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Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 135 - 140, 18.12.2024


The current research examined the effects of adding 0.03%, 0.06%, 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.6% acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) to drinking water between 24 and 45 days on gait score and femur osteometry. The gait score average of the birds slaughtered on the 49th day was above 3, and no difference was found between the groups. It was determined that ASA treatment did not affect the osteometric and index values of the femur bones taken and examined after slaughter. In conclusion, it was concluded that ASA was not effective in preventing skeletal deformations caused by rapid growth in broilers.

Proje Numarası

Fırat Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi/ Proje No: V.F.21.24


  • Bessei W. 2006: Welfare of broilers: a review. J World's Poult Sci, 62, 455-466.
  • Cao Y, Xiong J, Mei S, Wang F, Zhao Z, Wang S, Liu Y, 2015: Aspirin promotes bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-based calvarial bone regeneration in mini swine. Stem Cell Res Ther, 6, 210.
  • Caplen G, Colborne GR, Hothersall B, Nicol CJ, Waterman-Pearson AE, Weeks CA, Murrell JC, 2013: Lame broiler chickens respond to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with objective changes in gait function: A controlled clinical trial. TVJ, 196, 477-482.
  • Dadwal G, Schulte-Huxel T, Kolb G, 2020: Effect of antithrombotic drugs on bone health. Z Gerontol Geriat, 53, 457-462.
  • Decuypere E, Bruggeman V, Everaert N, Li Y, Boonen R, de Tavernier J, Janssens S, Buys N, 2010: The Broiler Breeder Paradox: ethical, genetic and physiological perspectives, and suggestions for solutions. Br Poult Sci, 51, 569-579.
  • Derakhshanfar, A., Kheirandish, R., Alidadi, S., Bidadkosh, A. 2013: Study of long effects of administration of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) on bone in broiler chickens. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 22, 1201-1204.
  • von den Driesch A, 1976: A Guide to the Measurement of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites. Harvard University Press.
  • Duggan BM, Hocking PM, Schwarz T, Clements DN, 2015: Differences in hindlimb morphology of ducks and chickens: effects of domestication and selection. GSE, 47, 88.
  • Fang X, Lei L, Jiang T, Chen Y, Kang Y, 2018: Injectable thermosensitive alginate/β-tricalcium phosphate/aspirin hydrogels for bone augmentation. J Biomed Mater Res B, 106, 1739-1751.
  • Fathi M, Haydari M, Tanha T, 2016: Influence of dietary aspirin on growth performance, antioxidant status, and mortality due to ascites in broiler chickens. Poult Sci J, 4 (2), 139-146.
  • Gocsik É, Silvera AM, Hansson H, Saatkamp HW, Blokhuis HJ, 2017: Exploring the economic potential of reducing broiler lameness. Br Poult Sci. 58, 337-347.
  • Hartcher KM, Lum HK, 2020: Genetic selection of broilers and welfare consequences: a review. J World's Poult Sci, 76, 154-167.
  • Hida N, Yamazaki T, Fujita Y, Noda H, Sambe T, Ryu K, Mizukami T, Takenoshita S, Uchida N, Nakamura A, 2023: A Study on Pharmacokinetics of Acetylsalicylic Acid Mini-Tablets in Healthy Adult Males-Comparison with the Powder Formulation. Pharm, 15, 2079.
  • de Jong IC, Hindle VA, Butterworth A, Engel B, Ferrari P, Gunnink H, Perez Moya T, Tuyttens FAM, van Reenen CG, 2016: Simplifying the Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for broiler chicken welfare. Anim, 10, 117-127.
  • Kittelsen, KE, David B, Moe RO, Poulsen HD, Young JF, Granquist EG, 2017: Associations among gait score, production data, abattoir registrations, and postmortem tibia measurements in broiler chickens. Poult Sci, 96, 1033-1040.
  • Liu Y, Chen C, Liu S, Liu D, Xu X, Chen X, Shi S, 2015: Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment Improves Differentiation and Immunomodulation of SHED. J Dent Res, 94, 209-218.
  • Nääs IA, Paz ICLA, Baracho MS, Menezes AG, Bueno LGF, Almeida ICL, Moura DJ, 2009: Impact of lameness on broiler well-being. JAPR, 18, 432-439.
  • Almeida Paz ICL, Almeida ICL, Milbradt EL, Caldara FR, Tse MLP, 2019: Effects of analgesic and noise stimulus in gait score assessment. PLoS One, 14, e0208827.
  • Shi S, Yamaza T, Akiyama K, 2008: Is aspirin treatment an appropriate intervention to osteoporosis? Fut Rheumatol, 3, 499-502.
  • Shim MY, Karnuah AB, Mitchell AD, Anthony NB, Pesti GM, Aggrey SE, 2012: The effects of growth rate on leg morphology and tibia breaking strength, mineral density, mineral content, and bone ash in broilers. Poult Sci, 91, 1790-1795.
  • de Souza Rendohl E, Miziara LNB, Pimentel AC, Sendyk WR, Santiago Junior JF, Marão HF, 2021: The influence of acetylsalicylic acid on bone regeneration: systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 59, E1-E16.
  • Stevens H, Voelker M, Gow L, MacDougall F, Bieri G, 2019: In-vivo disintegration and absorption of two fast acting aspirin tablet formulations compared to ibuprofen tablets using pharmacoscintigraphy. Int J Drug Deliv Technol, 51, 535-541.
  • Tavakoli M, Bouyeh M, Seidavi A, 2022: Influences of dietary aspirin supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics and gastrointestinal organs of broilers. J Hellenic Vet Med Soc, 73, 5061-5066.
  • Wada K, Yu W, Elazizi M, Barakat S, Ouimet MA, Rosario-Meléndez R, Fiorellini JP, Graves DT, Uhrich KE, 2013: Locally delivered salicylic acid from a poly(anhydride-ester): Impact on diabetic bone regeneration. JCR, 171, 33-37.
  • Weeks CA, Danbury TD, Davies HC, Hunt P, Kestin SC, 2000: The behaviour of broiler chickens and its modification by lameness. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 67, 111-125.
  • Wilhelmsson S, Yngvesson J, Jönsson L, Gunnarsson S, Wallenbeck A, 2019: Welfare Quality® assessment of a fast-growing and a slower-growing broiler hybrid, reared until 10 weeks and fed a low-protein, high-protein or mussel-meal diet. Livest Sci, 219, 71-79.
  • Xu T, Yue K, Zhang C, Tong X, Lin L, Cao Q, Huang S, 2022: Probiotics Treatment of Leg Diseases in Broiler Chickens: a Review. Probiotics & Antimicro Prot, 14, 415-425.
  • Yamaza T, Miura Y, Bi Y, Liu Y, Akiyama K, Sonoyama W, Patel V, Gutkind S, Young M, Gronthos S, Le A, Wang CY, Chen W, Shi S, 2008: Pharmacologic Stem Cell Based Intervention as a New Approach to Osteoporosis Treatment in Rodents. PloS one, 3, e2615.
  • Yan FF, Mohammed AA, Murugesan GR, Cheng HW, 2019: Effects of a dietary synbiotic inclusion on bone health in broilers subjected to cyclic heat stress episodes. Poult Sci, 98, 1083-1089.
  • Yang X, Zhao Y, Gan H, Hawkins S, Eckelkamp L, Prado M, Burns R, Purswell J, Tabler T, 2023: Modeling gait score of broiler chicken via production and behavioral data. Anim, 17, 100692.

Etlik Piliçlerde Asetilsalisilik Asit Uygulamasının Yürüme Skoru ve Femur Osteometrisi Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 135 - 140, 18.12.2024


Yapılan araştırmada 24 ve 45. günler arasında içme suyuna %0.03, %0.06, %0.1, %0.3 ve %0.6 asetilsalisilik asit (ASA) eklenmesinin yürüyüş skoru ve femur osteometrisi üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. 49. günde kesilen tavukların yürüyüş skoru ortalaması 3'ün üzerinde olup gruplar arasında fark bulunmamıştır. Kesim sonrası alınarak incelenen femur kemiklerinin osteometrik değerlerini ve indeks değerlerini etkilemediği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak ASA'nın etlik piliçlerde hızlı büyümeye bağlı iskelet deformasyonlarını önlemede etkili olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Fırat Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Proje Numarası

Fırat Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi/ Proje No: V.F.21.24


  • Bessei W. 2006: Welfare of broilers: a review. J World's Poult Sci, 62, 455-466.
  • Cao Y, Xiong J, Mei S, Wang F, Zhao Z, Wang S, Liu Y, 2015: Aspirin promotes bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-based calvarial bone regeneration in mini swine. Stem Cell Res Ther, 6, 210.
  • Caplen G, Colborne GR, Hothersall B, Nicol CJ, Waterman-Pearson AE, Weeks CA, Murrell JC, 2013: Lame broiler chickens respond to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with objective changes in gait function: A controlled clinical trial. TVJ, 196, 477-482.
  • Dadwal G, Schulte-Huxel T, Kolb G, 2020: Effect of antithrombotic drugs on bone health. Z Gerontol Geriat, 53, 457-462.
  • Decuypere E, Bruggeman V, Everaert N, Li Y, Boonen R, de Tavernier J, Janssens S, Buys N, 2010: The Broiler Breeder Paradox: ethical, genetic and physiological perspectives, and suggestions for solutions. Br Poult Sci, 51, 569-579.
  • Derakhshanfar, A., Kheirandish, R., Alidadi, S., Bidadkosh, A. 2013: Study of long effects of administration of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) on bone in broiler chickens. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 22, 1201-1204.
  • von den Driesch A, 1976: A Guide to the Measurement of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites. Harvard University Press.
  • Duggan BM, Hocking PM, Schwarz T, Clements DN, 2015: Differences in hindlimb morphology of ducks and chickens: effects of domestication and selection. GSE, 47, 88.
  • Fang X, Lei L, Jiang T, Chen Y, Kang Y, 2018: Injectable thermosensitive alginate/β-tricalcium phosphate/aspirin hydrogels for bone augmentation. J Biomed Mater Res B, 106, 1739-1751.
  • Fathi M, Haydari M, Tanha T, 2016: Influence of dietary aspirin on growth performance, antioxidant status, and mortality due to ascites in broiler chickens. Poult Sci J, 4 (2), 139-146.
  • Gocsik É, Silvera AM, Hansson H, Saatkamp HW, Blokhuis HJ, 2017: Exploring the economic potential of reducing broiler lameness. Br Poult Sci. 58, 337-347.
  • Hartcher KM, Lum HK, 2020: Genetic selection of broilers and welfare consequences: a review. J World's Poult Sci, 76, 154-167.
  • Hida N, Yamazaki T, Fujita Y, Noda H, Sambe T, Ryu K, Mizukami T, Takenoshita S, Uchida N, Nakamura A, 2023: A Study on Pharmacokinetics of Acetylsalicylic Acid Mini-Tablets in Healthy Adult Males-Comparison with the Powder Formulation. Pharm, 15, 2079.
  • de Jong IC, Hindle VA, Butterworth A, Engel B, Ferrari P, Gunnink H, Perez Moya T, Tuyttens FAM, van Reenen CG, 2016: Simplifying the Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for broiler chicken welfare. Anim, 10, 117-127.
  • Kittelsen, KE, David B, Moe RO, Poulsen HD, Young JF, Granquist EG, 2017: Associations among gait score, production data, abattoir registrations, and postmortem tibia measurements in broiler chickens. Poult Sci, 96, 1033-1040.
  • Liu Y, Chen C, Liu S, Liu D, Xu X, Chen X, Shi S, 2015: Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment Improves Differentiation and Immunomodulation of SHED. J Dent Res, 94, 209-218.
  • Nääs IA, Paz ICLA, Baracho MS, Menezes AG, Bueno LGF, Almeida ICL, Moura DJ, 2009: Impact of lameness on broiler well-being. JAPR, 18, 432-439.
  • Almeida Paz ICL, Almeida ICL, Milbradt EL, Caldara FR, Tse MLP, 2019: Effects of analgesic and noise stimulus in gait score assessment. PLoS One, 14, e0208827.
  • Shi S, Yamaza T, Akiyama K, 2008: Is aspirin treatment an appropriate intervention to osteoporosis? Fut Rheumatol, 3, 499-502.
  • Shim MY, Karnuah AB, Mitchell AD, Anthony NB, Pesti GM, Aggrey SE, 2012: The effects of growth rate on leg morphology and tibia breaking strength, mineral density, mineral content, and bone ash in broilers. Poult Sci, 91, 1790-1795.
  • de Souza Rendohl E, Miziara LNB, Pimentel AC, Sendyk WR, Santiago Junior JF, Marão HF, 2021: The influence of acetylsalicylic acid on bone regeneration: systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 59, E1-E16.
  • Stevens H, Voelker M, Gow L, MacDougall F, Bieri G, 2019: In-vivo disintegration and absorption of two fast acting aspirin tablet formulations compared to ibuprofen tablets using pharmacoscintigraphy. Int J Drug Deliv Technol, 51, 535-541.
  • Tavakoli M, Bouyeh M, Seidavi A, 2022: Influences of dietary aspirin supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics and gastrointestinal organs of broilers. J Hellenic Vet Med Soc, 73, 5061-5066.
  • Wada K, Yu W, Elazizi M, Barakat S, Ouimet MA, Rosario-Meléndez R, Fiorellini JP, Graves DT, Uhrich KE, 2013: Locally delivered salicylic acid from a poly(anhydride-ester): Impact on diabetic bone regeneration. JCR, 171, 33-37.
  • Weeks CA, Danbury TD, Davies HC, Hunt P, Kestin SC, 2000: The behaviour of broiler chickens and its modification by lameness. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 67, 111-125.
  • Wilhelmsson S, Yngvesson J, Jönsson L, Gunnarsson S, Wallenbeck A, 2019: Welfare Quality® assessment of a fast-growing and a slower-growing broiler hybrid, reared until 10 weeks and fed a low-protein, high-protein or mussel-meal diet. Livest Sci, 219, 71-79.
  • Xu T, Yue K, Zhang C, Tong X, Lin L, Cao Q, Huang S, 2022: Probiotics Treatment of Leg Diseases in Broiler Chickens: a Review. Probiotics & Antimicro Prot, 14, 415-425.
  • Yamaza T, Miura Y, Bi Y, Liu Y, Akiyama K, Sonoyama W, Patel V, Gutkind S, Young M, Gronthos S, Le A, Wang CY, Chen W, Shi S, 2008: Pharmacologic Stem Cell Based Intervention as a New Approach to Osteoporosis Treatment in Rodents. PloS one, 3, e2615.
  • Yan FF, Mohammed AA, Murugesan GR, Cheng HW, 2019: Effects of a dietary synbiotic inclusion on bone health in broilers subjected to cyclic heat stress episodes. Poult Sci, 98, 1083-1089.
  • Yang X, Zhao Y, Gan H, Hawkins S, Eckelkamp L, Prado M, Burns R, Purswell J, Tabler T, 2023: Modeling gait score of broiler chicken via production and behavioral data. Anim, 17, 100692.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvan Refahı, Veteriner Anatomi ve Fizyoloji, Zootekni, Genetik ve Biyoistatistik
Bölüm Araştıma

Gülşah Güngören 0000-0002-0360-7735

İsmail Demircioğlu 0000-0002-0724-3019

Ülkü Gülcihan Şimşek 0000-0003-2871-3005

Yakup Keskinbıçak 0009-0003-0523-5394

Selçukhan Akarsu 0000-0002-5271-2558

Betül Kanik 0000-0001-7740-2268

Proje Numarası Fırat Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi/ Proje No: V.F.21.24
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Güngören, G., Demircioğlu, İ., Şimşek, Ü. G., Keskinbıçak, Y., vd. (2024). Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 13(2), 135-140.
AMA Güngören G, Demircioğlu İ, Şimşek ÜG, Keskinbıçak Y, Akarsu S, Kanik B. Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2024;13(2):135-140. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1561191
Chicago Güngören, Gülşah, İsmail Demircioğlu, Ülkü Gülcihan Şimşek, Yakup Keskinbıçak, Selçukhan Akarsu, ve Betül Kanik. “Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 135-40.
EndNote Güngören G, Demircioğlu İ, Şimşek ÜG, Keskinbıçak Y, Akarsu S, Kanik B (01 Aralık 2024) Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13 2 135–140.
IEEE G. Güngören, İ. Demircioğlu, Ü. G. Şimşek, Y. Keskinbıçak, S. Akarsu, ve B. Kanik, “Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 13, sy. 2, ss. 135–140, 2024, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1561191.
ISNAD Güngören, Gülşah vd. “Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13/2 (Aralık 2024), 135-140.
JAMA Güngören G, Demircioğlu İ, Şimşek ÜG, Keskinbıçak Y, Akarsu S, Kanik B. Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2024;13:135–140.
MLA Güngören, Gülşah vd. “Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 13, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 135-40, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1561191.
Vancouver Güngören G, Demircioğlu İ, Şimşek ÜG, Keskinbıçak Y, Akarsu S, Kanik B. Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid Treatment on Gait Score and Femur Osteometry in Broiler Chickens. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2024;13(2):135-40.