Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, , 155 - 163, 31.08.2021


Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a rapidly developing technology which provides opportunity to build up complex geometries due to the freedom of manufacturing. Lattice structures, three-dimensional open-celled structures composed of one or more repeating unit cells, can be produced with unique mechanical, thermal, acoustic, biomedical and electrical properties by optimization of type and dimension of unit cell and additive manufacturing parameters. Lattice structures provide lightweight and porous parts which are widely preferable in biomedical applications. Different type of lattice structures have been used for obtaining bone like implant surface to accelerate osseointegration. There are many studies in this field, but the ideal designs and dimensional accuracy of the various lattice structures for biomedical field have not been completely reached. In this study, octahedral, star and dodecahedron lattice structures with thin strut diameter were manufactured by laser powder bed fusion technology (LPBF) by Ti6Al4V powder. Cubic and plate samples were built on z-direction and their top and side surfaces were inspected in terms of topographical characteristics and dimensional accuracy by scanning electron microscope.

Destekleyen Kurum

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Proje Numarası



This work was supported by Yildiz Technical University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project Number: FDK-2021-4135.


  • 1. Tao, W., Leu, M.C., “Design of lattice structure for additive manufacturing”, International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Pages 325-332, Cleveland, 2016.
  • 2. Pan, C., Han, Y., Lu, J., “Design and Optimization of Lattice Structures: A Review”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 18, 6374, 2020.
  • 3. Abdulhadi, H.S., Mian, A., “Effect of strut length and orientation on elastic mechanical response of modified body-centered cubic lattice structures”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications, Vol. 233, Issue 11, Pages 2219-2233, 2019.
  • 4. Sing, S.L., Yeong, W.Y., “Laser powder bed fusion for metal additive manufacturing: perspectives on recent developments”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 15, Issue 3, Pages 359-370, 2020.
  • 5. Riva, L., Ginestra, P.S., Ceretti, E., “Mechanical characterization and properties of laser-based powder bed–fused lattice structures: a review”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 113, Pages 649–671, 2021.
  • 6. Jin, Y., Kong, H., Zhou, X., Li, G., Du, J., “Design and Characterization of Sheet-Based Gyroid Porous Structures with Bioinspire Functional Gradients”, Materials, Vol. 13, Issue 17, 3844, 2020.
  • 7. Weller, C., Kleer, R., Piller, F.T., “Economic Implications of 3D printing: Market structure Models in light of additive manufacturing revisited”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 164, Pages 43-56, 2015.
  • 8. Ali, S., Abdul Rani, A.M., Baig, Z., Ahmed, S.W., Hussain, G., Subramaniam, K., Hastuty, S., Rao, TVVLN., “Biocompatibility and corrosion resistance of metallic biomaterials”, Corrosion Reviews, Vol. 38, Issue 5, Pages 381-402, 2020.
  • 9. Kayacan, M., Delikanlı, Y., Duman, B., Özsoy, K., “Ti6Al4V toz alaşımı kullanılarak sls ile üretilen geçişli (değişken) gözenekli numunelerin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi , Vol. 33, Issue 1, Pages 0-0, 2018.
  • 10. Li, X., Wang, C., Zhang, W., Li, Y., “Fabrication and compressive properties of Ti6Al4V implant with honeycomb-like structure for biomedical applications”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 1, Pages 44-49, 2010.
  • 11. Sumner, D.R., “Long-term implant fixation and stress-shielding in total hip replacement”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 48, Issue 5, Pages 797-800, 2014.
  • 12. Li, Y., Yang, C., Zhao, H., Qu, S., Li, X., Li, Y., “New Developments of Ti-Based Alloys for Biomedical Applications”, Materials, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Pages 1709-1800, 2014.
  • 13. Arabnejad, S., Johnston, R.B., Pura, J.A., Singh, B., Tanzer, M., Pasini, D., “High-strength porous biomaterials for bone replacement: A strategy to assess the interplay between cell morphology, mechanical properties, bone ingrowth and manufacturing constraints”, Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 30, Pages 345-356, 2016.
  • 14. Pobloth, A.M, Checa, S., Razi, H., Petersen, A., Weaver, J.C., Schmidt-Bleek, K., Windolf, M., Tatai, A.A., Roth, C.P., Schaser, K.D., Duda, G.N., Schwabe, P., “Mechanobiologically optimized 3D titanium-mesh scaffolds enhance bone regeneration in critical segmental defects in sheep”, Science Translition Medicine, Vol. 10, Issue 423, eaam8828, 2018.
  • 15. Wally, Z.J., Haque, A.M., Feteira, A., Claeyssens, F., Goodall, R., Reilly, C., “Selective laser melting processed Ti6Al4V lattices with graded porosities for dental applications”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 90, Pages 20-29, 2019.
  • 16. Tu, C.C., Tsai, P.I., Chen, S.Y., Kuo, M.Y.P., Sun, J.S., Chang, J.Z.C., “3D laser-printed porous Ti6Al4V dental implants for compromised bone support”, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, Vol. 119, Issue 1, Part 3, Pages 420-429, 2020.
  • 17. Maconachie, T., Leary, M., Lozanovski, B., Zhang, X., Qian, M., Faruque, O., Brandt, M., “SLM lattice structures: Properties, performance, applications and challenges”, Materials & Design, Vol. 183, 108137, 2019.
  • 18. Tilton, M., Borjali, A., Isaacson, A., Varadarajan, K.M., Manogharan, G.P., “On structure and mechanics of biomimetic meta-biomaterials fabricated via metal additive manufacturing” Materials & Design., Vol. 201, 109498, 2021.
  • 19. Li, G., Wang, L., Pan, W., Yang, F., Jiang, W., Wu, X., Kong, X., Dai, K., Hao, Y., “In vitro and in vivo study of additive manufactured porous Ti6Al4V scaffolds for repairing bone defects”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Pages 1-11, 2016.
  • 20. Echeta, I., Feng, X., Dutton, B., Leach, R., Paino, S., “Review of defects in lattice structures manufactured by powder bed fusion”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 106, Issue 5, Pages 2649–2668, 2020.
  • 21. Leach, R., Carmignato, S., “Precision Metal Additive Manufacturing”, Page 143, CRC Press, Florida, 2021.
  • 22. Yan, X., Li, Q., Yin, S., Chen, Z., Jenkins, R., Chen, C., Wang, J., Ma, W., Bolot, R., Lupoi, R., Ren, Z., Liao, H., Liu, M., “Mechanical and in vitro study of an isotropic Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated using selective laser melting”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 782, Pages, 209-223, 2019.
  • 23. Ahmadi, S.M., Yavari, S.A., Wauthle, R., Pouran, B., Schrooten, J., Weinans, H., Zadpoor, A.A., “Additively manufactured open-cell porous biomaterials made from six different space-filling unit cells: The mechanical and morphological properties”, Vol. 8, Issue 4, Pages 1871-1896, 2015.
  • 24. Calignano, F., Lorusso, M., Pakkanen, J., Trevisan, F., Ambrosio, E.P., Manfredi, D., Fino, P., “Investigation of accuracy and dimensional limits of part produced in aluminum alloy by selective laser melting” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 88, Issue 1-4, Pages 451-458, 2017.
  • 25. Dallago, M., Zanini, F., Carmignato, S., Pasini, D., Benedetti, M., “Effect of the geometrical defectiveness on the mechanical properties of SLM biomedical Ti6Al4V lattices”, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 13, Pages 161-167, 2018.
  • 26. Kadirgama, K., Harun, W.S.W., Tarlochan, F., Samykano, M., Ramasamy, D., Azir, M.Z., Mehboob, H., “Statistical and optimize of lattice structures with selective laser melting (SLM) of Ti6AL4V material”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 97, Issue 1, Pages 495-510, 2018.
  • 27. EOS, “EOS Titanium Ti64 data sheet”,, March 30, 2021.
  • 28. International Organization for Standardization, “ISO 13314 Mechanical testing of metals, ductility testing, compression test for porous and cellular metals”, Reference Number ISO. 13314 (2011), Pages 1–7, 2011.
  • 29. Ma, S., Tan, Q., Feng, Q., Song, J., Han, X., Guo, F., “Mechanical behaviours and mass transport properties of bone-mimicking scaffolds consisted of gyroid structures manufactured using selective laser melting”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 93, Pages 158-169, 2019.
  • 30. Yan, C., Hao, L., Hussein, A., Young, P., Raymond, D., “Advanced lightweight 316L stainless steel cellular lattice structures fabricated via selective laser melting”, Materials & Design, Vol. 55, Pages 533-541, 2014.
  • 31. Kamat, A.M., Pei, Y., “An analytical method to predict and compensate for residual stress-induced deformation in overhanging regions of internal channels fabricated using powder bed fusion”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 29, 100796, 2019.
  • 32. Zhu, H.H., Lu, L., Fuh, J.Y.H., “Study on Shrinkage Behaviour of Direct Laser Sintering Metallic Powder”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 220, Issue 2, Pages 183-190, 2006.


Yıl 2021, , 155 - 163, 31.08.2021


Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a rapidly developing technology which provides opportunity to build up complex geometries due to the freedom of manufacturing. Lattice structures, three-dimensional open-celled structures composed of one or more repeating unit cells, can be produced with unique mechanical, thermal, acoustic, biomedical and electrical properties by optimization of type and dimension of unit cell and additive manufacturing parameters. Lattice structures provide lightweight and porous parts which are widely preferable in biomedical applications. Different type of lattice structures have been used for obtaining bone like implant surface to accelerate osseointegration. There are many studies in this field, but the ideal designs and dimensional accuracy of the various lattice structures for biomedical field have not been completely reached. In this study, octahedral, star and dodecahedron lattice structures with thin strut diameter were manufactured by laser powder bed fusion technology (LPBF) by Ti6Al4V powder. Cubic and plate samples were built on z-direction and their top and side surfaces were inspected in terms of topographical characteristics and dimensional accuracy by scanning electron microscope. Dimensional accuracy has been found to tend to shrinkage behavior for all lattice structures. The best dimensional accuracy was obtained from octahedral lattice structure comparing with strut diameters.

Proje Numarası



  • 1. Tao, W., Leu, M.C., “Design of lattice structure for additive manufacturing”, International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Pages 325-332, Cleveland, 2016.
  • 2. Pan, C., Han, Y., Lu, J., “Design and Optimization of Lattice Structures: A Review”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 18, 6374, 2020.
  • 3. Abdulhadi, H.S., Mian, A., “Effect of strut length and orientation on elastic mechanical response of modified body-centered cubic lattice structures”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications, Vol. 233, Issue 11, Pages 2219-2233, 2019.
  • 4. Sing, S.L., Yeong, W.Y., “Laser powder bed fusion for metal additive manufacturing: perspectives on recent developments”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 15, Issue 3, Pages 359-370, 2020.
  • 5. Riva, L., Ginestra, P.S., Ceretti, E., “Mechanical characterization and properties of laser-based powder bed–fused lattice structures: a review”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 113, Pages 649–671, 2021.
  • 6. Jin, Y., Kong, H., Zhou, X., Li, G., Du, J., “Design and Characterization of Sheet-Based Gyroid Porous Structures with Bioinspire Functional Gradients”, Materials, Vol. 13, Issue 17, 3844, 2020.
  • 7. Weller, C., Kleer, R., Piller, F.T., “Economic Implications of 3D printing: Market structure Models in light of additive manufacturing revisited”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 164, Pages 43-56, 2015.
  • 8. Ali, S., Abdul Rani, A.M., Baig, Z., Ahmed, S.W., Hussain, G., Subramaniam, K., Hastuty, S., Rao, TVVLN., “Biocompatibility and corrosion resistance of metallic biomaterials”, Corrosion Reviews, Vol. 38, Issue 5, Pages 381-402, 2020.
  • 9. Kayacan, M., Delikanlı, Y., Duman, B., Özsoy, K., “Ti6Al4V toz alaşımı kullanılarak sls ile üretilen geçişli (değişken) gözenekli numunelerin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi , Vol. 33, Issue 1, Pages 0-0, 2018.
  • 10. Li, X., Wang, C., Zhang, W., Li, Y., “Fabrication and compressive properties of Ti6Al4V implant with honeycomb-like structure for biomedical applications”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 1, Pages 44-49, 2010.
  • 11. Sumner, D.R., “Long-term implant fixation and stress-shielding in total hip replacement”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 48, Issue 5, Pages 797-800, 2014.
  • 12. Li, Y., Yang, C., Zhao, H., Qu, S., Li, X., Li, Y., “New Developments of Ti-Based Alloys for Biomedical Applications”, Materials, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Pages 1709-1800, 2014.
  • 13. Arabnejad, S., Johnston, R.B., Pura, J.A., Singh, B., Tanzer, M., Pasini, D., “High-strength porous biomaterials for bone replacement: A strategy to assess the interplay between cell morphology, mechanical properties, bone ingrowth and manufacturing constraints”, Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 30, Pages 345-356, 2016.
  • 14. Pobloth, A.M, Checa, S., Razi, H., Petersen, A., Weaver, J.C., Schmidt-Bleek, K., Windolf, M., Tatai, A.A., Roth, C.P., Schaser, K.D., Duda, G.N., Schwabe, P., “Mechanobiologically optimized 3D titanium-mesh scaffolds enhance bone regeneration in critical segmental defects in sheep”, Science Translition Medicine, Vol. 10, Issue 423, eaam8828, 2018.
  • 15. Wally, Z.J., Haque, A.M., Feteira, A., Claeyssens, F., Goodall, R., Reilly, C., “Selective laser melting processed Ti6Al4V lattices with graded porosities for dental applications”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 90, Pages 20-29, 2019.
  • 16. Tu, C.C., Tsai, P.I., Chen, S.Y., Kuo, M.Y.P., Sun, J.S., Chang, J.Z.C., “3D laser-printed porous Ti6Al4V dental implants for compromised bone support”, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, Vol. 119, Issue 1, Part 3, Pages 420-429, 2020.
  • 17. Maconachie, T., Leary, M., Lozanovski, B., Zhang, X., Qian, M., Faruque, O., Brandt, M., “SLM lattice structures: Properties, performance, applications and challenges”, Materials & Design, Vol. 183, 108137, 2019.
  • 18. Tilton, M., Borjali, A., Isaacson, A., Varadarajan, K.M., Manogharan, G.P., “On structure and mechanics of biomimetic meta-biomaterials fabricated via metal additive manufacturing” Materials & Design., Vol. 201, 109498, 2021.
  • 19. Li, G., Wang, L., Pan, W., Yang, F., Jiang, W., Wu, X., Kong, X., Dai, K., Hao, Y., “In vitro and in vivo study of additive manufactured porous Ti6Al4V scaffolds for repairing bone defects”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Pages 1-11, 2016.
  • 20. Echeta, I., Feng, X., Dutton, B., Leach, R., Paino, S., “Review of defects in lattice structures manufactured by powder bed fusion”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 106, Issue 5, Pages 2649–2668, 2020.
  • 21. Leach, R., Carmignato, S., “Precision Metal Additive Manufacturing”, Page 143, CRC Press, Florida, 2021.
  • 22. Yan, X., Li, Q., Yin, S., Chen, Z., Jenkins, R., Chen, C., Wang, J., Ma, W., Bolot, R., Lupoi, R., Ren, Z., Liao, H., Liu, M., “Mechanical and in vitro study of an isotropic Ti6Al4V lattice structure fabricated using selective laser melting”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 782, Pages, 209-223, 2019.
  • 23. Ahmadi, S.M., Yavari, S.A., Wauthle, R., Pouran, B., Schrooten, J., Weinans, H., Zadpoor, A.A., “Additively manufactured open-cell porous biomaterials made from six different space-filling unit cells: The mechanical and morphological properties”, Vol. 8, Issue 4, Pages 1871-1896, 2015.
  • 24. Calignano, F., Lorusso, M., Pakkanen, J., Trevisan, F., Ambrosio, E.P., Manfredi, D., Fino, P., “Investigation of accuracy and dimensional limits of part produced in aluminum alloy by selective laser melting” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 88, Issue 1-4, Pages 451-458, 2017.
  • 25. Dallago, M., Zanini, F., Carmignato, S., Pasini, D., Benedetti, M., “Effect of the geometrical defectiveness on the mechanical properties of SLM biomedical Ti6Al4V lattices”, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 13, Pages 161-167, 2018.
  • 26. Kadirgama, K., Harun, W.S.W., Tarlochan, F., Samykano, M., Ramasamy, D., Azir, M.Z., Mehboob, H., “Statistical and optimize of lattice structures with selective laser melting (SLM) of Ti6AL4V material”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 97, Issue 1, Pages 495-510, 2018.
  • 27. EOS, “EOS Titanium Ti64 data sheet”,, March 30, 2021.
  • 28. International Organization for Standardization, “ISO 13314 Mechanical testing of metals, ductility testing, compression test for porous and cellular metals”, Reference Number ISO. 13314 (2011), Pages 1–7, 2011.
  • 29. Ma, S., Tan, Q., Feng, Q., Song, J., Han, X., Guo, F., “Mechanical behaviours and mass transport properties of bone-mimicking scaffolds consisted of gyroid structures manufactured using selective laser melting”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 93, Pages 158-169, 2019.
  • 30. Yan, C., Hao, L., Hussein, A., Young, P., Raymond, D., “Advanced lightweight 316L stainless steel cellular lattice structures fabricated via selective laser melting”, Materials & Design, Vol. 55, Pages 533-541, 2014.
  • 31. Kamat, A.M., Pei, Y., “An analytical method to predict and compensate for residual stress-induced deformation in overhanging regions of internal channels fabricated using powder bed fusion”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 29, 100796, 2019.
  • 32. Zhu, H.H., Lu, L., Fuh, J.Y.H., “Study on Shrinkage Behaviour of Direct Laser Sintering Metallic Powder”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 220, Issue 2, Pages 183-190, 2006.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Biyomateryaller, Makine Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Binnur Sağbaş 0000-0002-4491-0490

Doruk Gürkan 0000-0001-8507-8592

Proje Numarası FDK-2021-4135
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Sağbaş, B., & Gürkan, D. (2021). ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 5(2), 155-163.
AMA Sağbaş B, Gürkan D. ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS. IJ3DPTDI. Ağustos 2021;5(2):155-163. doi:10.46519/ij3dptdi.953315
Chicago Sağbaş, Binnur, ve Doruk Gürkan. “ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 5, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2021): 155-63.
EndNote Sağbaş B, Gürkan D (01 Ağustos 2021) ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 5 2 155–163.
IEEE B. Sağbaş ve D. Gürkan, “ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS”, IJ3DPTDI, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 155–163, 2021, doi: 10.46519/ij3dptdi.953315.
ISNAD Sağbaş, Binnur - Gürkan, Doruk. “ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 5/2 (Ağustos 2021), 155-163.
MLA Sağbaş, Binnur ve Doruk Gürkan. “ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED Ti6Al4V LATTICE STRUCTURES FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, c. 5, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 155-63, doi:10.46519/ij3dptdi.953315.

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