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Yıl 2019, Sayı: 40, 478 - 489, 30.07.2019


Developing technology, like all other sciences,
also influenced the science of historical geography. Thanks to developing
information technologies, research questions in history and geography have
become more quantitative and complete.
aim of the study is to find the land and residential usage patterns of the
Üsküdar in the 1930s and to compare them with today's land and residential
usage patterns. The study consists of two stages. Firstly, the 1/200 scale map
prepared by J. Pervititch in 1930-1935 was geo-referenced with ArcGIS 10.1.1
program, and land use patterns were made. In the second phase, Üsküdar's land
use patterns were digitized and compared with the insurance maps prepared by J.
Pervititch. As a result of this, in the Uskudar in the 1930s, the total area of
places such as garden, garden, house, place of worship, cemetery, the floor
elevations of the houses and the physical conditions (old, new, demolished,
wood, reinforced concrete), change in usage patterns were determined. In the
1930s, green areas, which accounted for 36%, decreased. The main reason for
this decrease is the disappearance of some cemeteries. On the other hand, the
area occupied by the streets and streets has increased. The main reason for
this is the construction of new streets and streets in empty fields. There have
also been some changes in the characteristics of the roads over time. In the
years 1930-1936, there were 142 dead-end streets in the study area.
  Today, the number of dead streets is 83. The
business and trade area of the city was also determined from the Pervitich
maps. Between the years 1930-1936, the center of the city is the Üsküdar Pier.
In the years 1930-1936, while the majority of the buildings were 1-2 storeys,
it is now 5-6 storey. In the 1930s, an important part of the buildings was old
and the number of buildings under construction is only one. The reason for this
situation is the political and economic conditions of the period.
a result of this, in the Uskudar in the 1930s, the total area of places such as
garden, garden, house, place of worship, cemetery, the floor elevations of the
houses and the physical conditions (old, new, demolished, wood, reinforced
concrete), change in usage patterns will be determined.


  • Atabeyoğlu, Ö. (2016). Reflections of 1904’s Erzurum to current Erzurum. ITU A|Z, 13(2), 157-173.
  • Batur, A. (2001). Pervititch haritaları ya da Bir kenti okumak, Retrieved March 21, 2019, from;jsessionid=AE61F2439FE4E8B57BF306B54A3ABBB2?sequence=1.
  • Buckley, A., Barnes, D. & Richards, J. (2007). Achieving historical map effects with modern GIS. Cartographic Perspectives, 56(56), 63-72.
  • Celikoyan,T. M., Sertel, E., Seker, D. Z., Kaya, S. & Alganci, U. (2011). Investigation land use changes in megacity İstanbul between the years 1903-2010 by using different types of spatial data, FIG Working Week 2011 Bridging the Gap between Cultures Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011.
  • Çetin, S. (2012). Geç Osmanlıdan erken cumhuriyete iç batı anadolu’da kentsel yapının değişimi: Manisa, Afyon, Burdur ve Isparta kentleri, üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir inceleme. METU JFA, 29(2), 89-126.
  • Cezar, M. (1963). Osmanlı devrinde Istanbul yapılarında tahribat yapan yangınlar ve tabii afetler. Türk Sanat Tarihi Araştırma ve İncelemeleri, 1, 327-414.
  • Gregory, I. N. & Healey, R. G. (2007), Historical GIS: structuring, mapping and analysing geographies of the past. Progress in Human Geography, 31(5), 638–653.
  • Gülersoy, A. E. (2002). Yanlış arazi kullanımı. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(2), 49-128.
  • İMO, (2019). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from .
  • ISTANBULIUM, (2019). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from .
  • López, G. A. (2016). On georeferencing old maps: online map libraries and open source GIS, In book: Crisis, globalization and social and regional imbalances in Spain Editors: Spanish Committee International Geographical Union.
  • Petrie, C. A., Orengo, H. A., Green, A. S., Walker, j. R., Garcia, A., Conesa, F., Knox, J. R. & Singh, R. N. (2018). Mapping archaeology while mapping an empire: using historical maps to reconstruct ancient settlement landscapes in modern India and Pakistan. Geosciences, 9(11), 126.
  • Reis, S., Nışncı, R., Uzun, B., Yalçın, A., Inan, H. & Yomralıoğlu, T. (2003). Monitoring land –use changes by GIS and remote sensing techniques: case study of Trabzon. 2nd FIG Regional Conference Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Saglam, A. (2005). Developing a geographic information system for the Gallipoli campaign. (Master thesıs, Mıddle East Technıcal Unıversıty). Retrieved from
  • Schaffer, G. & Levin, N. (2015). Challenges and possible approaches for using GIS as a tool in historical geography landscape research: a meta-analysis review. e-Perimetron, 10(3), 94-123.
  • Statuto, D., Cillis, G. & Picuno, P. (2017). Using historical maps within a GIS to analyze two centuries of rural landscape changes in southern Italy. Land 6, 65-80. TBMM, (2019). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from
  • Travis, C. & Lunen, A. V. (2012). History and GIS: Epistemologies, Considerations and Reflections. London: Springer.
  • ÜSKÜDAR, (2018). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from .
  • Yoldaş, N. G. (2007). Anadolu geleneksel konut dokusundaki çıkmaz sokak işlevinin günümüzdeki durumunun irdelenmesi, (Master thesıs, Selçuk University). Retrieved from .
  • Yörüten, G. & Hamamcıoğlu, C. (2018). 19. yüzyılda düzenlenen istanbul Tarihi Yarımada’daki Ayvansaray ve Samatya yangın alanlarında günümüzdeki kentsel dokuların incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılması. Kent Akademisi, 11(33), 11-28.


Yıl 2019, Sayı: 40, 478 - 489, 30.07.2019


Developing technology, like all other sciences,
also influenced the science of historical geography. Thanks to developing
information technologies, research questions in history and geography have
become more quantitative and complete.  The
aim of the study is to find the land and residential usage patterns of the
Üsküdar in the 1930s and to compare them with today's land and residential
usage patterns. The study consists of two stages. Firstly, the 1/200 scale map
prepared by J. Pervititch in 1930-1935 was geo-referenced with ArcGIS 10.1.1
program, and land use patterns were made. In the second phase, Üsküdar's land
use patterns were digitized and compared with the insurance maps prepared by J.
Pervititch. As a result of this, in the Uskudar in the 1930s, the total area of
places such as garden, garden, house, place of worship, cemetery, the floor
elevations of the houses and the physical conditions (old, new, demolished,
wood, reinforced concrete), change in usage patterns were determined. In the
1930s, green areas, which accounted for 36%, decreased. The main reason for
this decrease is the disappearance of some cemeteries. On the other hand, the
area occupied by the streets and streets has increased. The main reason for
this is the construction of new streets and streets in empty fields. There have
also been some changes in the characteristics of the roads over time. In the
years 1930-1936, there were 142 dead-end streets in the study area.  Today, the number of dead streets is 83. The
business and trade area of the city was also determined from the Pervitich
maps. Between the years 1930-1936, the center of the city is the Üsküdar Pier.
In the years 1930-1936, while the majority of the buildings were 1-2 storeys,
it is now 5-6 storey. In the 1930s, an important part of the buildings was old
and the number of buildings under construction is only one. The reason for this
situation is the political and economic conditions of the period.


  • Atabeyoğlu, Ö. (2016). Reflections of 1904’s Erzurum to current Erzurum. ITU A|Z, 13(2), 157-173.
  • Batur, A. (2001). Pervititch haritaları ya da Bir kenti okumak, Retrieved March 21, 2019, from;jsessionid=AE61F2439FE4E8B57BF306B54A3ABBB2?sequence=1.
  • Buckley, A., Barnes, D. & Richards, J. (2007). Achieving historical map effects with modern GIS. Cartographic Perspectives, 56(56), 63-72.
  • Celikoyan,T. M., Sertel, E., Seker, D. Z., Kaya, S. & Alganci, U. (2011). Investigation land use changes in megacity İstanbul between the years 1903-2010 by using different types of spatial data, FIG Working Week 2011 Bridging the Gap between Cultures Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011.
  • Çetin, S. (2012). Geç Osmanlıdan erken cumhuriyete iç batı anadolu’da kentsel yapının değişimi: Manisa, Afyon, Burdur ve Isparta kentleri, üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir inceleme. METU JFA, 29(2), 89-126.
  • Cezar, M. (1963). Osmanlı devrinde Istanbul yapılarında tahribat yapan yangınlar ve tabii afetler. Türk Sanat Tarihi Araştırma ve İncelemeleri, 1, 327-414.
  • Gregory, I. N. & Healey, R. G. (2007), Historical GIS: structuring, mapping and analysing geographies of the past. Progress in Human Geography, 31(5), 638–653.
  • Gülersoy, A. E. (2002). Yanlış arazi kullanımı. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(2), 49-128.
  • İMO, (2019). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from .
  • ISTANBULIUM, (2019). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from .
  • López, G. A. (2016). On georeferencing old maps: online map libraries and open source GIS, In book: Crisis, globalization and social and regional imbalances in Spain Editors: Spanish Committee International Geographical Union.
  • Petrie, C. A., Orengo, H. A., Green, A. S., Walker, j. R., Garcia, A., Conesa, F., Knox, J. R. & Singh, R. N. (2018). Mapping archaeology while mapping an empire: using historical maps to reconstruct ancient settlement landscapes in modern India and Pakistan. Geosciences, 9(11), 126.
  • Reis, S., Nışncı, R., Uzun, B., Yalçın, A., Inan, H. & Yomralıoğlu, T. (2003). Monitoring land –use changes by GIS and remote sensing techniques: case study of Trabzon. 2nd FIG Regional Conference Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Saglam, A. (2005). Developing a geographic information system for the Gallipoli campaign. (Master thesıs, Mıddle East Technıcal Unıversıty). Retrieved from
  • Schaffer, G. & Levin, N. (2015). Challenges and possible approaches for using GIS as a tool in historical geography landscape research: a meta-analysis review. e-Perimetron, 10(3), 94-123.
  • Statuto, D., Cillis, G. & Picuno, P. (2017). Using historical maps within a GIS to analyze two centuries of rural landscape changes in southern Italy. Land 6, 65-80. TBMM, (2019). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from
  • Travis, C. & Lunen, A. V. (2012). History and GIS: Epistemologies, Considerations and Reflections. London: Springer.
  • ÜSKÜDAR, (2018). Retrieved March 21, 2019, from .
  • Yoldaş, N. G. (2007). Anadolu geleneksel konut dokusundaki çıkmaz sokak işlevinin günümüzdeki durumunun irdelenmesi, (Master thesıs, Selçuk University). Retrieved from .
  • Yörüten, G. & Hamamcıoğlu, C. (2018). 19. yüzyılda düzenlenen istanbul Tarihi Yarımada’daki Ayvansaray ve Samatya yangın alanlarında günümüzdeki kentsel dokuların incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılması. Kent Akademisi, 11(33), 11-28.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Mustafa Kahraman

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 40

Kaynak Göster

APA Kahraman, M. (2019). LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education(40), 478-489.
AMA Kahraman M. LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS. IGGE. Temmuz 2019;(40):478-489. doi:10.32003/iggei.537949
Chicago Kahraman, Mustafa. “LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS”. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education, sy. 40 (Temmuz 2019): 478-89.
EndNote Kahraman M (01 Temmuz 2019) LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education 40 478–489.
IEEE M. Kahraman, “LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS”, IGGE, sy. 40, ss. 478–489, Temmuz 2019, doi: 10.32003/iggei.537949.
ISNAD Kahraman, Mustafa. “LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS”. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education 40 (Temmuz 2019), 478-489.
MLA Kahraman, Mustafa. “LAND USE CHANGES IN ÜSKÜDAR ACCORDING TO PERVİTİTCH MAPS”. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education, sy. 40, 2019, ss. 478-89, doi:10.32003/iggei.537949.