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IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform

Yıl 2024, , 170 - 179, 31.12.2024


It is crucial to ensure the longevity of batteries in electric and hybrid vehicles in order to solidify their position in the market. Monitoring the life, capacity, and health of battery pack has become a major concern for users. The proper functioning and long-term durability of electric and hybrid vehicle batteries depend on accurately assessing their properties. In this study, a 6S battery module was created using NCR18650PF 3300mAh 3.7 V Li-ion batteries, which are increasingly used in electric and hybrid systems. Battery voltage, current, and surface temperature data of the battery module were collected during 500 charge-discharge cycles. Obtained charge-discharge profile, retainable capacity change rates, and the health and charge status of the battery were processed. The collected data showed the expected decrease in charge discharge profiles as documented in the literature. Upon reaching 500 charging cycles, the maintainable capacity of the battery module decreased by 70% compared to its initial state, indicating that the battery module had reached the end of its life. A program was developed using the Arduino IoT cloud system based on the charge-discharge profile and sustainable capacity change data obtained from battery characteristics. The predictions for battery health and state of charge based on the collected sensor data were processed and transferred to the interface in a way that allowed the end user to visualize it. The battery SOC, SOH, temperature, charge-discharge current, and terminal voltage data were displayed in the mobile application via the Arduino IOT Cloud platform with the ESP8266 Arduino card during daily use of the battery module. As a result, a successful module that can provide IoT communication on a lithium-ion battery pack was obtained. Thanks to the developed module, the expected life of the lithium-ion battery pack can be monitored even remotely, as long as it is connected to the internet.

Etik Beyan

We declare that all processes of the study are in accordance with research and publication ethics and that we comply with ethical rules and scientific citation principles.

Destekleyen Kurum

Pamukkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office

Proje Numarası



The authors thank Pamukkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office (PAU, BAP, Project Number: 2022FEBE030) for financial support


  • M. Haidar, K. M. Muttaqi, D. Sutanto, Technical challenges for electric power industries due to grid-integrated electric vehicles in low voltage distributions: A review, Energy Conversion and Management, 86, 689-700, 2014.
  • Z. S. Gelmanova, G. G. Zhabalova, G. A. Sivyakova, O. N. Lelikova, O. N. Onishchenko, A. A. Smailova, S. N. Kamarova, Electric cars. Advantages and disadvantages, In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1015, 5, 052029, 2018.
  • H. Özbay, C. Közkurt, A. Dalcalı, M. Tektaş, geleceğin ulaşım tercihi: elektrikli araçlar, akıllı ulaşım sistemleri ve uygulamaları dergisi, 3, 1, 34-50, 2020.
  • D. Deng, Li‐ion batteries: basics, progress, and challenges, Energy Science & Engineering, 3, 5, 385-418, 2015.
  • K. Wang, J. Wan, Y. Xiang, J. Zhu, Q. Leng, Wang, M., Y. Yang, Recent advances and historical developments of high voltage lithium cobalt oxide materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 460, 228062, 2020.
  • S. J. Gerssen-Gondelach, A. P. Faaij, Performance of batteries for electric vehicles on short and longer term, Journal of power sources, 212, 111-129, 2012.
  • Y. N. Wang, Power battery performance detection system for electric vehicles, Procedia computer science, 154, 759-763, 2019.
  • K. Saqli, H. Bouchareb, M. Oudghiri, N. M'Sirdi, An overview of State of Charge (SOC) and State of Health (SOH) estimation methods of Li-ion batteries, IMAACA 2019, 2019.
  • N. Yang, X. Zhang, G. Li, State of charge estimation for pulse discharge of a LiFePO4 battery by a revised Ah counting, Electrochimica Acta, 151, 63-71, 2015.
  • H. G. Schweiger, O. Obeidi, O. Komesker, A. Raschke, M. Schiemann, C. Zehner, P. Birke, Comparison of several methods for determining the internal resistance of lithium-ion cells, Sensors, 10, 6, 5604-5625, 2010.
  • S. K. Pradhan, B. Chakraborty, Battery management strategies: An essential review for battery state of health monitoring techniques, Journal of Energy Storage, 51, 104427, 2022.
  • P. S, Attidekou, C. Wang, M. Armstrong, S. M. Lambert, P. A. Christensen, A new time constant approach to online capacity monitoring and lifetime prediction of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EV), Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164, 9, A1792, 2017.
  • M. Asaad, F. Ahmad, M. S. Alam, Y. Rafat, IoT enabled monitoring of an optimized electric vehicle’s battery system, Mobile Networks and Applications, 23, 994-1005, 2018.
  • M. H. Abd Wahab, N. I. M. Anuar, R. Ambar, A. Baharum, S. Shanta, M. S. Sulaiman, H. F. Hanafi, IoT-based battery monitoring system for electric vehicle, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 505-510, 2018.
  • Z. B. Omariba, L. Zhang, D. Sun, Review of battery cell balancing methodologies for optimizing battery pack performance in electric vehicles, IEEE Access, 7, 129335-129352, 2019.
  • K. Sarrafan, D. Sutanto, K. M. Muttaqi, an electric circuit based EV battery model for runtime prediction and state of charge tracking, In 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), 1-6, 2017.
  • K. Sarrafan, K. M. Muttaqi, D. Sutanto, Real-time state-of-charge tracking system using mixed estimation algorithm for electric vehicle battery system, In 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), 1-8, 2018.
  • D. Li, J. Ouyang, H. Li, J. Wan, State of charge estimation for LiMn2O4 power battery based on strong tracking sigma point Kalman filter, Journal of power sources, 279, 439-449, 2015.
  • Wang, J. H. Fernandez, A. Massoud, A wireless battery temperature monitoring system for electric vehicle charging, In 2019 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4, 2019.
  • C. Hua, M. Y. Lin, A study of charging control of lead-acid battery for electric vehicles, In ISIE'2000 Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Cat. No. 00TH8543) 1, 135-140, 2000.
  • Arduino, bring your IoT projects to life quickly, Connect anything to Arduino Cloud. (Accessed:10/01/2024)
  • M. Astutiningtyas, M. Nugraheni, S. Suyoto, Automatic plants watering system for small garden, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (Ijim), 15, 200-207, 2021.
  • S. Zafar, G. Miraj, R. Baloch, D. Murtaza, K. Arshad, An IoT based real-time environmental monitoring system using Arduino and cloud service, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 8, 4, 3238-3242, 2018.
  • Kezhiyur, P. P. Kumar, S. Banu, G. Rajesh, Monitoring, controlling & conserving of electrical energy using IOT, Interantional Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, 06, 04, 2022.
  • T. Wang, G. Zhang, A. Liu, Z. Bhuiyan, Q. Jin, A secure iot service architecture with an efficient balance dynamics based on cloud and edge computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, 3, 4831-4843, 2019.
  • Puliafito, A. Celesti, M. Villari, M. Fazio, Towards the integration between iot and cloud computing: an approach for the secure self-configuration of embedded devices, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11, 12, 286860, 2015.
  • A. Anitha, A. Stephen, L. Arockiam, A hybrid method for smart irrigation system, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8, 3, 2995-2998, 2019.
  • R. Winkler, MeteoMex: open infrastructure for networked environmental monitoring and agriculture 4.0., PeerJ Computer Science, 7, e343, 2021.
  • S. Hashmi, C. Ali, S. Zafar, Internet of things and cloud computing‐based energy management system for demand side management in smart grid, International Journal of Energy Research, 45, 1, 1007-1022, 2020.
  • T. Muciaccia, P. Tedeschi, Future scenarios for the infrastructure digitalization: the road ahead, Frontiers in the Internet of Things, 2, 1140799, 2023.
  • J. Pérez-Padillo, J. Morillo, J. Ramírez-Faz, M. Torres-Roldán, P. Montesinos, Design and implementation of a pressure monitoring system based on iot for water supply networks, Sensors, 20, 15, 4247, 2020.
  • Oliver, M. Anuradha, J. Ramya, Automated pollution detection system using iot and aws cloud, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8, 11, 3955-3960, 2019.
  • H. Bangui, S. Rakrak, S. Raghay, B. Bühnová, Moving to the edge-cloud-of-things: recent advances and future research directions, Electronics, 7, 11, 309, 2018.
  • Sangari, K. Eswaramoorthy, V. Kiranmayee, J. A. Sheeba, D. Sivamani, Iot-based battery monitoring system for electric vehicle, In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Current Development in Engineering and Technology (CCET), 1-5, 2022.
  • P. Rusimamto, E. Endryansyah, L. Anifah, R. Harimurti, Y. Anistyasari, Implementation of arduino pro mini and esp32 cam for temperature monitoring on automatic thermogun iot-based, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 23, 3, 1366, 2021.
  • N. Oton, M. T. Iqbal, Low-cost open source IoT-based SCADA system for a BTS site using ESP32 and Arduino IoT cloud, In 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 0681-0685, 2021.
  • Actec, Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries, PaqPOWER NCR18650GA Li-Ion battery, (Accessed:10/01/2024) URL
  • J. Lee, D. Kwon, M. G. Pecht, Reduction of Li-ion battery qualification time based on prognostics and health management, IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 66, 9, 7310-7315, 2018.
  • Int1: Akü izleme monitörü, (Accessed:10/01/2024)

IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform

Yıl 2024, , 170 - 179, 31.12.2024


It is crucial to ensure the longevity of batteries in electric and hybrid vehicles in order to solidify their position in the market. Monitoring the life, capacity, and health of battery pack has become a major concern for users. The proper functioning and long-term durability of electric and hybrid vehicle batteries depend on accurately assessing their properties. In this study, a 6S battery module was created using NCR18650PF 3300mAh 3.7 V Li-ion batteries, which are increasingly used in electric and hybrid systems. Battery voltage, current, and surface temperature data of the battery module were collected during 500 charge-discharge cycles. Obtained charge-discharge profile, retainable capacity change rates, and the health and charge status of the battery were processed. The collected data showed the expected decrease in charge discharge profiles as documented in the literature. Upon reaching 500 charging cycles, the maintainable capacity of the battery module decreased by 70% compared to its initial state, indicating that the battery module had reached the end of its life. A program was developed using the Arduino IoT cloud system based on the charge-discharge profile and sustainable capacity change data obtained from battery characteristics. The predictions for battery health and state of charge based on the collected sensor data were processed and transferred to the interface in a way that allowed the end user to visualize it. The battery SOC, SOH, temperature, charge-discharge current, and terminal voltage data were displayed in the mobile application via the Arduino IOT Cloud platform with the ESP8266 Arduino card during daily use of the battery module. As a result, a successful module that can provide IoT communication on a lithium-ion battery pack was obtained. Thanks to the developed module, the expected life of the lithium-ion battery pack can be monitored even remotely, as long as it is connected to the internet.

Proje Numarası



  • M. Haidar, K. M. Muttaqi, D. Sutanto, Technical challenges for electric power industries due to grid-integrated electric vehicles in low voltage distributions: A review, Energy Conversion and Management, 86, 689-700, 2014.
  • Z. S. Gelmanova, G. G. Zhabalova, G. A. Sivyakova, O. N. Lelikova, O. N. Onishchenko, A. A. Smailova, S. N. Kamarova, Electric cars. Advantages and disadvantages, In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1015, 5, 052029, 2018.
  • H. Özbay, C. Közkurt, A. Dalcalı, M. Tektaş, geleceğin ulaşım tercihi: elektrikli araçlar, akıllı ulaşım sistemleri ve uygulamaları dergisi, 3, 1, 34-50, 2020.
  • D. Deng, Li‐ion batteries: basics, progress, and challenges, Energy Science & Engineering, 3, 5, 385-418, 2015.
  • K. Wang, J. Wan, Y. Xiang, J. Zhu, Q. Leng, Wang, M., Y. Yang, Recent advances and historical developments of high voltage lithium cobalt oxide materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 460, 228062, 2020.
  • S. J. Gerssen-Gondelach, A. P. Faaij, Performance of batteries for electric vehicles on short and longer term, Journal of power sources, 212, 111-129, 2012.
  • Y. N. Wang, Power battery performance detection system for electric vehicles, Procedia computer science, 154, 759-763, 2019.
  • K. Saqli, H. Bouchareb, M. Oudghiri, N. M'Sirdi, An overview of State of Charge (SOC) and State of Health (SOH) estimation methods of Li-ion batteries, IMAACA 2019, 2019.
  • N. Yang, X. Zhang, G. Li, State of charge estimation for pulse discharge of a LiFePO4 battery by a revised Ah counting, Electrochimica Acta, 151, 63-71, 2015.
  • H. G. Schweiger, O. Obeidi, O. Komesker, A. Raschke, M. Schiemann, C. Zehner, P. Birke, Comparison of several methods for determining the internal resistance of lithium-ion cells, Sensors, 10, 6, 5604-5625, 2010.
  • S. K. Pradhan, B. Chakraborty, Battery management strategies: An essential review for battery state of health monitoring techniques, Journal of Energy Storage, 51, 104427, 2022.
  • P. S, Attidekou, C. Wang, M. Armstrong, S. M. Lambert, P. A. Christensen, A new time constant approach to online capacity monitoring and lifetime prediction of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EV), Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164, 9, A1792, 2017.
  • M. Asaad, F. Ahmad, M. S. Alam, Y. Rafat, IoT enabled monitoring of an optimized electric vehicle’s battery system, Mobile Networks and Applications, 23, 994-1005, 2018.
  • M. H. Abd Wahab, N. I. M. Anuar, R. Ambar, A. Baharum, S. Shanta, M. S. Sulaiman, H. F. Hanafi, IoT-based battery monitoring system for electric vehicle, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 505-510, 2018.
  • Z. B. Omariba, L. Zhang, D. Sun, Review of battery cell balancing methodologies for optimizing battery pack performance in electric vehicles, IEEE Access, 7, 129335-129352, 2019.
  • K. Sarrafan, D. Sutanto, K. M. Muttaqi, an electric circuit based EV battery model for runtime prediction and state of charge tracking, In 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), 1-6, 2017.
  • K. Sarrafan, K. M. Muttaqi, D. Sutanto, Real-time state-of-charge tracking system using mixed estimation algorithm for electric vehicle battery system, In 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), 1-8, 2018.
  • D. Li, J. Ouyang, H. Li, J. Wan, State of charge estimation for LiMn2O4 power battery based on strong tracking sigma point Kalman filter, Journal of power sources, 279, 439-449, 2015.
  • Wang, J. H. Fernandez, A. Massoud, A wireless battery temperature monitoring system for electric vehicle charging, In 2019 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4, 2019.
  • C. Hua, M. Y. Lin, A study of charging control of lead-acid battery for electric vehicles, In ISIE'2000 Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Cat. No. 00TH8543) 1, 135-140, 2000.
  • Arduino, bring your IoT projects to life quickly, Connect anything to Arduino Cloud. (Accessed:10/01/2024)
  • M. Astutiningtyas, M. Nugraheni, S. Suyoto, Automatic plants watering system for small garden, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (Ijim), 15, 200-207, 2021.
  • S. Zafar, G. Miraj, R. Baloch, D. Murtaza, K. Arshad, An IoT based real-time environmental monitoring system using Arduino and cloud service, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 8, 4, 3238-3242, 2018.
  • Kezhiyur, P. P. Kumar, S. Banu, G. Rajesh, Monitoring, controlling & conserving of electrical energy using IOT, Interantional Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, 06, 04, 2022.
  • T. Wang, G. Zhang, A. Liu, Z. Bhuiyan, Q. Jin, A secure iot service architecture with an efficient balance dynamics based on cloud and edge computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, 3, 4831-4843, 2019.
  • Puliafito, A. Celesti, M. Villari, M. Fazio, Towards the integration between iot and cloud computing: an approach for the secure self-configuration of embedded devices, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11, 12, 286860, 2015.
  • A. Anitha, A. Stephen, L. Arockiam, A hybrid method for smart irrigation system, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8, 3, 2995-2998, 2019.
  • R. Winkler, MeteoMex: open infrastructure for networked environmental monitoring and agriculture 4.0., PeerJ Computer Science, 7, e343, 2021.
  • S. Hashmi, C. Ali, S. Zafar, Internet of things and cloud computing‐based energy management system for demand side management in smart grid, International Journal of Energy Research, 45, 1, 1007-1022, 2020.
  • T. Muciaccia, P. Tedeschi, Future scenarios for the infrastructure digitalization: the road ahead, Frontiers in the Internet of Things, 2, 1140799, 2023.
  • J. Pérez-Padillo, J. Morillo, J. Ramírez-Faz, M. Torres-Roldán, P. Montesinos, Design and implementation of a pressure monitoring system based on iot for water supply networks, Sensors, 20, 15, 4247, 2020.
  • Oliver, M. Anuradha, J. Ramya, Automated pollution detection system using iot and aws cloud, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8, 11, 3955-3960, 2019.
  • H. Bangui, S. Rakrak, S. Raghay, B. Bühnová, Moving to the edge-cloud-of-things: recent advances and future research directions, Electronics, 7, 11, 309, 2018.
  • Sangari, K. Eswaramoorthy, V. Kiranmayee, J. A. Sheeba, D. Sivamani, Iot-based battery monitoring system for electric vehicle, In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Current Development in Engineering and Technology (CCET), 1-5, 2022.
  • P. Rusimamto, E. Endryansyah, L. Anifah, R. Harimurti, Y. Anistyasari, Implementation of arduino pro mini and esp32 cam for temperature monitoring on automatic thermogun iot-based, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 23, 3, 1366, 2021.
  • N. Oton, M. T. Iqbal, Low-cost open source IoT-based SCADA system for a BTS site using ESP32 and Arduino IoT cloud, In 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 0681-0685, 2021.
  • Actec, Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries, PaqPOWER NCR18650GA Li-Ion battery, (Accessed:10/01/2024) URL
  • J. Lee, D. Kwon, M. G. Pecht, Reduction of Li-ion battery qualification time based on prognostics and health management, IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 66, 9, 7310-7315, 2018.
  • Int1: Akü izleme monitörü, (Accessed:10/01/2024)
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hibrit ve Elektrikli Araçlar ve Güç Aktarma Organları
Bölüm Article

Mustafa Aydın 0000-0002-6187-6722

İsmail Gürbüz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1762-9388

Proje Numarası 2022FEBE030
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, M., & Gürbüz, İ. (2024). IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 13(4), 170-179.
AMA Aydın M, Gürbüz İ. IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. Aralık 2024;13(4):170-179. doi:10.18245/ijaet.1553298
Chicago Aydın, Mustafa, ve İsmail Gürbüz. “IoT Based a Low Cost Battery Monitoring System Using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT Cloud Platform”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 13, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 170-79.
EndNote Aydın M, Gürbüz İ (01 Aralık 2024) IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 13 4 170–179.
IEEE M. Aydın ve İ. Gürbüz, “IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, c. 13, sy. 4, ss. 170–179, 2024, doi: 10.18245/ijaet.1553298.
ISNAD Aydın, Mustafa - Gürbüz, İsmail. “IoT Based a Low Cost Battery Monitoring System Using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT Cloud Platform”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 13/4 (Aralık 2024), 170-179.
JAMA Aydın M, Gürbüz İ. IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2024;13:170–179.
MLA Aydın, Mustafa ve İsmail Gürbüz. “IoT Based a Low Cost Battery Monitoring System Using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT Cloud Platform”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, c. 13, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 170-9, doi:10.18245/ijaet.1553298.
Vancouver Aydın M, Gürbüz İ. IoT based a low cost battery monitoring system using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT cloud platform. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2024;13(4):170-9.