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Kentin Pazarlama ve Markalaşmasına Yönelik Eylemlerin Turizme Etkilerinin Eskişehir Örneğinde İncelenmesi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8, 150 - 169, 31.01.2013


1970’lerden sonra ekonomideki yapısal değişimler, fiziksel yapıyı da etkisi altına almış ve kentlerin pazarlanması olgusu bir kentsel politika olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. 1980’lerden itibaren kent pazarlama stratejileri, ürün/sunum odaklı yakla-şımdan talep odaklı bir yaklaşıma geçmiş ve kentsel yaşam kalitesinin arttırılarak hedef kitlelerde talep yaratılması ve kentin çekici hale getirilmesi önem kazanmıştır. Kent pazarlama kavramı, bir kentin ya da bölgenin, hem potansiyel hem de mevcut yatırımcılarına, turistlere, mevcut ve potansiyel yaşayanlarına çekici hale getirilmesi için imajının yeniden inşası ve satılması anlamında kullanılmaktadır. Turistleri ve ziyaretçileri çekmek için kentin canlılığı ve ziya-retçinin o kentte yapılacak ve görülecek çok şey olduğu hissine kapılması, fakat çok fazla zamanı olmaması nedeniyle yeniden gelme arzusunda olması gibi birincil parametreler yanında, müze, sanat galerisi, tiyatro, konser salonları, sinemalar, kongre merkezleri gibi kültürel kullanımlar, kapalı ve açık spor olanakları, gece kulüpleri, düzenlenen etkin-likler, festivaller gibi eğlenceye yönelik donatılar, parklar ve yeşil alanlar, yapay plaj, ilgi çekici yapılar, dini yapılar, kültürel miras, misafirperverlik, güvenlik ve yerel gelenekler gibi ikincil parametreler de bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, kentsel dönüşüm ve imaj oluşturma eylemleri yoluyla kentin pazarlanması ve markalaşmasına yönelik etkinliklerin kent turizmine etkileri Eskişehir örneğinde analiz edilecektir.


  • Aaker, A. D. (1996). Building strong brands. New York: The Free Press.
  • Anholt, S. (2005). Some ımportant distinctions in place branding . Place Branding, Vol.1, No.2, 116-121.
  • Kentin Pazarlama ve Markalaşmasına Yönelik Eylemlerin Turizme Etkilerinin Eskişehir Örneğinde İncelenmesi
  • Broudehoux, A. M. ( 2001). Image making, city marketing and the aesthetization of social ınequality in Rio De Jenairo. N. Alsayyad
  • (Ed.) in Consuming tradition, manufacturing heritage. global norms and urban forms in the age of tourism, , Routledge, Taylorand Francis Group, New York, 270-295.
  • Chatterton, P.,Hollands, R. (2002). Theorising urban playscapes: producing, regulating and consuming youthful night life city spaces, Urban Studies, 39 (1), 95-116.
  • Cheshire, P.C. ve Gordon, R.I. (1996). Territorial competition and the predictability of collective (in)action. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 20, 383-399 in Darcy, E., Keogh, G. (1998). Territorial Competition and Property Market Process: An Exploratory Analysis. Urban Studies, Vol 35, no.8.
  • Cheshire, P.C. ve Gordon, R.I (1998). Territorial competition: some lessons for policy. The Annals of Regional Science, 32.
  • Cochrane, A.,Peck, J. ve Tickell, A. (1996). Manchester playsgames: exploring the local politics of globalisation, Urban Studies, 33, 1391–1336.
  • Cochrane, A. (1999) . Redefining urban politics for the twenty-firstcentury, in: A. E. G. Jonasand D. Wilson (Eds) The Urban Growth Machine: Critical Perspectives Two Decades Later, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 109–124.
  • Cox, K. R. Ve Mair, A. (1988). Locality and community in the politics of local economic development. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78, pp. 307–325.
  • Cox, K. R. (1999).Ideology and the growth coalition, in: A. E. G. Jonasand D.Wilson (Eds) The urban growth machine: Critical perspectives two decades later (pp.21–36). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Crang, M. (1998) . Cultural Geography.London: Routledge .
  • Deffner, A. ve Liouris,C., (2005).City Marketing: A significant planning too lfor urban development in a globalised planning tool for urban development in a globalised economy. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association ,23- 27 August, 2005, Amsterdam.
  • Ejigu A.,Sjoholm J., Nordgren E. ve Lindstrom P., (2004).Twinning identities – Losing uniqueness?, Royal Institute of Technology, Twinning Cities.Planning for Regional Development AcrossBorders Project Work.
  • Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediyesi. (2010). Çağdaş Cam Sanatları Müzesi Kayıtları.
  • Firat, A.F. ve Venkatesh, A., (1993).Postmodernity: theage of marketing, International Journal of Researchin Marketing, Vol.10, No.3,227-249.
  • Gold, J. ve Ward, S. (1994). Place promotion. New York: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Hall, C. M.(1992). Hallmark tourist events: Impacts, management and planning. London: Belhaven.
  • Hall, T. ve Hubbard, P. (Eds), (1998). The entrepreneurial city: geographies of politics, regime, and representation. New York: Wiley.
  • Hankinson, G., (2004). Relational network brands: towards a conceptual model of place brands, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 10.(2), 109-121.
  • Harvey, D. (1993). Form space to plac eand back again: Reflections on the condition of postmodernity. J. Curtis, T.,Robertson ve L. Tickner (Der.) Mapping Cultures, Global Changes, Urban Regeneration içinde. London: Routledge.
  • Hiller, H (2000). Mega-events, urban boosterism and growth strategies: an analysis of the objectives and legitimations of the Cape Town 2004 Olympic bid, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 24(2), 439–458.
  • Holloway, L. ve Hubbard, P., (2001). People and place. The extraordinary geographies of everydaylife ,Pearson Education Limited. Hubbard, P. (1996). Urban design and city regeneration: social representations of entrepreneurial landscape, Urban Studies, 33, 1441-1461. Inn, K., (2004). Plan for city ıdentity establishment and city marketing: The Case of Kimpo City, Dela Journal, 21, 233-240.
  • Johan J. ve Power, D. (2006). Image of the city- urban branding as constructed capabilities in nordic city regions. Oslo: Nordic Innovation Centero.
  • Jonas, A. E. G. ve Wilson , D. (Eds) (1999a). The urban growth machine: critical perspectives: Two decades later. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Kearns, G. And Philo, C. (eds) (1993). Selling places: the city as cultural capital, Oxford: Pergamon. Keller, K.(1999). Designing and Implementing Brand Strategies. Journal of Brand Management, 6 (5), 315-332.
  • Kotler, P.,Rein I. ve Haider, H.D. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting ınvestment, ındustry, and tourism to cities, regions and nations. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lauria, M. (Ed.) (1997). Reconstructing urban regime theory: regulating urban politics in a global economy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Lehrer, U. (2006). Willing the global city: Berlin’s cultural strategies of ınter-urban competition after 1989. N. Brenner ve R. Keil (Der.) The Global Cities Reader içinde. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Logan, J. R. ve Molotch, H. (1987).Urban fortunes: The political economy of place. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • Van der Meer, J. (1990/2). The role of city marketing in urban management. Paper presented on the 30th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Istanbul.
  • Metaxas, T. (2002). Place/ city marketing as a tool for local economic development and city competitiveness: A comparative evaluation of place marketing policies in European cities. Turin: EURA Conference On Urban and Spatial European Policies.
  • Kentin Pazarlama ve Markalaşmasına Yönelik Eylemlerin Turizme Etkilerinin Eskişehir Örneğinde İncelenmesi
  • Metaxas, T. ve Kallioras, D. (2003). Medium size cities economic development and regional competitiveness: The case of Larissa – Volos Dipole In Thessaly Region Of Greece, 9th Regional Studies Association International Conference, Pisa.
  • Montgomery, J. (2004). Cultural quarters as mechanisms for urban regeneration, Part 2: A review of four cultural quarters in the UK, Ireland and Australia. Planning, Practice & Research, 19 (1), 3.
  • Morgan, N. J., Pritchard, A. ve Pride, R., (2002). Destination branding: Creating the unique destination proposition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Peck, J. A. (1995) . Moving and shaking: business elites, state localism, and urban privatism, Progress in Human Geography, 19, 16–46.
  • Peck, J. A. ve Tickell, A. (1995). Business goes local: dissecting the ‚business agenda‛ in Manchester. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 19, 79–95.
  • Rainisto, S., K. (2003). Success factors of place marketing: A study of place marketing practices in Northern Europe and the United States. , Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Strategy and International Business.
  • Stead,D., (2003). Is urban living becoming more attractive? Local Environment 8 (5), 559-565.
  • Stewart, D. (1996). Market-back Approach to the Design of Integrated Communications Programmes: A Change in Paradigm and a Focus on Determinants of Success, Journal of Business Research, 37 (2), 142-157.
  • Temelova, J. (2007). Flagship developments and physical upgrading of the post-socialis tinnercity: The Golden Angel Project in Praque .Geografiska Analer 89 (2),169-181.
  • Twitchell, J. B. (2005 ).Branded nations. New York: Simon & Schster Paperbacks.
  • UNEP (2004).Guidelines for urban regeneration in the Mediterranean Region , priority actions programme. Regional Activity Centre Split.
  • Ward, S., V. (2004) .Planning and urban change. 2nd Edition. London: Sage.
  •, 2011

The Effects of the City Marketing and Branding Activities on Tourism: The Case of Eskişehir

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8, 150 - 169, 31.01.2013


After the 1970s, structural changes in the economy have affected the physical structure of the cities and the city marketing concept emerged as an urban policy. Since the 1980s, the city marketing strategies have been transformed into demand–oriented approach from the product/ presentation-oriented approach. By increasing the quality of urban life, the creation of demand of the target groups and making the city an attractive place has gained importance. City marketing is defined as the thepractice of selling and reconstructing the city image so as to make it attractive to economic enterprises, tourists and inhabitants of that place. One of the most primary elements to attract tourists and visitors is that the visitor leaves with the feeling that there were so manythings to do and see but that s/he did not have enough time and so wants to come back. Cultural facilities, such as museums and art galleries, theaters, concert halls, cinemas and convention centers, indoor and outdoor sport facilities, amusement facilities, such as nightclubs, casinos, organized events and festivals, parks and green areas, water canals, artificial beach, interesting buildings, religious buildings, sites of cultural heritage, hospitality, safety and local customs are the other elements toattract tourists. This paper examines the activities related to the urban regeneration and image-making activities on the city marketing and urban branding procedures in the case of Eskişehir.


  • Aaker, A. D. (1996). Building strong brands. New York: The Free Press.
  • Anholt, S. (2005). Some ımportant distinctions in place branding . Place Branding, Vol.1, No.2, 116-121.
  • Kentin Pazarlama ve Markalaşmasına Yönelik Eylemlerin Turizme Etkilerinin Eskişehir Örneğinde İncelenmesi
  • Broudehoux, A. M. ( 2001). Image making, city marketing and the aesthetization of social ınequality in Rio De Jenairo. N. Alsayyad
  • (Ed.) in Consuming tradition, manufacturing heritage. global norms and urban forms in the age of tourism, , Routledge, Taylorand Francis Group, New York, 270-295.
  • Chatterton, P.,Hollands, R. (2002). Theorising urban playscapes: producing, regulating and consuming youthful night life city spaces, Urban Studies, 39 (1), 95-116.
  • Cheshire, P.C. ve Gordon, R.I. (1996). Territorial competition and the predictability of collective (in)action. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 20, 383-399 in Darcy, E., Keogh, G. (1998). Territorial Competition and Property Market Process: An Exploratory Analysis. Urban Studies, Vol 35, no.8.
  • Cheshire, P.C. ve Gordon, R.I (1998). Territorial competition: some lessons for policy. The Annals of Regional Science, 32.
  • Cochrane, A.,Peck, J. ve Tickell, A. (1996). Manchester playsgames: exploring the local politics of globalisation, Urban Studies, 33, 1391–1336.
  • Cochrane, A. (1999) . Redefining urban politics for the twenty-firstcentury, in: A. E. G. Jonasand D. Wilson (Eds) The Urban Growth Machine: Critical Perspectives Two Decades Later, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 109–124.
  • Cox, K. R. Ve Mair, A. (1988). Locality and community in the politics of local economic development. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78, pp. 307–325.
  • Cox, K. R. (1999).Ideology and the growth coalition, in: A. E. G. Jonasand D.Wilson (Eds) The urban growth machine: Critical perspectives two decades later (pp.21–36). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Crang, M. (1998) . Cultural Geography.London: Routledge .
  • Deffner, A. ve Liouris,C., (2005).City Marketing: A significant planning too lfor urban development in a globalised planning tool for urban development in a globalised economy. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association ,23- 27 August, 2005, Amsterdam.
  • Ejigu A.,Sjoholm J., Nordgren E. ve Lindstrom P., (2004).Twinning identities – Losing uniqueness?, Royal Institute of Technology, Twinning Cities.Planning for Regional Development AcrossBorders Project Work.
  • Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediyesi. (2010). Çağdaş Cam Sanatları Müzesi Kayıtları.
  • Firat, A.F. ve Venkatesh, A., (1993).Postmodernity: theage of marketing, International Journal of Researchin Marketing, Vol.10, No.3,227-249.
  • Gold, J. ve Ward, S. (1994). Place promotion. New York: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Hall, C. M.(1992). Hallmark tourist events: Impacts, management and planning. London: Belhaven.
  • Hall, T. ve Hubbard, P. (Eds), (1998). The entrepreneurial city: geographies of politics, regime, and representation. New York: Wiley.
  • Hankinson, G., (2004). Relational network brands: towards a conceptual model of place brands, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 10.(2), 109-121.
  • Harvey, D. (1993). Form space to plac eand back again: Reflections on the condition of postmodernity. J. Curtis, T.,Robertson ve L. Tickner (Der.) Mapping Cultures, Global Changes, Urban Regeneration içinde. London: Routledge.
  • Hiller, H (2000). Mega-events, urban boosterism and growth strategies: an analysis of the objectives and legitimations of the Cape Town 2004 Olympic bid, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 24(2), 439–458.
  • Holloway, L. ve Hubbard, P., (2001). People and place. The extraordinary geographies of everydaylife ,Pearson Education Limited. Hubbard, P. (1996). Urban design and city regeneration: social representations of entrepreneurial landscape, Urban Studies, 33, 1441-1461. Inn, K., (2004). Plan for city ıdentity establishment and city marketing: The Case of Kimpo City, Dela Journal, 21, 233-240.
  • Johan J. ve Power, D. (2006). Image of the city- urban branding as constructed capabilities in nordic city regions. Oslo: Nordic Innovation Centero.
  • Jonas, A. E. G. ve Wilson , D. (Eds) (1999a). The urban growth machine: critical perspectives: Two decades later. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Kearns, G. And Philo, C. (eds) (1993). Selling places: the city as cultural capital, Oxford: Pergamon. Keller, K.(1999). Designing and Implementing Brand Strategies. Journal of Brand Management, 6 (5), 315-332.
  • Kotler, P.,Rein I. ve Haider, H.D. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting ınvestment, ındustry, and tourism to cities, regions and nations. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lauria, M. (Ed.) (1997). Reconstructing urban regime theory: regulating urban politics in a global economy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Lehrer, U. (2006). Willing the global city: Berlin’s cultural strategies of ınter-urban competition after 1989. N. Brenner ve R. Keil (Der.) The Global Cities Reader içinde. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Logan, J. R. ve Molotch, H. (1987).Urban fortunes: The political economy of place. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • Van der Meer, J. (1990/2). The role of city marketing in urban management. Paper presented on the 30th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Istanbul.
  • Metaxas, T. (2002). Place/ city marketing as a tool for local economic development and city competitiveness: A comparative evaluation of place marketing policies in European cities. Turin: EURA Conference On Urban and Spatial European Policies.
  • Kentin Pazarlama ve Markalaşmasına Yönelik Eylemlerin Turizme Etkilerinin Eskişehir Örneğinde İncelenmesi
  • Metaxas, T. ve Kallioras, D. (2003). Medium size cities economic development and regional competitiveness: The case of Larissa – Volos Dipole In Thessaly Region Of Greece, 9th Regional Studies Association International Conference, Pisa.
  • Montgomery, J. (2004). Cultural quarters as mechanisms for urban regeneration, Part 2: A review of four cultural quarters in the UK, Ireland and Australia. Planning, Practice & Research, 19 (1), 3.
  • Morgan, N. J., Pritchard, A. ve Pride, R., (2002). Destination branding: Creating the unique destination proposition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Peck, J. A. (1995) . Moving and shaking: business elites, state localism, and urban privatism, Progress in Human Geography, 19, 16–46.
  • Peck, J. A. ve Tickell, A. (1995). Business goes local: dissecting the ‚business agenda‛ in Manchester. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 19, 79–95.
  • Rainisto, S., K. (2003). Success factors of place marketing: A study of place marketing practices in Northern Europe and the United States. , Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Strategy and International Business.
  • Stead,D., (2003). Is urban living becoming more attractive? Local Environment 8 (5), 559-565.
  • Stewart, D. (1996). Market-back Approach to the Design of Integrated Communications Programmes: A Change in Paradigm and a Focus on Determinants of Success, Journal of Business Research, 37 (2), 142-157.
  • Temelova, J. (2007). Flagship developments and physical upgrading of the post-socialis tinnercity: The Golden Angel Project in Praque .Geografiska Analer 89 (2),169-181.
  • Twitchell, J. B. (2005 ).Branded nations. New York: Simon & Schster Paperbacks.
  • UNEP (2004).Guidelines for urban regeneration in the Mediterranean Region , priority actions programme. Regional Activity Centre Split.
  • Ward, S., V. (2004) .Planning and urban change. 2nd Edition. London: Sage.
  •, 2011
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Sevin Aksoylu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoylu, S. (2013). Kentin Pazarlama ve Markalaşmasına Yönelik Eylemlerin Turizme Etkilerinin Eskişehir Örneğinde İncelenmesi. İDEALKENT, 4(8), 150-169.