Towards Sustainable Beach Tourism: Analysis of Beach Attractiveness, Overall Experience, and Revisit Intention in Coastal Ghana
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 13 - 30, 30.06.2024
Collins Dodzi Dzitse
Spencer Doku
James Atorku Dogbe
Mercy Nkrumah
Beaches are distinctive destinations, and their attractiveness is decisive for attracting tourists, enriching their experiences, and sustaining coastal tourism. This study investigates how different dimensions of beach attractiveness—scenery and cleanliness, facilities and services, geophysical aspects, and access and comfort—affect visitors’ overall beach experience and revisit intention. By utilizing structural equation modelling (SEM) in AMOS, with data from 311 respondents, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these factors contribute to beach tourism sustainability. The mediating role of overall beach experience between beach attractiveness and revisit intention was also examined. The findings indicate that beach scenery and cleanliness, geophysical aspects, and facilities and services have direct positive effects on the overall experience of beach users. The results also revealed the positive direct effects of beach scenery and cleanliness, and geophysical aspects on revisit intention. Finally, overall experience mediated the positive indirect effects of facilities and services and access and comfort dimensions on revisit intention. These findings underscore the importance of enhancing beach attractiveness and improving user experience to encourage revisitation and promote sustainable beach tourism. The results are further discussed from a demand perspective and implications are provided for beach management, policymakers, regulators, and local governments on the supply side to support the development of sustainable beach tourism in Ghana.
Etik Beyan
Ethics committee approval is not required for this study because the data utilized for this paper were obtained from a supervised Master’s thesis titled “Visitors’ Perceptions and Experiences of Pollution at Beaches in the Accra Metropolis of Ghana” undertaken by the lead author, which was completed and submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Cape Coast, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management in 2021. The thesis procedures adhered to all the ethical regulations set forth by the university as well as those stipulated by the Ghana Tourism Authority - Department of Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation. Additionally, the study was conducted in compliance with Ghana’s laws. Therefore, no further ethical clearance was deemed necessary for the utilization of the data in this study.
- Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
- Ajzen, I., & Madden, T. J. (1986). Prediction of goal-directed behavior: attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22(5), 453-474.
- Alegre, J., & Garau, J. (2011). The factor structure of tourist satisfaction at sun and sand destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 78-86, 287509349270
- Alegre, J., & Cladera, M. (2006). Repeat visitation in mature sun and sand holiday destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 44(3), 288–297.
- Andersen, P. A., Paladino, A., & Solberg, S. L. (2016). Tourism and water: Interactions, impacts, and challenges. Channel View Publications.
- Barsalou, L. W. (2008). Grounded cognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 617-645.
- Breiby, M. A & Slåtten, T. (2018). The role of aesthetic experiential qualities for tourist satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(1), 1-14,
- Cavagnaro, D.E. (2017). Tourism and water. Journal of Tourism Futures, 3(1), 81-82.
- Crompton, J. L. (1979). An assessment of the image of Mexico as a vacation destination and the influence of geographical location upon that image. Journal of Travel Research, 17(4), 18-23.
- Dang, L. & Weiss, J. (2021). Evidence on the relationship between place attachment and behavioral intentions between 2010 and 2021: A systematic literature review. Sustainability 13(23), 13138.
- Dann, G. M. (1981). Tourist Motivation: An Appraisal. Annals of Tourism Research, 8(2), 187-219.
- Dodds, R., & Holmes, M.R. (2019). Beach tourists; what factors satisfy them and drive them to return. Ocean & Coastal Management, 168, 158-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.10.034
- Dzitse, C. D., & Amoah, C. O. (2024). Intrinsic beauty and emotional experiences: How beach appeal shapes tourists’ revisit intentions in emerging coastal destinations in Ghana. Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 10(1), 12-22.
- Dzitse, C. D., Doku, S., & Mwinnuore, M. K. (2023). Recreational experience among beach users in Ghana: Insights for beach management. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 13(2), 236-251.
- Formica, S., & Uysal, M. (2006). Destination attractiveness based on supply and demand evaluations: An analytical framework. Journal of Travel Research, 45(2), 418-430. DOI: 10.1177/0047287506286714
- Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39–50.
- Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G. & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 175-191.
- Gonzalez, S. A., & Holtmann-Ahumada, G. (2017). Quality of tourist beaches in Chile: A first approach for ecosystem-based management. Ocean & Management, 137(3), 154-164
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate data analysis (Vol. 6). Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed, a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). Pearson.
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2018). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.).Cengage Learning.
- Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) (2nd ed.). Sage.
- Hasan, M. K., Abdullah, S. K., Lew, T. Y., & Islam, M. F. (2020). Determining factors of tourists’ loyalty to beach tourism destinations: A structural model. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(1), 169-187.
- Hayes, A. F., & Scharkow, M. (2013). The relative trustworthiness of inferential tests of the indirect effect in statistical mediation analysis: Does method really matter? Psychological Science, 24(10), 1918-1927.
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (2009). Calculating the sample size.
- Jackie-Ong, L., & Smith, R. A (2014) Perception and reality of managing sustainable coastal tourism in emerging destinations: the case of Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22(2), 256-278. Doi: 10.1080/09669582.2013.809091
- Karim, R.A., Rabiul, M.K. and Arfat, S.M. (2023). Factors influencing tourists’ behavioural intentions towards beach destinations: The mediating roles of destination experience and destination satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Khairi, M., & Darmawan, D. (2021). The relationship between destination attractiveness, location, tourism facilities, and revisit intentions. Journal of Marketing and Business Research (MARK), 1(1), 39-50.
- Kim, J. H., & Perdue, R. R. (2011). The Influence of Image on destination attractiveness. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(3), 225-239. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2011.562850
- Kim, S. S., Lee, C. K., & Klenosky, D. B. (2003). The influence of push and pull factors at Korean national parks. Tourism Management, 24(2), 169-180.
- Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. The Guilford Press.
- Krelling, A.P., Williams, A.T., & Turra, A., (2017). Differences in perception and reaction of tourist groups to beach marine debris that can influence a loss of tourism revenue in coastal areas. Marine Policy, 85, 87 - 99. /10.1016/j.marpol.2017.08.021.
- Krešić, D., & Prebežac, D. (2011). Index of destination attractiveness as a tool for destination attractiveness assessment. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 59(4), 497-517.
- Lee, Y. K., Lee, C. K., Lee, S. K., & Babin, B. J. (2008). Festivalscapes and patrons' emotions, satisfaction, and loyalty. Journal of business research, 61(1), 56-64.
- Leiner, D. J. (2014). Convenient Samples and respondents. Doi:10.11648/j.ajtas. 20160501.11
- Lew, A. A., & Larson, M. (2005). tourism’s role in inducing secondary home ownership. In C. M. Hall & D. Müller (Eds.), Tourism, Mobility, and Second Homes: Between Elite Landscape and Common Ground (pp. 97-115). Channel View Publications.
- Lucrezi, S., Saayman, M., & van der Merwe, P. (2016). An assessment tool for sandy beaches: a case for integrating beach description, human dimension, and economic factors to identify priority management issues. Oceans and Coastal Management, 121(1), 1-22
- Mehmetoglu, M., & Engen, M. (2011). Pine and Gilmore’s concept of experience economy and its dimensions: An empirical examination in tourism. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4), 237-255.
- Mehranian, H., & Marzuki, A. (2018). Beach users’ perceptions toward beach quality and crowding: A case of Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.
- Memon, M. A., Ting, H., Cheah, J., Ramayah, T., Chuah, F., and Cham, T. H. (2020). Sample size for survey research: Review and recommendations. Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, 4(2), i-xx.
- Monteiro, P. V., Salvador, R., & Soares, C. G. (2017). A microcluster approach applied to the case of the nautical tourism sector of the Algarve region (Portugal). Tourism in Marine Environments, 12(2), 105-124.
- Morgan, R. (1999). Preferences and priorities of recreational beach users in Wales. Journal of Coastal Research, 15 (3), 653–667.
- Mustapha, M. U., & Awang, Z. (2018). Potential development of beach tourism in Nigeria: The case of Lagos State. Sustainability, 10(8), 2843.
- Nguyen, X. T. (2020). Factors that influence the intentions to revisit Korea of Vietnamese tourists. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB), 7(4), 247-258.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. McGraw-Hill.
- Onofri, L., & Nunes, P. A. L. D. (2013). Beach ‘lovers’ and ‘greens’: A worldwide empirical analysis of coastal tourism Ecological Economics, 88, 49 – 56.
- Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4), 717-731.
- Reitsamer, B. F., Brunner-Sperdin, A. & Stokburger-Sauer, N. E. (2016). Destination attractiveness and destination attachment: The mediating role of tourists’ attitude. Tourism Management Perspectives, 19, 93-101.
- Roca, E. & Villares, M. (2008). Public perceptions for evaluating beach quality in urban and semi-natural environments. Ocean and Coastal Management, 51(4), 314–329.
- Scharkow, M. (2013). The reliability of content analysis codes: Testing the measurement quality of information coded with the computer-aided textual markup and analysis (CATMA) scheme. Communication Methods and Measures, 7(4), 241-255.
- Sakyi, R., & Tengan, C. (2021). Dimensions of destination attractiveness in Cape Coast. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 11(2), 135–148.
- Schuhmann, P. W., Bass, B. E., Casey, J. F., & Gill, D. A. (2016). Visitor preferences and willingness to pay for coastal attributes in Barbados. Oceans & Coastal Management, 134, 1-11. Doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.09.020
- Schuhmann, P. W. (2012). Tourist perceptions of beach cleanliness in Barbados: Implications for return visitation. Etudes Caribeennes, 19. Doi: 10.4000/ etudescribeennes.5251
- Segars, A. H. (1997). Assessing the unidimensionality of measurement: A paradigm and illustration within the context of information systems research. Omega, 25(1), 107-121.
- Stockemer, D., Stockemer, G., & Glaeser, J. (2019). Quantitative methods for the social sciences (Vol. 50, p. 185). Springer International Publishing.
- Su, L., Hsu, M. K., & Swanson, S. (2017). The effect of tourist relationship perception on destination loyalty at a world heritage site in China: The mediating role of overall destination satisfaction and trust. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(2), 180-210
- Vengesayi, S., Mavondo, F., & Reisinger, Y. (2009). Tourism destination attractiveness: Attractions, facilities, and people as predictors. Tourism Analysis, 14(5), 621 - 636.
- Williams, A. T., Rangel-Buitrago, N. G., Anfuso, G., Cervantes, O., & Botero, C.M., (2016). Litter impacts on scenery and tourism on the Colombian North Caribbean. Coastal Tourism Management, 55(3), 209–224.
- Wyles, K. J., Pahl, S., Holland, M., Thompson, R. C., & Hamylton, S. (2016). Can beach cleans do more than clean-up litter? Comparing beach cleans to other coastal activities. Environment and Behavior, 48(12), 1355-1376.
- Yangzhou Hu, & Ritchie, J. R. B. (1993). Measuring destination attractiveness: A Contextual Approach. Journal of Travel Research, 32(2), 25-34.
- Zielinski, S., Botero, C. M., & Yanes, A. (2019). To clean or not to clean? A critical review of beach cleaning methods and impacts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139(2), 390–401.
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 13 - 30, 30.06.2024
Collins Dodzi Dzitse
Spencer Doku
James Atorku Dogbe
Mercy Nkrumah
- Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
- Ajzen, I., & Madden, T. J. (1986). Prediction of goal-directed behavior: attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22(5), 453-474.
- Alegre, J., & Garau, J. (2011). The factor structure of tourist satisfaction at sun and sand destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 78-86, 287509349270
- Alegre, J., & Cladera, M. (2006). Repeat visitation in mature sun and sand holiday destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 44(3), 288–297.
- Andersen, P. A., Paladino, A., & Solberg, S. L. (2016). Tourism and water: Interactions, impacts, and challenges. Channel View Publications.
- Barsalou, L. W. (2008). Grounded cognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 617-645.
- Breiby, M. A & Slåtten, T. (2018). The role of aesthetic experiential qualities for tourist satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(1), 1-14,
- Cavagnaro, D.E. (2017). Tourism and water. Journal of Tourism Futures, 3(1), 81-82.
- Crompton, J. L. (1979). An assessment of the image of Mexico as a vacation destination and the influence of geographical location upon that image. Journal of Travel Research, 17(4), 18-23.
- Dang, L. & Weiss, J. (2021). Evidence on the relationship between place attachment and behavioral intentions between 2010 and 2021: A systematic literature review. Sustainability 13(23), 13138.
- Dann, G. M. (1981). Tourist Motivation: An Appraisal. Annals of Tourism Research, 8(2), 187-219.
- Dodds, R., & Holmes, M.R. (2019). Beach tourists; what factors satisfy them and drive them to return. Ocean & Coastal Management, 168, 158-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.10.034
- Dzitse, C. D., & Amoah, C. O. (2024). Intrinsic beauty and emotional experiences: How beach appeal shapes tourists’ revisit intentions in emerging coastal destinations in Ghana. Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 10(1), 12-22.
- Dzitse, C. D., Doku, S., & Mwinnuore, M. K. (2023). Recreational experience among beach users in Ghana: Insights for beach management. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 13(2), 236-251.
- Formica, S., & Uysal, M. (2006). Destination attractiveness based on supply and demand evaluations: An analytical framework. Journal of Travel Research, 45(2), 418-430. DOI: 10.1177/0047287506286714
- Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39–50.
- Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G. & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 175-191.
- Gonzalez, S. A., & Holtmann-Ahumada, G. (2017). Quality of tourist beaches in Chile: A first approach for ecosystem-based management. Ocean & Management, 137(3), 154-164
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate data analysis (Vol. 6). Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed, a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). Pearson.
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2018). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.).Cengage Learning.
- Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2017). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) (2nd ed.). Sage.
- Hasan, M. K., Abdullah, S. K., Lew, T. Y., & Islam, M. F. (2020). Determining factors of tourists’ loyalty to beach tourism destinations: A structural model. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(1), 169-187.
- Hayes, A. F., & Scharkow, M. (2013). The relative trustworthiness of inferential tests of the indirect effect in statistical mediation analysis: Does method really matter? Psychological Science, 24(10), 1918-1927.
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (2009). Calculating the sample size.
- Jackie-Ong, L., & Smith, R. A (2014) Perception and reality of managing sustainable coastal tourism in emerging destinations: the case of Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22(2), 256-278. Doi: 10.1080/09669582.2013.809091
- Karim, R.A., Rabiul, M.K. and Arfat, S.M. (2023). Factors influencing tourists’ behavioural intentions towards beach destinations: The mediating roles of destination experience and destination satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Khairi, M., & Darmawan, D. (2021). The relationship between destination attractiveness, location, tourism facilities, and revisit intentions. Journal of Marketing and Business Research (MARK), 1(1), 39-50.
- Kim, J. H., & Perdue, R. R. (2011). The Influence of Image on destination attractiveness. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(3), 225-239. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2011.562850
- Kim, S. S., Lee, C. K., & Klenosky, D. B. (2003). The influence of push and pull factors at Korean national parks. Tourism Management, 24(2), 169-180.
- Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. The Guilford Press.
- Krelling, A.P., Williams, A.T., & Turra, A., (2017). Differences in perception and reaction of tourist groups to beach marine debris that can influence a loss of tourism revenue in coastal areas. Marine Policy, 85, 87 - 99. /10.1016/j.marpol.2017.08.021.
- Krešić, D., & Prebežac, D. (2011). Index of destination attractiveness as a tool for destination attractiveness assessment. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 59(4), 497-517.
- Lee, Y. K., Lee, C. K., Lee, S. K., & Babin, B. J. (2008). Festivalscapes and patrons' emotions, satisfaction, and loyalty. Journal of business research, 61(1), 56-64.
- Leiner, D. J. (2014). Convenient Samples and respondents. Doi:10.11648/j.ajtas. 20160501.11
- Lew, A. A., & Larson, M. (2005). tourism’s role in inducing secondary home ownership. In C. M. Hall & D. Müller (Eds.), Tourism, Mobility, and Second Homes: Between Elite Landscape and Common Ground (pp. 97-115). Channel View Publications.
- Lucrezi, S., Saayman, M., & van der Merwe, P. (2016). An assessment tool for sandy beaches: a case for integrating beach description, human dimension, and economic factors to identify priority management issues. Oceans and Coastal Management, 121(1), 1-22
- Mehmetoglu, M., & Engen, M. (2011). Pine and Gilmore’s concept of experience economy and its dimensions: An empirical examination in tourism. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4), 237-255.
- Mehranian, H., & Marzuki, A. (2018). Beach users’ perceptions toward beach quality and crowding: A case of Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.
- Memon, M. A., Ting, H., Cheah, J., Ramayah, T., Chuah, F., and Cham, T. H. (2020). Sample size for survey research: Review and recommendations. Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, 4(2), i-xx.
- Monteiro, P. V., Salvador, R., & Soares, C. G. (2017). A microcluster approach applied to the case of the nautical tourism sector of the Algarve region (Portugal). Tourism in Marine Environments, 12(2), 105-124.
- Morgan, R. (1999). Preferences and priorities of recreational beach users in Wales. Journal of Coastal Research, 15 (3), 653–667.
- Mustapha, M. U., & Awang, Z. (2018). Potential development of beach tourism in Nigeria: The case of Lagos State. Sustainability, 10(8), 2843.
- Nguyen, X. T. (2020). Factors that influence the intentions to revisit Korea of Vietnamese tourists. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB), 7(4), 247-258.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. McGraw-Hill.
- Onofri, L., & Nunes, P. A. L. D. (2013). Beach ‘lovers’ and ‘greens’: A worldwide empirical analysis of coastal tourism Ecological Economics, 88, 49 – 56.
- Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4), 717-731.
- Reitsamer, B. F., Brunner-Sperdin, A. & Stokburger-Sauer, N. E. (2016). Destination attractiveness and destination attachment: The mediating role of tourists’ attitude. Tourism Management Perspectives, 19, 93-101.
- Roca, E. & Villares, M. (2008). Public perceptions for evaluating beach quality in urban and semi-natural environments. Ocean and Coastal Management, 51(4), 314–329.
- Scharkow, M. (2013). The reliability of content analysis codes: Testing the measurement quality of information coded with the computer-aided textual markup and analysis (CATMA) scheme. Communication Methods and Measures, 7(4), 241-255.
- Sakyi, R., & Tengan, C. (2021). Dimensions of destination attractiveness in Cape Coast. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 11(2), 135–148.
- Schuhmann, P. W., Bass, B. E., Casey, J. F., & Gill, D. A. (2016). Visitor preferences and willingness to pay for coastal attributes in Barbados. Oceans & Coastal Management, 134, 1-11. Doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.09.020
- Schuhmann, P. W. (2012). Tourist perceptions of beach cleanliness in Barbados: Implications for return visitation. Etudes Caribeennes, 19. Doi: 10.4000/ etudescribeennes.5251
- Segars, A. H. (1997). Assessing the unidimensionality of measurement: A paradigm and illustration within the context of information systems research. Omega, 25(1), 107-121.
- Stockemer, D., Stockemer, G., & Glaeser, J. (2019). Quantitative methods for the social sciences (Vol. 50, p. 185). Springer International Publishing.
- Su, L., Hsu, M. K., & Swanson, S. (2017). The effect of tourist relationship perception on destination loyalty at a world heritage site in China: The mediating role of overall destination satisfaction and trust. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(2), 180-210
- Vengesayi, S., Mavondo, F., & Reisinger, Y. (2009). Tourism destination attractiveness: Attractions, facilities, and people as predictors. Tourism Analysis, 14(5), 621 - 636.
- Williams, A. T., Rangel-Buitrago, N. G., Anfuso, G., Cervantes, O., & Botero, C.M., (2016). Litter impacts on scenery and tourism on the Colombian North Caribbean. Coastal Tourism Management, 55(3), 209–224.
- Wyles, K. J., Pahl, S., Holland, M., Thompson, R. C., & Hamylton, S. (2016). Can beach cleans do more than clean-up litter? Comparing beach cleans to other coastal activities. Environment and Behavior, 48(12), 1355-1376.
- Yangzhou Hu, & Ritchie, J. R. B. (1993). Measuring destination attractiveness: A Contextual Approach. Journal of Travel Research, 32(2), 25-34.
- Zielinski, S., Botero, C. M., & Yanes, A. (2019). To clean or not to clean? A critical review of beach cleaning methods and impacts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139(2), 390–401.