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Deneysel Diabetes Mellitus ve Nonalkolik Karaciğer Yağlanması Oluşturulan Ratlarda Kefirin Koruyucu Etkilerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 142 - 146, 27.12.2017


Bu çalışmada kefirin
deneysel olarak oluşturulan Tip 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) ve Nonalkolik
Karaciğer Yağlanmasında (NAFLD) karaciğer dokusunda oluşan hasara karşı
koruyucu etkileri araştırıldı.Toplam 30 adet Wistar albino ırkı dişi rat
kullanıldı. Ratlar her grupta 6 adet olmak üzere 5 gruba ayrıldı. Kontrol grubu
hayvanlara herhangi bir uygulama yapılmadı. T2DM oluşturmak amacıyla hayvanlara
tek doz 80 mg/kg intraperiteonal Streptozotocin,  NAFLD oluşturmak için de hayvanlara yüksek
yağlı rat yemi deneme boyunca verildi. Deneme grubundaki hayvanlara sırasıyla
yüksek yağlı rat yemi, yüksek yağlı rat yemi+30 ml/kg kefir (oral gavaj),
yüksek yağlı rat yemi+Streptozotocin 80 mg/kg intraperiteonal (İP), yüksek
yağlı rat yemi+30 ml/kg kefir (oral gavaj)+ Streptozotocin 80 mg/kg (İP)
verildi. T2DM oluşturulan gruba kıyasla kan glikoz düzeylerinde kefir eklenmesi
ile düşme gözlendi. Ayrıca T2DM ve NAFLD grubunda serumda artan AST, ALT, total
protein, kolesterol, trigliserit değerlerinin kefir eklenmesi ile azaldığı
gözlendi. Histopatolojik bulgular da biyokimyasal sonuçları desteklemektedir.
Kefir eklenen grubun karaciğerlerinde normale yakın histolojik yapı gözlendi.
Sonuç olarak karaciğer dokusunda ciddi hasarlara neden olan T2DM ve NAFLD ye
karşı kefir içeceğinin tüketilmesinin yararlı olacağı kanısına varıldı.


  • Akbarzadeh A, Norouzian D, Mehrabi MR, Jamshidi Sh, Farhangi A, Allah Verdi A, Mofidian SMA, Lame Rad B, 2007: Induction of diabetes by streptozotocin in rats, Indian J Clin Biochem, 22 (2) 60-64. Bellentani S, Sualini F, Marino M, Bedeni G, 2010: Epidemiology of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Dig Dis, 28(1), 155-161. Benjamin N, Kushwah A, Sharma RK, Katiyar AK, 2006: Histopathological changes in liver, kidney and muscles of pesticides exposed malnourished an diabetic rats. Indian JExp Biol, 44, 228-232. Brownlee M, 2001: Biochemistry and molecular cell biology of diabetic complications. Nature, 414, 813-820. Charles JA, 2006: Pancreas. In:“Pathology of Domestic Animals”Ed;Drs. Jubb, Kennedy, Palmer, Guelph, Ontario. Dawson B, Trapp RG, 2001: Basic and Clinical Biostatistics. 3rd ed. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill Medical Publishing Division, New York. Furukawa N, Maşuka A, Takahashi T, Yamanaka Y,1990: Effects of orally administered yogurt and kefir on tumor growth in mice. J. Jpn. Soc. Nutr. Food Sci. 43, 450-453. Hoolihan LK, 2001: Prophylactic and therapeutic use of probiotics: a review. J Am DietAssoc, 101, 220-238. İşbilen B, Arı Z, Var O, Onur E, Uyanık BS, 2007: Yüksek yağ içeren diyet ile beslenen ratlarda DHEAS’ın leptin, lipid profili ve endotel fonksiyonu üzerine etkileri, FÜ Sağ Bil Derg, 21, 109-116. Kahn CR, Weir GC, King GL, Jacobson AM, Moses AC, Smith RJ, 2005: Joslin’s Diabetes Mellitus.14th ed. Boston. Korolev NS, 1988: Star ters for fermented milis. In: “Kefir and Kumuşstar ters”. Bukletin of the IDF 227, Charter 2. International dairy Federalin, Brüksel, Belgim Kubo M, Odanı T, Akadura S, Tokum Aru S Maksuda H, 1992: Pharmacogical study on kefir a fermented milk product in Caucausus I. On antitumor activity. Yakugaku Zasshi 112(7), 489-495. Luna LG, 1968: Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, McGraw-Hill Book Co. NewYork. Matsuu M, Shichijo K, Okaichi K, 2003: The protective effect of fermented milk kefir on radiation-induced apoptosis in colonic crypt cell of rats. J Radiat Res, 44, 111-115. Mir SH, Darzi MM, 2009: Histopathological abnormalities of prolonged alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rabbits. Int J Exp Path, 90, 66-73. Mumford A, 2007: An Investigation into the spatial organization of kefir grains, Microbial Diversity, 1-11. Ozsoy SY, 2016: The protective effect of kefir on carbon tetrachloride-induced histopathological changes in the livers of rats. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 22 (3), 397-402. Powers AC, 2005: Diabetes Mellitus. In: “Harrison’s principles of Internal Medicine” Ed;Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Punaro GR, Maciel FR, Rodrigues AM, Rogero MM, Bogsan CS, Oliveira MN, Ihara SS, Araujo SR, Sanches TR, Andrade LC, Higa EM, 2014: Kefir administration reduced progression of renal injury in STZ-diabetic rats by lowering oxidative stress. Nitric Oxide, 37, 53-60. Sağkan Öztürk A, Aytekin İ, Ozsoy SY,Öztürk OK, Altuğ N,Yılmaz N, 2015: Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on oxidative stress, hystopathology and some biochemical parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi,40(2), 149-156. Sheth SG, Gordon FD, Chopra S, 1997: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. AnnIntern Med, 126, 137-145. Sonsuz A, 2007: Nonalkolik karaciğer yağlanması, İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Etkinlikleri, 91-98. St-Onge MP, Farnworth ER, Jones PJ, 2000: Consumption of fermented and nonfermented dairy products: effects on cholesterol concentrations and metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 674-681. Vlassara H, Brownlee M, Cerami A, 1984: Accumulation of diabetic rat peripheral nerve myelin by macrophages increases with the presence of advanced glycosylation end products. J Exp Med, 160, 197–207. Yabe-Nishimura C, 1998: Aldose reductase in glucose toxicity: a potential target for the prevention of diabetic complications. Pharmacol Rev, 50, 21-33 Zubillaga M, Weill R, Postaire E, Goldman C, Caro R, Boccio J, 2001: Effect of probiotics and functional foods and their use in different diseases. Nutr Res, 21, 569-579.

Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 142 - 146, 27.12.2017


In this study the protective effect of kefir
against liver tissue damage at experimental Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) was investigated. A total of 30 Wistar
albino rabbit female rats were used. Rats were divided into 5 groups each group
had 6 animals. Any application was done to control group animals. A single dose
of 80 mg / kg intraperitoneal Streptozotocin was given to the animals to form
T2DM, and a high fat rat was fed to the animals throughout the experiment to
generate NAFLD. The animals in the experimental group were fed high fat rat
diet, high fat rat diet + 30 ml / kg kefir (oral gavage), high fat rat diet +
Streptozotocin 80 mg / kg intraperitoneal (IP), high fat rat diet + 30 ml / kg
kefir Oral gavage) + Streptozotocin 80 mg / kg (IP). A decrease in blood
glucose levels was observed with the addition of kefir compared to the T2DM
group. Also increased serum AST, ALT, total protein, cholesterol, triglyceride
levels were decreased by the addition of kefir in the T2DM and NAFLD groups.
Histopathological findings also support biochemical results. In the liver of
kefir-added group, close to normal histological structure was observed. As a
result, it was concluded that consumption of kefir beverage would be beneficial
against T2DM and NAFLD, which cause serious damage to the liver.


  • Akbarzadeh A, Norouzian D, Mehrabi MR, Jamshidi Sh, Farhangi A, Allah Verdi A, Mofidian SMA, Lame Rad B, 2007: Induction of diabetes by streptozotocin in rats, Indian J Clin Biochem, 22 (2) 60-64. Bellentani S, Sualini F, Marino M, Bedeni G, 2010: Epidemiology of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Dig Dis, 28(1), 155-161. Benjamin N, Kushwah A, Sharma RK, Katiyar AK, 2006: Histopathological changes in liver, kidney and muscles of pesticides exposed malnourished an diabetic rats. Indian JExp Biol, 44, 228-232. Brownlee M, 2001: Biochemistry and molecular cell biology of diabetic complications. Nature, 414, 813-820. Charles JA, 2006: Pancreas. In:“Pathology of Domestic Animals”Ed;Drs. Jubb, Kennedy, Palmer, Guelph, Ontario. Dawson B, Trapp RG, 2001: Basic and Clinical Biostatistics. 3rd ed. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill Medical Publishing Division, New York. Furukawa N, Maşuka A, Takahashi T, Yamanaka Y,1990: Effects of orally administered yogurt and kefir on tumor growth in mice. J. Jpn. Soc. Nutr. Food Sci. 43, 450-453. Hoolihan LK, 2001: Prophylactic and therapeutic use of probiotics: a review. J Am DietAssoc, 101, 220-238. İşbilen B, Arı Z, Var O, Onur E, Uyanık BS, 2007: Yüksek yağ içeren diyet ile beslenen ratlarda DHEAS’ın leptin, lipid profili ve endotel fonksiyonu üzerine etkileri, FÜ Sağ Bil Derg, 21, 109-116. Kahn CR, Weir GC, King GL, Jacobson AM, Moses AC, Smith RJ, 2005: Joslin’s Diabetes Mellitus.14th ed. Boston. Korolev NS, 1988: Star ters for fermented milis. In: “Kefir and Kumuşstar ters”. Bukletin of the IDF 227, Charter 2. International dairy Federalin, Brüksel, Belgim Kubo M, Odanı T, Akadura S, Tokum Aru S Maksuda H, 1992: Pharmacogical study on kefir a fermented milk product in Caucausus I. On antitumor activity. Yakugaku Zasshi 112(7), 489-495. Luna LG, 1968: Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, McGraw-Hill Book Co. NewYork. Matsuu M, Shichijo K, Okaichi K, 2003: The protective effect of fermented milk kefir on radiation-induced apoptosis in colonic crypt cell of rats. J Radiat Res, 44, 111-115. Mir SH, Darzi MM, 2009: Histopathological abnormalities of prolonged alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rabbits. Int J Exp Path, 90, 66-73. Mumford A, 2007: An Investigation into the spatial organization of kefir grains, Microbial Diversity, 1-11. Ozsoy SY, 2016: The protective effect of kefir on carbon tetrachloride-induced histopathological changes in the livers of rats. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 22 (3), 397-402. Powers AC, 2005: Diabetes Mellitus. In: “Harrison’s principles of Internal Medicine” Ed;Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Punaro GR, Maciel FR, Rodrigues AM, Rogero MM, Bogsan CS, Oliveira MN, Ihara SS, Araujo SR, Sanches TR, Andrade LC, Higa EM, 2014: Kefir administration reduced progression of renal injury in STZ-diabetic rats by lowering oxidative stress. Nitric Oxide, 37, 53-60. Sağkan Öztürk A, Aytekin İ, Ozsoy SY,Öztürk OK, Altuğ N,Yılmaz N, 2015: Effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on oxidative stress, hystopathology and some biochemical parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi,40(2), 149-156. Sheth SG, Gordon FD, Chopra S, 1997: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. AnnIntern Med, 126, 137-145. Sonsuz A, 2007: Nonalkolik karaciğer yağlanması, İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Etkinlikleri, 91-98. St-Onge MP, Farnworth ER, Jones PJ, 2000: Consumption of fermented and nonfermented dairy products: effects on cholesterol concentrations and metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 674-681. Vlassara H, Brownlee M, Cerami A, 1984: Accumulation of diabetic rat peripheral nerve myelin by macrophages increases with the presence of advanced glycosylation end products. J Exp Med, 160, 197–207. Yabe-Nishimura C, 1998: Aldose reductase in glucose toxicity: a potential target for the prevention of diabetic complications. Pharmacol Rev, 50, 21-33 Zubillaga M, Weill R, Postaire E, Goldman C, Caro R, Boccio J, 2001: Effect of probiotics and functional foods and their use in different diseases. Nutr Res, 21, 569-579.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Araştıma

Bülent Özsoy

Altuğ Küçükgül Bu kişi benim

Şule Yurdagül Özsoy Bu kişi benim

Nihat Yumuşak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2017
Kabul Tarihi 4 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özsoy, B., Küçükgül, A., Yurdagül Özsoy, Ş., Yumuşak, N. (2017). Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 6(2), 142-146.
AMA Özsoy B, Küçükgül A, Yurdagül Özsoy Ş, Yumuşak N. Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2017;6(2):142-146. doi:10.31196/huvfd.384398
Chicago Özsoy, Bülent, Altuğ Küçükgül, Şule Yurdagül Özsoy, ve Nihat Yumuşak. “Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6, sy. 2 (Aralık 2017): 142-46.
EndNote Özsoy B, Küçükgül A, Yurdagül Özsoy Ş, Yumuşak N (01 Aralık 2017) Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6 2 142–146.
IEEE B. Özsoy, A. Küçükgül, Ş. Yurdagül Özsoy, ve N. Yumuşak, “Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 142–146, 2017, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.384398.
ISNAD Özsoy, Bülent vd. “Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6/2 (Aralık 2017), 142-146.
JAMA Özsoy B, Küçükgül A, Yurdagül Özsoy Ş, Yumuşak N. Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6:142–146.
MLA Özsoy, Bülent vd. “Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 6, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 142-6, doi:10.31196/huvfd.384398.
Vancouver Özsoy B, Küçükgül A, Yurdagül Özsoy Ş, Yumuşak N. Investigation The Protective Effects of Kefir in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Liver Fattened Rats. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6(2):142-6.