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Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 93 - 99, 18.12.2024


Günümüzde at yetiştiriciliğinde, parazitlerde antelmentik ilaçlara karşı gelişen direncin artması, at sağlığı ve antiparaziter amaçla yapılan tedavilerde ciddi sorunlar oluşturabilmektedir. Bu çalışma, atların sindirim sistemi helmintlerinden olan Strongylus spp. etkenlerine karşı, ivermektin ve praziquantelin etki düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bu maddelere karşı gelişebilecek bir antelmentik direnç durumunun tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Şanlıurfa, Mersin ve Adana illerinde, safkan İngiliz atı yetiştiriciliğinin yapıldığı 30 çiftlikten, farklı yaşlarda bulunan 60 attan, dışkı örnekleri alındı ve Strongylidae yumurtaları yönünden McMaster tekniği ile incelendi. Örneklerin 20’sinde (%33,33) Strongylidae etkenlerinin yumurtalarının varlığı belirlendi. Strongylidae ile enfekte oldukları belirlenen atlara, ticari ivermektin ve praziquantel kombinasyonu sırasıyla 0,2 ve 1,5 mg/kg dozlarda oral yoldan uygulandı. Uygulamadan sonraki 14. gün, atlardan ikinci kez dışkı örnekleri alındı ve yapılan tüm analizler tekrarlandı. Kullanılan ilaç kombinasyonunun, Strongylidae etkenlerine karşı %100 oranında etkili olduğu, eş zamanlı olarak yapılan Real-Time PCR analiz sonuçlarının hem tedavi öncesi hem de sonrasında, konvansiyonel analiz sonuçları ile bire bir uyumlu olduğu belirlendi.
Sonuç olarak, safkan İngiliz atlarında belirlenen Strongylidae enfeksiyonlarında, ivermektin ve praziquantel kombinasyonu uygulamasının ardından antelmentik direnç durumu kaydedilmedi. Bununla birlikte, antelmentik ilaç direncinin oluşma olasılığı göz önünde bulundurularak, antiparaziter ilaç kullanımı konusunda daha dikkatli olunması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.

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Proje Numarası



  • Abbas G, Ghafar A, Hurley J, Bauquier J, Beasley A, Wilkes EJA, Jacobson C, El-Hage C, Cudmore L, Carrigan P, Tennent-Brown B, Gauci CG, Nielsen MK, Hughes KJ, Beveridge I, Jabbar A, 2021: Cyathostomin resistance to moxidectin and combinations of anthelmintics in Australian horses. Parasites Vectors, 14, 597.
  • Aydenizöz M, 2003: Kırıkkale’de Atlarda Helmintlerin Yayılışı. 13. Ulusal Parazitoloji Kongresi. Konya, Türkiye, 086, pp. 292.
  • Aypak S, 2013: Farklı Yetiştirme Koşullarında Bulunan Atlarda Helmintolojik Araştırma. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 2 (1), 152-155.
  • Bakırcı S, Çırak VY, Güleğen E, Karabacak A, 2004: Gemlik Askeri Hara Atlarında Dışkı Muayenesi ile Saptanan Parazitler. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 28 (1), 35-37.
  • Barbosa OF, Rocha UF, da Silva GS, Soares VE, Veronez VA, de Oliveira GP, Landim VJC, da Costa AJ, 2001: A survey on Cyathostominae nematodes (strongylidea, stronglidae) in pasture bred horses from são paulo state, Brazil. Semin Cienc Agrar, 22, 21-26.
  • Bellaw JL, Nielsen MK, 2020: Meta-analysis of cyathostomin species-specific prevalence and relative abundance in domestic horses from 1975-2020: emphasis on geographical region and specimen collection method. Parasit Vectors, 13 (1), 509.
  • Bucknell DG, Gasser RB, Beveridge I, 1995: The prevalence and epidemiology of gastrointestinal parasites of horses in Victoria, Australia. Int J Parasitol, 25 (6), 711-724.
  • Burgu A, Öge S, Doğanay A, Pişkin Ç, Öge H, 1995: Atlarda bulunan helmint türleri. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 42, 193-205.
  • Coles GC, Jackson F, Pomroy WE, Prichard RK, Von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Silvestre A, Taylor MA, Vercruysse J, 2006: The detection of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of veterinary importance. Vet Parasitol, 136 (3-4), 167–185.
  • Collobert-Laugier C, Hoste H, Sevin C, Dorchies P, 2002: Prevalence, abundance and site distribution of equine small strongyles in Normandy, France. Vet Parasitol, 110 (1-2), 77-83.
  • Courtot É, Boisseau M, Dhorne-Pollet S, Serreau D, Gesbert A, Reigner F, Basiaga M, Kuzmina T, Lluch J, Annonay G, Kuchly C, Diekmann I, Krücken J, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Mach N, Sallé G, 2023: Comparison of two molecular barcodes for the study of equine strongylid communities with amplicon sequencing. PeerJ, 11, e15124.
  • Çırak VY, 2003: Atlarda Strongylidae Enfeksiyonları. Bornova Vet Kont Araşt Enst Derg, 28, 47-53.
  • Çırak VY, Güleğen E, Bauer C, 2004: Benzimidazole resistance in cyathostomin populations on horse farms in western Anatolia, Turkey. Parasitol Res, 93 (5), 392-395.
  • Çırak VY, Kar S, Girişkin O, 2010: İvermektin ve Pirantele Karşı At Strongylidae’lerinde Antelmentik Direnç Araştırılması ve Parascaris equorum’da Makrosiklik Lakton Direnci. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 34 (1), 35-39.
  • Dauparaitė E, Kupčinskas T, Varady M, Petkevičius S, 2022: Anthelmintic resistance of horse strongyle nematodes to fenbendazole in Lithuania. Acta Vet Scand, 64 (1), 26.
  • Dunsmore JD, Jue Sue LP, 1985: Prevalence and epidemiology of the major gastrointestinal parasites of horses in Perth, Western Australia. Equine Vet J, 17 (3), 208-213.
  • Flores AG, Osmari V, Ramos F, Marques CB, Ramos DJ, Botton SA, Vogel FSF, Sangioni LA, 2020: Multiple resistance in equine cyathostomins: a case study from military establishments in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet, 29, 3.
  • Ghafar A, Abbas G, Beasley A, Bauquier J, Wilkes EJA, Jacobson C, McConnell E, El-Hage C, Carrigan P, Cudmore L, Tennent-Brown B, Hurley J, Nielsen MK, Gauci CG, Beveridge I, Hughes KJ, Jabbar A, 2023: Molecular diagnostics for gastrointestinal helminths in equids: Past, present and future. Vet Parasitol, 313, 109851.
  • Gül A, Değer S, Ayaz E, 2003: Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde dışkı muayenesine göre tek tırnaklılarda bulunan helmint türleri ve yayılışı. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 27, 195-199.
  • Ionita M, Buzatu MC, Enachescu V, Mitrea IL, 2013: Coprological prevalence and intensity of gastrointesinal parasites in horses in some Romanian studs: preliminary data. AgroLife Sci J, 2, 207-212.
  • Janicki K, 2016: Re-evaluate your equine deworming protocols this fall. “Https://”
  • Karaca M, Ayaz E, Tütüncü M, Gül A, Akkan HA, 2005: Van Yöresi Atlarında Helmint Enfeksiyonlarının Yayılışı ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (2), 71-74.
  • Kaspar A, Pfister K, Nielsen MK, Silaghi C, Fink H, Scheuerle MC, 2017: Detection of Strongylus vulgaris in equine faecal samples by real-time PCR and larval culture-method comparison and occurrence assessment. BMC Vet Res, 13 (1), 19.
  • Keidane D, Ozola G, Ilgaza A, 2018: Ivermectin resistance of horse digestive strongyles. Njfcongress, 26, 78-81. Kozan E, Güzel H, 2015: Helminths found by faecal examination in the equine in Afyonkarahisar Region. Kocatepe Vet J, 8 (2), 19-22.
  • Köse M, 2014: Ruminantların Gastro-intestinal Nematodlarında Anthelmentik Dirençliliği. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 11 (3), 211-220.
  • Lassen B, Peltola SM, 2015: Anthelmintic resistance of intestinal nematodes to ivermectin and pyrantel in Estonian horses. J Helminthol, 89 (6), 760-763.
  • Lignon JS, Gonçalves NF, Cunha LL, Antunes TA, Leao MS, Camassola JLT, Pellegrin TG, Ripoll PK, Pappen FG, Pinto DM, 2021: Anthelmintic resistance in creole horses in the South of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec, 73, 598–604.
  • Macdonald SL, Abbas G, Ghafar A, Gauci CG, Bauquier J, El-Hage C, TennentBrown B, Wilkes EJA, Beasley A, Jacobson C, Cudmore L, Carrigan P, Hurley J, Beveridge I, Hughes KJ, Nielsen MK, Jabbar A, 2023: Egg reappearance periods of anthelmintics against equine cyathostomins: the state of play revisited. Int. J. Parasitol. Drugs Drug Resist, 21, 28–39.
  • MAFF, 1986: Manual of Veterinary Parasitological Laboratory Techniques. Reference Book 418. Third Edition. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, HMSO, p.159.
  • Marley SE, Hutchens DE, Reinemeyer CR, Holste JE, Paul AJ, Rehbein S, 2004: Antiparasitic activity of an ivermectin and praziquantel combination paste in horses. Vet Ther, 5 (2), 105-119.
  • Martins NS, Pinto DM, da Cunha LL, Lignon JS, dos Santos TC, Evaristo TA, Pappen FG, Nizoli LQ, 2021: Assessment of the efficacy of commercial anthelmintics in horses naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Med. Vet, (UFRPE), 15, 28–32.
  • Matthews JB, 2010: An update on cyathostomins: Anthelmentic resistance and worm control. Equine Vet Educ, 20, 552-560.
  • Matthews JB, 2014: Anthelmintic resistance in equine nematodes. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist, 4, 310–315.
  • Nielsen MK, 2022: Anthelmintic resistance in equine nematodes: current status and emerging trends. Int. J. Parasitol. Drugs Drug Resist, 20, 76–88.
  • Nielsen MK, Banahan M, Kaplan RM, 2020: Importation of macrocyclic lactone resistant cyathostomins on a US thoroughbred farm. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist, 14, 99–104.
  • Pereira JR, Vianna SS, 2006: Gastrointestinal parasitic worms in equines in the Paraíba Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Vet Parasitol, 140 (3-4), 289-295.
  • Pişkin FÇ, Bıyıkoğlu G, Babür C, Kanat MA, Özcengiz E, 1999: Serum Üretiminde Kullanılan Atlarda Dışkı Bakılarına Göre Helmint Enfeksiyonları. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 23, 436-439.
  • Salem SE, Abd El-Ghany AM, Hamad MH, Abdelaal AM, Elsheikh HA, Hamid AA, Saud MA, Daniels SP, Ras R, 2021: Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes, parasite control practices and anthelmintic resistance patterns in a working horse population in Egypt. Equine Vet J, 53 (2), 339-348.
  • Seyoum Z, Zewdu A, Dagnachew S, Bogale B, 2017: Anthelmintic Resistance of Strongyle Nematodes to Ivermectin and Fenbendazole on Cart Horses in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia. Biomed Res Int, 5163968.
  • Studzińska MB, Sallé G, Roczeń-Karczmarz M, Szczepaniak K, Demkowska-Kutrzepa M, Tomczuk K, 2020: A survey of ivermectin resistance in Parascaris species infected foals in south-eastern Poland. Acta Vet Scand, 62 (1), 28.
  • Umur S, Acici M, 2009: A survey on helminth infections of equines in the Central Black Sea region, Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 33, 373-378.
  • Uslu U, Guclu F, 2007: Prevalence of endoparasites in horses and donkeys in Turkey. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 51, 237-240.
  • Zak A, Siwinska N, Slowikowska M, Borowicz H, Kubiak K, Hildebrand J, Popiolek M, Niedzwiedz A, 2017: Searching for ivermectin resistance in a Strongylidae population of horses stabled in Poland. BMC Vet Res, 13 (1), 210

Determination of Anthelmintic Resistance to Ivermectin and Praziquantel in Strongylidae Infected Horses

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 93 - 99, 18.12.2024


The growing resistance of parasites to anthelmintic drugs in horse breeding has the potential to cause significant challenges in horse health and antiparasitic treatments. The objective of this study was to ascertain the efficacy of ivermectin and praziquantel against Strongylus spp., which are digestive system helminths of horses, and to determine the potential for anthelminthic resistance to develop against these agents. Fecal samples were collected from 60 horses of varying ages from 30 thoroughbred British horse breeding farms in Şanlıurfa, Mersin, and Adana provinces. The samples were then examined using the McMaster technique for Strongylidae eggs. The presence of Strongylidae eggs was identified in 20 samples (33.33%). Horses infected with Strongylidae were treated orally with a combination of commercial ivermectin and praziquantel at 0.2 and 1.5 mg/kg, respectively. On the 14th day following administration, fecal samples were collected from the horses for a second time, and all analyses were repeated. It was determined that the drug combination used was 100% effective against Strongylidae agents. Furthermore, the results of the Real-Time PCR analysis, which was conducted simultaneously with the conventional analysis, both before and after treatment, demonstrated the same efficacy.
In conclusion, no anthelmintic resistance was observed in Strongylidae infections in thoroughbred British horses following the combination of ivermectin and praziquantel. However, in light of the potential for anthelmintic drug resistance, greater caution should be exercised in the use of antiparasitic drugs.

Proje Numarası



  • Abbas G, Ghafar A, Hurley J, Bauquier J, Beasley A, Wilkes EJA, Jacobson C, El-Hage C, Cudmore L, Carrigan P, Tennent-Brown B, Gauci CG, Nielsen MK, Hughes KJ, Beveridge I, Jabbar A, 2021: Cyathostomin resistance to moxidectin and combinations of anthelmintics in Australian horses. Parasites Vectors, 14, 597.
  • Aydenizöz M, 2003: Kırıkkale’de Atlarda Helmintlerin Yayılışı. 13. Ulusal Parazitoloji Kongresi. Konya, Türkiye, 086, pp. 292.
  • Aypak S, 2013: Farklı Yetiştirme Koşullarında Bulunan Atlarda Helmintolojik Araştırma. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 2 (1), 152-155.
  • Bakırcı S, Çırak VY, Güleğen E, Karabacak A, 2004: Gemlik Askeri Hara Atlarında Dışkı Muayenesi ile Saptanan Parazitler. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 28 (1), 35-37.
  • Barbosa OF, Rocha UF, da Silva GS, Soares VE, Veronez VA, de Oliveira GP, Landim VJC, da Costa AJ, 2001: A survey on Cyathostominae nematodes (strongylidea, stronglidae) in pasture bred horses from são paulo state, Brazil. Semin Cienc Agrar, 22, 21-26.
  • Bellaw JL, Nielsen MK, 2020: Meta-analysis of cyathostomin species-specific prevalence and relative abundance in domestic horses from 1975-2020: emphasis on geographical region and specimen collection method. Parasit Vectors, 13 (1), 509.
  • Bucknell DG, Gasser RB, Beveridge I, 1995: The prevalence and epidemiology of gastrointestinal parasites of horses in Victoria, Australia. Int J Parasitol, 25 (6), 711-724.
  • Burgu A, Öge S, Doğanay A, Pişkin Ç, Öge H, 1995: Atlarda bulunan helmint türleri. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 42, 193-205.
  • Coles GC, Jackson F, Pomroy WE, Prichard RK, Von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Silvestre A, Taylor MA, Vercruysse J, 2006: The detection of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of veterinary importance. Vet Parasitol, 136 (3-4), 167–185.
  • Collobert-Laugier C, Hoste H, Sevin C, Dorchies P, 2002: Prevalence, abundance and site distribution of equine small strongyles in Normandy, France. Vet Parasitol, 110 (1-2), 77-83.
  • Courtot É, Boisseau M, Dhorne-Pollet S, Serreau D, Gesbert A, Reigner F, Basiaga M, Kuzmina T, Lluch J, Annonay G, Kuchly C, Diekmann I, Krücken J, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Mach N, Sallé G, 2023: Comparison of two molecular barcodes for the study of equine strongylid communities with amplicon sequencing. PeerJ, 11, e15124.
  • Çırak VY, 2003: Atlarda Strongylidae Enfeksiyonları. Bornova Vet Kont Araşt Enst Derg, 28, 47-53.
  • Çırak VY, Güleğen E, Bauer C, 2004: Benzimidazole resistance in cyathostomin populations on horse farms in western Anatolia, Turkey. Parasitol Res, 93 (5), 392-395.
  • Çırak VY, Kar S, Girişkin O, 2010: İvermektin ve Pirantele Karşı At Strongylidae’lerinde Antelmentik Direnç Araştırılması ve Parascaris equorum’da Makrosiklik Lakton Direnci. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 34 (1), 35-39.
  • Dauparaitė E, Kupčinskas T, Varady M, Petkevičius S, 2022: Anthelmintic resistance of horse strongyle nematodes to fenbendazole in Lithuania. Acta Vet Scand, 64 (1), 26.
  • Dunsmore JD, Jue Sue LP, 1985: Prevalence and epidemiology of the major gastrointestinal parasites of horses in Perth, Western Australia. Equine Vet J, 17 (3), 208-213.
  • Flores AG, Osmari V, Ramos F, Marques CB, Ramos DJ, Botton SA, Vogel FSF, Sangioni LA, 2020: Multiple resistance in equine cyathostomins: a case study from military establishments in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet, 29, 3.
  • Ghafar A, Abbas G, Beasley A, Bauquier J, Wilkes EJA, Jacobson C, McConnell E, El-Hage C, Carrigan P, Cudmore L, Tennent-Brown B, Hurley J, Nielsen MK, Gauci CG, Beveridge I, Hughes KJ, Jabbar A, 2023: Molecular diagnostics for gastrointestinal helminths in equids: Past, present and future. Vet Parasitol, 313, 109851.
  • Gül A, Değer S, Ayaz E, 2003: Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde dışkı muayenesine göre tek tırnaklılarda bulunan helmint türleri ve yayılışı. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 27, 195-199.
  • Ionita M, Buzatu MC, Enachescu V, Mitrea IL, 2013: Coprological prevalence and intensity of gastrointesinal parasites in horses in some Romanian studs: preliminary data. AgroLife Sci J, 2, 207-212.
  • Janicki K, 2016: Re-evaluate your equine deworming protocols this fall. “Https://”
  • Karaca M, Ayaz E, Tütüncü M, Gül A, Akkan HA, 2005: Van Yöresi Atlarında Helmint Enfeksiyonlarının Yayılışı ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (2), 71-74.
  • Kaspar A, Pfister K, Nielsen MK, Silaghi C, Fink H, Scheuerle MC, 2017: Detection of Strongylus vulgaris in equine faecal samples by real-time PCR and larval culture-method comparison and occurrence assessment. BMC Vet Res, 13 (1), 19.
  • Keidane D, Ozola G, Ilgaza A, 2018: Ivermectin resistance of horse digestive strongyles. Njfcongress, 26, 78-81. Kozan E, Güzel H, 2015: Helminths found by faecal examination in the equine in Afyonkarahisar Region. Kocatepe Vet J, 8 (2), 19-22.
  • Köse M, 2014: Ruminantların Gastro-intestinal Nematodlarında Anthelmentik Dirençliliği. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 11 (3), 211-220.
  • Lassen B, Peltola SM, 2015: Anthelmintic resistance of intestinal nematodes to ivermectin and pyrantel in Estonian horses. J Helminthol, 89 (6), 760-763.
  • Lignon JS, Gonçalves NF, Cunha LL, Antunes TA, Leao MS, Camassola JLT, Pellegrin TG, Ripoll PK, Pappen FG, Pinto DM, 2021: Anthelmintic resistance in creole horses in the South of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec, 73, 598–604.
  • Macdonald SL, Abbas G, Ghafar A, Gauci CG, Bauquier J, El-Hage C, TennentBrown B, Wilkes EJA, Beasley A, Jacobson C, Cudmore L, Carrigan P, Hurley J, Beveridge I, Hughes KJ, Nielsen MK, Jabbar A, 2023: Egg reappearance periods of anthelmintics against equine cyathostomins: the state of play revisited. Int. J. Parasitol. Drugs Drug Resist, 21, 28–39.
  • MAFF, 1986: Manual of Veterinary Parasitological Laboratory Techniques. Reference Book 418. Third Edition. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, HMSO, p.159.
  • Marley SE, Hutchens DE, Reinemeyer CR, Holste JE, Paul AJ, Rehbein S, 2004: Antiparasitic activity of an ivermectin and praziquantel combination paste in horses. Vet Ther, 5 (2), 105-119.
  • Martins NS, Pinto DM, da Cunha LL, Lignon JS, dos Santos TC, Evaristo TA, Pappen FG, Nizoli LQ, 2021: Assessment of the efficacy of commercial anthelmintics in horses naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Med. Vet, (UFRPE), 15, 28–32.
  • Matthews JB, 2010: An update on cyathostomins: Anthelmentic resistance and worm control. Equine Vet Educ, 20, 552-560.
  • Matthews JB, 2014: Anthelmintic resistance in equine nematodes. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist, 4, 310–315.
  • Nielsen MK, 2022: Anthelmintic resistance in equine nematodes: current status and emerging trends. Int. J. Parasitol. Drugs Drug Resist, 20, 76–88.
  • Nielsen MK, Banahan M, Kaplan RM, 2020: Importation of macrocyclic lactone resistant cyathostomins on a US thoroughbred farm. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist, 14, 99–104.
  • Pereira JR, Vianna SS, 2006: Gastrointestinal parasitic worms in equines in the Paraíba Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Vet Parasitol, 140 (3-4), 289-295.
  • Pişkin FÇ, Bıyıkoğlu G, Babür C, Kanat MA, Özcengiz E, 1999: Serum Üretiminde Kullanılan Atlarda Dışkı Bakılarına Göre Helmint Enfeksiyonları. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 23, 436-439.
  • Salem SE, Abd El-Ghany AM, Hamad MH, Abdelaal AM, Elsheikh HA, Hamid AA, Saud MA, Daniels SP, Ras R, 2021: Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes, parasite control practices and anthelmintic resistance patterns in a working horse population in Egypt. Equine Vet J, 53 (2), 339-348.
  • Seyoum Z, Zewdu A, Dagnachew S, Bogale B, 2017: Anthelmintic Resistance of Strongyle Nematodes to Ivermectin and Fenbendazole on Cart Horses in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia. Biomed Res Int, 5163968.
  • Studzińska MB, Sallé G, Roczeń-Karczmarz M, Szczepaniak K, Demkowska-Kutrzepa M, Tomczuk K, 2020: A survey of ivermectin resistance in Parascaris species infected foals in south-eastern Poland. Acta Vet Scand, 62 (1), 28.
  • Umur S, Acici M, 2009: A survey on helminth infections of equines in the Central Black Sea region, Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 33, 373-378.
  • Uslu U, Guclu F, 2007: Prevalence of endoparasites in horses and donkeys in Turkey. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 51, 237-240.
  • Zak A, Siwinska N, Slowikowska M, Borowicz H, Kubiak K, Hildebrand J, Popiolek M, Niedzwiedz A, 2017: Searching for ivermectin resistance in a Strongylidae population of horses stabled in Poland. BMC Vet Res, 13 (1), 210
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Farmakoloji, Veteriner Parazitoloji
Bölüm Araştıma

Hikmet Dinç 0000-0003-1823-1790

Bünyamin İrehan 0000-0002-1745-2535

Akın Yiğin 0000-0001-9758-1697

Mehtapgül Altaş Atığ 0000-0002-0120-9266

Murat Sevgili 0000-0002-0500-679X

Mehmet Demirci 0000-0001-9670-2426

Mehmet Batmaz 0000-0001-6681-8022

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Dinç, H., İrehan, B., Yiğin, A., Altaş Atığ, M., vd. (2024). Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 13(2), 93-99.
AMA Dinç H, İrehan B, Yiğin A, Altaş Atığ M, Sevgili M, Demirci M, Batmaz M. Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2024;13(2):93-99. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1496352
Chicago Dinç, Hikmet, Bünyamin İrehan, Akın Yiğin, Mehtapgül Altaş Atığ, Murat Sevgili, Mehmet Demirci, ve Mehmet Batmaz. “Strongylidae Ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin Ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 93-99.
EndNote Dinç H, İrehan B, Yiğin A, Altaş Atığ M, Sevgili M, Demirci M, Batmaz M (01 Aralık 2024) Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13 2 93–99.
IEEE H. Dinç, B. İrehan, A. Yiğin, M. Altaş Atığ, M. Sevgili, M. Demirci, ve M. Batmaz, “Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 13, sy. 2, ss. 93–99, 2024, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1496352.
ISNAD Dinç, Hikmet vd. “Strongylidae Ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin Ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13/2 (Aralık 2024), 93-99.
JAMA Dinç H, İrehan B, Yiğin A, Altaş Atığ M, Sevgili M, Demirci M, Batmaz M. Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2024;13:93–99.
MLA Dinç, Hikmet vd. “Strongylidae Ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin Ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 13, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 93-99, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1496352.
Vancouver Dinç H, İrehan B, Yiğin A, Altaş Atığ M, Sevgili M, Demirci M, Batmaz M. Strongylidae ile Enfekte Atlarda, İvermektin ve Praziquantele Karşı Antelmentik Direnç Durumunun Tespiti. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2024;13(2):93-9.