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Müzikal Ötekileştirme: Siyahî Müzikleri (Blues) Örneği

Yıl 2016, , 27 - 40, 15.04.2016


Müzikal ötekileştirme, toplumdan dışlanmış bir toplumsal grubun müzikal anlatılarının inkâr edilmesidir. Müzikal ötekileştirme ve toplumsal ötekileştirme arasında sıkı bir bağıntı vardır. Müzikal ötekileştirme, toplumsal ötekileştirmeyi sürdürülebilir kılmaktadır. Müzikal ötekileştirmenin anlaşılabilmesi için üç ölçüt sıralanabilir. Birincisi ötekinin müzikal anlatıları üzerindeki sansür uygulamalarıdır. İkincisi, ötekine ait olan müzikal anlatıların olumsuz kavramlarla anılmasıdır. Üçüncüsü ise, ötekinin müzikal söylemlerindeki ötekileştirilme imgelerinin yoğunluğuna ve de ötekinin müzik icra ederken antropolojik olarak kendi değerlerine işaret eden dil ve enstrümanları kullanıp kullanmadığına bağlıdır. Bu üç ölçüt merkezinde bir siyahî müziği olan Blues müziğine bakıldığında Blues’un müzikal ötekileştirmenin nesnesi olduğu söylenebilir. Bu makalede; “müzikal ötekileştirme” olgusu kavramsallaştırılmaya çalışılacak ve bu kavramsal çerçeve üzerinden Blues müzikal anlatısı incelenecektir.


  • Adorno, T. & Horkheimer, M. (2011), Sosyolojik Açılımlar, Çev. M. S. Durgun ve A. Gümüş, Bilgesu Yayınları, Ankara. A.İ. (2005), Syria Kurds in the Syrian Arab Republic One Year After The March 2004 Events, Amnesty International March. Aksoy, Ozan. (2009), “Şivan Perwer and Kurdish Music: I would return Turkey to contribute to Peace”, Kurdish Herald, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 9-11. Anderson, Paul Allen. (2006), Ralph Ellison’s Music Lessons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Attali, Jacques. (2014), Gürültüden Müziğe, Çev. Gülüş Gülcügil Türkmen, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Bere, Wonderful G. (2008), Urban Grooves: The Performance Of Politics in Zimbabwe’s Hip Hop Music, Unpublished PhD Thesis, New York University. Born, Georgia. & Hesmondhalgh, David. (2000), Introduction: On Difference, Representation and Appropriation in Music, University of California Press, California. Brace, Timothy Lane. (1992), Modernization and Music in Contemporary China: Crisis, Identity and The Politics of Style, Unpublished Phd Thesis, The University of Texas. Brindley, Erica Fox. (2012), Music Cosmology and The Politics Of Harmony in Early China, State University of New York Press, Albany. Christensen, Dieter. (1966), Kurdish Folk Music From Western Iran, Indiana University Archives, Indıana. Demir, Ömer. & Acar, Mustafa. (2002), Sosyal Bilimler Sözlüğü, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara. Eaton, David. (2012), “The Influence of Music on Self and Society”, World Peace: An Exploration of The Significance of God for a World in Crisis, Conference in Washington. Esgin, Ali. (2012), “Bir Müzik Sosyolojisi Var mıdır?”, Önce Müzik Vardı - Doğu Batı Dergisi Sayı 62 İçinde, Doğu Batı Yayınları, Ankara. Freemuse. (2006), “And The ‘Beat’ Goes On – Censorship in Turkey”, Music Will Not Be Silenced, Third Freemuse World Conference On Music and Censorship, İstanbul. Gamez, Nora. (2013), “Rap is War: Los Aldeanos and The Politics of Music Subversion in Contemporary Cuba”, Trans-Revista Transcultural De Musica Transcultural Music Review 17, pp. 1-23. Gerard, Herzhaft. (2005), Blues, Çeviren: İsmail Yergüz, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara. Grenier, Line. & Guilbault, Jocelcyne. (1990), “Authority Revisited: The Other in Anthropology and Popular Music Studies”, Ethnomüsicology, Vol. 34, No: 3, pp. 381-397. Grunberger, Richard. (1971), A Social History of The Third Reich, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London. Halam, Huw. (2013), Political Sound – National Socialism and Its Musical Afterlives, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of London. Herzhaft, Gerard. (2005), Blues, Türkçesi: İsmail Yerguz, Dost Yayınları, Ankara. Ighile, Mark. (2012), “A Conceptual Approach To The Study of Song and Music in Benin Society”, Venets: The Belogradchik Journal For Local History, Cultural Heritage and Folk Studies, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 93-111. Jenkins, Rasheedah. (2008), The Songs of Black (Women) Folk: Music, Politics and Everyday Living, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Louisiana State University. Lee, Pei-Ling. (2010), “From Discord to Harmony? A Textual Analysis of Political Theme Songs in Contemporary Taiwan”, Intercultural Communication Studies XIX:3, pp. 188-201. Leu, Lorraine. (2006), “Music and National Culture: Pop Music and Resistance in Brazil”, P:Potuguese Cultural Studies, Winter, pp. 36-44. Love, Nancy. (2006), Musical Democracy, State University of New York Press, New York. Lönnblad, Irene. (2012), Political Elements In The Music of MIA, Unpublished MA Thesis, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, Unversity of Helsinki. Middleton, Richard. (2000), “Musical Belongings: Western Music and Its Low-Other”, Introduction: On Difference, Representation and Appropriation in Music, Edited By: Georgia Born and David Hesmondhalgh, University of California Press, California. Morrison, Steven J. & Demorest, Steven M. (2009), “Cultural Constraints on Music Perception and Cognition”, Cultural Nevroscience – Cultural Influence on Brain Function, Edited By: Joan Chiao, pp. 67-77. Moultsby, Portia K. (1983), “Soul Music: Its Sociological and Political Significance in American Populer Culture”, Journal of Popular Culture, 17:2, pp. 51-60. Naerland, Torgeir Uberg. (2014), Music and The Public Sphere: Exploring the Political Significance Of Norwegian Hip Hop Music Through The Lens Of Public Sphere Theory, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Bergen. Neuman, Dard. (2008), “Music, Politics and Protest”, Music and Politics 2, Number 2 / Summer, pp. 1-22. Oakley, Giles. (2004), Blues Tarihi – Şeytan’ın Müziği, Çeviren: Aydemir Özügül, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Paris, Jeffrey. & Ault, Michael. (2004), “Subcultures and Political Resistance”, Peace Review 16:4, December, pp. 403-407. Petmua, Dimitria. (2009), “The Protection of Stateless Persons in Detention”, The Equal Rights Trust, London. Pierebon, Chiara. (2011a), “The Role Of Music in The National – Bolshevik Organization: A Web- Based Analysis”, International Journal Of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Vol 3, No: 2, pp. 95-104. Pierebon, Chiara. (2011b), Youth Political Organizations and Music: The Case Of St. Petersburg, Working Papers Centre For German and European Studies. Reitov, Ole. & Korpe, Marie. (2004), “Not To Be Broadcasted”, Sound of Change – Social Political Features of Music in Africa, Editor: Stig – Magnus Thorsen, Sida Studies 12, pp. 70-86. Sartori, Giovanni. (1993), Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, Çev. Tunçer Karamustafaoğlu ve Mehmet Turhan, Türk Demokrasi Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara. Siegmeister, Elie. (1938), Music and Society, Critics Group Press, New York. Sharma, Sanjay. (1996), “Noisy Asians or ‘Asian Noise’?”, Dis-Orienting Rhytms: The Politics of the New Asian Dance Music, Edited By: Sanjay Sharma, John Hutnyk and Ashwani Sharma, Zed Books, London. Sharma, Ashwani. (1996b), “Sounds Oriental: The (Im)possibility of Theorizing Asian Musical Cultures”, Dis-Orienting Rhytms: The Politics of the New Asian Dance Music, Edited By: Sanjay Sharma, John Hutnyk and Ashwani Sharma, Zed Books, London. Stahl, Gerry. (1976), “Attuned to Being: Heideggerian Music in Technological Society”, Boundary 2, IV, pp. 637-664. Street, John. (2003), “Fight The Power: The Politics of Music and The Music of Politics”, Government and Opposition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford UK, pp. 113-130. Strong, Tracy B. (2010), “Music, the Passions and Political Freedom in Rousseau”, in Stanley Hoffmann and Christie McDonald, Eds. Rousseau and Freedom, Cambridge University Press. Sullisan, Megan. (2014), “African-American Music as Rebellion From Slavesong to Hip Hop”, No Knowledge About Publishing Place, pp. 21-39. Thompson, Brian C. (2014), “Nationalism and Music: Theory and The Way Forward”, New Opportunies and Imposes: Theorizing and Experiencing Politics, Politsci 13 Political Science Conference, pp. 206-213. Thompson, Katrina Dyonne. (2014), The Racial Politics of Music and Dance in North American Slavery, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, University of Illionis Press, Urbana Chicago. Tsitsishvili, Nino. (2007), “Social and Political Constructions of Nation – Making in Relation To The Musical Styles and Discourses Of Georgian Duduki Ensembles”, Journal Of Musicological Research - 26, pp. 241-280. Wade, Peter. (2005), “Understanding Africa and Blackness in Colombia”, Afro Atl 11, Music and The Politics of Culture, pp. 351-378.

Musical Othering: Instance Of Black (Blues) Musics

Yıl 2016, , 27 - 40, 15.04.2016


othering is the denial of the musical narrations of a social group which is
ostracized. There is a hard relation between musical othering and social
othering. Musical othering makes social othering sustainable. It can be sait
that There are three criterions to understand musical othering. First one is
the censorship policies on the musical narrations of the other. The second one
is that The musical narrations, belong to the other, are mentioned with
negative notions. The third one is based on those, the intensity of othering
images in the others’ musical narrations and is based on Whether the other
plays or does not play the instruments point to the others’ self values
anthropologically While the other is making music. When looked at Blues music,
as a black music, At the core of these three criterions, It can be said that
Blues music has been the object of musical othering. In this essay, It will be
tried to conceptualise the case of musical othering and on the basis of this
conceptual framework, It will be analysed the musical narration of Blues.


  • Adorno, T. & Horkheimer, M. (2011), Sosyolojik Açılımlar, Çev. M. S. Durgun ve A. Gümüş, Bilgesu Yayınları, Ankara. A.İ. (2005), Syria Kurds in the Syrian Arab Republic One Year After The March 2004 Events, Amnesty International March. Aksoy, Ozan. (2009), “Şivan Perwer and Kurdish Music: I would return Turkey to contribute to Peace”, Kurdish Herald, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 9-11. Anderson, Paul Allen. (2006), Ralph Ellison’s Music Lessons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Attali, Jacques. (2014), Gürültüden Müziğe, Çev. Gülüş Gülcügil Türkmen, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Bere, Wonderful G. (2008), Urban Grooves: The Performance Of Politics in Zimbabwe’s Hip Hop Music, Unpublished PhD Thesis, New York University. Born, Georgia. & Hesmondhalgh, David. (2000), Introduction: On Difference, Representation and Appropriation in Music, University of California Press, California. Brace, Timothy Lane. (1992), Modernization and Music in Contemporary China: Crisis, Identity and The Politics of Style, Unpublished Phd Thesis, The University of Texas. Brindley, Erica Fox. (2012), Music Cosmology and The Politics Of Harmony in Early China, State University of New York Press, Albany. Christensen, Dieter. (1966), Kurdish Folk Music From Western Iran, Indiana University Archives, Indıana. Demir, Ömer. & Acar, Mustafa. (2002), Sosyal Bilimler Sözlüğü, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara. Eaton, David. (2012), “The Influence of Music on Self and Society”, World Peace: An Exploration of The Significance of God for a World in Crisis, Conference in Washington. Esgin, Ali. (2012), “Bir Müzik Sosyolojisi Var mıdır?”, Önce Müzik Vardı - Doğu Batı Dergisi Sayı 62 İçinde, Doğu Batı Yayınları, Ankara. Freemuse. (2006), “And The ‘Beat’ Goes On – Censorship in Turkey”, Music Will Not Be Silenced, Third Freemuse World Conference On Music and Censorship, İstanbul. Gamez, Nora. (2013), “Rap is War: Los Aldeanos and The Politics of Music Subversion in Contemporary Cuba”, Trans-Revista Transcultural De Musica Transcultural Music Review 17, pp. 1-23. Gerard, Herzhaft. (2005), Blues, Çeviren: İsmail Yergüz, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara. Grenier, Line. & Guilbault, Jocelcyne. (1990), “Authority Revisited: The Other in Anthropology and Popular Music Studies”, Ethnomüsicology, Vol. 34, No: 3, pp. 381-397. Grunberger, Richard. (1971), A Social History of The Third Reich, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London. Halam, Huw. (2013), Political Sound – National Socialism and Its Musical Afterlives, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of London. Herzhaft, Gerard. (2005), Blues, Türkçesi: İsmail Yerguz, Dost Yayınları, Ankara. Ighile, Mark. (2012), “A Conceptual Approach To The Study of Song and Music in Benin Society”, Venets: The Belogradchik Journal For Local History, Cultural Heritage and Folk Studies, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 93-111. Jenkins, Rasheedah. (2008), The Songs of Black (Women) Folk: Music, Politics and Everyday Living, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Louisiana State University. Lee, Pei-Ling. (2010), “From Discord to Harmony? A Textual Analysis of Political Theme Songs in Contemporary Taiwan”, Intercultural Communication Studies XIX:3, pp. 188-201. Leu, Lorraine. (2006), “Music and National Culture: Pop Music and Resistance in Brazil”, P:Potuguese Cultural Studies, Winter, pp. 36-44. Love, Nancy. (2006), Musical Democracy, State University of New York Press, New York. Lönnblad, Irene. (2012), Political Elements In The Music of MIA, Unpublished MA Thesis, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, Unversity of Helsinki. Middleton, Richard. (2000), “Musical Belongings: Western Music and Its Low-Other”, Introduction: On Difference, Representation and Appropriation in Music, Edited By: Georgia Born and David Hesmondhalgh, University of California Press, California. Morrison, Steven J. & Demorest, Steven M. (2009), “Cultural Constraints on Music Perception and Cognition”, Cultural Nevroscience – Cultural Influence on Brain Function, Edited By: Joan Chiao, pp. 67-77. Moultsby, Portia K. (1983), “Soul Music: Its Sociological and Political Significance in American Populer Culture”, Journal of Popular Culture, 17:2, pp. 51-60. Naerland, Torgeir Uberg. (2014), Music and The Public Sphere: Exploring the Political Significance Of Norwegian Hip Hop Music Through The Lens Of Public Sphere Theory, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Bergen. Neuman, Dard. (2008), “Music, Politics and Protest”, Music and Politics 2, Number 2 / Summer, pp. 1-22. Oakley, Giles. (2004), Blues Tarihi – Şeytan’ın Müziği, Çeviren: Aydemir Özügül, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Paris, Jeffrey. & Ault, Michael. (2004), “Subcultures and Political Resistance”, Peace Review 16:4, December, pp. 403-407. Petmua, Dimitria. (2009), “The Protection of Stateless Persons in Detention”, The Equal Rights Trust, London. Pierebon, Chiara. (2011a), “The Role Of Music in The National – Bolshevik Organization: A Web- Based Analysis”, International Journal Of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Vol 3, No: 2, pp. 95-104. Pierebon, Chiara. (2011b), Youth Political Organizations and Music: The Case Of St. Petersburg, Working Papers Centre For German and European Studies. Reitov, Ole. & Korpe, Marie. (2004), “Not To Be Broadcasted”, Sound of Change – Social Political Features of Music in Africa, Editor: Stig – Magnus Thorsen, Sida Studies 12, pp. 70-86. Sartori, Giovanni. (1993), Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, Çev. Tunçer Karamustafaoğlu ve Mehmet Turhan, Türk Demokrasi Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara. Siegmeister, Elie. (1938), Music and Society, Critics Group Press, New York. Sharma, Sanjay. (1996), “Noisy Asians or ‘Asian Noise’?”, Dis-Orienting Rhytms: The Politics of the New Asian Dance Music, Edited By: Sanjay Sharma, John Hutnyk and Ashwani Sharma, Zed Books, London. Sharma, Ashwani. (1996b), “Sounds Oriental: The (Im)possibility of Theorizing Asian Musical Cultures”, Dis-Orienting Rhytms: The Politics of the New Asian Dance Music, Edited By: Sanjay Sharma, John Hutnyk and Ashwani Sharma, Zed Books, London. Stahl, Gerry. (1976), “Attuned to Being: Heideggerian Music in Technological Society”, Boundary 2, IV, pp. 637-664. Street, John. (2003), “Fight The Power: The Politics of Music and The Music of Politics”, Government and Opposition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford UK, pp. 113-130. Strong, Tracy B. (2010), “Music, the Passions and Political Freedom in Rousseau”, in Stanley Hoffmann and Christie McDonald, Eds. Rousseau and Freedom, Cambridge University Press. Sullisan, Megan. (2014), “African-American Music as Rebellion From Slavesong to Hip Hop”, No Knowledge About Publishing Place, pp. 21-39. Thompson, Brian C. (2014), “Nationalism and Music: Theory and The Way Forward”, New Opportunies and Imposes: Theorizing and Experiencing Politics, Politsci 13 Political Science Conference, pp. 206-213. Thompson, Katrina Dyonne. (2014), The Racial Politics of Music and Dance in North American Slavery, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, University of Illionis Press, Urbana Chicago. Tsitsishvili, Nino. (2007), “Social and Political Constructions of Nation – Making in Relation To The Musical Styles and Discourses Of Georgian Duduki Ensembles”, Journal Of Musicological Research - 26, pp. 241-280. Wade, Peter. (2005), “Understanding Africa and Blackness in Colombia”, Afro Atl 11, Music and The Politics of Culture, pp. 351-378.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Yusuf Çifci Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Çifci, Y. (2016). Müzikal Ötekileştirme: Siyahî Müzikleri (Blues) Örneği. Uluslararası Politik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(1), 27-40.

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