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Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 103 - 113, 31.12.2023


Interest in electric vehicles (EV) or hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is increasing day by day. These vehicles have many advantages as they operate more efficiently and do not cause noise or environmental pollution compared with conventional vehicles. However, it has some disadvantages. For some, it is the most important trust issue. An important criterion is that the daily vehicle cannot go to a sufficient range. Therefore, vehicle designs and applications continue to be made with high energy and power distribution, low performance, and high efficiency ESSs using two or more energy storage systems (ESS). In addition, lithium-ion batteries are widely used in EVs and HEVs. Although they have high power and energy estimations, their high duration, short freezing life or service life, and insufficient efficiency are the guides for executing different alternative solutions. The aim of this article is to create a different perspective by including unusual battery types and fuel consumption technology known as clean energy sources. The Zero Emlu Battery Research (ZEBRA) battery, which is seen as a future technology in EVs and HEVs in this article, features such as the operating principle of the nickel-based battery structure (Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Iron, Nickel-Zinc), operating temperature ranges, cycle lifetimes, and service lives. In addition to the lithium-air battery, which is a metal-air battery technology and is seen as a source of hope with its high energy densities in the future, it is also included. Comparisons between these batteries were made, and their applicability in HEVs and EVs was examined.


  • Galati, A., Adamashvili, N. and Crescimanno, M. 2023. A feasibility analysis on adopting electric vehicles in the short food supply chain based on GHG emissions and economic costs estimations, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 36, 49-61.
  • European Commission. Transport in Figures’—Statistical Pocketbook, 2011. Available online: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-fundings/statistics/pocketbook-2011_en/. (21 February 2021).
  • Rao, Z. and Wang, S. 2011. A review of power battery thermal energy management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(9), 4554-4571.
  • U.S. Global Investors. Move over, tesla! china holds the keys to electric vehicles, 2017. Available: https://www.usfunds.com/resource/move-over-tesla-ndash-china-holds-the-keys-to-electric-vehicles. (November 28, 2017).
  • Mohammadi, F. and Saif, M. 2023. A comprehensive overview of electric vehicle batteries market. e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 100127.
  • Pravallika, G., Sujatha, P. and Kumar, P. B. 2023. Different traction motor topologies with lithium-air battery for electric vehicles: A review. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  • Lukic, S. M., Cao, J., Bansal, R. C., Rodriguez, F. and Emadi, A. 2008. Energy storage systems for automotive applications, IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 55(6), 2258-2267.
  • Lukic, S. M., Wirasingha, S. G., Rodriguez, F., Cao, J. and Emadi, A. 2006. Power management of an ultracapacitor/battery hybrid energy storage system in an HEV, In 2006 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 06-08 September, Windsor, UK, 1-6.
  • Baisden, A. C., & Emadi, A. 2004. ADVISOR-based model of a battery and an ultra-capacitor energy source for hybrid electric vehicles, IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, 53(1), 199-205.
  • He, H., Xiong, R., Zhao, K. and Liu, Z. 2013. Energy management strategy research on a hybrid power system by hardware-in-loop experiments, Applied Energy, 112, 1311-1317.
  • Gupta, S., Perveen, R., 2023. Fuel cell in electric vehicle, materialstoday: PROCEEDINGS, 79,434-437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.02.039
  • Lai, X., Yi, W., Cui, Y., Qin, C., Han, X., Sun, T. and Zheng, Y. 2021. Capacity estimation of lithium-ion cells by combining model-based and data-driven methods based on a sequential extended Kalman filter, Energy, 216, 119233.
  • Kumar, B., Kumar, J., Leese, R., Fellner, J. P., Rodrigues, S. J. and Abraham, K. M. 2009. A solid-state, rechargeable, long cycle life lithium–air battery, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157(1), A50.
  • Liu, W., Placke, T. and Chau, K. T. 2022. Overview of batteries and battery management for electric vehicles, Energy Reports, 8, 4058-4084.
  • Chian, T. Y., Wei, W., Ze, E., Ren, L., Ping, Y., Bakar, N. A. and Sivakumar, S. 2019. A review on recent progress of batteries for electric vehicles, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(24), 4441-4461.
  • Liu, W., Liu, W., Li, X., Liu, Y., Ogunmoroti, A. E., Li, M. and Cui, Z. 2021. Dynamic material flow analysis of critical metals for lithium-ion battery system in China from 2000–2018, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164, 105122.
  • Lai, X., Meng, Z., Wang, S., Han, X., Zhou, L., Sun, T. and Zheng, Y. 2021. Global parametric sensitivity analysis of equivalent circuit model based on Sobol’method for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles, Journal of Cleaner Production, 294, 126246.
  • Miao, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., Tan, Q. and Li, J. 2022. An overview of global power lithium-ion batteries and associated critical metal recycling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425, 127900.
  • Nzereogu, P. U., Omah, A. D., Ezema, F. I., Iwuoha, E. I. and Nwanya, A. C. 2022. Anode materials for lithium-ion batteries: A review, Applied Surface Science Advances, 9, 100233.
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  • He, Y., Yuan, X., Zhang, G., Wang, H., Zhang, T., Xie, W. and Li, L. 2021. A critical review of current technologies for the liberation of electrode materials from foils in the recycling process of spent lithium-ion batteries, Science of The Total Environment, 766, 142382.
  • Van Mierlo, J., Berecibar, M., El Baghdadi, M., De Cauwer, C., Messagie, M., Coosemans, T. and Hegazy, O. 2021. Beyond the state of the art of electric vehicles: A fact-based paper of the current and prospective electric vehicle technologies, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 12(1), 20.
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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 103 - 113, 31.12.2023



  • Galati, A., Adamashvili, N. and Crescimanno, M. 2023. A feasibility analysis on adopting electric vehicles in the short food supply chain based on GHG emissions and economic costs estimations, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 36, 49-61.
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  • Rao, Z. and Wang, S. 2011. A review of power battery thermal energy management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(9), 4554-4571.
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  • He, H., Xiong, R., Zhao, K. and Liu, Z. 2013. Energy management strategy research on a hybrid power system by hardware-in-loop experiments, Applied Energy, 112, 1311-1317.
  • Gupta, S., Perveen, R., 2023. Fuel cell in electric vehicle, materialstoday: PROCEEDINGS, 79,434-437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.02.039
  • Lai, X., Yi, W., Cui, Y., Qin, C., Han, X., Sun, T. and Zheng, Y. 2021. Capacity estimation of lithium-ion cells by combining model-based and data-driven methods based on a sequential extended Kalman filter, Energy, 216, 119233.
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  • Liu, W., Placke, T. and Chau, K. T. 2022. Overview of batteries and battery management for electric vehicles, Energy Reports, 8, 4058-4084.
  • Chian, T. Y., Wei, W., Ze, E., Ren, L., Ping, Y., Bakar, N. A. and Sivakumar, S. 2019. A review on recent progress of batteries for electric vehicles, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(24), 4441-4461.
  • Liu, W., Liu, W., Li, X., Liu, Y., Ogunmoroti, A. E., Li, M. and Cui, Z. 2021. Dynamic material flow analysis of critical metals for lithium-ion battery system in China from 2000–2018, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164, 105122.
  • Lai, X., Meng, Z., Wang, S., Han, X., Zhou, L., Sun, T. and Zheng, Y. 2021. Global parametric sensitivity analysis of equivalent circuit model based on Sobol’method for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles, Journal of Cleaner Production, 294, 126246.
  • Miao, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., Tan, Q. and Li, J. 2022. An overview of global power lithium-ion batteries and associated critical metal recycling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425, 127900.
  • Nzereogu, P. U., Omah, A. D., Ezema, F. I., Iwuoha, E. I. and Nwanya, A. C. 2022. Anode materials for lithium-ion batteries: A review, Applied Surface Science Advances, 9, 100233.
  • Murdock, B. E., Toghill, K. E. and Tapia‐Ruiz, N. 2021. A perspective on the sustainability of cathode materials used in lithium‐ion batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 11(39), 2102028.
  • Kucinskis, G., Bajars, G. and Kleperis, J. 2013. Graphene in lithium ion battery cathode materials: A review, Journal of Power Sources, 240, 66-79.
  • Kul, B. 2020. Geçmişten Günümüze Piller. Takvim-i Vekayi, 8(1), 104-115.
  • He, Y., Yuan, X., Zhang, G., Wang, H., Zhang, T., Xie, W. and Li, L. 2021. A critical review of current technologies for the liberation of electrode materials from foils in the recycling process of spent lithium-ion batteries, Science of The Total Environment, 766, 142382.
  • Van Mierlo, J., Berecibar, M., El Baghdadi, M., De Cauwer, C., Messagie, M., Coosemans, T. and Hegazy, O. 2021. Beyond the state of the art of electric vehicles: A fact-based paper of the current and prospective electric vehicle technologies, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 12(1), 20.
  • Chapter 2 2019. Technologies of energy storage systems, Grid-scale Energy Storage Systems and Applications Academic Press, 17-56.
  • Hannan, M. A., Hoque, M. M., Hussain, A., Yusof, Y. and Ker, P. J. 2018. State-of-the-art and energy management system of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicle applications: Issues and recommendations, IEEE Access, 6, 19362-19378.
  • Kim, S. H., Choi, K. H., Cho, S. J., Choi, S., Park, S. and Lee, S. Y. 2015. Printable solid-state lithium-ion batteries: a new route toward shape-conformable power sources with aesthetic versatility for flexible electronics, Nano letters, 15(8), 5168-5177.
  • Zhao, W., Wu, G., Wang, C., Yu, L. and Li, Y. 2019. Energy transfer and utilization efficiency of regenerative braking with hybrid energy storage system, Journal of Power Sources, 427, 174-183.
  • Palaniyandy, N., Rambau, K., Musyoka, N. and Ren, J. 2020. A facile segregation process and restoration of LiMn2O4 cathode material from spent lithium-ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167(9), 090510.
  • Choi, D., Kang, J. and Han, B. 2019. Unexpectedly high energy density of a Li-Ion battery by oxygen redox in LiNiO2 cathode: First-principles study, Electrochimica Acta, 294, 166-172.
  • Tie, S. F. and Tan, C. W. 2013. A review of energy sources and energy management system in electric vehicles, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 20, 82-102.
  • Lee, J. H., Yoon, C. S., Hwang, J. Y., Kim, S. J., Maglia, F., Lamp, P. and Sun, Y. K. 2016. High-energy-density lithium-ion battery using a carbon-nanotube–Si composite anode and a compositionally graded Li [Ni 0.85 Co 0.05 Mn 0.10] O2 cathode, Energy & Environmental Science, 9(6), 2152-2158.
  • Chau, K. T., Wong, Y. S. and Chan, C. C. 1999. An overview of energy sources for electric vehicles, Energy Conversion and Man., 40(10), 1021-1039.
  • Şükran, E. F. E. and Güngör, Z. A. 2021. Geçmişten Günümüze Batarya Teknolojisi, Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (32), 947-955.
  • Evans, A., Strezov, V. and Evans, T. J. 2022. Energy Storage Technologies, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90386-8.00030-9.
  • Aktaş, A. and Kirçiçek, Y. 2021. Solar hybrid systems and energy storage systems, Solar hybrid sys., 87-125.
  • Hadjipaschalis, I., Poullikkas, A. and Efthimiou, V. 2009. Overview of current and future energy storage technologies for electric power applications, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 13(6-7), 1513-1522.
  • Özcan, Ö. F., Karadağ, T., Altuğ, M. and Özgüven, Ö. 2021. Elektrikli Araçlarda Kullanılan Pil Kimyasallarının Özellikleri ve Üstün Yönlerinin Kıyaslanması Üzerine Bir Derleme Çalışması, Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 8(2), 276-298.
  • Cheng, Q., Sun, D. and Yu, X. 2018. Metal hydrides for lithium-ion battery application: A review, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 769, 167-185.
  • Berrada, A. and Loudiyi, K. 2019. Gravity energy storage, Elsevier.
  • Hussain, F., Rahman, M. Z., Sivasengaran, A. N. and Hasanuzzaman, M. 2020. Energy storage technologies, In Energy for Sustainable Development, 125-165.
  • Assad, M. and Rosen, M. A. (Eds.). Design and performance optimization of renewable energy systems, Academic press, India, 2021.
  • Fetcenko, M., Koch, J. and Zelinsky, M. 2015. Nickel–metal hydride and nickel–zinc batteries for hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles, In Advances in battery tech. for electric vehicles ,103-126.
  • IE Commission, 2011. Electrical energy storage white paper, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-78.
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Toplam 84 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Elektrik Mühendisliği
Bölüm Review Article

Zeyneb Nuriye Kurtulmuş 0000-0001-7480-4907

Abdulhakim Karakaya 0000-0003-1119-6945

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2023
Kabul Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurtulmuş, Z. N., & Karakaya, A. (2023). Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles. International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies, 10(2), 103-113. https://doi.org/10.31593/ijeat.1307361
AMA Kurtulmuş ZN, Karakaya A. Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles. IJEAT. Aralık 2023;10(2):103-113. doi:10.31593/ijeat.1307361
Chicago Kurtulmuş, Zeyneb Nuriye, ve Abdulhakim Karakaya. “Review of Lithium-Ion, Fuel Cell, Sodium-Beta, Nickel-Based and Metal-Air Battery Technologies Used in Electric Vehicles”. International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies 10, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 103-13. https://doi.org/10.31593/ijeat.1307361.
EndNote Kurtulmuş ZN, Karakaya A (01 Aralık 2023) Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles. International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies 10 2 103–113.
IEEE Z. N. Kurtulmuş ve A. Karakaya, “Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles”, IJEAT, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 103–113, 2023, doi: 10.31593/ijeat.1307361.
ISNAD Kurtulmuş, Zeyneb Nuriye - Karakaya, Abdulhakim. “Review of Lithium-Ion, Fuel Cell, Sodium-Beta, Nickel-Based and Metal-Air Battery Technologies Used in Electric Vehicles”. International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies 10/2 (Aralık 2023), 103-113. https://doi.org/10.31593/ijeat.1307361.
JAMA Kurtulmuş ZN, Karakaya A. Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles. IJEAT. 2023;10:103–113.
MLA Kurtulmuş, Zeyneb Nuriye ve Abdulhakim Karakaya. “Review of Lithium-Ion, Fuel Cell, Sodium-Beta, Nickel-Based and Metal-Air Battery Technologies Used in Electric Vehicles”. International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies, c. 10, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 103-1, doi:10.31593/ijeat.1307361.
Vancouver Kurtulmuş ZN, Karakaya A. Review of lithium-ion, fuel cell, sodium-beta, nickel-based and metal-air battery technologies used in electric vehicles. IJEAT. 2023;10(2):103-1.