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Family Burden and Self-Care Skills of Children with Intellectual Disability, Life Satisfaction of Their Mothers and The Effective Factors

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 18 - 35, 06.07.2022



Aim: This study was conducted in order to determine family burden and self-care skills of the children with intellectual disability, life satisfaction of their mothers, and the effective factors.
Methods: This descriptive, cross‐sectional study was conducted with the participation of 280 mothers. The data were collected by using “Data collection form”, “Family Burden Assessment Scale”, “Satisfaction of Life Scale”, and “Self-care Skills Check List”.
Results: The correlation results showed that as the children’ self-care skills increased, their mothers perception of family burden decreased (p<0.001) and their life satisfaction (p=0.004) increased. There was also a negative correlaton between mothers’ perception of family burden and their life satisfaction (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In this study, it was determined that mothers of children with intellectual disability had high family burden. In decreasing family burden, it is important for families, whose children were diagnosed with intellectual disabled, to receive education in the fields of disability, care and treatment of the child.
Key words: Family burden, Intellectual disability, Life satisfaction, Nursing, Self-care.

Destekleyen Kurum

Scientific Research Project Unit of Trakya University

Proje Numarası

Project No: 2012-36


I would like to extend my thanks to Scientific Research Project Unit of Trakya University for their support to our Project, and the mothers who helped to the data collection process by transferring important experiences in their lives.


  • Balcı S, Kızıl H, Savaşer S, Dur Ş, Mutlu B. Determining The Burdens and Difficulties Faced by Families with Intellectually Disabled Children. J Psychiatric Nurs. 2019;10(2):124-130.
  • Çalışır H, Karabudak-Sarıkaya S, Karataş P, Tosun AF, Meşealan İ. Family Burden and Hopelessness Levels in Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy [in Turkish]. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty. 2018;11(2):147-156.
  • Ilhan N, Utaş-Akhan L, Baygut Ş, Nazar-Dallı G, Yıldırım C. The Factors Affecting The Family Burden and Depression Status of Families of Children with Down Syndrome in Turkey. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil. 2019;12:176-195.
  • Seliner B, Latal B, Spirig B. When Children with Profound Multiple Disabilities are Hospitalized: A Cross‐Sectional Survey of Parental Burden of Care, Quality of Life of Parents and Their Hospitalized Children, and Satisfaction with Family‐Centered Care. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2016;21(3):147-157.
  • Shyam R, Govil K, Govil D. Stress and Family Burden in Mothers of Children with Disabilities [in India]. Int J Interdiscip Multidiscip Stud. 2014;1:152-159.
  • Barros ALO, Barros AO, Barros GLM, Santos MTBR. Burden of Caregivers of Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. 2017;22(11):3625-3634.
  • Huus K, Olsson LM, Andersson E, Granlund M, Augustine L. Perceived Needs Among Parents of Children with a Mild Intellectual Disability in Sweden. Scand J Disabil Res. 2017;19(4):307-317.
  • Karayağız-Muslu G, Coşkun-Cenk S. The Family Burdens and Hopelessness of Turkish Parents of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities. Rehabil Nurs. 2018;43(6):351-362.
  • Vonneilich N, Lüdecke D, Kofahl C. The Impact of Care on Family and Health-Related Quality of Life of Parents with Chronically Ill and Disabled Children. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2016;38(8):761-767.
  • Gürhopur-Turan FD, Dalgıç-İşler A. Family Burden Among Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability. J Psychiatric Nurs. 2017;8(1):9-16.
  • Inan-Budak M, Küçük L, Civelek HY. Life Experiences of Mothers of Children with an Intellectual Disability: A Qualitative Study. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;11(4):301-321.
  • Keniş-Çoşkun Ö, Atabay CE, Şekeroğlu A, Akdeniz E, Kasil B, Bozkurt G et al. The Relationship Between Caregiver Burden and Resilince and Quality of Life in a Turkish Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;52:108-113.
  • Li XS, Pinto-Martin J, Thompson A, Chittams J, Kral T. Weight Status, Diet Quality, Perceived Stress, and Functional Health of Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2017;23(1):12205.
  • Yılmaz G, Küçük-Alemdar D. Evaluation of Care Burden Among Mothers of Children with a Disability: Correlation Between Physicalactivity, Quality of Life, and Sleep Quality; Across‐Sectional Study. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2021;57(1):129-137.
  • Sarı-Yıldırım H, Başbakkal Z. Developing “A Family Burden Assessment Scale” for the Families of Children with Intellectual Disability [in Turkish]. Journal of Atatürk University School of Nursing. 2008;11(3):86-95.
  • Saunders BS, Tilford JM, Fussell JJ, Schulz EG, Casey PH, Kuo DZ. The Financial and Employment Impact of Intellectual Disability on Families of Children with Autism. Families, Systems, & Health. 2015;33(1):36-45.
  • Tüfekçi-Güdücü F, Kadiroğlu T. Disabled Children and Nursing Management [in Turkish]. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Nurs-Special Topics. 2017;3(3):185-192.
  • Fairthorne J, Klerk N, Leonard H. Brief Report: Burden of Care in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disability. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46:1103-1109.
  • Boehm TL, Carter EW. Family Quality of Life and Its Correlates Among Parents of Children and Adults with Intellectual Disability. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2019;124(2): 99-115.
  • Deniz ME, Dilmaç B, Arıcak OT. An Analysis of Life Satisfaction And State-Trait Anxiety of The Parents with Handicapped Children [in Turkish]. International Journal of Human Sciences. 2009;6:954-965.
  • Ezzat O, Bayoumi M, Samarkandi O. Quality of Life and Subjective Burden on Family Caregiver of Children with Autism. American Journal of Nursing Science. 2017;6(1):33-39.
  • Misura AK, Memisevic H. Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Croatia. Journal of Educational and Social Research. 2017;7(2):43-48.
  • Aytekin A. Children with Intellectual Disability and Families [in Turkish]. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Nurs-Special Topics. 2018;4(2):127-132.
  • Çalışkan Z, Bayat M. The Effect of Education and Group İnteraction on The Family Burden and Support in The Mothers of Intellectually Disabled Children. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry. 2016;17(3):214-222.
  • Konya S. The Effect of Cooperatıve Learnıng Activities on Five Year Aged Students’ Self-Care Skills [in Turkish Thesis]. Aydın: University of Adnan Menderes, Institute of Social Sciences, Master’s thesis, 2007.
  • Diener E, Emmons R, Larsen RJ, Griffin S. The Satisfaction with Life Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1985;49(1):71–75.
  • Köker S. Comparison of Life Satisfaction Levels of Normal and Troubled Adolescents [in Turkish Thesis]. Ankara: University of Ankara, Institute of Social Sciences, Master’s thesis, 1991.
  • Akandere M, Acar M, Baştuğ M. Investigating The Hopelessness and Life Satisfaction Levels of The Parents with Mental Disabled Child [in Turkish]. Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute Journal. 2009;22:24-30.
  • Giné C, Gràcia M, Vilaseca R, Salvador-Beltran F, Balcells-Balcells A, Dalmau-Montalà M et al. Family Quality of Life for People with İntellectual Disabilities in Catalonia. J Policy Pract Intellect Disabil. 2015;12(4):244-254.
  • Kaçan-Softa H, Öztürk A, Sonkaya C, Düşünceli H. Analysis of Family Burden and Life Satisfaction of Parents Having Children with Mental Disabilities. International Journal of Psychiatry and Psychological Researches. 2016;5:37-54.
  • Konukbay D, Arslan F. The Analysis of Hopelessness Levels and Problem Solving Skills of Parents with The Disabled Children [in Turkish]. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2015;8(2):344-355.
  • Utaş-Akhan, L. (2016). Family Burden and Quality of Life of Mothers of Children and Adolescents with Mental Retardation or Borderline Mental Capacity. Eur Psychiatry. 33, 192.

Zihinsel Yetersiz Çocukların Aile Yükü, Özbakım Becerileri, Annelerinin Yaşam Doyumu ve Etkileyen Faktörler

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 18 - 35, 06.07.2022


Amaç: Bu araştırma, zihinsel yetersiz çocukların aile yükü, öz bakım becerileri, annelerinin yaşam doyumu ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı, kesitsel tipteki bu çalışma 280 anne ile gerçekleştirildi. Veriler, “Veri toplama formu”, “Aile Yükü Değerlendirme Ölçeği”, “Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği”, “Öz bakım Becerileri Kontrol Listesi” kullanılarak toplandı.
Bulgular: Korelasyon sonuçları, çocukların öz bakım becerileri arttıkça annelerinin aile yükü algısının azaldığını (p<0.001) ve yaşam doyumlarının arttığını (p=0.004) göstermiştir. Annelerin aile yükü algıları ile yaşam doyumları arasında da negatif bir ilişki vardı (p<0.001).
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuğa sahip annelerin aile yükünün yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Aile yükünün azaltılmasında çocuklarına zihinsel engelli tanısı konan ailelerin engellilik, çocuğun bakımı ve tedavisi konularında eğitim almaları önemlidir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Aile yükü, Zihinsel yetersizlik, Yaşam doyumu, Hemşirelik, Öz bakım.

Proje Numarası

Project No: 2012-36


  • Balcı S, Kızıl H, Savaşer S, Dur Ş, Mutlu B. Determining The Burdens and Difficulties Faced by Families with Intellectually Disabled Children. J Psychiatric Nurs. 2019;10(2):124-130.
  • Çalışır H, Karabudak-Sarıkaya S, Karataş P, Tosun AF, Meşealan İ. Family Burden and Hopelessness Levels in Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy [in Turkish]. Dokuz Eylul University E-Journal of Nursing Faculty. 2018;11(2):147-156.
  • Ilhan N, Utaş-Akhan L, Baygut Ş, Nazar-Dallı G, Yıldırım C. The Factors Affecting The Family Burden and Depression Status of Families of Children with Down Syndrome in Turkey. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil. 2019;12:176-195.
  • Seliner B, Latal B, Spirig B. When Children with Profound Multiple Disabilities are Hospitalized: A Cross‐Sectional Survey of Parental Burden of Care, Quality of Life of Parents and Their Hospitalized Children, and Satisfaction with Family‐Centered Care. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2016;21(3):147-157.
  • Shyam R, Govil K, Govil D. Stress and Family Burden in Mothers of Children with Disabilities [in India]. Int J Interdiscip Multidiscip Stud. 2014;1:152-159.
  • Barros ALO, Barros AO, Barros GLM, Santos MTBR. Burden of Caregivers of Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. 2017;22(11):3625-3634.
  • Huus K, Olsson LM, Andersson E, Granlund M, Augustine L. Perceived Needs Among Parents of Children with a Mild Intellectual Disability in Sweden. Scand J Disabil Res. 2017;19(4):307-317.
  • Karayağız-Muslu G, Coşkun-Cenk S. The Family Burdens and Hopelessness of Turkish Parents of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities. Rehabil Nurs. 2018;43(6):351-362.
  • Vonneilich N, Lüdecke D, Kofahl C. The Impact of Care on Family and Health-Related Quality of Life of Parents with Chronically Ill and Disabled Children. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2016;38(8):761-767.
  • Gürhopur-Turan FD, Dalgıç-İşler A. Family Burden Among Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability. J Psychiatric Nurs. 2017;8(1):9-16.
  • Inan-Budak M, Küçük L, Civelek HY. Life Experiences of Mothers of Children with an Intellectual Disability: A Qualitative Study. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;11(4):301-321.
  • Keniş-Çoşkun Ö, Atabay CE, Şekeroğlu A, Akdeniz E, Kasil B, Bozkurt G et al. The Relationship Between Caregiver Burden and Resilince and Quality of Life in a Turkish Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;52:108-113.
  • Li XS, Pinto-Martin J, Thompson A, Chittams J, Kral T. Weight Status, Diet Quality, Perceived Stress, and Functional Health of Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2017;23(1):12205.
  • Yılmaz G, Küçük-Alemdar D. Evaluation of Care Burden Among Mothers of Children with a Disability: Correlation Between Physicalactivity, Quality of Life, and Sleep Quality; Across‐Sectional Study. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2021;57(1):129-137.
  • Sarı-Yıldırım H, Başbakkal Z. Developing “A Family Burden Assessment Scale” for the Families of Children with Intellectual Disability [in Turkish]. Journal of Atatürk University School of Nursing. 2008;11(3):86-95.
  • Saunders BS, Tilford JM, Fussell JJ, Schulz EG, Casey PH, Kuo DZ. The Financial and Employment Impact of Intellectual Disability on Families of Children with Autism. Families, Systems, & Health. 2015;33(1):36-45.
  • Tüfekçi-Güdücü F, Kadiroğlu T. Disabled Children and Nursing Management [in Turkish]. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Nurs-Special Topics. 2017;3(3):185-192.
  • Fairthorne J, Klerk N, Leonard H. Brief Report: Burden of Care in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disability. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46:1103-1109.
  • Boehm TL, Carter EW. Family Quality of Life and Its Correlates Among Parents of Children and Adults with Intellectual Disability. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2019;124(2): 99-115.
  • Deniz ME, Dilmaç B, Arıcak OT. An Analysis of Life Satisfaction And State-Trait Anxiety of The Parents with Handicapped Children [in Turkish]. International Journal of Human Sciences. 2009;6:954-965.
  • Ezzat O, Bayoumi M, Samarkandi O. Quality of Life and Subjective Burden on Family Caregiver of Children with Autism. American Journal of Nursing Science. 2017;6(1):33-39.
  • Misura AK, Memisevic H. Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Croatia. Journal of Educational and Social Research. 2017;7(2):43-48.
  • Aytekin A. Children with Intellectual Disability and Families [in Turkish]. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Nurs-Special Topics. 2018;4(2):127-132.
  • Çalışkan Z, Bayat M. The Effect of Education and Group İnteraction on The Family Burden and Support in The Mothers of Intellectually Disabled Children. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry. 2016;17(3):214-222.
  • Konya S. The Effect of Cooperatıve Learnıng Activities on Five Year Aged Students’ Self-Care Skills [in Turkish Thesis]. Aydın: University of Adnan Menderes, Institute of Social Sciences, Master’s thesis, 2007.
  • Diener E, Emmons R, Larsen RJ, Griffin S. The Satisfaction with Life Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1985;49(1):71–75.
  • Köker S. Comparison of Life Satisfaction Levels of Normal and Troubled Adolescents [in Turkish Thesis]. Ankara: University of Ankara, Institute of Social Sciences, Master’s thesis, 1991.
  • Akandere M, Acar M, Baştuğ M. Investigating The Hopelessness and Life Satisfaction Levels of The Parents with Mental Disabled Child [in Turkish]. Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute Journal. 2009;22:24-30.
  • Giné C, Gràcia M, Vilaseca R, Salvador-Beltran F, Balcells-Balcells A, Dalmau-Montalà M et al. Family Quality of Life for People with İntellectual Disabilities in Catalonia. J Policy Pract Intellect Disabil. 2015;12(4):244-254.
  • Kaçan-Softa H, Öztürk A, Sonkaya C, Düşünceli H. Analysis of Family Burden and Life Satisfaction of Parents Having Children with Mental Disabilities. International Journal of Psychiatry and Psychological Researches. 2016;5:37-54.
  • Konukbay D, Arslan F. The Analysis of Hopelessness Levels and Problem Solving Skills of Parents with The Disabled Children [in Turkish]. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2015;8(2):344-355.
  • Utaş-Akhan, L. (2016). Family Burden and Quality of Life of Mothers of Children and Adolescents with Mental Retardation or Borderline Mental Capacity. Eur Psychiatry. 33, 192.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Akarsu 0000-0001-7150-7683

Melahat Akgün Kostak 0000-0003-0507-9638

Proje Numarası Project No: 2012-36
Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akarsu, Ö., & Akgün Kostak, M. (2022). Family Burden and Self-Care Skills of Children with Intellectual Disability, Life Satisfaction of Their Mothers and The Effective Factors. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 18-35.

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