Yıl 2020,
, 1 - 14, 30.06.2020
Derya Demirdelen
Mithat Zeki Dinçer
Füsun İstanbullu Dinçer
With the growth and
expansion of the alternative accommodation sector and especially the increasing
demand for Airbnb offerings, the competition in the accommodation sector has
significantly increased. Although several attempts have been made to identify the
factors that determine guest satisfaction in traditional lodging businesses,
little is known about the key factors that Airbnb guests appreciate during
their stays. Therefore, the key objective of the study is to identify the main
factors determining guest satisfaction in Airbnb accommodation businesses.
Applying a netnography approach, online reviews posted about Airbnb lists
operating in Istanbul were retrieved from ‘Inside Airbnb’ database and content
analyzed. The most recent 350 reviews were selected from the total online
reviews available (171158). The findings, supported by an Nvivo Word Cloud,
suggest that the location of the house/facility, the host's attitude, and the
house/room facilities were frequently mentioned and
praised by guests. The study adds to the limited literature on satisfaction
with Airbnb and provides real-life implications for Airbnb hosts.
- Ahani, A., Nilashi, M., Ibrahim, O., Sanzogni, L., & Weaven, S. (2019). Market segmentation and travel choice prediction in Spa hotels through TripAdvisor’s online reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 52-77.
- Airbnb (2019), Airbnb Genel Bakış, 08 Mayıs 2019 tarihinde https://www.airbnb.com.tr/host/homes?from_nav=1 adresinden alınmıştır.
- Airdna, (2019). Market Overview. 10 Şubat 2019 tarihinde https://www.airdna.co/vacation-rental-data/app/tr/default/istanbul/overview adresinden alınmıştır.
- Alrawadieh Z.ve D. Demirdelen (2019), Turizm ve Ağırlama Endüstrisinde Paylaşım Ekonomisi, Detay Yayıncılık
- Alrawadieh, Z., & Alrawadieh, Z. (2018). Exploring entrepreneurship in the sharing accommodation sector: Empirical evidence from a developing country. Tourism Management Perspectives, 28, 179-188.
- Alrawadieh, Z., & Alrawadieh, Z. (2019). Developing a typology of tourist harassment in archeological sites: a netnographic approach. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1-17.
- Alrawadieh, Z., & Law, R. (2019). Determinants of hotel guests’ satisfaction from the perspective of online hotel reviewers. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(1), 84-97.
- Barreda, A., & Bilgihan, A. (2013). An analysis of user-generated content for hotel experiences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 4(3), 263-280.
- Belarmino, A., Whalen, E., Koh, Y., & Bowen, J. T. (2019). Comparing guests’ key attributes of peer-to-peer accommodations and hotels: mixed-methods approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(1), 1-7.
- Berezina, K., Bilgihan, A., Cobanoglu, C., & Okumus, F. (2016). Understanding satisfied and dissatisfied hotel customers: text mining of online hotel reviews. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(1), 1-24.
- Bridges, J., & Vásquez, C. (2018). If nearly all Airbnb reviews are positive, does that make them meaningless?. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(18), 2057-2075.
- Cantallops, A. S., & Salvi, F. (2014). New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 41-51.
- Cetin, G., & Dincer, F. I. (2014). Influence of customer experience on loyalty and word-of-mouth in hospitality operations. Anatolia, 25(2), 181-194.
- Cheng, B. L., Gan, C. C., Imrie, B. C., & Mansori, S. (2018). Service recovery, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: evidence from Malaysia’s hotel industry. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences.
- Cheng, M., & Jin, X. (2019). What do Airbnb users care about? An analysis of online review comments. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, 58-70.
- Cró, S., & Martins, A. M. (2018). Hotel and hostel location in Lisbon: looking for their determinants. Tourism Geographies, 20(3), 504-523.
- De Carlos, P., Alén, E., Pérez-González, A., & Figueroa, B. (2019). Cultural differences, language attitudes and tourist satisfaction: a study in the Barcelona hotel sector. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 40(2), 133-147.
- Dinçer, M. Z., & Alrawadieh, Z. (2017). Negative word of mouse in the hotel industry: A content analysis of online reviews on luxury hotels in Jordan. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 26(8), 785-804.
- Ert, E., & Fleischer, A. (2019). The evolution of trust in Airbnb: A case of home rental. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 279-287.
- Ert, E., Fleischer, A., & Magen, N. (2016). Trust and reputation in the sharing economy: The role of personal photos in Airbnb. Tourism Management, 55, 62-73.
- Eugenio-Martin, J. L., Cazorla-Artiles, J. M., & González-Martel, C. (2019). On the determinants of Airbnb location and its spatial distribution. Tourism Economics, 1354816618825415.
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- Fereday, J., & Muir-Cochrane, E. (2006). Demonstrating rigor using thematic analysis: A hybrid approach of inductive and deductive coding and theme development. International journal of qualitative methods, 5(1), 80-92.
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- Guttentag, D., Smith, S., Potwarka, L., & Havitz, M. (2018). Why tourists choose Airbnb: A motivation-based segmentation study. Journal of Travel Research, 57(3), 342-359.
- Hamari, J., Sjöklint, M., & Ukkonen, A. (2016). The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption. Journal of the association for information science and technology, 67(9), 2047-2059.
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Yıl 2020,
, 1 - 14, 30.06.2020
Derya Demirdelen
Mithat Zeki Dinçer
Füsun İstanbullu Dinçer
Alternatif konaklama olanakları son dönemlerde artmaya başlamıştır. Özellikle Airbnb gibi paylaşım ekonomisi kapsamında faaliyet gösteren girişimlere artan talep, konaklama sektöründeki rekabeti ciddi anlamda yoğunlaştırmıştır. Geleneksel konaklama işletmelerinde misafir memnuniyetini sağlayan faktörleri belirleyen birçok araştırma yapılmış olmasına karşın, Airbnb ile konaklama yapan misafirlerin memnuniyetlerini belirleyen faktörler üzerine henüz yeterince araştırma yapılmamıştır. Çalışmanın ana amacı Airbnb ile konaklamayı tercih eden misafirlerin memnuniyet faktörlerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla, İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren Airbnb evleriyle ilgili olumlu yorumlar ‘Inside Airbnb’ veri tabanından alınarak netnografi yöntemi ve içerik çözümlemesi tekniğiyle incelenmiştir. İlgili veri tabanında toplam 171158 yorumdan 350 olumlu yorum en güncel olandan başlamak üzere seçilerek analize tabi tutulmuştur. Geleneksel içerik çözümlemesi yöntemiyle elde edilen boyut ve temalar Nvivo 12 kelime bulutu oluşturularak desteklenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, Airbnb ile konaklayan misafirler, memnuniyetlerini ifade ederken en çok ‘evin konumu’, ‘ev sahibinin tutumu’ ve ‘tesis veya odanın olanakları’ üzerinde yorumlar yapmışlardır. Çalışma, Airbnb misafirlerinin memnuniyet faktörlerini belirleyerek bu alanda gelişen alan yazına teorik katkıda bulunmakta ve Airbnb ev sahiplerine yönelik pratik öneriler sunmaktadır.
- Ahani, A., Nilashi, M., Ibrahim, O., Sanzogni, L., & Weaven, S. (2019). Market segmentation and travel choice prediction in Spa hotels through TripAdvisor’s online reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 52-77.
- Airbnb (2019), Airbnb Genel Bakış, 08 Mayıs 2019 tarihinde https://www.airbnb.com.tr/host/homes?from_nav=1 adresinden alınmıştır.
- Airdna, (2019). Market Overview. 10 Şubat 2019 tarihinde https://www.airdna.co/vacation-rental-data/app/tr/default/istanbul/overview adresinden alınmıştır.
- Alrawadieh Z.ve D. Demirdelen (2019), Turizm ve Ağırlama Endüstrisinde Paylaşım Ekonomisi, Detay Yayıncılık
- Alrawadieh, Z., & Alrawadieh, Z. (2018). Exploring entrepreneurship in the sharing accommodation sector: Empirical evidence from a developing country. Tourism Management Perspectives, 28, 179-188.
- Alrawadieh, Z., & Alrawadieh, Z. (2019). Developing a typology of tourist harassment in archeological sites: a netnographic approach. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1-17.
- Alrawadieh, Z., & Law, R. (2019). Determinants of hotel guests’ satisfaction from the perspective of online hotel reviewers. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(1), 84-97.
- Barreda, A., & Bilgihan, A. (2013). An analysis of user-generated content for hotel experiences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 4(3), 263-280.
- Belarmino, A., Whalen, E., Koh, Y., & Bowen, J. T. (2019). Comparing guests’ key attributes of peer-to-peer accommodations and hotels: mixed-methods approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(1), 1-7.
- Berezina, K., Bilgihan, A., Cobanoglu, C., & Okumus, F. (2016). Understanding satisfied and dissatisfied hotel customers: text mining of online hotel reviews. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(1), 1-24.
- Bridges, J., & Vásquez, C. (2018). If nearly all Airbnb reviews are positive, does that make them meaningless?. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(18), 2057-2075.
- Cantallops, A. S., & Salvi, F. (2014). New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 41-51.
- Cetin, G., & Dincer, F. I. (2014). Influence of customer experience on loyalty and word-of-mouth in hospitality operations. Anatolia, 25(2), 181-194.
- Cheng, B. L., Gan, C. C., Imrie, B. C., & Mansori, S. (2018). Service recovery, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: evidence from Malaysia’s hotel industry. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences.
- Cheng, M., & Jin, X. (2019). What do Airbnb users care about? An analysis of online review comments. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, 58-70.
- Cró, S., & Martins, A. M. (2018). Hotel and hostel location in Lisbon: looking for their determinants. Tourism Geographies, 20(3), 504-523.
- De Carlos, P., Alén, E., Pérez-González, A., & Figueroa, B. (2019). Cultural differences, language attitudes and tourist satisfaction: a study in the Barcelona hotel sector. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 40(2), 133-147.
- Dinçer, M. Z., & Alrawadieh, Z. (2017). Negative word of mouse in the hotel industry: A content analysis of online reviews on luxury hotels in Jordan. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 26(8), 785-804.
- Ert, E., & Fleischer, A. (2019). The evolution of trust in Airbnb: A case of home rental. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 279-287.
- Ert, E., Fleischer, A., & Magen, N. (2016). Trust and reputation in the sharing economy: The role of personal photos in Airbnb. Tourism Management, 55, 62-73.
- Eugenio-Martin, J. L., Cazorla-Artiles, J. M., & González-Martel, C. (2019). On the determinants of Airbnb location and its spatial distribution. Tourism Economics, 1354816618825415.
- Fang, B., Ye, Q., & Law, R. (2016). Effect of sharing economy on tourism industry employment. Annals of Tourism Research, 57(3), 264-267.
- Fereday, J., & Muir-Cochrane, E. (2006). Demonstrating rigor using thematic analysis: A hybrid approach of inductive and deductive coding and theme development. International journal of qualitative methods, 5(1), 80-92.
- Guo, Y., Barnes, S. J., & Jia, Q. (2017). Mining meaning from online ratings and reviews: Tourist satisfaction analysis using latent dirichlet allocation. Tourism Management, 59, 467-483.
- Gurran, N., & Phibbs, P. (2017). When tourists move in: how should urban planners respond to Airbnb?. Journal of the American planning association, 83(1), 80-92.
- Gursoy, D., Cai, R., & Anaya, G. J. (2017). Developing a typology of disruptive customer behaviors: Influence of customer misbehavior on service experience of by-standing customers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(9), 2341-2360
- Guttentag, D. (2015). Airbnb: disruptive innovation and the rise of an informal tourism accommodation sector. Current issues in Tourism, 18(12), 1192-1217.
- Guttentag, D. A., & Smith, S. L. (2017). Assessing Airbnb as a disruptive innovation relative to hotels: Substitution and comparative performance expectations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 64, 1–10.
- Guttentag, D., Smith, S., Potwarka, L., & Havitz, M. (2018). Why tourists choose Airbnb: A motivation-based segmentation study. Journal of Travel Research, 57(3), 342-359.
- Hamari, J., Sjöklint, M., & Ukkonen, A. (2016). The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption. Journal of the association for information science and technology, 67(9), 2047-2059.
- Heo, Y. (2016). Sharing economy and prospects in tourism research. Annals of Tourism Research, 58, 166-170.
- Hu, Y. H., Chen, Y. L., & Chou, H. L. (2017). Opinion mining from online hotel reviews–A text summarization approach. Information Processing & Management, 53(2), 436-449.
- Hussain, S., Ahmed, W., Jafar, R. M. S., Rabnawaz, A., & Jianzhou, Y. (2017). eWOM source credibility, perceived risk and food product customer's information adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 96-102.
- Ju, Y., Back, K. J., Choi, Y., & Lee, J. S. (2019). Exploring Airbnb service quality attributes and their asymmetric effects on customer satisfaction. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 342-352.
- Kastenholz, E., Carneiro, M. J., Marques, C. P., & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2018). The dimensions of rural tourism experience: impacts on arousal, memory, and satisfaction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(2), 189-201.
- Khoo-Lattimore, C., & Ekiz, E. H. (2014). Power in praise: Exploring online compliments on luxury hotels in Malaysia. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(3), 152-159.
- Kim, J. H., Ritchie, J. R., & Tung, V. W. S. (2010). The effect of memorable experience on behavioral intentions in tourism: A structural equation modeling approach. Tourism Analysis, 15(6), 637-648.
- Kim, W. G., Lim, H., & Brymer, R. A. (2015). The effectiveness of managing social media on hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 44, 165-171.
- Kozak, M., & Rimmington, M. (2000). Tourist satisfaction with Mallorca, Spain, as an off-season holiday destination. Journal of travel research, 38(3), 260-269.
- Kozinets, R. V. (2002). The field behind the screen: Using netnography for marketing research in online communities. Journal of marketing research, 39(1), 61-72.
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