Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster

Formation of the Power Structures and Policies in Crimea During the Transition Period: 2014 – 2016

Yıl 2020, Güz, 438 - 456, 18.12.2020


In March 2014 following the military intervention of the Russian troops into the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the latter announced its independence and, through the illegal referendum, declared its entrance into the Russian Federation. The period between 2014 and 2016 this article concentrates on is considered as transitional period insofar as the most important issues were to be solved. Among them, one can name the formation of the institutions and legal framework, new appointments and political elites. This article argues that the main objective of Kremlin during the mentioned period was rapid and unobstructed inclusion of Crimea into the Russian Federation after the military invasion and annexation. While Moscow aimed at accelerated creation of the institutions and legislative base in Crimea, it filled Crimea with the Russian elites removing all local professionals. At the same time, Moscow not only neglected the issues of the human rights and rights of minorities but tried to prevent the emergence of the opposition voices. Author employs analysis of the legislation related to the transition period as well as the media coverage of the issues.

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Proje Numarası



  • Abalkin, L. (2015, June 8). Lev Abalkin: Pochemu rossiyskogo ministra kurortov i turizma Kryma uvolili v razgar sezona? Krym.Realii. Retrieved from
  • Aksyonov nazval imena deputatov Gosdumy ot Kryma. (2016, September 27). Retrieved from
  • Aksyonov zayavil o nevozmozhnosti ukrainskogo veshchaniya v Krymu. (2015, March 24). Retrieved from
  • Aksyonov priznanie kurultaja i medzhlisa budet proishodit' v sootvetstvii s zakonami RF. (2014, May 18). TASS. Retrieved from
  • Belitser, N. (2000). The Constitutional Process in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the Context of Interethnic Relations and Conflict Settlement. International Committee for Crimea. Retrieved from
  • Butkevich, S. A., & Konoplova, A. A. (2015). Rasprostraneniye ekstremizma v Respublike Krym: problemy protivodeystviya i puti ikh resheniya. Vestnik Kazanskogo yuridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii, 1 (19), 76 - 83.
  • Chubarov: Nova "Konstitucіja Krimu" neprijnjatna dlja krims'kih tatar". (2014, April 11). 5 Channel. Retrieved from
  • Constitution of the Republic of Crimea. (2014). Retrieved from
  • Constitution of Ukraine (1996). Retrieved from
  • Crimean Transport Minister Anatoly Tsurkin wrote a letter of resignation. (2015, March 27). Retrieved from
  • Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea. (2015, January 30). " Ob utverzhdenii Kompleksnogo plana protivodeystviya ideologii terrorizma v Respublike Krym na 2015 – 2018 gody”. (“On approval of the Comprehensive Plan to Combat the Ideology of Terrorism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015 - 2018"). Retrieved from
  • Deliagin, M. (2015). Crimea: The First Step in Russia's Return to the World. Russian Politics & Law, 53(2), 6-31.
  • Dogovor mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Respublikoj Krym o prinjatii v Rossijskuju Federaciju Respubliki Krym i obrazovanii v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii novyh sub’ektov. (Agreement between the Russian Federation and Republic of Crimea in Adoption of the Crimean Republic Into the Russian Federation and Establishment of the New Subjects in the Russian Federation). (2014, March 18). Retrieved from
  • Electoral Commission of Crimea. (2014a, September 14). Rezul'taty vyborov po edinomu okrugu. Vybory deputatov Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Respubliki Krym pervogo sozyva. (Election results in a single member constituency. Elections of deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of the first convocation). Retrieved from
  • Electoral Commission of Crimea. (2014b, September 14). List of political parties, their regional branches, eligible to participate in the election. Election of deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of the first convocation. Retrieved from
  • ES ne priznaet vydannye v Krymu rossijskie zagranpasporta i otpravljaet za vizami v Kiev. (2014, October 24). UNIAN. Retrieved from
  • Federal Law (2014, June 30). "O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel'nyye zakonodatel'nyye akty RF". (On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation). Retrieved from
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation. "O vnesenii izmeneniya v Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii". ("On Amending the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation"). (2013, December 28). Retrieved from
  • Federal Law. (2002, June 25). "O protivodeystvii ekstremistskoy deyatel'nosti" (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami)”. (On countering extremist activity" (as amended)”. Retrieved from
  • Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere svyazi, informatsionnykh tekhnologiy i massovykh kommunikatsiy. Osobennosti registratsii setevykh izdaniy. Registratsiya. (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Features of registration of online publications. registration). Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii N 6-FKZ "O prinjatii v Rossijskuju Federaciju Respubliki Krym i obrazovanii v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii novyh sub#ektov Respubliki Krym i goroda federal'nogo znachenija Sevastopolja". (Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation N 6-FKZ "On the Admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the Formation in the Russian Federation of New Subjects of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Significance Sevastopol"). (2014, March 21). Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyy spisok ekstremistskikh materialov. (Federal List of Extremist Materials). (2015, April 28). Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyy zakon o vnesenii izmeneniy v stat'i 6 i 30 federal'nogo zakona «O grazhdanstve Rossiyskoy Federatsii» i otdel'nyye zakonodatel'nyye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii. (Federal Law on Amendments to Articles 6 and 30 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.). (2014, May 28). Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyy zakon o vnesenii izmeneniy v federal'nyy zakon "O pravovom polozhenii inostrannykh grazhdan v Rossiyskoy Federatsii". (Federal law on Amendments to the Federal Law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"). (2014, April 16). Retrieved from
  • Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Tsekov Sergei Pavlovich. Retrieved from Glava Medzhlisa prizval tatar bojkotirovat' vybory v Krymu. (2014, September 13). Українська Правда. Retrieved from
  • Goble, P. (2016, July 30). Putin’s shell game with Crimea intended to cut importance and costs of the anschluss. Euromaidan Press. Retrieved from
  • Gossovet Kryma nadelil polnomochijami chlena SF Rossii Sergeja Cekova. (2014, March 20). RIA Novosti. Retrieved from
  • Gosudarstvennyj Sovet Respubliki Krym. Soctav deputatskih frakcij. (State Council of the Republic of Crimea. Parliamentary Factions.). (2014, December 14). Retrieved from
  • Kabinet Ministriv Ukrayiny. Postanova № 289 “Pro zatverdzhennya Poryadku oformlennya dokumentiv, shcho pidtverdzhuyutʹ hromadyanstvo Ukrayiny, posvidchuyutʹ osobu chy yiyi spetsialʹnyy status, hromadyanam, yaki prozhyvayutʹ na tymchasovo okupovaniy terytoriyi Ukrayiny”. (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Resolution № 289 “On Approval of the Procedure for Execution of Documents Confirming Citizenship of Ukraine, Identifying a Person or His Special Status to Citizens Living in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine”). (2014, June 4). Retrieved from
  • “Kiyevstar" prekratil predostavleniye uslug svyazi v Krymu iz-za zakhvata ofisa kompanii. (2014, August 11). Retrieved from
  • Klymenko, A. (2015) Human Rights Abuses in Russian-Occupied Crimea. The Atlantic Council of the United States and Freedom House. Retrieved from
  • Krymchan, nesoglasnyh s anneksiej, vynuzhdajut brat' Rossijskoe grazhdanstvo. (2014, September 22). Krym.Realii. Retrieved from
  • Krymskie tatary lishatsja kvoty na uchastie v organah vlasti. (2014, March 28). Retrieved from
  • Malyshev: za vossoedinenie s RF progolosovali 96,77% krymchan, uchastvovavshih v golosovanii. (2014, March 17). TASS. Retrieved from
  • Migration Service of Ukraine. Information for citizens living (registered) on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. Retrieved from;
  • Nachalas' registratsiya rossiyskikh domennykh imen v internete dlya Kryma. (2014, April 10). Retrieved from
  • Obshcherossiyskiy narodnyy front sozdal otdeleniya v Krymu i Sevastopole. (2014, April 2). Rossijskaja Gazeta. Retrieved from
  • Office of the Federal Migration Service. The procedure for obtaining work permits for foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa. Retrieved from
  • Perehodnyj period po vhozhdeniju Kryma v RF budet dejstvovat' do 2015 goda (2014, March 18). RIA Novosti. Retrieved from
  • Petrov, N. (2016a). Chronology of the Transformation of the Crimean Peninsula into a Russian Region. Russian Politics & Law, 54(1): 96 - 105
  • Petrov, N. (2016b). Crimea: Transforming the Ukrainian Peninsula into a Russian Island. Russian Politics & Law, 54(1): 74-95.
  • Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva RF "Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya ob ustanovlenii formy vizy, poryadka i usloviy yeye oformleniya i vydachi, prodleniya sroka yeye deystviya, vosstanovleniya yeye v sluchaye utraty, a takzhe poryadka annulirovaniya vizy". (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulation on the establishment of a visa form, the procedure and conditions for its registration and issuance, extension of its validity, its restoration in case of loss, as well as the procedure for canceling a visa"). (2003, June 9 amended 2016, October 14). Retrieved from
  • “Rostelekom» vzyal Krym. (2014, May 28). Retrieved from Sambros, Andrey. (2015, June 30). Kadry reshayut Krym: kak stroitsya kadrovaya politika Moskvy na poluostrove. Carnegie Moscow Center. Retrieved from
  • Sergei Aksyonov Has Been Appointed Acting Head of Crimea. (2014, April 14). Retrieved from
  • Shevel, O. (2014, April 16). The Aftermath of Annexation: Russia and Ukraine Adopt Conflicting Rules for Changing Citizenship of Crimean Residents (updated). European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Shevel, O. (2015, May 4). ECHR to examine legality of automatic extension of Russian citizenship to Crimean residents. European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Spravedlivaya Rossiya prishla v Krym, Spravedlivaya Rossiya. (2014, May 1). Regional branch of the Party in the Republic of Crimea. Retrieved from
  • Sud priznal Medzhlis krymskikh tatar ekstremistskoy organizatsiyey. (2016, April 26). BBC. Retrieved from
  • U LDPR poyavilos' regional'noye otdeleniye v Krymu. (2014, April 13). Novosti Kryma. Retrieved from
  • Ukaz «O Juzhnom federal'nom okruge». (Decree “About the Southern Federal District”). (2016, July 27). Retrieved from Ukazy Prezidenta RF "O Ministerstve Rossijskoj Federacii po delam Kryma" i "O Ministre Rossijskoj Federacii po delam Kryma". (Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “About the Ministry of Crimean Affairs” and “About the Minister of Crimean Affairs”). (2014, March 31). Retrieved from
  • Ukrainian Filmmaker Remains Behind Bars Despite Growing Support. (2014, June 26). Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
  • V Krymu istek srok podachi zajavlenij ob otkaze ot grazhdanstva RF. (2014, April 22). INTERFAX. Retrieved from
  • V Krymu ostanovlena rabota telekanala ATR. (2015, April 1). Golos Ameriki. Retrieved from
  • V Krymu podveli okonchatel'nyye itogi vyborov: pobedila "Yedinaya Rossiya". (2016, September 19). REGNUM. Retrieved from
  • V Krymu sozdano regional'noye otdeleniye "Yedinoy Rossii". (2014, April 7). TVC. Retrieved from
  • V parlamente Kryma naznachili novogo prem'erа. (2014, February 27). State Council of Crimea. Retrieved from
  • Veshchaniye ukrainskikh telekanalov v Krymu polnost'yu prekrashcheno. (2014, March 9). Retrieved from
  • Vitaliy Chervonenko: Vybory v Krymu: kuda delis' izbirateli? (2016, September 20). BВС Ukraine. Retrieved from
  • Zakon Ukrayiny "Pro zabezpechennya prav i svobod hromadyan ta pravovyy rezhym na tymchasovo okupovaniy terytoriyi Ukrayiny". (Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens and the Legal Regime in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine"). (2014, April 15). Retrieved from

Geçiş Dönemi Sürecinde Kırım’da Güç Yapılarının ve Politikaların Oluşturulması: 2014 – 2016

Yıl 2020, Güz, 438 - 456, 18.12.2020


Mart 2014'te Rus birliklerinin askeri müdahalesini takiben, Kırım Özerk Cumhuriyeti bağımsızlığını ilan etti ve yasadışı referandum yoluyla Rusya Federasyonu'na katılımını ilan etti. Bu makalenin üzerinde yoğunlaştığı 2014 ile 2016 yılları arasındaki dönem, en önemli sorunların çözülmesi gereken bir geçiş dönemi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Çözülmesi gereken sorunlar arasında, kurumların ve yasal çerçevenin oluşturulması, yeni atamalar ve siyasi seçkinler ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu makale, söz konusu dönemde Kremlin'in temel hedefinin, işgal ve ilhaktan sonra Kırım'ın Rusya Federasyonu'na hızlı ve tam olarak dahil edilmesi olduğunu savunmaktadır. Moskova, Kırım'daki kurumların ve yasal tabanın hızlandırılmış olarak tesis edilmesini hedeflerken, tüm yerel profesyonelleri uzaklaştırarak Kırım'ı Rus seçkinler ile doldurdu. Aynı zamanda Moskova sadece insan hakları ve azınlık hakları meselelerini göz ardı etmekle kalmadı, muhalif seslerin ortaya çıkmasını da engellemeye çalıştı. Yazar, konuların medyada nasıl yer aldığının yanı sıra geçiş dönemi ile ilgili mevzuatı da analiz etmektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Abalkin, L. (2015, June 8). Lev Abalkin: Pochemu rossiyskogo ministra kurortov i turizma Kryma uvolili v razgar sezona? Krym.Realii. Retrieved from
  • Aksyonov nazval imena deputatov Gosdumy ot Kryma. (2016, September 27). Retrieved from
  • Aksyonov zayavil o nevozmozhnosti ukrainskogo veshchaniya v Krymu. (2015, March 24). Retrieved from
  • Aksyonov priznanie kurultaja i medzhlisa budet proishodit' v sootvetstvii s zakonami RF. (2014, May 18). TASS. Retrieved from
  • Belitser, N. (2000). The Constitutional Process in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the Context of Interethnic Relations and Conflict Settlement. International Committee for Crimea. Retrieved from
  • Butkevich, S. A., & Konoplova, A. A. (2015). Rasprostraneniye ekstremizma v Respublike Krym: problemy protivodeystviya i puti ikh resheniya. Vestnik Kazanskogo yuridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii, 1 (19), 76 - 83.
  • Chubarov: Nova "Konstitucіja Krimu" neprijnjatna dlja krims'kih tatar". (2014, April 11). 5 Channel. Retrieved from
  • Constitution of the Republic of Crimea. (2014). Retrieved from
  • Constitution of Ukraine (1996). Retrieved from
  • Crimean Transport Minister Anatoly Tsurkin wrote a letter of resignation. (2015, March 27). Retrieved from
  • Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea. (2015, January 30). " Ob utverzhdenii Kompleksnogo plana protivodeystviya ideologii terrorizma v Respublike Krym na 2015 – 2018 gody”. (“On approval of the Comprehensive Plan to Combat the Ideology of Terrorism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015 - 2018"). Retrieved from
  • Deliagin, M. (2015). Crimea: The First Step in Russia's Return to the World. Russian Politics & Law, 53(2), 6-31.
  • Dogovor mezhdu Rossijskoj Federaciej i Respublikoj Krym o prinjatii v Rossijskuju Federaciju Respubliki Krym i obrazovanii v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii novyh sub’ektov. (Agreement between the Russian Federation and Republic of Crimea in Adoption of the Crimean Republic Into the Russian Federation and Establishment of the New Subjects in the Russian Federation). (2014, March 18). Retrieved from
  • Electoral Commission of Crimea. (2014a, September 14). Rezul'taty vyborov po edinomu okrugu. Vybory deputatov Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Respubliki Krym pervogo sozyva. (Election results in a single member constituency. Elections of deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of the first convocation). Retrieved from
  • Electoral Commission of Crimea. (2014b, September 14). List of political parties, their regional branches, eligible to participate in the election. Election of deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of the first convocation. Retrieved from
  • ES ne priznaet vydannye v Krymu rossijskie zagranpasporta i otpravljaet za vizami v Kiev. (2014, October 24). UNIAN. Retrieved from
  • Federal Law (2014, June 30). "O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel'nyye zakonodatel'nyye akty RF". (On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation). Retrieved from
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation. "O vnesenii izmeneniya v Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii". ("On Amending the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation"). (2013, December 28). Retrieved from
  • Federal Law. (2002, June 25). "O protivodeystvii ekstremistskoy deyatel'nosti" (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami)”. (On countering extremist activity" (as amended)”. Retrieved from
  • Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere svyazi, informatsionnykh tekhnologiy i massovykh kommunikatsiy. Osobennosti registratsii setevykh izdaniy. Registratsiya. (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Features of registration of online publications. registration). Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyj konstitucionnyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii N 6-FKZ "O prinjatii v Rossijskuju Federaciju Respubliki Krym i obrazovanii v sostave Rossijskoj Federacii novyh sub#ektov Respubliki Krym i goroda federal'nogo znachenija Sevastopolja". (Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation N 6-FKZ "On the Admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the Formation in the Russian Federation of New Subjects of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Significance Sevastopol"). (2014, March 21). Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyy spisok ekstremistskikh materialov. (Federal List of Extremist Materials). (2015, April 28). Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyy zakon o vnesenii izmeneniy v stat'i 6 i 30 federal'nogo zakona «O grazhdanstve Rossiyskoy Federatsii» i otdel'nyye zakonodatel'nyye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii. (Federal Law on Amendments to Articles 6 and 30 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.). (2014, May 28). Retrieved from
  • Federal'nyy zakon o vnesenii izmeneniy v federal'nyy zakon "O pravovom polozhenii inostrannykh grazhdan v Rossiyskoy Federatsii". (Federal law on Amendments to the Federal Law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"). (2014, April 16). Retrieved from
  • Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Tsekov Sergei Pavlovich. Retrieved from Glava Medzhlisa prizval tatar bojkotirovat' vybory v Krymu. (2014, September 13). Українська Правда. Retrieved from
  • Goble, P. (2016, July 30). Putin’s shell game with Crimea intended to cut importance and costs of the anschluss. Euromaidan Press. Retrieved from
  • Gossovet Kryma nadelil polnomochijami chlena SF Rossii Sergeja Cekova. (2014, March 20). RIA Novosti. Retrieved from
  • Gosudarstvennyj Sovet Respubliki Krym. Soctav deputatskih frakcij. (State Council of the Republic of Crimea. Parliamentary Factions.). (2014, December 14). Retrieved from
  • Kabinet Ministriv Ukrayiny. Postanova № 289 “Pro zatverdzhennya Poryadku oformlennya dokumentiv, shcho pidtverdzhuyutʹ hromadyanstvo Ukrayiny, posvidchuyutʹ osobu chy yiyi spetsialʹnyy status, hromadyanam, yaki prozhyvayutʹ na tymchasovo okupovaniy terytoriyi Ukrayiny”. (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Resolution № 289 “On Approval of the Procedure for Execution of Documents Confirming Citizenship of Ukraine, Identifying a Person or His Special Status to Citizens Living in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine”). (2014, June 4). Retrieved from
  • “Kiyevstar" prekratil predostavleniye uslug svyazi v Krymu iz-za zakhvata ofisa kompanii. (2014, August 11). Retrieved from
  • Klymenko, A. (2015) Human Rights Abuses in Russian-Occupied Crimea. The Atlantic Council of the United States and Freedom House. Retrieved from
  • Krymchan, nesoglasnyh s anneksiej, vynuzhdajut brat' Rossijskoe grazhdanstvo. (2014, September 22). Krym.Realii. Retrieved from
  • Krymskie tatary lishatsja kvoty na uchastie v organah vlasti. (2014, March 28). Retrieved from
  • Malyshev: za vossoedinenie s RF progolosovali 96,77% krymchan, uchastvovavshih v golosovanii. (2014, March 17). TASS. Retrieved from
  • Migration Service of Ukraine. Information for citizens living (registered) on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. Retrieved from;
  • Nachalas' registratsiya rossiyskikh domennykh imen v internete dlya Kryma. (2014, April 10). Retrieved from
  • Obshcherossiyskiy narodnyy front sozdal otdeleniya v Krymu i Sevastopole. (2014, April 2). Rossijskaja Gazeta. Retrieved from
  • Office of the Federal Migration Service. The procedure for obtaining work permits for foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa. Retrieved from
  • Perehodnyj period po vhozhdeniju Kryma v RF budet dejstvovat' do 2015 goda (2014, March 18). RIA Novosti. Retrieved from
  • Petrov, N. (2016a). Chronology of the Transformation of the Crimean Peninsula into a Russian Region. Russian Politics & Law, 54(1): 96 - 105
  • Petrov, N. (2016b). Crimea: Transforming the Ukrainian Peninsula into a Russian Island. Russian Politics & Law, 54(1): 74-95.
  • Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva RF "Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya ob ustanovlenii formy vizy, poryadka i usloviy yeye oformleniya i vydachi, prodleniya sroka yeye deystviya, vosstanovleniya yeye v sluchaye utraty, a takzhe poryadka annulirovaniya vizy". (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulation on the establishment of a visa form, the procedure and conditions for its registration and issuance, extension of its validity, its restoration in case of loss, as well as the procedure for canceling a visa"). (2003, June 9 amended 2016, October 14). Retrieved from
  • “Rostelekom» vzyal Krym. (2014, May 28). Retrieved from Sambros, Andrey. (2015, June 30). Kadry reshayut Krym: kak stroitsya kadrovaya politika Moskvy na poluostrove. Carnegie Moscow Center. Retrieved from
  • Sergei Aksyonov Has Been Appointed Acting Head of Crimea. (2014, April 14). Retrieved from
  • Shevel, O. (2014, April 16). The Aftermath of Annexation: Russia and Ukraine Adopt Conflicting Rules for Changing Citizenship of Crimean Residents (updated). European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Shevel, O. (2015, May 4). ECHR to examine legality of automatic extension of Russian citizenship to Crimean residents. European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship. Retrieved from
  • Spravedlivaya Rossiya prishla v Krym, Spravedlivaya Rossiya. (2014, May 1). Regional branch of the Party in the Republic of Crimea. Retrieved from
  • Sud priznal Medzhlis krymskikh tatar ekstremistskoy organizatsiyey. (2016, April 26). BBC. Retrieved from
  • U LDPR poyavilos' regional'noye otdeleniye v Krymu. (2014, April 13). Novosti Kryma. Retrieved from
  • Ukaz «O Juzhnom federal'nom okruge». (Decree “About the Southern Federal District”). (2016, July 27). Retrieved from Ukazy Prezidenta RF "O Ministerstve Rossijskoj Federacii po delam Kryma" i "O Ministre Rossijskoj Federacii po delam Kryma". (Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “About the Ministry of Crimean Affairs” and “About the Minister of Crimean Affairs”). (2014, March 31). Retrieved from
  • Ukrainian Filmmaker Remains Behind Bars Despite Growing Support. (2014, June 26). Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
  • V Krymu istek srok podachi zajavlenij ob otkaze ot grazhdanstva RF. (2014, April 22). INTERFAX. Retrieved from
  • V Krymu ostanovlena rabota telekanala ATR. (2015, April 1). Golos Ameriki. Retrieved from
  • V Krymu podveli okonchatel'nyye itogi vyborov: pobedila "Yedinaya Rossiya". (2016, September 19). REGNUM. Retrieved from
  • V Krymu sozdano regional'noye otdeleniye "Yedinoy Rossii". (2014, April 7). TVC. Retrieved from
  • V parlamente Kryma naznachili novogo prem'erа. (2014, February 27). State Council of Crimea. Retrieved from
  • Veshchaniye ukrainskikh telekanalov v Krymu polnost'yu prekrashcheno. (2014, March 9). Retrieved from
  • Vitaliy Chervonenko: Vybory v Krymu: kuda delis' izbirateli? (2016, September 20). BВС Ukraine. Retrieved from
  • Zakon Ukrayiny "Pro zabezpechennya prav i svobod hromadyan ta pravovyy rezhym na tymchasovo okupovaniy terytoriyi Ukrayiny". (Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens and the Legal Regime in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine"). (2014, April 15). Retrieved from
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Viktoriia Demydova 0000-0001-5447-1033

Proje Numarası 2215
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Aralık 2020
Kabul Tarihi 4 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Güz

Kaynak Göster

APA Demydova, V. (2020). Formation of the Power Structures and Policies in Crimea During the Transition Period: 2014 – 2016. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(8), 438-456.

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