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Stratejik Planlama için Kritik Başarı Faktörlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Kosova Konut İnşaatı Şirketleri Örneği

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 171 - 187, 19.10.2020


Bu çalışma, örgüt ve müşteri bakış açılarıyla Kosova konut inşaatı endüstrisinde stratejik planlama için kritik başarı faktörlerini ve konut inşaat bağlamında nasıl uygulandığını araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada nitel yöntem kullanılarak birincil verilerin toplanması için örnek olay üzerinden derin görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar Kosova konut inşaatı şirketleri için 17 kritik başarı faktörü ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca, tanımlayıcı istatistikler pay sahibi grupları için önemli olarak değerlendirilen 11 faktörünü belirlemiştir. Bu faktörler satış sonrası hizmet, marka, müşteri hizmetleri, tasarım ve mimari, farklılaşma stratejisi, finansal güç, altyapı, konum, pazarlama, ücret ve yapı kalitesini içermektedir. Bulgular ilgili literatür ve Kosova konut inşaatı sektörü bağlamında tartışılmıştır.


  • Almarri, K., & Abu-Hijleh, B. (2017). Critical Success Factors for Public Private Partnerships in the UAE Construction Industry- A Comparative Analysis between the UAE and the UK. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 7(1), 21-32.
  • Al-Tmeemy, S. M. H. M., Abdul-Rahman, Z., & Harun, Z. (2010). Future criteria for success of building projects in Malaysia. International Journal of Project Management, 29, 337–348.
  • Anthony, R. N., Dearden, J., & Vancil, R. F. (1972). Management Control Systems, Revised Edition, Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin. Arslan, G. & Kivrak, S. (2009). Critical Factors to Company Success in the Construction Industry. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4(8), 997-1000.
  • Banihashemi, S., Hosseini, M. R., Golizadeh, H., & Sankaran, S. (2017). Critical success factors (CSFs) for integration of sustainability into construction project management practices in developing countries, International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), pp. 1103-1119.
  • Butler R. C., Christofferson, J. P. & Hutchings, D. M. (2003). Factors Leading to Construction Company Success: Comparisons of the Perceptions of Production and Small-Volume Home Builders, ASC Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference, Clemson University - Clemson, South Carolina, April 10-12, 267-276.
  • Caralli, R. (2004). The Critical Success Factor Method: Establishing a Foundation for Enterprise Security Management (CMU/SEI-SEI-2004-TN-010). Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Cassidy A. (2006). A Practical Guide to Information Systems Strategic Planning, 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, Florida: Auerbach Publications.
  • Cojocaru, A. (2017). Kosovo Jobs Diagnostic. World Bank, Washington, DC. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
  • Daniel, D. R. (1961). Management Information Crisis. In: Harvard Business Review, 39(5), 111-116.
  • Dawson, L., & Van Belle, J.-P. (2013). Critical success factors for business intelligence in the South African financial services sector. South African Journal of Information Management, 15(1), 1-12.
  • Enhancing Youth Employment (2015). Market Assessment for the Construction Sector, Employment Prospects for Youth, [Online] Available at:
  • Gates, L. P. (2010). Strategic planning with critical success factors and future scenarios: An integrated strategic planning framework. Software Engendering Institute. Pittsburg: Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Gudiene, N., Banaitis, A. & Banaitiene, N. (2013). Evaluation of critical success factors for construction projects – an empirical study in Lithuania. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 17(1), 21-31.
  • Hardcastle, C., Edwards, P. J., Akintoye, A., & Li, B. (2006). Critical success factors for PPP/PFI projects in the UK construction industry, a critical factor analysis approach, in Ng T. S. (eds) Public Private Partnerships: Opportunities and challenges. Centre for infrastructure and construction industry development, University of Hong Kong, 75 – 83.
  • Hutchings, M. & Christofferson, J. (2001). Factors leading to construction company success: perceptions of small-volume residential contractors. ASC Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference, University of Denver, Colorado, 263-270.
  • International Monetary Fund, (2018). Republic of Kosovo - Selected Issues. IMF Country Report No. 18/31. International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., & Wong, V. (2005). Principles of marketing, 4th Edition. Prentice-Hall, London
  • Kumaraswamy, M. M., Ling, F.Y.Y., & Miller, C.J. (2007). Innovative Initiatives in Construction Education and Training. Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 12(1), 43-56.
  • Lande, M., Shrivastava, R. L., & Seth, D. (2016). Critical success factors for Lean Six Sigma in SMEs (small and medium enterprises). The TQM Journal, 28(4), 613–635.
  • Luthra, S., Garg, D., & Haleem, A. (2015). Critical success factors of green supply chain management for achieving sustainability in Indian automobile industry, Production Planning & Control, 26(5), 339-362,
  • Lynch, R. (2005). Corporate Strategy, 4th Edition. Financial Times/Prentice Hall, ISBN0273701789
  • Mavi, R. K., & Standing, C. (2018). Critical success factors of sustainable project management in construction: A fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 194, 751–765.
  • McKinsey & Company, (2017). Reinventing Construction: A Route to Higher Productivity. McKinsey Global Institute in Collaboration with Mckinsey’s Capital Projects & Infrastructure Practice. February 2017
  • Meyer, K. E. & Peng, M. W. (2005). Probing Theoretically into Central and Eastern Europe: Transactions, Resources, and Institutions. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 600 – 621.
  • Miller, C.J., Packham, G.A. & Thomas, B.C. (2001). Harmonisation and Lean Construction: Acknowledging the Role of the Small Subcontractiong Firm. Welsh Enterprise Institute, University of Glamorgan Business School, Pontypridd CF37 1DL
  • Miller, C.J., Williams, T & Daunton, L (1998). Issues facing small and medium construction enterprises in industrial South Wales: can they survive beyond the year 2000? In: Hughes, W (Ed.), 14th Annual ARCOM Conference, 9-11 September 1998, University of Reading. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Vol. 2, 624-33.
  • Neyestani, B., & Juanzon, J. B. P. (2016). Identification of A Set of Appropriate Critical Success Factors (CSFs)for Successful TQM Implementation in Construction, and Other Industries. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(11), 1581–1591.
  • Pakseresht, A. & Asgari, G. (2012). Determining the Critical Success Factors in Construction Projects: AHP Approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(8), 1-11.
  • Peng M. W. (2001) The resource-based view and international business. Journal of Management 27(6), 803-829.
  • Rockart, J. F. (1979). Chief executives define their own data needs, Harvard Business Review, 57(2) 81-93.
  • Sanvido, V., Grobler, F., Parfitt, K., Guvenis, M. & Coyle, M. (1992). Critical success factors for construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 118(1), 94-111.
  • Saqib, M., Farooqui, R. U., & Lodi, S. H. (2008). Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Construction Projects in Pakistan. First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I) Advancing and Integrating Construction Education, Research & Practice, August 4-5, 2008, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Shan, B. Y., & Marn, J.T. K. (2013). Perceived critical success factors (CSFs) for the tourism industry of Penang Island: A supply perspective. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(9), 510.
  • Sousa de Vasconcellos e Sa, J.A. (1988). The Impact of Key Success Factors On Company Performance. Long Range Planning, 21(6), 56-64.
  • Stadelmann, L., (2007). Factors to consider before buying a property to live in USA. In: Norizam, A. and Malek, M. A. (2013). Developing Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Effective Construction Management in Malaysia Industry, Civil Engineering Dept., University Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Asian Social Science; Vol. 9, No. 9; 2013 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025
  • Thompson, A. A., & Strickland, A. J., (1998). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 10th Edition. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill
  • Umble, E., Haft, R. & Umble, M, (2003). Enterprise Resource Planning: Implementation procedures and Critical Success Factors. European Journal of Operational Research, 146: 241–257.
  • Wibowo, A., & Alfen, H. W. (2015). Government-led critical success factors in PPP infrastructure development. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 5(1), 121–134.
  • Williams, T. (2016). Identifying Success Factors in Construction Projects: A Case Study. Project Management Journal, 47(1), 97–112.
  • World Bank Group (2020). The World Bank In Kosovo – Overview. [Online] Available at:
  • Yang, J., Shen, Q.P., Ho, M. F., Drew, S. D., & Chan, A.P.C. (2009). Exploring critical success factors for stakeholder management in construction projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 15(4), 337–348.
  • Yeoh, W., & Popovic, A. (2015). Extending the understanding of critical success factors for implementing business intelligence systems. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(1), 134–147.
  • Zawawi, A. A., Zakaria, Z., Kamarunzaman, N. Z., Noordin, N., Sawal, M. Z. H. M., Junos, N. M., & Najid, N. S. A. (2011). The study of barrier factors in knowledge sharing: A case study in public university. Management Science and Engineering, 5(1), 59-70.

Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 171 - 187, 19.10.2020


This paper attempts to investigate the critical success factors for strategic planning in the residential construction industry in Kosovo from both organizational and customers perspectives and how they are applied in the residential construction context. This study used the case study strategy and in-depth interviews to collect primary data, which were analyzed qualitatively using data reduction and data display analysis technique. The findings revealed that 17 factors were identified as critical to success for residential construction companies in Kosovo. Moreover, a descriptive analysis is provided for 11 factors that were considered as important from both groups of stakeholders. These factors include after sales service, brand, customer service, design and architecture, differentiation strategy, financial strength, infrastructure, location, marketing, price, and quality of construction. These findings are discussed in the context of the established literature and within the context of the residential construction industry in Kosovo.


  • Almarri, K., & Abu-Hijleh, B. (2017). Critical Success Factors for Public Private Partnerships in the UAE Construction Industry- A Comparative Analysis between the UAE and the UK. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 7(1), 21-32.
  • Al-Tmeemy, S. M. H. M., Abdul-Rahman, Z., & Harun, Z. (2010). Future criteria for success of building projects in Malaysia. International Journal of Project Management, 29, 337–348.
  • Anthony, R. N., Dearden, J., & Vancil, R. F. (1972). Management Control Systems, Revised Edition, Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin. Arslan, G. & Kivrak, S. (2009). Critical Factors to Company Success in the Construction Industry. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4(8), 997-1000.
  • Banihashemi, S., Hosseini, M. R., Golizadeh, H., & Sankaran, S. (2017). Critical success factors (CSFs) for integration of sustainability into construction project management practices in developing countries, International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), pp. 1103-1119.
  • Butler R. C., Christofferson, J. P. & Hutchings, D. M. (2003). Factors Leading to Construction Company Success: Comparisons of the Perceptions of Production and Small-Volume Home Builders, ASC Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference, Clemson University - Clemson, South Carolina, April 10-12, 267-276.
  • Caralli, R. (2004). The Critical Success Factor Method: Establishing a Foundation for Enterprise Security Management (CMU/SEI-SEI-2004-TN-010). Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Cassidy A. (2006). A Practical Guide to Information Systems Strategic Planning, 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, Florida: Auerbach Publications.
  • Cojocaru, A. (2017). Kosovo Jobs Diagnostic. World Bank, Washington, DC. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
  • Daniel, D. R. (1961). Management Information Crisis. In: Harvard Business Review, 39(5), 111-116.
  • Dawson, L., & Van Belle, J.-P. (2013). Critical success factors for business intelligence in the South African financial services sector. South African Journal of Information Management, 15(1), 1-12.
  • Enhancing Youth Employment (2015). Market Assessment for the Construction Sector, Employment Prospects for Youth, [Online] Available at:
  • Gates, L. P. (2010). Strategic planning with critical success factors and future scenarios: An integrated strategic planning framework. Software Engendering Institute. Pittsburg: Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Gudiene, N., Banaitis, A. & Banaitiene, N. (2013). Evaluation of critical success factors for construction projects – an empirical study in Lithuania. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 17(1), 21-31.
  • Hardcastle, C., Edwards, P. J., Akintoye, A., & Li, B. (2006). Critical success factors for PPP/PFI projects in the UK construction industry, a critical factor analysis approach, in Ng T. S. (eds) Public Private Partnerships: Opportunities and challenges. Centre for infrastructure and construction industry development, University of Hong Kong, 75 – 83.
  • Hutchings, M. & Christofferson, J. (2001). Factors leading to construction company success: perceptions of small-volume residential contractors. ASC Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference, University of Denver, Colorado, 263-270.
  • International Monetary Fund, (2018). Republic of Kosovo - Selected Issues. IMF Country Report No. 18/31. International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., & Wong, V. (2005). Principles of marketing, 4th Edition. Prentice-Hall, London
  • Kumaraswamy, M. M., Ling, F.Y.Y., & Miller, C.J. (2007). Innovative Initiatives in Construction Education and Training. Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 12(1), 43-56.
  • Lande, M., Shrivastava, R. L., & Seth, D. (2016). Critical success factors for Lean Six Sigma in SMEs (small and medium enterprises). The TQM Journal, 28(4), 613–635.
  • Luthra, S., Garg, D., & Haleem, A. (2015). Critical success factors of green supply chain management for achieving sustainability in Indian automobile industry, Production Planning & Control, 26(5), 339-362,
  • Lynch, R. (2005). Corporate Strategy, 4th Edition. Financial Times/Prentice Hall, ISBN0273701789
  • Mavi, R. K., & Standing, C. (2018). Critical success factors of sustainable project management in construction: A fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 194, 751–765.
  • McKinsey & Company, (2017). Reinventing Construction: A Route to Higher Productivity. McKinsey Global Institute in Collaboration with Mckinsey’s Capital Projects & Infrastructure Practice. February 2017
  • Meyer, K. E. & Peng, M. W. (2005). Probing Theoretically into Central and Eastern Europe: Transactions, Resources, and Institutions. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 600 – 621.
  • Miller, C.J., Packham, G.A. & Thomas, B.C. (2001). Harmonisation and Lean Construction: Acknowledging the Role of the Small Subcontractiong Firm. Welsh Enterprise Institute, University of Glamorgan Business School, Pontypridd CF37 1DL
  • Miller, C.J., Williams, T & Daunton, L (1998). Issues facing small and medium construction enterprises in industrial South Wales: can they survive beyond the year 2000? In: Hughes, W (Ed.), 14th Annual ARCOM Conference, 9-11 September 1998, University of Reading. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Vol. 2, 624-33.
  • Neyestani, B., & Juanzon, J. B. P. (2016). Identification of A Set of Appropriate Critical Success Factors (CSFs)for Successful TQM Implementation in Construction, and Other Industries. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(11), 1581–1591.
  • Pakseresht, A. & Asgari, G. (2012). Determining the Critical Success Factors in Construction Projects: AHP Approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(8), 1-11.
  • Peng M. W. (2001) The resource-based view and international business. Journal of Management 27(6), 803-829.
  • Rockart, J. F. (1979). Chief executives define their own data needs, Harvard Business Review, 57(2) 81-93.
  • Sanvido, V., Grobler, F., Parfitt, K., Guvenis, M. & Coyle, M. (1992). Critical success factors for construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 118(1), 94-111.
  • Saqib, M., Farooqui, R. U., & Lodi, S. H. (2008). Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Construction Projects in Pakistan. First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I) Advancing and Integrating Construction Education, Research & Practice, August 4-5, 2008, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Shan, B. Y., & Marn, J.T. K. (2013). Perceived critical success factors (CSFs) for the tourism industry of Penang Island: A supply perspective. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(9), 510.
  • Sousa de Vasconcellos e Sa, J.A. (1988). The Impact of Key Success Factors On Company Performance. Long Range Planning, 21(6), 56-64.
  • Stadelmann, L., (2007). Factors to consider before buying a property to live in USA. In: Norizam, A. and Malek, M. A. (2013). Developing Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Effective Construction Management in Malaysia Industry, Civil Engineering Dept., University Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Asian Social Science; Vol. 9, No. 9; 2013 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025
  • Thompson, A. A., & Strickland, A. J., (1998). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 10th Edition. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill
  • Umble, E., Haft, R. & Umble, M, (2003). Enterprise Resource Planning: Implementation procedures and Critical Success Factors. European Journal of Operational Research, 146: 241–257.
  • Wibowo, A., & Alfen, H. W. (2015). Government-led critical success factors in PPP infrastructure development. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 5(1), 121–134.
  • Williams, T. (2016). Identifying Success Factors in Construction Projects: A Case Study. Project Management Journal, 47(1), 97–112.
  • World Bank Group (2020). The World Bank In Kosovo – Overview. [Online] Available at:
  • Yang, J., Shen, Q.P., Ho, M. F., Drew, S. D., & Chan, A.P.C. (2009). Exploring critical success factors for stakeholder management in construction projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 15(4), 337–348.
  • Yeoh, W., & Popovic, A. (2015). Extending the understanding of critical success factors for implementing business intelligence systems. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(1), 134–147.
  • Zawawi, A. A., Zakaria, Z., Kamarunzaman, N. Z., Noordin, N., Sawal, M. Z. H. M., Junos, N. M., & Najid, N. S. A. (2011). The study of barrier factors in knowledge sharing: A case study in public university. Management Science and Engineering, 5(1), 59-70.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İş Sistemleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Artan Veseli 0000-0002-1275-0437

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ekim 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Mayıs 2020
Kabul Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Veseli, A. (2020). Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, 7(2), 171-187.
AMA Veseli A. Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo. İİD. Ekim 2020;7(2):171-187. doi:10.18394/iid.737089
Chicago Veseli, Artan. “Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Ekim 2020): 171-87.
EndNote Veseli A (01 Ekim 2020) Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 7 2 171–187.
IEEE A. Veseli, “Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo”, İİD, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 171–187, 2020, doi: 10.18394/iid.737089.
ISNAD Veseli, Artan. “Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo”. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 7/2 (Ekim 2020), 171-187.
JAMA Veseli A. Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo. İİD. 2020;7:171–187.
MLA Veseli, Artan. “Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 171-87, doi:10.18394/iid.737089.
Vancouver Veseli A. Assessment of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Planning: A Case Study of the Residential Construction Company in Kosovo. İİD. 2020;7(2):171-87.



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