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Historical Origins and A Current Comparison of the Scottish and Catalan Independence Movements

Yıl 2023, , 387 - 411, 31.03.2023


In this study, firstly, the concepts of nationalism, sub-state nationalism and self-determination are analysed with empirical cases. Then, the historical development, internal dynamics and a current comparison of the Scottish and Catalan independence movements are explained. The studies of sub-state nationalism specialists and the news of independent think tanks and broadcasting organisations are analysed qualitatively. The most important reasons for the strengthening of the independence demands of these regions in the public opinion are determined as loss of imperial power, strong sub-state institutionalisation, public diplomacy activities, economic demands and constitutional crises. Although there is stronger economic motivation and public diplomacy in Catalonia, recent opinion polls and regional election results show that support for expanding autonomy rights rather than independence is on the rise. Scotland, on the other hand, has an economic structure and public diplomacy that is highly dependent on England. However, with its strong political structure led by SNP, especially in the Brexit process, as can be understood from the opinion polls, it can create a serious pressure on the international public opinion regarding the independence movements.


  • ANDERSON, P. (2020). “Decentralisation at a Crossroads: Spain, Catalonia and the Territorial Crises”, Ethnopolitic, C:19, No:4, ss. 344.
  • ANDERSON, P. ve KEIL, S. (2016). “Minority nationalism and the European Union”, L'europe en Formation, No:1, ss. 41-52.
  • ANDERSON, P. ve KEIL, S. (2020). “Scotland, the UK, and Brexit – At a Constitutional Crossroads: What Next for Scotland?”, CIFE Policy Paper, ss. 96.
  • BALCELLS, A. ve WALKER, G. (1996). “Catalan Nationalism: Past and Present. Houndmills”, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Macmilan Press St. Martin's Press.
  • BBC. (2006). “Catalonia endorses autonomy plan”, (Erişim, 05.04.2020)
  • BBC. (2014). “Scotland Decides”, (Erişim, 05.05.2020)
  • BBC. (2016). “EU Referandum Results”, (Erişim, 09.05.2020)
  • BBC. (2017). “Katalonya bağımsızlık referandumu: bundan sonra ne olacak?”, (Erişim, 02.05.2021)
  • BBC. (2019). “Scotland election results 2019: SNP wins election landslide in Scotland”, (Erişim, 03.03.2020)
  • BERWICK E. (2019). “Substate Nationalism and Social Solidarity: Essays on Spain and the UK” (Doktora tezi), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ss.12-14.
  • BIRCH, A. H. (1978). “Minority nationalist movements and theories of political integration”, World Politics, C:30, No:3, ss. 325-340.
  • BRITANNICA. (2021). “Charles Edward, The Young Pretender”, (Erişim, 13.02.2021)
  • BRITANNICA. “Act of Union”, (Erişim, 14.02.2021),
  • BROUGHTAN, D. (2021). “Scottish National Party”, Britannica, (Erişim, 14.05.2021)
  • CAIRNEY, P. (2012). “Intergovernmental Relations in Scotland:What was the SNP Effect?”, The British Journal of Politicts and International Relations, C:14, No:2, ss. 231-234.
  • CALAMUR, K. (2017). “The Spanish Court Decision That Sparked the Modern Catalan Independence Movement”, The Atlantic, (Erişim, 04.04.2021)
  • CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT. (2019). “Scotland pays £180 million a year for nuclear weapons it doesn’t want”, (Erişim, 11.02.2021)
  • CEBECİ, H. (2019). “Self-Determinasyon ve Kamu Diplomasisi: İskoçya ve Katalonya Örnekleri” (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi.
  • CENTRE D’ESTUDIS D’OPINIO. (2020). “Political Context Survey. Press Peport”, (Erişim, 10.02.2021)
  • CLARK, D. (2020a). “Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Scotland from 2000 to 2019”, Statista, (Erişim, 09.02.2021)
  • CLARK, D. (2020b). “Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita in Scotland from 2000 to 2019”, Statista, (Erişim, 09.02.2021)
  • DEVLIN, T. (2018). “How many people speak Scots and where it it spoken?”, Babbel, (Erişim, 28.11.2020)
  • DİNÇ, C. (2011). “Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, C:5, No:9, ss. 37.
  • DİNÇ, C. (2018). “Avrupa Birliği’nin ve Üç Büyük Üyesinin Arap Baharı’na Yaklaşımları”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, C:8, No:2, ss. 19.
  • DİNÇ, C. (2019). “Avrupa Birliği: Kimlik, Siyaset, Ekonomi, Genişleme”, Avrupa’da Siyasi Durum ve Güncel Krizler içinde (230. ss.), Seçkin Yayınları.
  • EURONEWS. (2020). “İspanya AP'den ayrılıkçı Katalan liderlerin dokunulmazlıklarının kaldırılmasını istedi”, (Erişim, 08.11.2020)
  • FORREST, A. (2021). “Is Scotland heading for a Catalonia-style constitutional meltdown?” (Erişim, 12.04.2021)
  • GELLNER, E. (1983). “Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk”, Çev.: Günay Göksu Özdoğan ve Büşra Ersanlı Behar, İstanbul: Hil Yayınları.
  • GENCAT. (2021). “Government delegations abroad”, (Erişim, 23.03.2021)
  • GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA. (2020). “Unemployment rate”, (Erişim, 14.03.2021)
  • GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIA. (2013). Language Use of the Population of Catalonia. Key Results of the Survey on Language Use of the Population 2013”, (Erişim, 01.04.2021)
  • GREER, S. L. (2007). “Nationalism and Self-Government: The Politics Of Autonomy in Scotland and Catalonia”, SUNY Press, ss. 93.
  • INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT. (2020). “What next for Scotland? The Independence question and the future of the UK”, (Erişim, 17.01.2021)
  • JACK, I. (2021). “An independent scotland could turn to denmark for inspiration”, (Erişim, 10.04.2021)
  • KEATING, M. (1996). “Nations against the state: The new politics of nationalism in Quebec, Catalonia and Scotland”, Springer, ss. 18-116.
  • KEEP, M. (2020). “Scotland: Public spending and revenue”, House of Commons Library, (Erişim, 13.02.2021),UK%20population%20in%202019%2F20
  • KELLNER, P. (2021). “Alex Salmond”, Britannica, (Erişim, 02.12.2021)
  • KYMLICKA, W. ve STRAEHLE, C. (1999). “Cosmopolitanism, nation-states, and minority nationalism: A critical review of recent literature”, European Journal of Philosophy, C:7, No:1.
  • LECOURS, A. (2012). “Substate Nationalism in The Western World: Explaining Continued Appeal”, Formerly Global Review Of Ethnopolitics, C:11, No:3, ss. 271-274.
  • MACKASKILL, K. (2021). “An independent Scotland should join the European Free Trade Area (Efta) before considering EU membership”, Scotsman, (Erişim 14.09.2021)
  • MASSETTI, E. ve SCHAKEL, A. H. (2020). “Regionalist Parties and the European Union”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, ss. 2.
  • MCTAVISH, D. (2016). “Introduction, Political Parties in Scotland”, McTavish, D. Editör. Politics In Scotland içinde (1-2-59-60). London and Newyork, Routledge.
  • NAIRN, T. (1977). “Scotland and Europe”, The Break-up of Britain: Crisis and Neo-nationalism, ss. 81.
  • NAMEN, IRINA VAN. (2015). “Independence movements in the European Union and the quest for European Union membership” (Yüksek lisans tezi), European Union Studies, Leiden University, ss. 23-24.
  • NTV. (2019). “Katalan Medyasına Seçim Kampanyası Yasağı”, (Erişim, 20.01.2021)
  • OLIVEIRA, L. (2020). “Catalan Independence. House of Commons Library”, Briefing Paper. Number CBP 8976, ss. 3.
  • ÖNER, S. (2019). “The Relations Between Catalonia and The European Union and Catalan Independence Referandum”. Marmara Jounal of European Studies, C: 27, No:1, ss. 47.
  • ÖZKIRIMLI, U. (2005). “Contemporary Debates on Nationalism: A Critical Engagement”. Palgrave Macmillan, ss. 163.
  • POLITICO. (2017). “How the world reacted to Catalan independence declaration”, (Erişim, 05.06.2018)
  • REUTERS. (2017). “Catalonia finds no friends among EU leaders”, (Erişim, 05.01.2020) -idUSKBN1CO31E
  • SAYLAN, İ. (2017). “İskoç Milliyetçiliğinin Dünü, Bugünü ve Birleşik Krallık’ın Geleceği”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Akademik Dergi, 14(53), ss. 93-100.
  • SCHEFFER, D. J. (2021). “What’s Next for Scotland’s Independence Movement”, (Erişim, 15.05.2021) owned&fbclid=IwAR1Mkq1MvBtNB1oVG_1-u4ral8NGKBR-4jlhrlmXjBTw-n5mn4K87bYLQ_0
  • SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT. (2020). “GDP Quarterly National Acounts for Scotland: 2019 Q4”, (Erişim, 15.12.2019)
  • SOLLY, M. (2020). “A not So-Brief History of Scottish Independence”, Smithsonianmag, (Erişim, 20.01.2021)
  • STANDO, O. (2020). “The Tory litany of broken Brexit promises”, (Erişim, 17.01.2021)
  • STATISTA. (2021a). “Gross domestic product per capita in the UK from 1955 to 2020”, (Erişim, 7.03.2021)
  • STATISTA. (2021b). “Gross domestic product (GDP) in Catalonia and the whole of Spain between 2003 and 2019”, (Erişim, 09.02.2021) -and-spain/
  • STATISTA. (2021c). “Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Catalonia and the whole of Spain between 2004 and 2019”, (Erişim, 09.02.2021) -catalonia-spain-and-eurozone/
  • THE GUARDIAN. (2021). “The EU must welcome an independent Scotland”, (Erişim, 28.04.2021) medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1619651435
  • THE LOCAL. (2019). “What the election results tell us about the Catalan indpendence movement”, (Erişim, 17.01.2021)
  • THE SCHOOL RUN. (2020). “An Overview of the Scottish Education System”, (Erişim, 10.01.2020)
  • THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT. (2018). “List of devolved Powers from 1999”, (Erişim, 04.03.2021) /DevolvedPowers.pdf
  • THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION. (1978). “Article 2”, 9, (Erişim, 05.05.2021)
  • THOMAS, N. (2012). “ETA'dan sonra? Katalonya, Euskadi ve İspanya Anayasası”, Democratic Progress Institute, ss. 10.
  • TORRANCE, D. (2019). “Scottish Devolution: Section 30 Orders”, (Erişim, 10.03.2021)
  • UK PARLIAMENT. (2021). “State of the parties”, (Erişim, 12.03.2021)
  • UK PARLIAMENT. (2021). “The Articles, constitution and trade”. (Erişim, 05.02.2021) ,Andrew%20were%20to%20be%20combined
  • UN CHARTER. (2021). “United Nations Charter”. (Erişim, 02.10.2021).
  • WORLDOMETER. (2021). “United Kingdom Population”, (Erişim, 09.02.2021)
  • YILDIZ, M. (2011). “İspanya Yönetim Sistemindeki Tekçilik ve Federalizm Tartışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, C: 29, No:2, ss. 178-187.

İskoç ve Katalan Bağımsızlık Hareketlerinin Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Güncel Bir Karşılaştırması

Yıl 2023, , 387 - 411, 31.03.2023


Bu çalışmada öncelikle, milliyetçilik, devlet altı milliyetçilik ve self determinasyon kavramları ampirik örneklerle desteklenerek analiz edilmektedir. Daha sonra İskoç ve Katalan bağımsızlık hareketlerinin tarihsel gelişimine, iç dinamiklerine ve güncel bir karşılaştırmasına yer verilmektedir. Çalışmada devlet altı milliyetçilik konusunda uzman düşünürlerin çalışmaları ve konunun güncelliğini koruması sebebiyle bağımsız düşünce ve yayın kuruluşlarının haberleri nitel olarak analiz edilmektedir. Bu bölgelerin bağımsızlık taleplerinin kamuoyunda güçlenmesinin en önemli nedenleri; emperyal gücün kaybı, güçlü devlet altı kurumsallaşma, kamu diplomasisi faaliyetleri, ekonomik talepler ve anayasal krizler olarak belirlenmiştir. Katalonya’da daha güçlü ekonomik motivasyon ve kamu diplomasisi bulunsa da son kamuoyu yoklamaları ve bölgesel seçim sonuçları, bağımsızlıktan çok özerklik haklarının genişletilmesi yönünde desteğin artışta olduğunu göstermektedir. İskoçya ise İngiltere’ye fazlasıyla bağımlı bir ekonomik yapılanma ve kamu diplomasisine sahiptir. Fakat İskoç Ulusal Partisi (SNP) liderliğindeki güçlü siyasi yapılanmasıyla özellikle Brexit sürecinde, kamuoyu yoklamalarından da anlaşılacağı üzere, bağımsızlık hareketleri konusunda uluslararası kamuoyunda ciddi bir baskı yaratabilmektedir.


  • ANDERSON, P. (2020). “Decentralisation at a Crossroads: Spain, Catalonia and the Territorial Crises”, Ethnopolitic, C:19, No:4, ss. 344.
  • ANDERSON, P. ve KEIL, S. (2016). “Minority nationalism and the European Union”, L'europe en Formation, No:1, ss. 41-52.
  • ANDERSON, P. ve KEIL, S. (2020). “Scotland, the UK, and Brexit – At a Constitutional Crossroads: What Next for Scotland?”, CIFE Policy Paper, ss. 96.
  • BALCELLS, A. ve WALKER, G. (1996). “Catalan Nationalism: Past and Present. Houndmills”, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Macmilan Press St. Martin's Press.
  • BBC. (2006). “Catalonia endorses autonomy plan”, (Erişim, 05.04.2020)
  • BBC. (2014). “Scotland Decides”, (Erişim, 05.05.2020)
  • BBC. (2016). “EU Referandum Results”, (Erişim, 09.05.2020)
  • BBC. (2017). “Katalonya bağımsızlık referandumu: bundan sonra ne olacak?”, (Erişim, 02.05.2021)
  • BBC. (2019). “Scotland election results 2019: SNP wins election landslide in Scotland”, (Erişim, 03.03.2020)
  • BERWICK E. (2019). “Substate Nationalism and Social Solidarity: Essays on Spain and the UK” (Doktora tezi), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ss.12-14.
  • BIRCH, A. H. (1978). “Minority nationalist movements and theories of political integration”, World Politics, C:30, No:3, ss. 325-340.
  • BRITANNICA. (2021). “Charles Edward, The Young Pretender”, (Erişim, 13.02.2021)
  • BRITANNICA. “Act of Union”, (Erişim, 14.02.2021),
  • BROUGHTAN, D. (2021). “Scottish National Party”, Britannica, (Erişim, 14.05.2021)
  • CAIRNEY, P. (2012). “Intergovernmental Relations in Scotland:What was the SNP Effect?”, The British Journal of Politicts and International Relations, C:14, No:2, ss. 231-234.
  • CALAMUR, K. (2017). “The Spanish Court Decision That Sparked the Modern Catalan Independence Movement”, The Atlantic, (Erişim, 04.04.2021)
  • CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT. (2019). “Scotland pays £180 million a year for nuclear weapons it doesn’t want”, (Erişim, 11.02.2021)
  • CEBECİ, H. (2019). “Self-Determinasyon ve Kamu Diplomasisi: İskoçya ve Katalonya Örnekleri” (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi.
  • CENTRE D’ESTUDIS D’OPINIO. (2020). “Political Context Survey. Press Peport”, (Erişim, 10.02.2021)
  • CLARK, D. (2020a). “Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Scotland from 2000 to 2019”, Statista, (Erişim, 09.02.2021)
  • CLARK, D. (2020b). “Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita in Scotland from 2000 to 2019”, Statista, (Erişim, 09.02.2021)
  • DEVLIN, T. (2018). “How many people speak Scots and where it it spoken?”, Babbel, (Erişim, 28.11.2020)
  • DİNÇ, C. (2011). “Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, C:5, No:9, ss. 37.
  • DİNÇ, C. (2018). “Avrupa Birliği’nin ve Üç Büyük Üyesinin Arap Baharı’na Yaklaşımları”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, C:8, No:2, ss. 19.
  • DİNÇ, C. (2019). “Avrupa Birliği: Kimlik, Siyaset, Ekonomi, Genişleme”, Avrupa’da Siyasi Durum ve Güncel Krizler içinde (230. ss.), Seçkin Yayınları.
  • EURONEWS. (2020). “İspanya AP'den ayrılıkçı Katalan liderlerin dokunulmazlıklarının kaldırılmasını istedi”, (Erişim, 08.11.2020)
  • FORREST, A. (2021). “Is Scotland heading for a Catalonia-style constitutional meltdown?” (Erişim, 12.04.2021)
  • GELLNER, E. (1983). “Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk”, Çev.: Günay Göksu Özdoğan ve Büşra Ersanlı Behar, İstanbul: Hil Yayınları.
  • GENCAT. (2021). “Government delegations abroad”, (Erişim, 23.03.2021)
  • GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA. (2020). “Unemployment rate”, (Erişim, 14.03.2021)
  • GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIA. (2013). Language Use of the Population of Catalonia. Key Results of the Survey on Language Use of the Population 2013”, (Erişim, 01.04.2021)
  • GREER, S. L. (2007). “Nationalism and Self-Government: The Politics Of Autonomy in Scotland and Catalonia”, SUNY Press, ss. 93.
  • INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT. (2020). “What next for Scotland? The Independence question and the future of the UK”, (Erişim, 17.01.2021)
  • JACK, I. (2021). “An independent scotland could turn to denmark for inspiration”, (Erişim, 10.04.2021)
  • KEATING, M. (1996). “Nations against the state: The new politics of nationalism in Quebec, Catalonia and Scotland”, Springer, ss. 18-116.
  • KEEP, M. (2020). “Scotland: Public spending and revenue”, House of Commons Library, (Erişim, 13.02.2021),UK%20population%20in%202019%2F20
  • KELLNER, P. (2021). “Alex Salmond”, Britannica, (Erişim, 02.12.2021)
  • KYMLICKA, W. ve STRAEHLE, C. (1999). “Cosmopolitanism, nation-states, and minority nationalism: A critical review of recent literature”, European Journal of Philosophy, C:7, No:1.
  • LECOURS, A. (2012). “Substate Nationalism in The Western World: Explaining Continued Appeal”, Formerly Global Review Of Ethnopolitics, C:11, No:3, ss. 271-274.
  • MACKASKILL, K. (2021). “An independent Scotland should join the European Free Trade Area (Efta) before considering EU membership”, Scotsman, (Erişim 14.09.2021)
  • MASSETTI, E. ve SCHAKEL, A. H. (2020). “Regionalist Parties and the European Union”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, ss. 2.
  • MCTAVISH, D. (2016). “Introduction, Political Parties in Scotland”, McTavish, D. Editör. Politics In Scotland içinde (1-2-59-60). London and Newyork, Routledge.
  • NAIRN, T. (1977). “Scotland and Europe”, The Break-up of Britain: Crisis and Neo-nationalism, ss. 81.
  • NAMEN, IRINA VAN. (2015). “Independence movements in the European Union and the quest for European Union membership” (Yüksek lisans tezi), European Union Studies, Leiden University, ss. 23-24.
  • NTV. (2019). “Katalan Medyasına Seçim Kampanyası Yasağı”, (Erişim, 20.01.2021)
  • OLIVEIRA, L. (2020). “Catalan Independence. House of Commons Library”, Briefing Paper. Number CBP 8976, ss. 3.
  • ÖNER, S. (2019). “The Relations Between Catalonia and The European Union and Catalan Independence Referandum”. Marmara Jounal of European Studies, C: 27, No:1, ss. 47.
  • ÖZKIRIMLI, U. (2005). “Contemporary Debates on Nationalism: A Critical Engagement”. Palgrave Macmillan, ss. 163.
  • POLITICO. (2017). “How the world reacted to Catalan independence declaration”, (Erişim, 05.06.2018)
  • REUTERS. (2017). “Catalonia finds no friends among EU leaders”, (Erişim, 05.01.2020) -idUSKBN1CO31E
  • SAYLAN, İ. (2017). “İskoç Milliyetçiliğinin Dünü, Bugünü ve Birleşik Krallık’ın Geleceği”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Akademik Dergi, 14(53), ss. 93-100.
  • SCHEFFER, D. J. (2021). “What’s Next for Scotland’s Independence Movement”, (Erişim, 15.05.2021) owned&fbclid=IwAR1Mkq1MvBtNB1oVG_1-u4ral8NGKBR-4jlhrlmXjBTw-n5mn4K87bYLQ_0
  • SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT. (2020). “GDP Quarterly National Acounts for Scotland: 2019 Q4”, (Erişim, 15.12.2019)
  • SOLLY, M. (2020). “A not So-Brief History of Scottish Independence”, Smithsonianmag, (Erişim, 20.01.2021)
  • STANDO, O. (2020). “The Tory litany of broken Brexit promises”, (Erişim, 17.01.2021)
  • STATISTA. (2021a). “Gross domestic product per capita in the UK from 1955 to 2020”, (Erişim, 7.03.2021)
  • STATISTA. (2021b). “Gross domestic product (GDP) in Catalonia and the whole of Spain between 2003 and 2019”, (Erişim, 09.02.2021) -and-spain/
  • STATISTA. (2021c). “Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Catalonia and the whole of Spain between 2004 and 2019”, (Erişim, 09.02.2021) -catalonia-spain-and-eurozone/
  • THE GUARDIAN. (2021). “The EU must welcome an independent Scotland”, (Erişim, 28.04.2021) medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1619651435
  • THE LOCAL. (2019). “What the election results tell us about the Catalan indpendence movement”, (Erişim, 17.01.2021)
  • THE SCHOOL RUN. (2020). “An Overview of the Scottish Education System”, (Erişim, 10.01.2020)
  • THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT. (2018). “List of devolved Powers from 1999”, (Erişim, 04.03.2021) /DevolvedPowers.pdf
  • THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION. (1978). “Article 2”, 9, (Erişim, 05.05.2021)
  • THOMAS, N. (2012). “ETA'dan sonra? Katalonya, Euskadi ve İspanya Anayasası”, Democratic Progress Institute, ss. 10.
  • TORRANCE, D. (2019). “Scottish Devolution: Section 30 Orders”, (Erişim, 10.03.2021)
  • UK PARLIAMENT. (2021). “State of the parties”, (Erişim, 12.03.2021)
  • UK PARLIAMENT. (2021). “The Articles, constitution and trade”. (Erişim, 05.02.2021) ,Andrew%20were%20to%20be%20combined
  • UN CHARTER. (2021). “United Nations Charter”. (Erişim, 02.10.2021).
  • WORLDOMETER. (2021). “United Kingdom Population”, (Erişim, 09.02.2021)
  • YILDIZ, M. (2011). “İspanya Yönetim Sistemindeki Tekçilik ve Federalizm Tartışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, C: 29, No:2, ss. 178-187.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Eda Kalfa 0000-0001-5367-0022

Cengiz Dinç 0000-0002-4433-9941

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2023
Kabul Tarihi 29 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Kalfa, E., & Dinç, C. (2023). İskoç ve Katalan Bağımsızlık Hareketlerinin Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Güncel Bir Karşılaştırması. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 387-411.

Creative Commons Lisansı
İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.