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Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 8, 22.06.2023


In this study, anatomical, morphometric and volumetric analyses of the mandible of Hamdani sheep were performed using computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional (3D) software. For this purpose, 16 (eight males, eight females) Hamdani sheep heads were used. Images of these heads were taken on a 64-detector CT device applying 80 kV, 200 MA, 639 mGY, and 0.625 mm section thickness. Scan images of the mandible of each subject were converted into three-dimensional models using 3D software and reconstructed. Surface, volume and linear measurements (24) of the mandible were performed on the models. All the measurements were expressed as mean ± SD. The examinations determined that the mandible's volume and surface area values were more significant in males than females. Mandible length (GOC-ID) was 169.01±0.74 mm, and its height (GOV-CR) was 95.50±0.64 mm in males. In morphometric evaluations, statistically significant differences were observed between males and females in L2 (PC-ID), L6 (GOC-FMN), L14 (MTR-MH), L19(SI), Volume and Surface area measurement parameters (P<0.05). It is thought that the morphometric data obtained will be a reference in pathological conditions, taxonomy studies, and interventional surgical treatment applications to be performed on the site.


  • Al-Barzinji Y, Y.Abdul-Rahman F, 2007: A Study on the Relationship Between Body Weight and Body Dimensions of Lambs at Weaning and Selection of Hamdani Ewes for Milk Production. COMUJAF, 35,58-67.
  • Avdić R, Hadžiomerović N, Tandir F, Bejdić P, Ćutahija V, 2013: Analysis of Morphometric Parametres of the Roe Deer Mandible (Capreolus caprolus) and mandible of the sheep (Ovis aries).Veterinaria, 62,1-9.
  • Bellido M, Lugo L, Castañeda S, Rufián Henares J, Navarro-Alarcon M, Herrero-Beaumont G, 2010: PTH Increases Jaw Mineral Density in a Rabbit Model of Osteoporosis. J Dent Res, 89, 360-365. doi:10.1177/0022034510363082
  • Bingöl E, Bingol M, 2015: The Growth of Lambs and Body Measurement Traits of Hamdani Ewes. YYÜ Tar Bil Derg 25:200-206. doi:10.29133/yyutbd.236274
  • Brenton H, Hernandez J, Bello F, Strutton, P, Purkayastha S, Firth T, Darzi A, 2007: Using multimedia and Web3D to enhance anatomy teaching. Comput Educ, 49, 32-53. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2005.06.005
  • Cevidanes L, Franco A, Gerig G, Proffit W, Slice D, Enlow D, Vigorito J, 2005: Comparison of relative mandibular growth vectors with high-resolution 3-dimensional imaging. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 128, 27-34. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.03.033
  • Demiraslan Y, Gülbaz F, Dayan M, Özcan S, Akbulut Y, 2014: Morphometric Analysis of the Mandible of Tuj and Morkaraman Sheep. JVA, 7, 75-86. doi:10.21608/jva.2014.44813
  • Ebner K, Otis L, Zakhary R, Danforth R, 1990: Axial temporomandibular joint morphology: A correlative study of radiographic and gross anatomic findings. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 69, 247-252. doi:10.1016/0030-4220(90)90336-Q
  • Groen, J, Duyvensz F and Halsted JA, 1960: Diffuse Alveolar Atrophy of the Jaw (Non-Inflammatory Form of Paradental Disease) and Pre-Senile Osteoporosis. Gerontol clin, 2, 68-86. doi:10.1159/000244610
  • Güzel BC, Koçyiğit A, Demircioğlu İ, Demiraslan Y, 2022: Investigating metacarpi of Hamdani sheep via different measurement and modelling methods: A methodological study. Anat Histol Embryol, 51(4), 484-491. doi:
  • Hadžiomerović N, Gündemir O, Kovacevic S, 2022: Mandible Size and Shape of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Golden Jackal (Canis aureus). Adv Anim Vet Sci, 10, 364-368. doi:10.17582/journal.aavs/2022/10.2.364.368
  • Jashari T, Duro S, Gündemir O, Szara T, Ilieski V, Mamuti D, Choudhary OP, 2020: Morphology, morphometry and some aspects of clinical anatomy in the skull and mandible of Sharri sheep. Biol 77(2), 423-433. doi:10.1007/s11756-021-00955-y
  • Karimi I, Hadipour M, Nikbakht P, Motamedi S, 2012: The Lower Jawbone of Mehraban Sheep: A Descriptive Morphometric Approach. World's Vet J, 2(4), 57-60.
  • Miller AJ, Maki K, Hatcher DC, 2004: New diagnostic tools in orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 126(4), 395-396. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.04.014
  • Noffke C and Hendrik H, 2014: Recent Developments in Metabolic Bone Diseases: a Gnathic Perspective. Head Neck Pathol, 8, 475-481. doi:10.1007/s12105-014-0580-2
  • Orassi V, Duda GN, Heiland M, Fischer H, Rendenbach C, Checa S, 2021: Biomechanical Assessment of the Validity of Sheep as a Preclinical Model for Testing Mandibular Fracture Fixation Devices. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 9, 672176. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2021.672176
  • Özkan E, Jashari T, Gündemir O, Gezer İnce N, 2020: Morphometric analysis of the mandible of Bardhoka autochthonous sheep in Kosovo. Anat Histol Embryol, 49(6), 737-741. doi:
  • Özudoğru Z, İlgün R, Özdemir D, 2019: Investigations of Macroanatomical and Morphometric on the Mandible in Hasmer Sheep. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 16, 218-223.
  • Prokop M, 2003. General principles of MDCT. Eur J Radiol, 45, S4-10. doi:10.1016/s0720-048x(02)00358-3
  • Rohlf F, Marcus L, 1993: A Revolution in Morphometrics. TREE, 8, 129-132. doi:10.1016/0169-5347(93)90024-J
  • Sundaram V, Dharani P, Gnanadevi R, Kavya R, 2019: Studies on clinical anatomy of the maxillofacial and mandibular regions of the Madras Red sheep (Ovis aries) in India. Folia Morphol (Warsz), 78(2), 389-393. doi:10.5603/FM.a2018.0098
  • Szabelska A, Tatara M, Krupski W, 2017: Morphological, densitometric and mechanical properties of mandible in 5-month-old Polish Merino sheep. BMC Veterinary Research, 13, 12. doi:10.1186/s12917-016-0921-3
  • Tymczyna B, Bachanek T, Tatara M, Krupski W, Tymczyna-Sobotka M, Łuszczewska-Sierakowska, 2012: Interrelationships between Morphometric, Densitometric, and Mechanical Properties of Mandible in 6-month-old Male Pigs. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 56 177–81 doi:10.2478/v10213-012-0032-2
  • Vitral R, Telles C, 2002: Computed tomography evaluation of temporomandibular joint alterations in Class II Division 1 subdivision patients: Condylar symmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 121, 369-375. doi:10.1067/mod.2002.121664
  • Vitral R, Telles C, Fraga M, Oliveira R, Tanaka O, 2004: Computed tomography evaluation of temporomandibular joint alterations in patients with class II division 1 subdivision malocclusions: Condyle-fossa relationship. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 126: 48-52. doi:10.1016/S0889540604001581
  • Von den Driesch A, 1976: A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites (Vol. 1): Peabody Museum Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Yeter T, 2021: The Effect of Coronoidectomy on Mandible and Plate Stress in Mandibular Models with Reconstruction Plate After Segmental Mandibular Resection: Finite Element Analysis. Doktora tezi, On Dokuz Mayıs, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Samsun.
  • Yalcin BC, 1976: The sheep breeds of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Turkey.
  • Yilmaz O, Demircioğlu İ, 2021: Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of the mandible in Van cats: A computed tomography (CT) study. Pol j vet sci, 24, 261-270. doi:10.24425/pjvs.2021.137661

Hamdani koyununun mandibulasının üç boyutlu rekonstrüksiyonu ve morfometrik analizi: Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) çalışması

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 8, 22.06.2023


Bu çalışmada Hamdani koyunlarının mandibula’sının anatomik, morfometrik ve volümetrik özellikleri bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) ve üç boyutlu (3D) yazılım programı kullanılarak tespit edildi. Bu amaçla 16 adet (8 erkek, 8 dişi) Hamdani koyunu kafası kullanıldı. Kafaların 64 dedektörlü BT cihazında 80 kv, 200 MA, 639 mGY ve 0.625 mm kesit kalınlığında görüntüleri alındı. Her bir deneğin mandibula’ya ait tarama görüntüleri özel bir 3D yazılım programı yardımıyla üç boyutlu modellere dönüştürülerek rekonstrükte edildi. Modeller üzerinde mandibula’nın yüzey, hacim ve doğrusal ölçüm (22 adet) analizleri yapıldı. İncelenen tüm özellikler ortalama ± SD olarak ifade edildi. Yapılan incelemelerde, erkeklerde mandibulanın hacim ve yüzey alanı değerlerinin dişilerden daha büyük olduğu tespit edildi. Erkeklerde mandibula uzunluğu (GOC-ID) 169.01±0.74 mm ve yüksekliği (GOV-CR) ise 95.50±0.64 mm olarak belirlendi. Morfometrik değerlendirmelerde dişi ve erkekler arasında L2(PC-ID), L6(GOC-FMN), L14(MTR-MH), L19(SI), hacim ve yüzey alanı ölçüm parametrelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklar gözlendi (P<0.05). Elde edilen morfometrik verilerin, patolojik durumlar, taksonomi çalışmaları ve bölge üzerinde yapılacak girişimsel cerrahi tedavi uygulamalarında referans olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Al-Barzinji Y, Y.Abdul-Rahman F, 2007: A Study on the Relationship Between Body Weight and Body Dimensions of Lambs at Weaning and Selection of Hamdani Ewes for Milk Production. COMUJAF, 35,58-67.
  • Avdić R, Hadžiomerović N, Tandir F, Bejdić P, Ćutahija V, 2013: Analysis of Morphometric Parametres of the Roe Deer Mandible (Capreolus caprolus) and mandible of the sheep (Ovis aries).Veterinaria, 62,1-9.
  • Bellido M, Lugo L, Castañeda S, Rufián Henares J, Navarro-Alarcon M, Herrero-Beaumont G, 2010: PTH Increases Jaw Mineral Density in a Rabbit Model of Osteoporosis. J Dent Res, 89, 360-365. doi:10.1177/0022034510363082
  • Bingöl E, Bingol M, 2015: The Growth of Lambs and Body Measurement Traits of Hamdani Ewes. YYÜ Tar Bil Derg 25:200-206. doi:10.29133/yyutbd.236274
  • Brenton H, Hernandez J, Bello F, Strutton, P, Purkayastha S, Firth T, Darzi A, 2007: Using multimedia and Web3D to enhance anatomy teaching. Comput Educ, 49, 32-53. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2005.06.005
  • Cevidanes L, Franco A, Gerig G, Proffit W, Slice D, Enlow D, Vigorito J, 2005: Comparison of relative mandibular growth vectors with high-resolution 3-dimensional imaging. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 128, 27-34. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.03.033
  • Demiraslan Y, Gülbaz F, Dayan M, Özcan S, Akbulut Y, 2014: Morphometric Analysis of the Mandible of Tuj and Morkaraman Sheep. JVA, 7, 75-86. doi:10.21608/jva.2014.44813
  • Ebner K, Otis L, Zakhary R, Danforth R, 1990: Axial temporomandibular joint morphology: A correlative study of radiographic and gross anatomic findings. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 69, 247-252. doi:10.1016/0030-4220(90)90336-Q
  • Groen, J, Duyvensz F and Halsted JA, 1960: Diffuse Alveolar Atrophy of the Jaw (Non-Inflammatory Form of Paradental Disease) and Pre-Senile Osteoporosis. Gerontol clin, 2, 68-86. doi:10.1159/000244610
  • Güzel BC, Koçyiğit A, Demircioğlu İ, Demiraslan Y, 2022: Investigating metacarpi of Hamdani sheep via different measurement and modelling methods: A methodological study. Anat Histol Embryol, 51(4), 484-491. doi:
  • Hadžiomerović N, Gündemir O, Kovacevic S, 2022: Mandible Size and Shape of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Golden Jackal (Canis aureus). Adv Anim Vet Sci, 10, 364-368. doi:10.17582/journal.aavs/2022/10.2.364.368
  • Jashari T, Duro S, Gündemir O, Szara T, Ilieski V, Mamuti D, Choudhary OP, 2020: Morphology, morphometry and some aspects of clinical anatomy in the skull and mandible of Sharri sheep. Biol 77(2), 423-433. doi:10.1007/s11756-021-00955-y
  • Karimi I, Hadipour M, Nikbakht P, Motamedi S, 2012: The Lower Jawbone of Mehraban Sheep: A Descriptive Morphometric Approach. World's Vet J, 2(4), 57-60.
  • Miller AJ, Maki K, Hatcher DC, 2004: New diagnostic tools in orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 126(4), 395-396. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.04.014
  • Noffke C and Hendrik H, 2014: Recent Developments in Metabolic Bone Diseases: a Gnathic Perspective. Head Neck Pathol, 8, 475-481. doi:10.1007/s12105-014-0580-2
  • Orassi V, Duda GN, Heiland M, Fischer H, Rendenbach C, Checa S, 2021: Biomechanical Assessment of the Validity of Sheep as a Preclinical Model for Testing Mandibular Fracture Fixation Devices. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 9, 672176. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2021.672176
  • Özkan E, Jashari T, Gündemir O, Gezer İnce N, 2020: Morphometric analysis of the mandible of Bardhoka autochthonous sheep in Kosovo. Anat Histol Embryol, 49(6), 737-741. doi:
  • Özudoğru Z, İlgün R, Özdemir D, 2019: Investigations of Macroanatomical and Morphometric on the Mandible in Hasmer Sheep. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 16, 218-223.
  • Prokop M, 2003. General principles of MDCT. Eur J Radiol, 45, S4-10. doi:10.1016/s0720-048x(02)00358-3
  • Rohlf F, Marcus L, 1993: A Revolution in Morphometrics. TREE, 8, 129-132. doi:10.1016/0169-5347(93)90024-J
  • Sundaram V, Dharani P, Gnanadevi R, Kavya R, 2019: Studies on clinical anatomy of the maxillofacial and mandibular regions of the Madras Red sheep (Ovis aries) in India. Folia Morphol (Warsz), 78(2), 389-393. doi:10.5603/FM.a2018.0098
  • Szabelska A, Tatara M, Krupski W, 2017: Morphological, densitometric and mechanical properties of mandible in 5-month-old Polish Merino sheep. BMC Veterinary Research, 13, 12. doi:10.1186/s12917-016-0921-3
  • Tymczyna B, Bachanek T, Tatara M, Krupski W, Tymczyna-Sobotka M, Łuszczewska-Sierakowska, 2012: Interrelationships between Morphometric, Densitometric, and Mechanical Properties of Mandible in 6-month-old Male Pigs. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 56 177–81 doi:10.2478/v10213-012-0032-2
  • Vitral R, Telles C, 2002: Computed tomography evaluation of temporomandibular joint alterations in Class II Division 1 subdivision patients: Condylar symmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 121, 369-375. doi:10.1067/mod.2002.121664
  • Vitral R, Telles C, Fraga M, Oliveira R, Tanaka O, 2004: Computed tomography evaluation of temporomandibular joint alterations in patients with class II division 1 subdivision malocclusions: Condyle-fossa relationship. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 126: 48-52. doi:10.1016/S0889540604001581
  • Von den Driesch A, 1976: A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites (Vol. 1): Peabody Museum Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Yeter T, 2021: The Effect of Coronoidectomy on Mandible and Plate Stress in Mandibular Models with Reconstruction Plate After Segmental Mandibular Resection: Finite Element Analysis. Doktora tezi, On Dokuz Mayıs, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Samsun.
  • Yalcin BC, 1976: The sheep breeds of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Turkey.
  • Yilmaz O, Demircioğlu İ, 2021: Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of the mandible in Van cats: A computed tomography (CT) study. Pol j vet sci, 24, 261-270. doi:10.24425/pjvs.2021.137661
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Anatomi ve Fizyoloji, Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştıma

Barış Can Güzel 0000-0002-2504-120X

İsmail Demircioğlu 0000-0002-0724-3019

Nazan Gezer İnce 0000-0003-1627-5757

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Kasım 2022
Kabul Tarihi 4 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Güzel, B. C., Demircioğlu, İ., & Gezer İnce, N. (2023). Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1), 1-8.
AMA Güzel BC, Demircioğlu İ, Gezer İnce N. Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2023;12(1):1-8. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1198191
Chicago Güzel, Barış Can, İsmail Demircioğlu, ve Nazan Gezer İnce. “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of Mandible of Hamdani Sheep: A Computed Tomography (CT) Study”. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12, sy. 1 (Haziran 2023): 1-8.
EndNote Güzel BC, Demircioğlu İ, Gezer İnce N (01 Haziran 2023) Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12 1 1–8.
IEEE B. C. Güzel, İ. Demircioğlu, ve N. Gezer İnce, “Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 1–8, 2023, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1198191.
ISNAD Güzel, Barış Can vd. “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of Mandible of Hamdani Sheep: A Computed Tomography (CT) Study”. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12/1 (Haziran 2023), 1-8.
JAMA Güzel BC, Demircioğlu İ, Gezer İnce N. Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2023;12:1–8.
MLA Güzel, Barış Can vd. “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of Mandible of Hamdani Sheep: A Computed Tomography (CT) Study”. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 1-8, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1198191.
Vancouver Güzel BC, Demircioğlu İ, Gezer İnce N. Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphometric analysis of mandible of Hamdani sheep: A computed tomography (CT) study. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2023;12(1):1-8.