Aim: This review was planned to determine the characteristics of the most frequently used modern wound dressings in the last five years and their effects on wound healing.
Method: The literature of the last five years was searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases, using wound AND dressing AND randomized AND controlled NOT systematic NOT review NOT meta-analysis NOT case NOT report as a keyword. As a result of the scanning n=2734, the research was reached. After duplication control n=45, the study was eliminated. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria n=2570 researches were excluded from the study. Randomized controlled research, whose full text is available n=10 were the sample of the study. The last data access date: 13.01.2022.
Results: Most of the studies examined were conducted in 2017, most of the studies in which wound dressings were used were focused on diabetic wounds n=4, only n=1 the method of the study was double-blinded, n=7 the wound dressings used in the study had an effect on healing, n=3 it was found to have no effect in the study.
Conclusion: Modern wound dressings (hydrocolloid, alginate, hydrofiber, amniotic membrane) accelerate wound healing. It is recommended to carry out original researches and meta-analysis studies with high level of evidence on the subject.