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The Case of Giant Cell Osteosarcoma in a Baghdad Pigeon: First Record in Turkey

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 199 - 202, 12.12.2021


Our case was a 2‐3‐ year‐old Baghdad pigeon brought to our clinic with complaints of lameness in the right foot and swelling in the tibiotarsus region. The radiographic examination showed severe soft tissue growths, and lysis in the bone tissue were observed in the right tibio‐tarsus region. As a result of clinical and radiological examinations, it was decided to amputate the right extremity. The operation was performed under general anesthesia from approximately 5 mm proximal to the femuro‐tibia joint. In the material sent for histopathological examination, growths of approximately 3x2 cm in diameter, with elastic and hard consistency, were determined in the tibio‐tarsus region of the right extremity. The skin
surface was ulcerative and necrotic. The cross‐sectional surface of the mass was gray‐white and had a hemorrhagic and necrotic appearance. Microscopic examination revealed highly reactive bone tissue in areas surrounded by dense vascular stroma. As a result of the evaluations, the patient was diagnosed with giant cell osteosarcoma. This case report aimed to contribute to the literature about the clinical, radiological, and histopathological features of giant cell osteosarcoma in a Baghdad pigeon.


  • Amann O, Meij BP, Westerhof I, Kik M, Lumeij JT, Schoemaker NJ, 2007: Giant Cell Tumor of the Bone in a Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao). Avian Diseases, 51(1), 146-149.
  • Cavalcanti JN, Amstalden EMI, Guerra JL, Magna LC, 2004: Osteosarcoma in dogs: clinical-morphological study and prognostic correlation. Braz J vet Res anim Sci, 41(5), 299-305.
  • Cowan RW, Singh G (2013). Giant cell tumor of bone: A basic science perspective In: Bone, 52, 238–246.
  • Farjanikish G, Dezfoulian O, Mohammadi H, 2018: Metastatic giant cell osteosarcoma in a cat. Veterinary Research Forum, 9(3), 289 – 292.
  • Fordham M, Rosenthal K, Durham A, Duda L, Komaromy AM, 2010: Intraocular osteosarcoma in an umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba). Vet Ophthalmol, 13(Suppl), 103–108.
  • Lamb S, Reavill D, Wojcieszyn J, Sitinas N, 2014: Osteosarcoma of the Tibiotarsus With Possible Pulmonary Metastasis in a Ringnecked Dove (Streptopelia risoria). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 28(1), 50-56.
  • Lightfoot TL (2006). Overview of tumors: Section I. In: Harrison GJ, Lightfoot TL. Edition, Clinical Avian Medicine, Vol II. Palm Beach, FL: Spix, 560–565.
  • Mallick A, Shah N, Abdul Mahmud S K, Das SK, 2020: Giant cell-rich osteosarcoma – A rare case. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol, 24 (1), 67-72.
  • Mayer J, DeCubellis J, Rau S, Barber L, 2009: Management of osteosarcoma in a grey goose. Proc Annu Conf Assoc Avian Vet, 335.
  • Mikaelian I, Martineau-Doize´ B, Martineau D, 1998: Giant-cell osteosarcoma in a female ranch mink (Mustela vision). J Vet Diagn Invest, 10, 301–302.
  • Orosz SE, Ensley PK, Haynes CJ (1992). Surgical approaches to the pelvic limb. In: Avian Surgical Anatomy-Thoracic and Pelvic Limbs. Edition, Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders, 99–109.
  • Oryan A, Sadoughifar R, Shirian S, Kish FG, Daneshbod Y, 2015: Giant cell-rich osteosarcoma of tibia in a dog: a pathological and immunohistochemical study. Comp Clin Pathol, 24, 177–179.
  • Reavill DR, 2004: Tumors of pet birds. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract, 7(3), 537–560.
  • Sapierzyński R, Czopowicz M, 2017: The animal-dependent risk factors in canine osteosarcomas. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20(2), 293–298.
  • Wülling M, Delling G, Kaiser E, 2003: The origin of the neoplastic stromal cell in giant cell tumor of bone. Human Pathology, 34 (10), 983-993.
  • Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N, 2017: Sığırlarda Oküler ve Perioküler Tümörlerin Klinik ve Histopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi, Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 6 (1), 73-78.

Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 199 - 202, 12.12.2021


Olgumuzu kliniğimize sağ ayakta topallık ve tibiotarsus bölgesinde şişlik şikâyeti ile getirilen 2‐3 yaşlarında, Bağdat güvercini oluşturdu. Radyografik muayenede sağ tibio‐tarsus bölgesinde şiddetli yumuşak doku üremeleri ve kemik dokuda lizis gözlendi. Yapılan klinik ve radyolojik muayeneler sonucunda sağ ekstremitenin amputasyonuna karar verildi. Operasyon, genel anestezi altında femoro‐tibial eklemin yaklaşık 5 mm proksimalinden gerçekleştirildi. Histopatolojik inceleme için gönderilen materyalde makroskobik olarak, sağ ekstremitenin tibio‐tarsus bölgesinde yaklaşık 3x2 cm çapında, elastik, yer yer sert kıvamlı üremeler belirlendi. Deri yüzeyi ülseratif ve nekrotik manzaradaydı. Kitlenin kesit yüzü gri‐beyaz renkte olup, yer yer kanamalı ve nekrotik görünümdeydi. Mikroskobik muayenede ise yoğun vasküler stromayla çevrelenmiş alanlarda yüksek reaktif kemik dokusu görüldü. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda olguya dev hücreli osteosarkom tanısı konuldu. Bu olgu sunumu ile bir Bağdat güvercininde ortaya çıkan dev hücreli osteosarkomun klinik, radyolojik ve histopatolojik özellikleri hakkında literatüre katkı sağlamak amaçlandı.


  • Amann O, Meij BP, Westerhof I, Kik M, Lumeij JT, Schoemaker NJ, 2007: Giant Cell Tumor of the Bone in a Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao). Avian Diseases, 51(1), 146-149.
  • Cavalcanti JN, Amstalden EMI, Guerra JL, Magna LC, 2004: Osteosarcoma in dogs: clinical-morphological study and prognostic correlation. Braz J vet Res anim Sci, 41(5), 299-305.
  • Cowan RW, Singh G (2013). Giant cell tumor of bone: A basic science perspective In: Bone, 52, 238–246.
  • Farjanikish G, Dezfoulian O, Mohammadi H, 2018: Metastatic giant cell osteosarcoma in a cat. Veterinary Research Forum, 9(3), 289 – 292.
  • Fordham M, Rosenthal K, Durham A, Duda L, Komaromy AM, 2010: Intraocular osteosarcoma in an umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba). Vet Ophthalmol, 13(Suppl), 103–108.
  • Lamb S, Reavill D, Wojcieszyn J, Sitinas N, 2014: Osteosarcoma of the Tibiotarsus With Possible Pulmonary Metastasis in a Ringnecked Dove (Streptopelia risoria). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 28(1), 50-56.
  • Lightfoot TL (2006). Overview of tumors: Section I. In: Harrison GJ, Lightfoot TL. Edition, Clinical Avian Medicine, Vol II. Palm Beach, FL: Spix, 560–565.
  • Mallick A, Shah N, Abdul Mahmud S K, Das SK, 2020: Giant cell-rich osteosarcoma – A rare case. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol, 24 (1), 67-72.
  • Mayer J, DeCubellis J, Rau S, Barber L, 2009: Management of osteosarcoma in a grey goose. Proc Annu Conf Assoc Avian Vet, 335.
  • Mikaelian I, Martineau-Doize´ B, Martineau D, 1998: Giant-cell osteosarcoma in a female ranch mink (Mustela vision). J Vet Diagn Invest, 10, 301–302.
  • Orosz SE, Ensley PK, Haynes CJ (1992). Surgical approaches to the pelvic limb. In: Avian Surgical Anatomy-Thoracic and Pelvic Limbs. Edition, Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders, 99–109.
  • Oryan A, Sadoughifar R, Shirian S, Kish FG, Daneshbod Y, 2015: Giant cell-rich osteosarcoma of tibia in a dog: a pathological and immunohistochemical study. Comp Clin Pathol, 24, 177–179.
  • Reavill DR, 2004: Tumors of pet birds. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract, 7(3), 537–560.
  • Sapierzyński R, Czopowicz M, 2017: The animal-dependent risk factors in canine osteosarcomas. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20(2), 293–298.
  • Wülling M, Delling G, Kaiser E, 2003: The origin of the neoplastic stromal cell in giant cell tumor of bone. Human Pathology, 34 (10), 983-993.
  • Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N, 2017: Sığırlarda Oküler ve Perioküler Tümörlerin Klinik ve Histopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi, Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 6 (1), 73-78.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Ünal Yavuz 0000-0002-4981-2355

Ali Hayat 0000-0002-8597-0705

Kerem Yener 0000-0002-6947-0356

Nihat Yumuşak 0000-0002-9299-2902

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Haziran 2021
Kabul Tarihi 11 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yavuz, Ü., Hayat, A., Yener, K., Yumuşak, N. (2021). Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 10(2), 199-202. https://doi.org/10.31196/huvfd.958743
AMA Yavuz Ü, Hayat A, Yener K, Yumuşak N. Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2021;10(2):199-202. doi:10.31196/huvfd.958743
Chicago Yavuz, Ünal, Ali Hayat, Kerem Yener, ve Nihat Yumuşak. “Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 199-202. https://doi.org/10.31196/huvfd.958743.
EndNote Yavuz Ü, Hayat A, Yener K, Yumuşak N (01 Aralık 2021) Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10 2 199–202.
IEEE Ü. Yavuz, A. Hayat, K. Yener, ve N. Yumuşak, “Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 199–202, 2021, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.958743.
ISNAD Yavuz, Ünal vd. “Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10/2 (Aralık 2021), 199-202. https://doi.org/10.31196/huvfd.958743.
JAMA Yavuz Ü, Hayat A, Yener K, Yumuşak N. Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10:199–202.
MLA Yavuz, Ünal vd. “Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 10, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 199-02, doi:10.31196/huvfd.958743.
Vancouver Yavuz Ü, Hayat A, Yener K, Yumuşak N. Bir Bağdat Güvercininde Dev Hücreli Osteosarkom Olgusu: Türkiye’de İlk Kayıt. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10(2):199-202.