Comparison of vertebral artery velocity and flow volume measurements for diagnosis of vertebrobasilar in-sufficiency using color duplex sonography. Eur J Radiol. 2005; 54:221-224.
- 24. Zamyslowska-Szmytke E, Politanski P, Jozefowicz-Korczynska M. Dizziness Handicap Inventory in Clinical Eval-uation of Dizzy Patients. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021; 18:152-156.
Vertebrobaziler Yetmezliği Olan Hastalarda Toplam Vertebral Arter Debisi ile Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 108 - 112, 29.04.2024
Mehmet Demir
Feza Demir
Amaç: Vertebrobaziler yetmezlik, toplumda sık karşılaşılan bir problem olup hastaların günlük fiziksel aktivitelerinde kısıtlanmaya yol açmaktadır. Hastaların hayat kalitesindeki değişimi göstermek için baş dönmesi engellik envanteri adlı anket kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda vertebrobaziler yetmezliği olan hastaların yetmezlik derecesine bağlı olarak hayat kalite indekslerindeki değişimi göstermek istendi.
Materyal ve Metod:: Dopler ultrasonografi ile vertebrobaziler yetmezlik tanısı alan hastalara baş dönmesi engellilik envanteri dolduruldu ve vertebrobaziler yetmezlik derecesi ile anket sonuçları arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı. Ankette baş dönmesi engellilik envanterinin yanı sıra cinsiyet, yaş, hastanın halihazırda şikayetleri ile ilgili bir tedavi alıp almadığı ve şikayetlerinin süresi soruldu.
Bulgular: Vertebrobaziler yetmezlik derecelerine göre hafif, orta ve ağır olarak sınıflandırılan hastalarda ortalama anket sonuçlarına göre gruplar arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmıştır. Ağır vertebrobaziler yetmezliği olanların ortalama anket skorları orta ve hafif olanlardan anlamlı olarak yüksek çıkmıştır; ancak orta ve hafif yetmezliği olanlar arasında anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Ortalama anket skorlarında cinsiyet, tedavi alımı ve şikâyet süresi arasında anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Yaşa bağlı olarak toplam vertebral arter debisinde anlamlı düşüş saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Vertebrobaziler yetmezliği olan hastalarda günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde kısıtlanma, düşme korkusu, anksiyete ve depresyonda artış ve yaşam kalitesinde bozulma görülmektedir. Vertebrobaziler yetmezliğin şiddetine göre hastaların yaşam kalite indeksindeki düşüşün daha fazla olacağı unutulmamalıdır.
Etik Beyan
- 1. Bradshaw P, McQuaid P. The Syndrome Of Vertebrobasiler Insufficiency. Q J Med. 1963; 32:279-296
- 2. Fernández L, Breinbauer HA, Delano PH. Vertigo and Dizzi-ness in the Elderly. Front Neurol. 2015; 6:144.
- 3. Salles N, Kressig RW, Michel JP. Management of chronic dizziness in elderly people. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2003; 36:10-15.
- 4. Lo AX, Harada CN. Geriatric dizziness: evolving diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the emergency department. Clin Geriatr Med. 2013; 29:181-204.
- 5. Bulsara KR, Velez DA, Villavicencio A. Rotational vertebral artery insufficiency resulting from cervical spondylosis: case report and review of the literature. Surg Neurol. 2006; 65:625-627.
- 6. Baloh RW. Vertigo. Lancet. 1998; 352:1841-1846.
- 7. Shigeta T, Nakagawa T, Takashima T, Yamane H, Nakai Y. Clinical value of MRA analysis of the vertebrobasilar system in vertiginous patients. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1998; 538:47-53.
- 8. Landwehr P, Schulte O, Voshage G. Ultrasound examination of carotid and vertebral arteries. Eur Radiol. 2001; 11:1521-1534.
- 9. Seo T, Tominaga S, Sakagami M. Relationship between neurological asymptomatic vertigo and the vertebrobasilar system as revealed by magnetic resonance angiography. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2000; 62:63-67.
- 10. Kim SH, Lee JS, Kwon OK, Han MK, Kim JH. Prevalence study of proximal vertebral artery stenosis using high-resolution contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angi-ography. Acta Radiol. 2005; 46:314-321.
- 11. Jacobson GP, Newman CW. The development of the Dizzi-ness Handicap Inventory. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1990; 116:424-427.
- 12. Canbal M, Cebeci S, Duyan G, Kurtaran H, Arslan I. A Study of Reliability and Validity for the Turkish Version of Dizzi-ness Handicap Inventory. Turkish Journal of Family Medi-cine and Primary Care. 2016; 10:19-24
- 13. Neuhauser HK, Radtke A, Von Brevern M, Lezius F, Feld-mann M, Lempert T. Burden of dizziness and vertigo in the community. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168:2118-2124.
- 14. Ausman JI. Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency. Arch Neurol. 1985; 1;42(8):803.
- 15. Post RE, Dickerson LM. Dizziness: a diagnostic approach. Am Fam Physician. 2010; 82:361-369.
- 16. Ardic FN, Topuz B, Kara C. Impact of multiple etiology on dizziness handicap. Otol Neurotol. 2006; 27:676-
- 17. Goto F, Tsutsumi T, Ogawa K. The Japanese version of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory as an index of treatment suc-cess: exploratory factor analysis. Acta Otolaryngol 2011; 131:817-825.
- 18. Yazici B, Erdogmus B, Tugay A. Cerebral blood flow meas-urements of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries with Doppler ultrasonography in healthy adults. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2005; 11:195-198.
- 19. Seidel E, Eicke BM, Tettenborn B, Krummenauer F. Refer-ence values for vertebral artery flow volume by duplex so-nography in young and elderly adults. Stroke. 1999; 30:2692-2696.
- 20. Ozdemir TS, Yıldız C, Cankur NS. Sağlıklı popülasyonda vertebral arter sisteminin renkli dupleks doppler ultraso-nografi ile değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2002; 28:95-99.
- 21. Acar M, Yücel A, Değirmenci B, Albayrak R, Haktanır A. Tek taraflı vertebral arter hipoplazisine bağlı vertebrobaziler yetmezlik tanısında renkli Doppler sonografi. Tıp araştırma-ları dergisi. 2004; 2:1–4 .
- 22. Bendick PJ, Glover JL. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency: evalua-tion by quantitative duplex flow measurements. A prelimi-nary report. J Vasc Surg. 1987; 5:594-600.
- 23. Acar M, Degirmenci B, Yucel A, Albayrak R, Haktanir A, Yaman M. Comparison of vertebral artery velocity and flow volume measurements for diagnosis of vertebrobasilar in-sufficiency using color duplex sonography. Eur J Radiol. 2005; 54:221-224.
- 24. Zamyslowska-Szmytke E, Politanski P, Jozefowicz-Korczynska M. Dizziness Handicap Inventory in Clinical Eval-uation of Dizzy Patients. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021; 18:152-156.