Yıl 2021,
, 34 - 42, 30.04.2021
Fuat Kartal
Celal Nazlı
Zekeriya Yerlikaya
Arslan Kaptan
Eklemeli üretim olarak da bilinen üç boyutlu yazdırma, bilgisayar kontrolü altında bir nesne oluşturmak için bir nesnenin ardışık katmanlarının oluşturulduğu üç boyutlu bir nesneyi sentezlemek için kullanılan süreçleri ifade eder. Nesneler neredeyse her şekil veya geometriyi oluşturabilir. Başka bir elektronik veri kaynağından veya 3B modelden dijital model verileri kullanılarak oluşturulur. Bu çalışmada, üç boyutlu yazıcıda üretilen düz dişli çarkların silikon kalıplama tekniği ile kalıbı alınarak oluşturulmuş bir kalıba epoksi dökülerek bir parçanın çoğaltılması işlemi yapılmıştır. Tüm parçaların boyutsal doğruluğu, Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım verileri, üç boyutlu yapılan parçalar ve silikon kalıplar kullanılarak çoğaltılan parçalar için karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar ile başarılı imalat işlemleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Diş üstü çapının %2,5 diş dibi çapının %5 ölçü farklılığı ile imal edilebildiği belirlenmiştir. Ölçü toleranslarının ortalama %5’e kadar müsaade edildiği imalat işlemlerinde ve restorasyon çalışmalarında başarılı bir şekilde kullanılabileceği ortaya konulmuştur. Profesyonel makine-teçhizat ve personele ihtiyaç duymadan gerçekleştirilebilmesi, çok sayıda imalat ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabildiği gibi bir defa kullanılabilecek tamir işlemleri için de uygulanabilir en ucuz metot olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Kastamonu Üniversitesi
Proje Numarası
Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırmalar Koordinatörlüğü’ne teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Ian G., Rosen D.W., and Stucker B. Additive manufacturing technologies. Vol. 238. New York: Springer. 2010.
- 2. Kruth J-P., Leu M-C., and Nakagawa T. Progress in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology Vol. 47, Issue 2, Pages 525-540, 1998.
- 3. Kaufui W.V., and Hernandez A. "A review of additive manufacturing." ISRN Mechanical Engineering. 2012.
- 4. Samuel H.H., et al. Additive manufacturing and its societal impact: a literature review. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 67, Issue 5-8, Pages 1191-1203, 2013.
- 5. Sungil C., et al. Evaluation of micro-replication technology using silicone rubber molds and its applications. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Vol. 43, Issue 13, Pages 1337-1345, 2003.
- 6. Fellner S., et al. Mechanical properties of silicones for MEMS. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 18, Issue 6, Pages 065-068, 2008.
- 7. Prasad Y.KDV, and Hock T.S. Statistical analysis on accuracy of wax patterns used in investment casting process. Journal of materials processing technology. Vol. 138. Issue 1, Pages 75-81, 2003.
- 8. Ammen C.W. Lost Wax Investment Casting, Tab Books, USA, 2007.
- 9. Tang, Y., et al. Micro-mould fabrication for a micro-gear via vacuum casting. Journal of materials processing technology, Vol. 192, Pages 334-339, 2007.
- 10. Chung, S., et al. Rapid fabrication of aluminum shoe mold using vacuum sealed casting process. Journal of materials processing technology, Vol .142, Issue 2, Pages 326-333, 2003.
- 11. Çalışkan, Ö. Umut, ve Durgun, İ. "Silikon kalıplama üretim teknolojisinin otomotiv ürün geliştirme sürecindeki uygulamaları. 12. Otomotiv ve Üretim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 13-14 Mayıs 2011, Bursa.
- 12. Zmarzły, Paweł, Damian Gogolewski, and Tomasz Kozior. "Design guidelines for plastic casting using 3D printing." Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. Vol. 15, 2020.
- 13. Chen, Dongzhi, et al. "Synthesis and characterization of novel room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubbers using Vinyl-POSS derivatives as cross linking agents." Polymer. Vol. 51, Issue 17, Pages 3867-3878, 2010.
- 14. Christoforo, André Luis, et al. "Numerical Study of Finite Fracture Growth in an Epoxy Resin." International Journal of Materials Engineering. Vol. 6, Pages 15-21, 2016.
- 15. İnternet: Dolidworks resmi web sitesi, Deneme sürümü, https://my.solidworks.com/trysolidworks?&lang=tr&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=202001_glo_ps_sea_tr_XOP6889_labl_swopt_eme_tr&mktid=10381&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyoeCBhCTARIsAOfpKxh_vWf7jl3RU6GeHhJxmeI_R1h_SwSjOpffRnsmt7kbzxqOv14OwsQaAjd0EALw_wcB, Ocak 21, 2021.
- 16. Bruckner, Tim, Zach Oat, and Ruben Procopio. Pop Sculpture: How to Create Action Figures & Collectible Statues. Watson-Guptill Publications, 2010.
Yıl 2021,
, 34 - 42, 30.04.2021
Fuat Kartal
Celal Nazlı
Zekeriya Yerlikaya
Arslan Kaptan
Three-dimensional printing, also known as additive manufacturing, refers to the processes used to synthesize a three-dimensional object in which successive layers of an object are created to create an object under computer control. Objects can create almost any shape or geometry. It is created using digital model data from another electronic data source or 3D model. In this study, the process of reproducing a part is made by pouring epoxy into a mold formed by taking the mold of spur gear wheels produced in a 3D printer with the silicone molding technique. A comparison was made for dimensional accuracy of all parts, Computer Aided Design data, three-dimensional parts and parts reproduced using silicone molds. Successful manufacturing processes have been carried out with experimental studies. It has been determined that the diameter of the top of the tooth can be manufactured with a measurement difference of 2.5% and 5% of the root diameter. It has been demonstrated that it can be used successfully in manufacturing processes and restoration works where measurement tolerances are allowed up to 5% on average. It has been determined that it is the cheapest method applicable to repair operations that can be used once, as it can be realized without the need for professional machinery-equipment and personnel.
Proje Numarası
- 1. Ian G., Rosen D.W., and Stucker B. Additive manufacturing technologies. Vol. 238. New York: Springer. 2010.
- 2. Kruth J-P., Leu M-C., and Nakagawa T. Progress in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology Vol. 47, Issue 2, Pages 525-540, 1998.
- 3. Kaufui W.V., and Hernandez A. "A review of additive manufacturing." ISRN Mechanical Engineering. 2012.
- 4. Samuel H.H., et al. Additive manufacturing and its societal impact: a literature review. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 67, Issue 5-8, Pages 1191-1203, 2013.
- 5. Sungil C., et al. Evaluation of micro-replication technology using silicone rubber molds and its applications. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Vol. 43, Issue 13, Pages 1337-1345, 2003.
- 6. Fellner S., et al. Mechanical properties of silicones for MEMS. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 18, Issue 6, Pages 065-068, 2008.
- 7. Prasad Y.KDV, and Hock T.S. Statistical analysis on accuracy of wax patterns used in investment casting process. Journal of materials processing technology. Vol. 138. Issue 1, Pages 75-81, 2003.
- 8. Ammen C.W. Lost Wax Investment Casting, Tab Books, USA, 2007.
- 9. Tang, Y., et al. Micro-mould fabrication for a micro-gear via vacuum casting. Journal of materials processing technology, Vol. 192, Pages 334-339, 2007.
- 10. Chung, S., et al. Rapid fabrication of aluminum shoe mold using vacuum sealed casting process. Journal of materials processing technology, Vol .142, Issue 2, Pages 326-333, 2003.
- 11. Çalışkan, Ö. Umut, ve Durgun, İ. "Silikon kalıplama üretim teknolojisinin otomotiv ürün geliştirme sürecindeki uygulamaları. 12. Otomotiv ve Üretim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 13-14 Mayıs 2011, Bursa.
- 12. Zmarzły, Paweł, Damian Gogolewski, and Tomasz Kozior. "Design guidelines for plastic casting using 3D printing." Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. Vol. 15, 2020.
- 13. Chen, Dongzhi, et al. "Synthesis and characterization of novel room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubbers using Vinyl-POSS derivatives as cross linking agents." Polymer. Vol. 51, Issue 17, Pages 3867-3878, 2010.
- 14. Christoforo, André Luis, et al. "Numerical Study of Finite Fracture Growth in an Epoxy Resin." International Journal of Materials Engineering. Vol. 6, Pages 15-21, 2016.
- 15. İnternet: Dolidworks resmi web sitesi, Deneme sürümü, https://my.solidworks.com/trysolidworks?&lang=tr&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=202001_glo_ps_sea_tr_XOP6889_labl_swopt_eme_tr&mktid=10381&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyoeCBhCTARIsAOfpKxh_vWf7jl3RU6GeHhJxmeI_R1h_SwSjOpffRnsmt7kbzxqOv14OwsQaAjd0EALw_wcB, Ocak 21, 2021.
- 16. Bruckner, Tim, Zach Oat, and Ruben Procopio. Pop Sculpture: How to Create Action Figures & Collectible Statues. Watson-Guptill Publications, 2010.