Yıl 2024,
, 61 - 75, 30.06.2024
İbrahim Kızıldağ
Bülent Yıldız
- Abdou, A. H., Hassan, T. H., & El Dief, M. M. (2020). A description of green hotel practices and their role in achieving sustainable development. Sustainability, 12(22), 1-20.
- Abdou, A. H., Hassan, T. H., Salem, A. E., Albakhit, A. I., Almakhayitah, M. Y., & Salama, W. (2022). The Nexus between Environmentally Sustainable Practices, Green Satisfaction, and Customer Citizenship Behavior in Eco-Friendly Hotels: Social Exchange Theory Perspective. Sustainability, 14(19), 1-20.
- Abdou, A. H., Shehata, H. S., Mahmoud, H. M. E., Albakhit, A. I., & Almakhayitah, M. Y. (2022b). The Effect of Environmentally Sustainable Practices on Customer Citizenship Behavior in Eco-Friendly Hotels: Does the Green Perceived Value Matter? Sustainability, 14(12), 1-19.
- Adetola, O. J., Aghazadeh, S., & Abdullahi, M. (2021). Perceived environmental concern, knowledge, and intention to visit green hotels: Do perceived consumption values matter? Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 15(2), 240-264.
- Al Fahmawee, E. A. D., & Jawabreh, O. (2023). Sustainability of Green Tourism by International Tourists and its Impact on Green Environmental Achievement: Petra Heritage, Jordan. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites, 46(1), 27-36.
- Andari, R., & Setiyorini, H. P. D. (2016). Green tourism role in creating sustainable urban tourism. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary, 11(2), 18-26.
- Balderjahn, I. (1988). Personality variables and environmental attitudes as predictors of ecologically responsible consumption patterns. Journal of Business Research, 17(1), 51-56.
- Boronat-Navarro, M., & Pérez-Aranda, J. A. (2020). Analyzing willingness to pay more to stay in a sustainable hotel. Sustainability, 12(9), 1-17.
- Bulut, C., Nazli, M., Aydin, E., & Haque, A. U. (2021). The effect of environmental concern on conscious green consumption of post-millennials: The moderating role of greenwashing perceptions. Young Consumers, 22(2), 306-319.
- Chang, Y. S., Yue, Z., Qureshi, M., Rasheed, M. I., Wu, S., & Peng, M. Y. P. (2022). Residents' waste mobile recycling planned behavior model: The role of environmental concern and risk perception. International Journal of Emerging Markets, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-08-2021-1215
- Cheng, J. C. H., Chiang, A. H., Yuan, Y., & Huang, M. Y. (2018). Exploring antecedents of green tourism behaviors: A case study in suburban areas of Taipei, Taiwan. Sustainability, 10(6), 1-17.
- Çavuşoğlu, S., & Durmaz, Y. (2019). Yeşil davranışlara karşı tutumun ziyaret niyetine etkisinde yeşil imajın düzenleyicilik rolü: Yeşil oteller örneği. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 29(2), 303-315.
- D’Souza, C., Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., & Brouwer, A. R. (2021). Marketing for sustainability: Travelers’ intentions to stay in green hotels. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(2), 187-202.
- De Bruyn, C., Said, F. B., Meyer, N., & Soliman, M. (2023). Research in tourism sustainability: A comprehensive bibliometric analysis from 1990 to 2022. Heliyon, 9, 1-22.
- Fauzi, M. A., Hanafiah, M. H., & Kunjuraman, V. (2022). Tourists' intention to visit green hotels: Building on the theory of planned behavior and the value-belief-norm theory. Journal of Tourism Futures, https://doi.org/10.1108/JTF-01-2022-0008
- Fujii, S. (2006). Environmental concern, attitude toward frugality, and ease of behavior as determinants of pro-environmental behavior intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26(4), 262-268.
- Galeazzo, A., Ortiz-de-Mandojana, N., & Delgado-Ceballos, J. (2021). Green procurement and financial performance in the tourism industry: The moderating role of tourists’ green purchasing behavior. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(5), 700-716.
- Gazeloğlu, C., & Erkılıç, E. (2020). Bilimsel araştırmalarda temel örnekleme yöntemleri. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Goethals, F., & Ziegelmayer, J. L. (2023). The greening of IT use: The impact of environmental concerns on the use of internet systems. Information Technology & People, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-11-2021-0844
- Gupta, V., Sajnani, M., Dixit, S. K., Mishra, A., & Gani, M. O. (2023). Are consumers influenced by the use of green practices in five-star hotels: An assessment of guest's revisit intentions, inclusive ratings, and hotel performance. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 9(1), 159-181.
- Han, H., Hsu, L. T. J., & Lee, J. S. (2009). Empirical investigation of the roles of attitudes toward green behaviors, overall image, gender, and age in hotel customers’ eco-friendly decision-making process. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(4), 519-528.
- Han, H., Hsu, L. T. J., & Sheu, C. (2010). Application of the theory of planned behavior to green hotel choice: Testing the effect of environmental friendly activities. Tourism Management, 31(3), 325-334.
- Han, H., Moon, H., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Uncovering the determinants of pro-environmental consumption for green hotels and green restaurants: A mixed-method approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(4), 1581-1603.
- Han, X., & Chan, K. (2013). Perception of green hotels among tourists in Hong Kong: An exploratory study. Services Marketing Quarterly, 34(4), 339-352.
- Hashish, M. E. S., Abdou, A. H., Mohamed, S. A. K., Elenain, A. S. A., & Salama, W. (2022). The nexus between green perceived quality, green satisfaction, green trust, and customers’ green behavioral intentions in eco-friendly hotels: A structural equation modeling approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 1-21.
- Hou, H., & Wu, H. (2021). Tourists’ perceptions of green building design and their intention of staying in green hotel. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(1), 115-128.
- Huang, Y. C., & Liu, C. H. S. (2017). Moderating and mediating roles of environmental concern and ecotourism experience for revisit intention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(7), 1854-1872.
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- Ibnou-Laaroussi, S., Rjoub, H., & Wong, W. K. (2020). Sustainability of green tourism among international tourists and its influence on the achievement of green environment: Evidence from North Cyprus. Sustainability, 12(14), 1-24.
- Jian, Y., Yu, I. Y., Yang, M. X., & Zeng, K. J. (2020). The impacts of fear and uncertainty of COVID-19 on environmental concerns, brand trust, and behavioral intentions toward green hotels. Sustainability, 12(20), 1-14.
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The Effect of Environmental Concern on The Intention to Participate in Green Tourism
Yıl 2024,
, 61 - 75, 30.06.2024
İbrahim Kızıldağ
Bülent Yıldız
Environmental pollution is increasing in the world. This situation causes an increase in the level of concern for the environment in individuals. For this reason, sustainability has become as important in the tourism sector as in other sectors. Changes have also started to occur in the preferences of consumers who are sensitive to the environment. Thus, the purpose of this research was to examine how environmental concern influences one's perspective on green tourism as well as their desire to engage in such activities. In order to do this, 394 consumers from different provinces of Türkiye were surveyed using questionnaires. Anxieties about the environment significantly influence one's outlook on ecotourism, according to structural equation modelling research. A person's positive attitude about green tourism significantly influences their propensity to engage in green tourism. A high mediating function for attitude towards green tourism was found in the effect of environmental concern on intention to participate in green tourism, according to the process macro analysis. Researchers, policymakers, and the sector as a whole were all given suggestions based on the study's conclusions.
Etik Beyan
For the research, permission was obtained from Kastamonu University Publication Ethics Board on 07.09.2023 with the decision numbered 10/13.
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- Abdou, A. H., Shehata, H. S., Mahmoud, H. M. E., Albakhit, A. I., & Almakhayitah, M. Y. (2022b). The Effect of Environmentally Sustainable Practices on Customer Citizenship Behavior in Eco-Friendly Hotels: Does the Green Perceived Value Matter? Sustainability, 14(12), 1-19.
- Adetola, O. J., Aghazadeh, S., & Abdullahi, M. (2021). Perceived environmental concern, knowledge, and intention to visit green hotels: Do perceived consumption values matter? Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 15(2), 240-264.
- Al Fahmawee, E. A. D., & Jawabreh, O. (2023). Sustainability of Green Tourism by International Tourists and its Impact on Green Environmental Achievement: Petra Heritage, Jordan. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites, 46(1), 27-36.
- Andari, R., & Setiyorini, H. P. D. (2016). Green tourism role in creating sustainable urban tourism. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary, 11(2), 18-26.
- Balderjahn, I. (1988). Personality variables and environmental attitudes as predictors of ecologically responsible consumption patterns. Journal of Business Research, 17(1), 51-56.
- Boronat-Navarro, M., & Pérez-Aranda, J. A. (2020). Analyzing willingness to pay more to stay in a sustainable hotel. Sustainability, 12(9), 1-17.
- Bulut, C., Nazli, M., Aydin, E., & Haque, A. U. (2021). The effect of environmental concern on conscious green consumption of post-millennials: The moderating role of greenwashing perceptions. Young Consumers, 22(2), 306-319.
- Chang, Y. S., Yue, Z., Qureshi, M., Rasheed, M. I., Wu, S., & Peng, M. Y. P. (2022). Residents' waste mobile recycling planned behavior model: The role of environmental concern and risk perception. International Journal of Emerging Markets, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-08-2021-1215
- Cheng, J. C. H., Chiang, A. H., Yuan, Y., & Huang, M. Y. (2018). Exploring antecedents of green tourism behaviors: A case study in suburban areas of Taipei, Taiwan. Sustainability, 10(6), 1-17.
- Çavuşoğlu, S., & Durmaz, Y. (2019). Yeşil davranışlara karşı tutumun ziyaret niyetine etkisinde yeşil imajın düzenleyicilik rolü: Yeşil oteller örneği. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 29(2), 303-315.
- D’Souza, C., Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., & Brouwer, A. R. (2021). Marketing for sustainability: Travelers’ intentions to stay in green hotels. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(2), 187-202.
- De Bruyn, C., Said, F. B., Meyer, N., & Soliman, M. (2023). Research in tourism sustainability: A comprehensive bibliometric analysis from 1990 to 2022. Heliyon, 9, 1-22.
- Fauzi, M. A., Hanafiah, M. H., & Kunjuraman, V. (2022). Tourists' intention to visit green hotels: Building on the theory of planned behavior and the value-belief-norm theory. Journal of Tourism Futures, https://doi.org/10.1108/JTF-01-2022-0008
- Fujii, S. (2006). Environmental concern, attitude toward frugality, and ease of behavior as determinants of pro-environmental behavior intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26(4), 262-268.
- Galeazzo, A., Ortiz-de-Mandojana, N., & Delgado-Ceballos, J. (2021). Green procurement and financial performance in the tourism industry: The moderating role of tourists’ green purchasing behavior. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(5), 700-716.
- Gazeloğlu, C., & Erkılıç, E. (2020). Bilimsel araştırmalarda temel örnekleme yöntemleri. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Goethals, F., & Ziegelmayer, J. L. (2023). The greening of IT use: The impact of environmental concerns on the use of internet systems. Information Technology & People, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-11-2021-0844
- Gupta, V., Sajnani, M., Dixit, S. K., Mishra, A., & Gani, M. O. (2023). Are consumers influenced by the use of green practices in five-star hotels: An assessment of guest's revisit intentions, inclusive ratings, and hotel performance. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 9(1), 159-181.
- Han, H., Hsu, L. T. J., & Lee, J. S. (2009). Empirical investigation of the roles of attitudes toward green behaviors, overall image, gender, and age in hotel customers’ eco-friendly decision-making process. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(4), 519-528.
- Han, H., Hsu, L. T. J., & Sheu, C. (2010). Application of the theory of planned behavior to green hotel choice: Testing the effect of environmental friendly activities. Tourism Management, 31(3), 325-334.
- Han, H., Moon, H., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Uncovering the determinants of pro-environmental consumption for green hotels and green restaurants: A mixed-method approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(4), 1581-1603.
- Han, X., & Chan, K. (2013). Perception of green hotels among tourists in Hong Kong: An exploratory study. Services Marketing Quarterly, 34(4), 339-352.
- Hashish, M. E. S., Abdou, A. H., Mohamed, S. A. K., Elenain, A. S. A., & Salama, W. (2022). The nexus between green perceived quality, green satisfaction, green trust, and customers’ green behavioral intentions in eco-friendly hotels: A structural equation modeling approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 1-21.
- Hou, H., & Wu, H. (2021). Tourists’ perceptions of green building design and their intention of staying in green hotel. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(1), 115-128.
- Huang, Y. C., & Liu, C. H. S. (2017). Moderating and mediating roles of environmental concern and ecotourism experience for revisit intention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(7), 1854-1872.
- Hui-min, G., Jinging, G., Fan, G., & Shan, L. (2011, June). Study on green tourism consumptions of Chinese tourist with different environment perception. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Beijing, China (8-11).
- Ibnou-Laaroussi, S., Rjoub, H., & Wong, W. K. (2020). Sustainability of green tourism among international tourists and its influence on the achievement of green environment: Evidence from North Cyprus. Sustainability, 12(14), 1-24.
- Jian, Y., Yu, I. Y., Yang, M. X., & Zeng, K. J. (2020). The impacts of fear and uncertainty of COVID-19 on environmental concerns, brand trust, and behavioral intentions toward green hotels. Sustainability, 12(20), 1-14.
- Jiang, Y., & Kim, Y. (2015). Developing multi-dimensional green value: Extending social exchange theory to explore customers’ purchase intention in green hotels–evidence from Korea. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(2), 308-334.
- Kement, Ü. (2018). Çevresel kaygı ve algılanan ahlaki yükümlülüğün yeşil otelleri ziyaret etme niyetine etkisinin incelenmesi. Turizm Akademik Dergisi, 5(2), 203-214.
- Khalil, N., Che Abdullah, S. N., Haron, S. N., & Hamid, M. Y. (2022). A review of green practices and initiatives from stakeholder’s perspectives towards sustainable hotel operations and performance impact. Journal of Facilities Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/JFM-03-2022-0025
- Kim, Y. J., Palakurthi, R., & Hancer, M. (2012). The environmentally friendly programs in hotels and customers' intention to stay: An online survey approach. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 13(3), 195-214.
- Kwon, J., & Ahn, J. (2021). Socio-demographic characteristics and green consumption behavior in developing countries: The case of Malaysia. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(8), 1213-1231.
- Lee, Y. K., Kim, S., Kim, M. S., & Choi, J. G. (2014). Antecedents and interrelationships of three types of pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Business Research, 67(10), 2097-2105.
- Liao, Y. K., Wu, W. Y., & Pham, T. T. (2020). Examining the moderating effects of green marketing and green psychological benefits on customers’ green attitude, value, and purchase intention. Sustainability, 12(18), 1-19.
- Lou, X., & Li, L. M. W. (2021). The relationship between identity and environmental concern: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 76, 1-15.
- Manaktola, K., & Jauhari, V. (2007). Exploring consumer attitude and behavior towards green practices in the lodging industry in India. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(5), 364-377.
- Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Çiğdem, Ş., Yıldız, B., & Davidavicius, S. (2021). The effect of perceptions on service robot usage intention: A survey study in the service sector. Sustainability, 13(17), 9655.
- Mohd Noor, N. A., Hasan, H., & Kumar M, D. (2014). Exploring tourists intention to stay at green hotel: The influences of environmental attitudes and hotel attributes. The Macrotheme Review, 3(7), 22-33.
- Mohd Suki, N., & Mohd Suki, N. (2015). Consumers’ environmental behavior towards staying at a green hotel: Moderation of green hotel knowledge. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 26(1), 103-117.
- Mukherjee, B., & Chandra, B. (2022). Unravelling the differential effects of pride and guilt along with values on green intention through environmental concern and attitude. Kybernetes, 51(7), 2273-2304.
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- Nimri, R., Patiar, A., & Jin, X. (2022). The impact of message framing on travellers’ behavioural intentions towards green hotels. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 17(3), 249-263.
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