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Y Kuşağı Çalışanlarının İşe Alınması ve İşte Tutulması için İnsan Kaynakları Stratejileri

Yıl 2020, , 431 - 442, 29.06.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, günümüz işletmelerinin çoğunluğunu oluşturması ve gelecekte iş dünyasının şekillenmesine büyük katkı sağlayacak olması nedeniyle etkili uygulamalara ihtiyaç duyacak olan insan kaynakları ve yöneticilerine, en hızlı büyüyen iş gücü, iş hayatına girmeye başlayan en son kuşak grubu olan ve diğer kuşaklardan farklı olarak iş hayatından yüksek beklentileri olan Y kuşağını işe alma ve işte tutma konusunda ne gibi stratejilere ihtiyaç duyacaklarını ve motivasyonu etkileyen unsurların bu stratejiler üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Araştırma amacıyla, Gaziantep ilinde Sanayi ve Ticaret Odasına kayıtlı 80 büyük ölçekli işletmeden 46'sında yer alan 100 insan kaynakları yönetici ve yetkilisine, literatür ışığında hazırlanan anketler uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Y kuşağının motivasyonunu etkileyen “iş yaşam dengesi, eğitim fırsatları ve takım çalışması”, “liderlik ve danışma programları” ve “sorumluluk alma” alt boyutları, onları işe alma ve işte tutma stratejileri üzerinde etkisi olduğu görülmüştür.


Bu çalışma Aksaray Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalında 24.06.2014 tarihinde savunulan Şerife UĞUZ ARSU’nun yüksek lisans tezinden türetilmiştir.


  • ALS, M. (2008), “Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y: A New Workforce”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • ARMAN, A. (2013), “Yaşasın Y Kuşağı”, Hürriyet, 9 June, (9.12.2013).
  • BEHRSTOCK, E., CLIFFORD, M. (2009). Leading gen y teachers: emerging strategies for school leaders, National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality, Washington, DC.
  • BLAIN, A. (2008), “The millennial tidal wave: five elements that will change the workplace of tomorrow”, Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute, 22(2), 11-13.
  • BROADBRIDGE, A. M., MAXWELL, G. A., OGDEN, S. M. (2007), “Experiences, perceptions and expectations of retail employment for generation y”, Career Development International, 12(6), 523-544.
  • BROWN, S., CARTER, B., COLLINS, M., GALLERSON, C., GIFFIN, G., GREER, J., GRIFFITH, R., JOHNSON, E., RICHARDSON, K. (2009), “Generation y in the workplace”, The Bush School of Government & Public Service: Texas A&M University, (28.05.2014).
  • BUAHENE, A. K., KOVARY, G. (2003), “The road to performance success: understanding and managing the generational divide”, n-gen People Performance Inc., ManagingGenDivide.Overview.pdf (28.05.2014).
  • CHAO, D.G., GARDNER, D. P. (2008). “Young Adults at Work: What They Want, What They Get and How to Keep Them”, Maynard: MonsterTRAK, (13.06.2017).
  • CHEESE, P. (2007), “The abc of generation y”, Director, 61(5), 33.
  • CHESTER, E. (2002), Employing generation why?, Tucker House Books, Lakewood.
  • COLE, G., SMITH, R., LUCAS, L. (2002), “The debut of generation y in the American workforce”, Journal of Business Administration, 1(2), 1-10.
  • CRAMPTON, S. M., HODGE, J. W. (2009), “Generation y: unchartered territory”, Journal of Business and Economics Research, 7(4), 1-6.
  • CRUZ, C. S. (2007), “Gen y: how boomer babies are changing the workplace”, Hawaii Business, (16.12.2013).
  • DATTA GUPTA, N., KRISTENSEN, N. (2008), “Work environment satisfaction and employee health: panel evidence from Denmark, France and Spain”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 9(1), 51-61.
  • DELOITTE (2005), “Connecting across the generations in the workplace: what business leaders need to know to benefit from generational differences”, Talent Market Series Vol. 1, (18.01.2014).
  • DELOITTE (2007), “Generation y. moving with the times”, Deloitte,, (28.05.2014).
  • DELOITTE (2009), “Generation y: powerhouse of the global economy”, Deloitte, Assets/Documents/us_consulting_hc_GenerationY_Snapshot_041509.pdf, (05.12.2013).
  • D'NETTO, B. (2011), “Generation y: human resources management implications”, (28.05.2014).
  • DULIN, L. (2008), “Leadership preferences of generation y cohort. a mixed-methods ınvestigation”, Journal of Leadership Studies, 2(1), 43-59.
  • FELIX, S. (2007), “A flexible workplace”, Benefits Canada. 31(6), 16-20.
  • FOX, A. (2011), “Mixing it up”, HR Magazine, 56(5), 22.
  • GLASS, A. (2007), “Understanding generational differences for competitive success”, Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(2), 98-103.
  • GLOBAL WORKPLACE INNOVATION (GWI) (2010). “Generation y and the workplace: annual report 2010”, (12.06.2016).
  • HART, K. A. (2006), “Generations in the workplace: finding common ground”, MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer, 37(10), 26-27.
  • HASTINGS, R. (2008), “Millennials expect a lot from leaders”, HR Magazine, 53(1), 30.
  • HEINIG, M. J. (2009), “Breastfeeding promotion for generations x and y: why the old ways won't work”, Journal of Human Lactation, 25, 263-265.
  • HEWLETT, S. A., SHERBIN, L., SUMBERG, K. (2009), “How Gen Y and Boomers will reshape your agenda”, Harvard Business Review, 87(7-8), 71-6.
  • HOFF, J. (2010), “Generational Differences in Work Preferences”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Twente University, Netherlands.
  • (30.09.2013).
  • (7.10. 2013).
  • HULETT, K. J. (2006), “They are here to replace us: recruiting and retaining millennials”, Journal of Financial Planning, 17.
  • HUYBERS, C. M. (2011), “The Recruitment and Retention of Generation Y”, Unpublished master’s thesis, The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie.
  • JOKELA, M. (2012), “Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Willingness to Pursue a Career in the Hospitality Industry”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Applied Sciences University, Finland.
  • JONES, B., BROWN, S. P., ZOLTNERS, A. A., WEITS, B. A. (2005), “The changing environment of selling and sales management”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 25 (2), 105-111.
  • KANDELOUSI, N. S., SEONG, N. K. (2011), “Retention of generation y’s ınsurance agent: mediating role of communication satisfaction an empirical study”, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(6), 19-29.
  • KAREFALK, A., PETTERSSON, M., ZHU, Y. (2007), “How to Motivate Generation Y with Different Cultural Backgrounds: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between China and Sweden”, Research Report, Kristianstad University, November.
  • KELEŞ, H. N. (2011), “Y kuşağı çalışanlarının motivasyon profillerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma”, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 (2), 129-139.
  • KIM, H., KNIGHT, D. K., CRUTSINGER, C. (2009), “Generation y employees’ retail work experience: the mediating effect of job characteristics”, Journal of Business Research, 62(5), 548-556.
  • LANCASTER, L. C. (2004), “When generations collide: how to solve the generational puzzle at work”, Management Forum Series, 17 March 2004.
  • LOWE, D., KENNETH, J. L., WILSON, T. (2008), “Solutions for retaining generation y employees in the workplace”, Business Renaissance Quarterly, 3(3), 43-57.
  • LUSCOMBE, J., LEWIS, I., BIGGS, H. C. (2013), “Essential elements for recruitment and retention: generation y”, Educating+ Training, 55(3), 272-290.
  • MARTIN, C. A. (2005), “From high maintenance to high productivity: what managers need to know about generation y”, Industrial and Commercial Training, 37(1), 39-44.
  • MARTIN, C. A., TULGAN, B. (2001), Managing generation y: global citizens born in the late seventies and early eighties, HRD Press, Inc., Canada.
  • MARTIN, C. A., TULGAN, B. (2006), Managing the generation mix: from urgency opportunity. (2nd Ed.), HRD Press, Inc., Canada.
  • MCCRINDLE RESEARCH (2006), “New generations at work: attracting, recruiting, retraining & training generation y”, McCrindle, (1.10.2013).
  • MEIER, J., CROCKER, M. (2010), “Generation y in the workforce: managerial challenges”, The Journal of Human Resource Adult Learning, 6(1), 68-78.
  • MONSTERTRAK RESEARCH (2008), “Young adults at work: what they want, what they get and how to keep them”, MonsterTrak, . (28.01.2014).
  • MUKUNDAN, S., DHANYA, M., SARASWATHYAMMA, K. P. (2013), “A study on the conflict resolution styles of generation y students in Indian context”, International Journal of Global Business, 6(1), 81-90.
  • MURPHY, S. A. (2007), “Leading a multigenerational workforce”, NW, Washington: AARP project, . (27.09.2013).
  • NAIDOO, N. (2010), “Defining the employee value proposition for employees in old mutual South Africa: a generational perspective”, Research Report, The Graduate School of Business University of Cape Town, Cape Town, December.
  • NAS RECRUITMENT COMMUNICATIONS (2006), “Generation y: the millennials. ready or not, here they come”, Permanent Such Group, (5.06.2014).
  • NAS RECRUITMENT COMMUNICATIONS (2007), “Recruiting and managing the generations”, . (5.06.2014).
  • NICHOLAS, A. (2008), “Preferred learning methods of the millennial generation”, Salve Regina University, (24.01.2019).
  • OBLINGER, D. G., OBLINGER, J.L. (2005), “Educating the net generation”, (19.12.2013).
  • OLIVER, D. (2006), “An expectation of continued success: the work attitudes of generation y”, Labour & Industry: A Journal of The Social and Economic Relations of Work, 17(1), 61-84.
  • REEVES, T. C., OH, E. (2008), “Handbook of research on educational communications and technology: a project of the association for educational communications and technology”, Spector, J. M., Merrill, M. D., Merrienboer, J. V. and Driscoll, M. P. (Eds.), Generational differences, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Taylor & Francis Group, New York, pp. 295-303
  • REYNOLDS, L., BUSH, E. C., GEIST, R. (2008), “The gen y imperative”, Communication World, 25(3), 19-22.
  • RHI SURVEY (2007), “Survey generation y: a new generation in the workforce”, Robert Half, (06.01.2019).
  • RICKS, R. S. (2010), “Managing Generation Y in a Multigenerational Workplace”, Unpublished master’s thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin.
  • ROLLSJÖ, A. (2008), “Attraction and Retention of Generation Y Employees”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Baltic Business School, Kalmar University, Sweden.
  • ROY, J. G., KREISS, S. (2011), “Ten tips for retaining the next generation”, Oil and Gas Journal, 109 (19A), 11-12.
  • SALT, B. (2007), “Beyond the baby boomer: the rise of generation y: opportunities and challenges for the funds management ındustry.” Investment Management & Funds, Zurich, Switzerland: KPMG International, ArticlesPublications/Documents/rise-generation-y-O-0706.pdf . (05.01.2014).
  • SAYERS, R. (2007), “The right staff from x to y: generational change and professional development in future academic libraries”, Library Management, 28(8/9), 474-487.
  • SCHLITZKUS, L. L., SCHENARTS, K. D., SCHENARTS, P. J. (2010), “Is your residency program ready for generation y”, Journal of Surgical Education, 67(2), 108-111
  • SENBIR, H. (2004), Z son insan mı?: z kuşağı ve sonrasına dair düşünceler. Okuyan Us Yayın Eğitim Danışmanlık Tıbbi Malzeme ve Reklam Hizmetleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti, İstanbul.
  • SHRM (2009), “The multigenerational workforce: opportunity for competitive success”, Society For Human Resource Management, (27.01.2019).
  • SPIRO, C. (2006), “Generation y in the workplace”, Workplace Transformation, (18.12.2018).
  • SRNIVASAN, V. (2012), “Multi generations in the workforce: building collaboration”, IIBM Management Review, 24, 48-66.
  • SULLIVAN, S. E., FORRET, M. L., CARRAHER, S.M., MAINIERO, L. A. (2009), “Using the kaleidoscope career model to examine generational differences in work attitudes”, Career Development International, 14(3), 284-302.
  • THE MILLENNIAL IMPACT REPORT (2013), “The 2013 Millennial 2013 Impact Report”, researchemail. (28.01.2014).
  • TOLBIZE, A. (2008), “Generational differences in the workplace”, working paper, Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, 16 August.
  • TWENGE, J. M., CAMPBELL, S. M. (2008), “Generational differences in psychological traits and their ımpact on workplace”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8) , 862-877.
  • TWENGE, J. M., CAMPBELL, S. M., HOFFMAN, B. J., LANCE, C. E. (2010), “Generational differences in work values: leisure and extrinsic values ıncreasing, social and ıntrinsic values decreasing”, Journal of Management, 36(5), 1117-1142.
  • VALLEY, P. M. (2010), “Generation Y and Vocal Fry”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia.
  • VAN HECKE, J. R. (2006), “Serving the millennial student: how far should we go?”, VanHecke%20Keynote.html. (18.12.2013).
  • YAN, S. (2006), “Understanding generation y”, The Oberlin Review, (02.11.2018).
  • YEATON, K. (2008), “Recruiting and managing the 'why?' generation: gen y”, The CPA Journal, 1, 68-72.
  • YÜKSEKBILGILI, Z. (2013), “Türk tipi y kuşağı”, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(45), 342-353.
  • ZEMKE, R., RAINES, C., FILIPCZAK, B. (2000), Generations at work: managing the clash of veterans, boomer, xers, and nexters in your workplace, American Management Association, New York, NY.
  • ZHAO, H. (2006), “Expectations of recruiters and applicants in large cities of china”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(5), 459-475.

Human Resources Strategies for the Recruitment and Retention of Generation Y Employees

Yıl 2020, , 431 - 442, 29.06.2020


This study investigated the potential strategies and related motivation factors that are required for the recruitment and retention of Generation Y, which is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce that has higher expectations compared to previous generations. As Generation Y forms the majority of today's businesses and will have a significant role in shaping the future business world, managers and human resource specialists need effective strategic plans to attract this generation to their business. A survey prepared in the light of the studies in the literature was conducted on 100 human resources specialists and managers from 46 large-scale enterprises registered to the Gaziantep Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The study determined that the work-life balance, training opportunities and team work sub dimension, the leadership and mentoring programs sub dimension and the taking responsibility sub dimension, which motivate Generation Y, have effects on the strategies for the recruiting and retention of Generation Y.


  • ALS, M. (2008), “Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y: A New Workforce”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • ARMAN, A. (2013), “Yaşasın Y Kuşağı”, Hürriyet, 9 June, (9.12.2013).
  • BEHRSTOCK, E., CLIFFORD, M. (2009). Leading gen y teachers: emerging strategies for school leaders, National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality, Washington, DC.
  • BLAIN, A. (2008), “The millennial tidal wave: five elements that will change the workplace of tomorrow”, Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute, 22(2), 11-13.
  • BROADBRIDGE, A. M., MAXWELL, G. A., OGDEN, S. M. (2007), “Experiences, perceptions and expectations of retail employment for generation y”, Career Development International, 12(6), 523-544.
  • BROWN, S., CARTER, B., COLLINS, M., GALLERSON, C., GIFFIN, G., GREER, J., GRIFFITH, R., JOHNSON, E., RICHARDSON, K. (2009), “Generation y in the workplace”, The Bush School of Government & Public Service: Texas A&M University, (28.05.2014).
  • BUAHENE, A. K., KOVARY, G. (2003), “The road to performance success: understanding and managing the generational divide”, n-gen People Performance Inc., ManagingGenDivide.Overview.pdf (28.05.2014).
  • CHAO, D.G., GARDNER, D. P. (2008). “Young Adults at Work: What They Want, What They Get and How to Keep Them”, Maynard: MonsterTRAK, (13.06.2017).
  • CHEESE, P. (2007), “The abc of generation y”, Director, 61(5), 33.
  • CHESTER, E. (2002), Employing generation why?, Tucker House Books, Lakewood.
  • COLE, G., SMITH, R., LUCAS, L. (2002), “The debut of generation y in the American workforce”, Journal of Business Administration, 1(2), 1-10.
  • CRAMPTON, S. M., HODGE, J. W. (2009), “Generation y: unchartered territory”, Journal of Business and Economics Research, 7(4), 1-6.
  • CRUZ, C. S. (2007), “Gen y: how boomer babies are changing the workplace”, Hawaii Business, (16.12.2013).
  • DATTA GUPTA, N., KRISTENSEN, N. (2008), “Work environment satisfaction and employee health: panel evidence from Denmark, France and Spain”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 9(1), 51-61.
  • DELOITTE (2005), “Connecting across the generations in the workplace: what business leaders need to know to benefit from generational differences”, Talent Market Series Vol. 1, (18.01.2014).
  • DELOITTE (2007), “Generation y. moving with the times”, Deloitte,, (28.05.2014).
  • DELOITTE (2009), “Generation y: powerhouse of the global economy”, Deloitte, Assets/Documents/us_consulting_hc_GenerationY_Snapshot_041509.pdf, (05.12.2013).
  • D'NETTO, B. (2011), “Generation y: human resources management implications”, (28.05.2014).
  • DULIN, L. (2008), “Leadership preferences of generation y cohort. a mixed-methods ınvestigation”, Journal of Leadership Studies, 2(1), 43-59.
  • FELIX, S. (2007), “A flexible workplace”, Benefits Canada. 31(6), 16-20.
  • FOX, A. (2011), “Mixing it up”, HR Magazine, 56(5), 22.
  • GLASS, A. (2007), “Understanding generational differences for competitive success”, Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(2), 98-103.
  • GLOBAL WORKPLACE INNOVATION (GWI) (2010). “Generation y and the workplace: annual report 2010”, (12.06.2016).
  • HART, K. A. (2006), “Generations in the workplace: finding common ground”, MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer, 37(10), 26-27.
  • HASTINGS, R. (2008), “Millennials expect a lot from leaders”, HR Magazine, 53(1), 30.
  • HEINIG, M. J. (2009), “Breastfeeding promotion for generations x and y: why the old ways won't work”, Journal of Human Lactation, 25, 263-265.
  • HEWLETT, S. A., SHERBIN, L., SUMBERG, K. (2009), “How Gen Y and Boomers will reshape your agenda”, Harvard Business Review, 87(7-8), 71-6.
  • HOFF, J. (2010), “Generational Differences in Work Preferences”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Twente University, Netherlands.
  • (30.09.2013).
  • (7.10. 2013).
  • HULETT, K. J. (2006), “They are here to replace us: recruiting and retaining millennials”, Journal of Financial Planning, 17.
  • HUYBERS, C. M. (2011), “The Recruitment and Retention of Generation Y”, Unpublished master’s thesis, The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie.
  • JOKELA, M. (2012), “Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Willingness to Pursue a Career in the Hospitality Industry”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Applied Sciences University, Finland.
  • JONES, B., BROWN, S. P., ZOLTNERS, A. A., WEITS, B. A. (2005), “The changing environment of selling and sales management”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 25 (2), 105-111.
  • KANDELOUSI, N. S., SEONG, N. K. (2011), “Retention of generation y’s ınsurance agent: mediating role of communication satisfaction an empirical study”, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(6), 19-29.
  • KAREFALK, A., PETTERSSON, M., ZHU, Y. (2007), “How to Motivate Generation Y with Different Cultural Backgrounds: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between China and Sweden”, Research Report, Kristianstad University, November.
  • KELEŞ, H. N. (2011), “Y kuşağı çalışanlarının motivasyon profillerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma”, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 (2), 129-139.
  • KIM, H., KNIGHT, D. K., CRUTSINGER, C. (2009), “Generation y employees’ retail work experience: the mediating effect of job characteristics”, Journal of Business Research, 62(5), 548-556.
  • LANCASTER, L. C. (2004), “When generations collide: how to solve the generational puzzle at work”, Management Forum Series, 17 March 2004.
  • LOWE, D., KENNETH, J. L., WILSON, T. (2008), “Solutions for retaining generation y employees in the workplace”, Business Renaissance Quarterly, 3(3), 43-57.
  • LUSCOMBE, J., LEWIS, I., BIGGS, H. C. (2013), “Essential elements for recruitment and retention: generation y”, Educating+ Training, 55(3), 272-290.
  • MARTIN, C. A. (2005), “From high maintenance to high productivity: what managers need to know about generation y”, Industrial and Commercial Training, 37(1), 39-44.
  • MARTIN, C. A., TULGAN, B. (2001), Managing generation y: global citizens born in the late seventies and early eighties, HRD Press, Inc., Canada.
  • MARTIN, C. A., TULGAN, B. (2006), Managing the generation mix: from urgency opportunity. (2nd Ed.), HRD Press, Inc., Canada.
  • MCCRINDLE RESEARCH (2006), “New generations at work: attracting, recruiting, retraining & training generation y”, McCrindle, (1.10.2013).
  • MEIER, J., CROCKER, M. (2010), “Generation y in the workforce: managerial challenges”, The Journal of Human Resource Adult Learning, 6(1), 68-78.
  • MONSTERTRAK RESEARCH (2008), “Young adults at work: what they want, what they get and how to keep them”, MonsterTrak, . (28.01.2014).
  • MUKUNDAN, S., DHANYA, M., SARASWATHYAMMA, K. P. (2013), “A study on the conflict resolution styles of generation y students in Indian context”, International Journal of Global Business, 6(1), 81-90.
  • MURPHY, S. A. (2007), “Leading a multigenerational workforce”, NW, Washington: AARP project, . (27.09.2013).
  • NAIDOO, N. (2010), “Defining the employee value proposition for employees in old mutual South Africa: a generational perspective”, Research Report, The Graduate School of Business University of Cape Town, Cape Town, December.
  • NAS RECRUITMENT COMMUNICATIONS (2006), “Generation y: the millennials. ready or not, here they come”, Permanent Such Group, (5.06.2014).
  • NAS RECRUITMENT COMMUNICATIONS (2007), “Recruiting and managing the generations”, . (5.06.2014).
  • NICHOLAS, A. (2008), “Preferred learning methods of the millennial generation”, Salve Regina University, (24.01.2019).
  • OBLINGER, D. G., OBLINGER, J.L. (2005), “Educating the net generation”, (19.12.2013).
  • OLIVER, D. (2006), “An expectation of continued success: the work attitudes of generation y”, Labour & Industry: A Journal of The Social and Economic Relations of Work, 17(1), 61-84.
  • REEVES, T. C., OH, E. (2008), “Handbook of research on educational communications and technology: a project of the association for educational communications and technology”, Spector, J. M., Merrill, M. D., Merrienboer, J. V. and Driscoll, M. P. (Eds.), Generational differences, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Taylor & Francis Group, New York, pp. 295-303
  • REYNOLDS, L., BUSH, E. C., GEIST, R. (2008), “The gen y imperative”, Communication World, 25(3), 19-22.
  • RHI SURVEY (2007), “Survey generation y: a new generation in the workforce”, Robert Half, (06.01.2019).
  • RICKS, R. S. (2010), “Managing Generation Y in a Multigenerational Workplace”, Unpublished master’s thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin.
  • ROLLSJÖ, A. (2008), “Attraction and Retention of Generation Y Employees”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Baltic Business School, Kalmar University, Sweden.
  • ROY, J. G., KREISS, S. (2011), “Ten tips for retaining the next generation”, Oil and Gas Journal, 109 (19A), 11-12.
  • SALT, B. (2007), “Beyond the baby boomer: the rise of generation y: opportunities and challenges for the funds management ındustry.” Investment Management & Funds, Zurich, Switzerland: KPMG International, ArticlesPublications/Documents/rise-generation-y-O-0706.pdf . (05.01.2014).
  • SAYERS, R. (2007), “The right staff from x to y: generational change and professional development in future academic libraries”, Library Management, 28(8/9), 474-487.
  • SCHLITZKUS, L. L., SCHENARTS, K. D., SCHENARTS, P. J. (2010), “Is your residency program ready for generation y”, Journal of Surgical Education, 67(2), 108-111
  • SENBIR, H. (2004), Z son insan mı?: z kuşağı ve sonrasına dair düşünceler. Okuyan Us Yayın Eğitim Danışmanlık Tıbbi Malzeme ve Reklam Hizmetleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti, İstanbul.
  • SHRM (2009), “The multigenerational workforce: opportunity for competitive success”, Society For Human Resource Management, (27.01.2019).
  • SPIRO, C. (2006), “Generation y in the workplace”, Workplace Transformation, (18.12.2018).
  • SRNIVASAN, V. (2012), “Multi generations in the workforce: building collaboration”, IIBM Management Review, 24, 48-66.
  • SULLIVAN, S. E., FORRET, M. L., CARRAHER, S.M., MAINIERO, L. A. (2009), “Using the kaleidoscope career model to examine generational differences in work attitudes”, Career Development International, 14(3), 284-302.
  • THE MILLENNIAL IMPACT REPORT (2013), “The 2013 Millennial 2013 Impact Report”, researchemail. (28.01.2014).
  • TOLBIZE, A. (2008), “Generational differences in the workplace”, working paper, Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, 16 August.
  • TWENGE, J. M., CAMPBELL, S. M. (2008), “Generational differences in psychological traits and their ımpact on workplace”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8) , 862-877.
  • TWENGE, J. M., CAMPBELL, S. M., HOFFMAN, B. J., LANCE, C. E. (2010), “Generational differences in work values: leisure and extrinsic values ıncreasing, social and ıntrinsic values decreasing”, Journal of Management, 36(5), 1117-1142.
  • VALLEY, P. M. (2010), “Generation Y and Vocal Fry”, Unpublished master’s thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia.
  • VAN HECKE, J. R. (2006), “Serving the millennial student: how far should we go?”, VanHecke%20Keynote.html. (18.12.2013).
  • YAN, S. (2006), “Understanding generation y”, The Oberlin Review, (02.11.2018).
  • YEATON, K. (2008), “Recruiting and managing the 'why?' generation: gen y”, The CPA Journal, 1, 68-72.
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Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Şerife Uğuz Arsu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7922-4597

Mehmet Halit Yıldırım Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7001-5705

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2019
Kabul Tarihi 25 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Uğuz Arsu, Ş., & Yıldırım, M. H. (2020). Human Resources Strategies for the Recruitment and Retention of Generation Y Employees. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 35(2), 431-442.

İzmir İktisat Dergisi
TR-DİZİN, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EconLit, Harvard Hollis, Google Scholar, OAJI, SOBIAD, CiteFactor, OJOP, Araştırmax, WordCat, OpenAIRE, Base, IAD, Academindex
tarafından taranmaktadır.

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İZMİR İKTİSAT DERGİSİ 2022 yılı 37. cilt 1. sayı ile birlikte sadece elektronik olarak yayınlanmaya başlamıştır.