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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 233 - 266, 01.06.2007


1980’lerden bu yana insan kaynakları yönetimi alanında gerçekleştirilen araştırmaların bir bölümü, hem insan kaynakları uygulamalarının kendi içindeki uyumunun hem de bu uygulamalar ile örgütsel strateji arasındaki uyumun nasıl sağlanacağı üzerinde durmaktadır. Araştırmaların bir diğer bölümü ise söz konusu uygulamaların örgütsel performansı nasıl destekleyeceğine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede geleneksel iş odaklı sistemlerden farklı olarak ücretlendirme sisteminin örgütsel yetkinlikler ve stratejiyi destekleyecek biçimde tasarlanması önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, ilgili literatür göz önüne alınarak, yetkinliklere dayalı insan kaynakları yönetimi ve ücretlendirme sistemlerinin tasarımına ilişkin bir inceleme yapmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Bahrami, H. & Evans, S. (1997). Human Resource Leadership in Knowledge Based Entities: Shaping the Context of Work. Human Resource Management, 36 (1): 23-28.
  • Barney, J.B. & Wright, P.M. (1998). On Becoming a Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resources in Gaining Competitive Advantage. Human Resource Management, 37 (1): 31-47.
  • Beer, M. (1997). The Transformation of the Human Resource Function: Resolving the Tension Between a Traditional Administrative and a New Strategic Role. Human Resource Management, 36 (1): 49-56.
  • Berman, B. & Yeung, A.K. (1997). Adding Value Through Human Resources: Reorienting Human Resource Measurement to Drive Business Performance. Human Resource Management, 36 (3): 321-335.
  • Boyatzis, R.E. (1982). The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Currie, G. & Darby, R. (1995). Competence-based Management Development: Rhetoric and Reality. Journal of Europen Industrial Training, 19 (5): 11-18.
  • De Cenzo, D.A. & Robbins, S.P. (1996). Human Resource Management. New York: John Wiley &Sons.
  • Delery, J.E. & Doty, H.D. (1996). Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency and Configurational Performance Predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 802-835.
  • Doyel, H.W. (1995). Competency Based Pay. New York: The Free Pres.
  • Flannery, T.P.; Hofrichter, D.A.; Platten, P.E. (1996) People, Performance and Pay: Dynamic Compensation for Changing Organizations. New York: The Free Press.
  • Gherson, D.J. (2000). Getting The Pay Thing Right. Workspan, 43 (6), June.
  • Gomez-Mejia, L.R. & Balkin, D.B. (1992). Compensation, Organizational Strategy and Firm Performance. Cincinatti: South-Western Publishing Co.
  • Grundy, T. (1998). How Are Corporate Strategy and Human Resources Strategy Linked?. Journal of General Management, 23 (3): 49-72.
  • Henderson, R.I. (2000). Compensation Management in a Knowledge- Based World, 8th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
  • Johns, S. (1997). Rank Xerox UK, Competency Development: Strategic Issues and Implementation Challanges, İnsan Kaynakları Zirvesi’nde yapılan sunum, İstanbul.
  • Knouse, S.B. (1995), The Reward and Recognition Process in Total Quality Management. Milwaukee: ASQC Qulality Pres.
  • Lahti, R.K. (1999). Identifying and Integrating Individual Level and Organizational Level Core Competencies. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14 (1): 59-75.
  • Lawler, E.E. (1990). Strategic Pay, First Edition. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Publishers.
  • Lawler, E.E. (1994). From Job Based to Competency Based Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15 (1): 3-15.
  • Lawler, E.E. (2000). Rewarding Excellence: Pay Strategies for the New Economy. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Pub.
  • Lucia, A.D. & Lepsinger R. (1999). The Art and Science of Competency Models: Pinpointing Crictical Success Factors in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Pub.
  • McGregor, E.B. (1991). Strategic Management of Human Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Pub.
  • Nathan, M., von Glinow, M.A. & Milliman, J. (1991). Organizational Life Cycles and Strategic International Human Resource Management in Multinational Companies: Implications for Congruence Theory. Academy of Management Review, 16 (2): 318-339.
  • Penrose, E. (1959). The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Pfeffer, J. (1994). Competetive Advantage through People. Boston: HBS Press.
  • Prahalad, C.K. & Hamel, G. (1990). The Core Competence of The Corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68 (3): 72-74.
  • Robotham, D. & Jubb, R. (1997). Competencies: Measuring the Unmeasureable. www.wı
  • Shimko, D. (2000). Choosing a Pay Structure That Works for Your Practice. Family Practice Management, February, 30-35.
  • Spencer, L.M. & Spencer, S.M. (1993). Competence at Work : Models for Superior Performance. Newyork: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Townley, B. (1993). Foucault, Power, Knowledge and its Relevance for Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, 18 (3): 518-545.
  • Von Krogh, G. (1996). Arguments on Knowledge and Competence. G. von Krough, J. Roos (Der.), Managing Knowledge: Perspectives on Cooperation and Competition. London: Sage Pub. Why
  • Competencies, (1998). WWW:Web:
  • /Resorucecenter/q&a.html.
  • Wilson, M.C. & Lado, A.A. (1994). Human Resource Systems and Sustained Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 19 (4): 699-727. Advantage: A Competency Based
  • Wintermantel, R.E. & Mattimore, K.L. (1997). In the Changing World of Human Resources: Matching Measures to Mission. Human Resource Management, 36 (3): 337-342.
  • WWW:Web:


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 233 - 266, 01.06.2007


1980’lerden bu yana insan kaynakları yönetimi alanında gerçekleştirilen araştırmaların bir bölümü, hem insan kaynakları uygulamalarının kendi içindeki uyumunun hem de bu uygulamalar ile örgütsel strateji arasındaki uyumun nasıl sağlanacağı üzerinde durmaktadır. Araştırmaların bir diğer bölümü ise söz konusu uygulamaların örgütsel performansı nasıl destekleyeceğine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede geleneksel iş odaklı sistemlerden farklı olarak ücretlendirme sisteminin örgütsel yetkinlikler ve stratejiyi destekleyecek biçimde tasarlanması önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, ilgili literatür göz önüne alınarak, yetkinliklere dayalı insan kaynakları yönetimi ve ücretlendirme sistemlerinin tasarımına ilişkin bir inceleme yapmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Bahrami, H. & Evans, S. (1997). Human Resource Leadership in Knowledge Based Entities: Shaping the Context of Work. Human Resource Management, 36 (1): 23-28.
  • Barney, J.B. & Wright, P.M. (1998). On Becoming a Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resources in Gaining Competitive Advantage. Human Resource Management, 37 (1): 31-47.
  • Beer, M. (1997). The Transformation of the Human Resource Function: Resolving the Tension Between a Traditional Administrative and a New Strategic Role. Human Resource Management, 36 (1): 49-56.
  • Berman, B. & Yeung, A.K. (1997). Adding Value Through Human Resources: Reorienting Human Resource Measurement to Drive Business Performance. Human Resource Management, 36 (3): 321-335.
  • Boyatzis, R.E. (1982). The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Currie, G. & Darby, R. (1995). Competence-based Management Development: Rhetoric and Reality. Journal of Europen Industrial Training, 19 (5): 11-18.
  • De Cenzo, D.A. & Robbins, S.P. (1996). Human Resource Management. New York: John Wiley &Sons.
  • Delery, J.E. & Doty, H.D. (1996). Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency and Configurational Performance Predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 802-835.
  • Doyel, H.W. (1995). Competency Based Pay. New York: The Free Pres.
  • Flannery, T.P.; Hofrichter, D.A.; Platten, P.E. (1996) People, Performance and Pay: Dynamic Compensation for Changing Organizations. New York: The Free Press.
  • Gherson, D.J. (2000). Getting The Pay Thing Right. Workspan, 43 (6), June.
  • Gomez-Mejia, L.R. & Balkin, D.B. (1992). Compensation, Organizational Strategy and Firm Performance. Cincinatti: South-Western Publishing Co.
  • Grundy, T. (1998). How Are Corporate Strategy and Human Resources Strategy Linked?. Journal of General Management, 23 (3): 49-72.
  • Henderson, R.I. (2000). Compensation Management in a Knowledge- Based World, 8th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
  • Johns, S. (1997). Rank Xerox UK, Competency Development: Strategic Issues and Implementation Challanges, İnsan Kaynakları Zirvesi’nde yapılan sunum, İstanbul.
  • Knouse, S.B. (1995), The Reward and Recognition Process in Total Quality Management. Milwaukee: ASQC Qulality Pres.
  • Lahti, R.K. (1999). Identifying and Integrating Individual Level and Organizational Level Core Competencies. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14 (1): 59-75.
  • Lawler, E.E. (1990). Strategic Pay, First Edition. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Publishers.
  • Lawler, E.E. (1994). From Job Based to Competency Based Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15 (1): 3-15.
  • Lawler, E.E. (2000). Rewarding Excellence: Pay Strategies for the New Economy. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Pub.
  • Lucia, A.D. & Lepsinger R. (1999). The Art and Science of Competency Models: Pinpointing Crictical Success Factors in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Pub.
  • McGregor, E.B. (1991). Strategic Management of Human Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Pub.
  • Nathan, M., von Glinow, M.A. & Milliman, J. (1991). Organizational Life Cycles and Strategic International Human Resource Management in Multinational Companies: Implications for Congruence Theory. Academy of Management Review, 16 (2): 318-339.
  • Penrose, E. (1959). The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Pfeffer, J. (1994). Competetive Advantage through People. Boston: HBS Press.
  • Prahalad, C.K. & Hamel, G. (1990). The Core Competence of The Corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68 (3): 72-74.
  • Robotham, D. & Jubb, R. (1997). Competencies: Measuring the Unmeasureable. www.wı
  • Shimko, D. (2000). Choosing a Pay Structure That Works for Your Practice. Family Practice Management, February, 30-35.
  • Spencer, L.M. & Spencer, S.M. (1993). Competence at Work : Models for Superior Performance. Newyork: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Townley, B. (1993). Foucault, Power, Knowledge and its Relevance for Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, 18 (3): 518-545.
  • Von Krogh, G. (1996). Arguments on Knowledge and Competence. G. von Krough, J. Roos (Der.), Managing Knowledge: Perspectives on Cooperation and Competition. London: Sage Pub. Why
  • Competencies, (1998). WWW:Web:
  • /Resorucecenter/q&a.html.
  • Wilson, M.C. & Lado, A.A. (1994). Human Resource Systems and Sustained Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 19 (4): 699-727. Advantage: A Competency Based
  • Wintermantel, R.E. & Mattimore, K.L. (1997). In the Changing World of Human Resources: Matching Measures to Mission. Human Resource Management, 36 (3): 337-342.
  • WWW:Web:
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Bilçin Tak Bu kişi benim

Yücel Sayılar Bu kişi benim

Kurtuluş Kaymaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tak, B., Sayılar, Y., & Kaymaz, K. (2007). YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 233-266.
AMA Tak B, Sayılar Y, Kaymaz K. YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. Haziran 2007;8(2):233-266.
Chicago Tak, Bilçin, Yücel Sayılar, ve Kurtuluş Kaymaz. “YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 8, sy. 2 (Haziran 2007): 233-66.
EndNote Tak B, Sayılar Y, Kaymaz K (01 Haziran 2007) YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 233–266.
IEEE B. Tak, Y. Sayılar, ve K. Kaymaz, “YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 233–266, 2007.
ISNAD Tak, Bilçin vd. “YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (Haziran 2007), 233-266.
MLA Tak, Bilçin vd. “YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, 2007, ss. 233-66.
Vancouver Tak B, Sayılar Y, Kaymaz K. YETKİNLİKLERE DAYALI İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ VE ÜCRETLENDİRME SİSTEMİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2007;8(2):233-66.
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