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Examining ISIS’s Turkish Sympathizers on Twitter

Yıl 2022, , 13 - 34, 31.12.2022


Social media platforms have become a part of people's daily lives. However, developing social media technologies have affected not only people but also terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and social media has become an essential part of ISIS's strategies. ISIS effectively uses many social media platforms, especially Twitter, for propaganda, recruitment, and creating fear among people. ISIS also actively uses Twitter in Turkey. However, the number of academic studies focusing on the behavior, structure, communication, and relationship networks of ISIS sympathizers in Turkey is limited. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to reveal the structure, behavior, communication, and relationship networks of ISIS's Turkish sympathizers. Accordingly, this study focuses on the structure, behavior, communication, and relationship networks of ISIS's Turkish sympathizers. I will analyze them within four main analytical steps. The basic characteristics, structures, behaviors, and relationship networks of 2079 Turkish ISIS sympathizers are examined with the R computer program, and many remarkable findings are reached as a result of the analysis.


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  • Ahram, A. I. (2015), "Sexual Violence and the Making of ISIS", Survival, Volume: 57, Issue: 3, p. 57-78.
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  • Al-Khateeb, S., & Agarwal, N. (2015), "Examining botnet behaviors for propaganda dissemination: A case study of ISIL's beheading videos-based propaganda", IEEE, Volume: 10, Issue: 5, p. 51-57.
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  • Anadolu Agency (AA). (8 Şub 2021). ‘Ebu Hanzala’ kod adlı Halis Bayancuk’a 12 yıl 6 ay hapis cezası. Anadolu Agency.
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  • Ashcroft, M., Fisher, A., Kaati, L., Omer, E., & Prucha, N. (2015), "Detecting jihadist messages on Twitter", IEEE, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, p. 161-164.
  • Barceló, J., & Labzina, E. (2020), "Do Islamic state's deadly attacks disengage, deter, or mobilize supporters?", British Journal of Political Science, Volume: 50, Issue: 4, p. 1539-1559.
  • Batra, V., & Kumar, S. (2022), "Identifying Radical Activity on Social Digital Platform: A Machine Learning Approach", Trends in Sciences, Volume: 19, Issue: 15, p. 5611-5611.
  • Berger, J. M. (2014), "How ISIS Games Twitter", The Atlantic, Volume: 16, Issue: 6, p. 1-10.
  • Berger, J. M., & Morgan, J. (2015), The ISIS Twitter census: defining and describing the population of ISIS supporters on Twitter: Brookings Institution, Washington DC.
  • Berger, J. M., & Perez, H. (2016), The Islamic State's Diminishing Returns on Twitter: How suspensions are limiting the social networks of English-speaking ISIS supporters, George Washington University, Washington DC.
  • Blaker, L. (2015), "The Islamic State's use of online social media", Military Cyber Affairs, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, p. 4.
  • Bodine-Baron, E., Helmus, T. C., Magnuson, M., & Winkelman, Z. (2016), Examining ISIS support and opposition networks on Twitter, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica/United States.
  • Byman, D. (2016), "ISIS goes global: Fight the Islamic state by targeting its affiliates", Foreign Affairs, Volume: 95, Issue: 2, p. 76-85.
  • Carter, J. A., Maher, S., & Neumann, P. R. (2014), Greenbirds: Measuring importance and influence in Syrian foreign fighter networks. The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence. King's College, London.
  • Ceron, A., Curini, L., & Iacus, S. M. (2019). "Isis at its apogee: The Arabic discourse on Twitter and what we can learn from that about isis support and foreign fighters", Sage, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, p. 1-14.
  • Chan, A. (2015), "The call of ISIS: The medium and the message attracting Southeast Asians", Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, Volume: 7, Issue: 4, p. 4-9.
  • Chatfield, A. T., Reddick, C. G., & Brajawidagda, U. (2016), "Open government process and government transparency in crisis communication: The case of AirAsia QZ8501 crash", Information Polity, Volume: 21, Issue: 3, p. 255-271.
  • Cohen, K., & Kaati, L. (2018), Digital Jihad Propaganda from the Islamic State, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm/ Sweden.
  • Conway, M., Khawaja, M., Lakhani, S., Reffin, J., Robertson, A., & Weir, D. (2019), "Disrupting Daesh: Measuring takedown of online terrorist material and its impacts", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume: 42, Issue: 1-2, p. 141-160.
  • Dede, Ö. (2018), IŞİD Terör Örgütü'nün Türkiye'ye Yönelik Propaganda Faaliyetleri ve Yabancı Teröristler, (Unpublished Master Thesis), Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Gaziantep/ Turkey.
  • Dede, Ö., & Tansü, Y. E., (2020), “IŞİD Terörö Örgütü’nün Türkiye’deki Dijital Propagandası: Konstantiniyye Dergisi”, ASSAM, Volume: 7, Issue: 16, p. 106-124.
  • Dillon, L., Neo, L. S., & Freilich, J. D. (2020), "A comparison of ISIS foreign fighters and supporters social media posts: An exploratory mixed-method content analysis", Behavioral sciences of terrorism and political aggression, Volume: 12, Issue: 4, p. 268-291.
  • El-Badawy, E., Comerford, M., & Welby, P. (2015), Inside the Jihadi mind: Understanding ideology and propaganda. Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Tech. Rep., London.
  • Eroğlu, D. (24/04/2018). Ebu Hanzala’nın Tevhid Dergisi kadrosu anlatıyor (1): Demokrasiyi istemiyoruz. Diken. Retrieved from
  • Fernandez, M., Asif, M., & Alani, H. (2018, May), Understanding the roots of radicalization on Twitter, In Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on web science, p. 1-10.
  • Ficamos, P., & Liu, Y. (2016), "A topic-based approach for sentiment analysis on Twitter data", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Volume: 7, Issue: 12, p. 201-205.
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  • Grandjean, M. (2016), "A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community", Cogent Arts & Humanities, Volume: 3, Issue: 1, p. 117-145.
  • Gomes, B. G., Holanda, P. H., Couto da Silva, A. P., & Goussevskaia, O. (2017, October), Profiling isis supporters on Twitter, In Proceedings of the 23rd Brazillian symposium on multimedia and the web, p. 457-460.
  • Harbi, A., & Kamsin, A. B. (2021), "An Effective Text Classifier using Machine Learning for Identifying Tweets' Polarity Concerning Terrorist Connotation", Information Technology and Computer Science, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, p. 19-29.
  • Karakaş, C. K. (2017), "DAEŞ Propagandasında Yeni Medya Kullanımı", Marmara İletişim Dergisi, Volume: 28, p. 33-46.
  • Kearney, M., Sancho, L., Wickham, H., Heiss, A. (July 2022). rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data: CRAN.
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  • Lee, C. S., & Colautti, J. D. (2022), "ISIS's COVID-19 Messaging on Twitter: An Analysis of Tweet Sentiment and Emotions", Crime & Delinquency, Volume: 10, Issue: 5, p. 1347-1370.
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IŞİD’in Twitter’daki Türk Sempatizanlarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2022, , 13 - 34, 31.12.2022


Sosyal medya, son yıllarda günlük hayatın önemli bir parçası haline gelmiş, en başta bireyler olmak üzere, örgütleri, kuruluşları ve cemiyetleri de etkisi altına almıştır. Hal böyle olunca, bu etkileşimden terör örgütleri de kendilerine pay çıkarmış ve örnek olarak, Irak-Şam İslam Devleti (IŞİD)’in stratejilerinin oluşturulmasında ve paylaşılmasında; sosyal medya önemli bir taban oluşturmuştur. IŞİD, daha siyasi bir platform olması nedeniyle, başta Twitter olmak üzere pek çok sosyal medya platformunu; propaganda yapmak, sempatizan kazanmak ve halk arasında korku yaratmak için etkin bir şekilde kullanmaktadır. IŞİD’in Türkiye’de en aktif kullandığı sosyal medya platformu; “Twitter”dır. Ancak Türkiye’de IŞİD sempatizanlarının Twitter’daki davranışları, yapısı, iletişim ve ilişki ağlarına odaklanan akademik çalışmaların sayısı sınırlıdır. Bu nedenle, çalışmada bu noksanlın giderilmesine odaklanılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı IŞİD’in Twitter’daki Türk sempatizanlarının temel özellikleri, yapıları, davranışları ve ilişki ağlarını detaylı olarak incelemektir. Çalışma, dört ana analitik adımda analiz edilmiştir. R bilgisayar programı ile 2079 Türk IŞİD sempatizanının temel özellikleri, yapıları, davranışları ve ilişki ağları incelenmiş, analiz sonucunda dikkat çekici birçok tespite ulaşılmıştır.


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  • Cohen, K., & Kaati, L. (2018), Digital Jihad Propaganda from the Islamic State, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm/ Sweden.
  • Conway, M., Khawaja, M., Lakhani, S., Reffin, J., Robertson, A., & Weir, D. (2019), "Disrupting Daesh: Measuring takedown of online terrorist material and its impacts", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume: 42, Issue: 1-2, p. 141-160.
  • Dede, Ö. (2018), IŞİD Terör Örgütü'nün Türkiye'ye Yönelik Propaganda Faaliyetleri ve Yabancı Teröristler, (Unpublished Master Thesis), Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Gaziantep/ Turkey.
  • Dede, Ö., & Tansü, Y. E., (2020), “IŞİD Terörö Örgütü’nün Türkiye’deki Dijital Propagandası: Konstantiniyye Dergisi”, ASSAM, Volume: 7, Issue: 16, p. 106-124.
  • Dillon, L., Neo, L. S., & Freilich, J. D. (2020), "A comparison of ISIS foreign fighters and supporters social media posts: An exploratory mixed-method content analysis", Behavioral sciences of terrorism and political aggression, Volume: 12, Issue: 4, p. 268-291.
  • El-Badawy, E., Comerford, M., & Welby, P. (2015), Inside the Jihadi mind: Understanding ideology and propaganda. Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Tech. Rep., London.
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  • Fernandez, M., Asif, M., & Alani, H. (2018, May), Understanding the roots of radicalization on Twitter, In Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on web science, p. 1-10.
  • Ficamos, P., & Liu, Y. (2016), "A topic-based approach for sentiment analysis on Twitter data", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Volume: 7, Issue: 12, p. 201-205.
  • Gentry, J. (2016). R-Based Twitter Client. CRAN.
  • Grandjean, M. (2016), "A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community", Cogent Arts & Humanities, Volume: 3, Issue: 1, p. 117-145.
  • Gomes, B. G., Holanda, P. H., Couto da Silva, A. P., & Goussevskaia, O. (2017, October), Profiling isis supporters on Twitter, In Proceedings of the 23rd Brazillian symposium on multimedia and the web, p. 457-460.
  • Harbi, A., & Kamsin, A. B. (2021), "An Effective Text Classifier using Machine Learning for Identifying Tweets' Polarity Concerning Terrorist Connotation", Information Technology and Computer Science, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, p. 19-29.
  • Karakaş, C. K. (2017), "DAEŞ Propagandasında Yeni Medya Kullanımı", Marmara İletişim Dergisi, Volume: 28, p. 33-46.
  • Kearney, M., Sancho, L., Wickham, H., Heiss, A. (July 2022). rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data: CRAN.
  • Khelghat-Doost, H. (2017), "Women of the Caliphate: the Mechanism for Women's Incorporation into the Islamic State (IS)", Perspectives on terrorism, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, p. 17-25.
  • Klausen, J. (2015), "Tweeting the Jihad: Social media networks of Western foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, p. 1-22.
  • Lee, C. S., & Colautti, J. D. (2022), "ISIS's COVID-19 Messaging on Twitter: An Analysis of Tweet Sentiment and Emotions", Crime & Delinquency, Volume: 10, Issue: 5, p. 1347-1370.
  • Leite, Â., Ramires, A., Dinis, M. A. P., & Sousa, H. F. P. (2019), "Who is concerned about terrorist attacks? A religious profile", Social Sciences, Volume: 8, Issue: 11, p. 316.
  • Magdy, W., Darwish, K., & Weber, I. (2015, August), "I like ISIS, but I want to watch Chris Nolan's new movie" Exploring ISIS Supporters on Twitter, In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media, p. 321-322.
  • Mitts, T., Phillips, G., & Walter, B. F. (2022), "Studying the impact of ISIS propaganda campaigns", The Journal of Politics, Volume: 84, Issue: 2, p. 100-116.
  • Narin, B., & Ayaz, B. (2016, April), "Tweeting for Jihad: ISIS supporters on Twitter", In The 5th International Conference On Conflict, Terrorism, and Society, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, p. 12-13.
  • Newman, K., Wang, A. H., Wang, A. Z. Y., & Hanna, D. (2022), "The role of internet-based digital tools in reducing social isolation and addressing support needs among informal caregivers: a scoping review", BMC Public Health, Volume: 19, Issue: 1, p. 1-12.
  • Newton, J. (2022), "Indonesian Pro-IS supporters on social media in 2022", Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, Volume: 14, Issue: 3, p. 1-8.
  • ORSAM. (2017), Twitter’da Türkçe Konuşan DAEŞ Destekçileri, Ortadoğu Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, Rapor No: 211, Ankara/ Turkey, p. 7-37.
  • Omer, E. (2015), Using machine learning to identify jihadist messages on Twitter, Unpublished Dissertation, Uppsala University, Sweden, Retrieved from
  • Özeren, S., Hekim, H., Elmas, M. S., & Canbegi, H. I. (2016), ISIS in Cyberspace: Findings from Social Media Research, Global Policy and Strategy Institute, Ankara/Turkey, p. 5-75.
  • Özeren, S., Hekim, H., Elmas, M. S., & Canbegi, H. I. (2018), "An analysis of ISIS propaganda and recruitment activities targeting the Turkish-speaking population," International Annals of Criminology, Volume: 56, Issue: 1-2, p. 105-121.
  • Özeren, S., Çubukcu, S., & Cash, G. (2021), "Exposure to Extremist Content and Public Sympathy for ISIS", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, p. 1-21.
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Toplam 73 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Yiğitalp Tulga 0000-0001-7596-1269

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Tulga, A. Y. (2022). Examining ISIS’s Turkish Sympathizers on Twitter. Uluslararası Politik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 13-34.

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