Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 101 - 107, 15.05.2018



  • Ang, R.P., & Goh, D.H. (2010). Cyberbullying among adolescents: The role of affective and cognitive empathy, and gender. Child Psychology and Human Development, 41(4), 387-397.
  • Aricak, T., Slyahhan, S. & Memmedov, M.A. (2008). Cyberbullying among Turkish adolescents. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), June 7, 253-261.
  • Baldasare, A., Bauman, S., Goldman, L., & Robie, A. (2012). Cyberbullying? Voices of college students. In Wankel, L. & Wankel, C. (Eds.), Misbehavior Online in Higher Education (Cutting Edge
  • Technologies in Higher Education, Volume 5), Emerald Group Publishing Limited), pp. 127-155.
  • Beale, A.V., & Hall, K.R. (2007). Cyberbullying: What school administrators (and parents) can do. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 81(1), 8-12.
  • Belsey, B. (2008). Cyberbullying.
  • Campbell, M. A. (2005). Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 15(1), 68-76.
  • Cowie, H., Bauman, S., Coyne, I., Myers, G., Porhola, M., & Almeida, A. (2013). Cyberbullying amongst university students. An an emergent cause for concern? In Cyberbullying through the new media: Findings from an international network. London, Psychology Press, pp.165-177.
  • Cyberbullying Research Center: http://
  • Dilmac, B. (2009). Psychological needs as a predictor of cyber bullying: A preliminary report on college students. Educational science & practice, 9 (3), 1307- 1325.
  • Englander, E. (2009). Cyberbullying and information exposure: User generated content in post-secondary education, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 46(2), 215-228.
  • Fapohunda,T.M. (2013). Managing workplace bullying. Journal of Human Resource Management, 1(3), 39-47.
  • Farrington, D.P. (1993). Understanding and preventing bullying, Crime and Justice, 17, 381-458.
  • Faucher, C., Cassidy W., & Jackson M. (2015). From sandbox to the inbox::Comparing the acts, impacts, and solutions of bullying in K-12, higher education , and the workplace. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(6).
  • Faucher, C., Jackson, M. & Cassidy,W. (2014). Cyberbullying among university students: Gendered experiences, impacts, and perspectives. Educational Research International.
  • Finkelhor D., Mitchell, K., & Wolak J. (2000). Online victimization: A report on the nation’s youth, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Bulletin, Alexandria VA, US Department of Justice, Washington DC, USA.
  • Finn, J. (2004). A survey of online harassment at a university campus, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(4), 468-483.
  • Gough, H.G. & Heilbrun, A.B. (1983). The adjective check list manual. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Haber, J.D. & Haber, S.B.(2007). Cyberbullying: A “virtual camp” nightmare? Camping Magazine, 80, 52-57.
  • Hanewald, R. (2009). Cyberbullying research: The current state, Australian Educational Computing: Journal of the Australian Council for Computers in Education, 24 (1), 10-15.
  • Hazier, R., Hoover, J., & Oliver, R. (1992). What kids say about bullying, The Executive Educator, 14(11), 20-22.
  • Herelick, D.M.L (2011). Recognizing and confronting workplace bullying. Good Company, 5(9).
  • Herring, S.C. (2002). Cyber violence: Recognizing and resisting abuse in online environments. Asian Women, 14, 187-212.
  • Holladay, J. (2011). Cyberbullying. Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, 76(5), 4-9.
  • Johnson, L.D. (2012). Cyberbullying among college students. Online Journal of Rural and Urban Research 2 (1).
  • Kowalski, R., Limber, S. & Agatston, P. (2007). Cyberbullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishers.
  • Kowalski, R.M., Toth, A. & Morgan, M. (2018). Bullying and cyberbullying in adulthood and the workplace, The Journal of Social Psychology, 158 (1).
  • Kraft, E.M. & Wang, J. (2010). An exploratory study of the cyberbullying and cyberstalking experiences and factors related to victimization of students at a public liberal arts college. The International Journal of Technoethics, 1 (4).
  • Li, Q. (2007). New bottle but old wine: A research Study of Cyber bullying in Schools, Computers and Human Behavior, 23, 177.
  • Li, Q. (2008). A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents’ experience of cyberbullying, Educational Research, 50 (3), 223-234
  • Luker, J.M. & Curchack, B.C. (2017). International perceptions of cyberbullying within higher education, Adult Learning, 28(4), 144-156.
  • Lund, E.M. & Ross, S.W. (2017). Bullying perpetration, victimization, and demographic differences in college students: A review of the literature. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 18 (3), 348-360.
  • MacDonald, C. D. & Roberts-Pittman B. (2010). Cyberbullying among college students: Prevalence and demographic differences, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 2003-2009.
  • Minor, M.A., Smith, G.S. & Brashen, H. (2013).Cyberbullying in higher education. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 3 (1), 15-29.
  • Molluzzo, J.C. & Lawler, J. P. (2012). A study of the perceptions of college students on cyberbullying. Information Systems Educational Journal, 10 (4), 84-109.
  • Norman, J.O. (2016). Bullying among university students. International Journal of Emotional Education, suppl. Special Issue, 8 (1), 127-128.
  • Olweus, D. (1973).Hackkycklingar och oversittare: Forskning om skolmobbning, Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell.
  • Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at schools: What we know and what we can do. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Olweus, D. and Limber, S.P. (2003). The Olweus bullying prevention program: Implementation and evaluation over two decades Retrieved from:
  • Patchin, J.W, & Hinduja, S. (2006). Bullies move beyond the schoolyard: A preliminary look at cyberbullying.Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4, 148-169.
  • Porhola, M. (2012). How experiences of bullying affect the well-being of students? Paper presented at the 16th Nordic Congress for Student Health. Helsinki’ Finland.
  • Porhola, M. & Kuntu, K. Experiences of bullying & victimization in higher education in Finland: Prevalence rates according to university type and gender.
  • Raskauskas, J., & Stoltz, A.D. (2007). Involvement in traditional and electronic bullying among adolescents, Developmental Psychology, 43(3), 564-575.
  • Rigby, K. (2003). Consequences of bullying in schools, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (9), 583-590.
  • Rigby, K. (2014). Defining bullying: A new look at an old concept. Bullying in Brief. Retrieved from:
  • http:/
  • Schenk, A.M., & Fremouves, W. J. (2012). Prevalence, psychological impact, and coping of cyberbully victims among college students. Journal of School Violence, 11(1), 21-37.
  • Selkie, E.M. (2015). Cyberbullying takes a toll on college students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.
  • Selke, E.M, Kota, R., Chan, Y. & Moreno, M. (2015) Cyberbullying, depression, and problem alcohol use in female college students: A multisite study.Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18 (2), 79-86.
  • Selke, E. & Moreno, M. (2016). Cyberbullying and college students: What can be done? Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Suicide, Telepsychiatry.
  • Sellers, M., Wray, G., Meeker, N. & Moulton, S. (2009). Cyberbullying in higher education. In T. Bastiaens et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (2009), Chesapeake VA: AACE, 2298-2303.
  • Shariff, S. (2005).Cyber-dilemnas in the new millennium, McGill Journal of Education, 40 (3), 467-487.
  • Shariff, S. and Gouin, R. (2006). “Cyber-dilemmas: Gendered hierarchies, new technologies & cyber-safety in schools,” Atlantis- A Women’s Studies Journal, 31(1), 26-36.
  • Slovak, K.,Crabb, H.& Stryffeler,B (2015). Perceptions and experiences of cyberbullying at a faith-based university, Social Work & Christianity, 42 (2), 149-164.
  • Smith, K.J., Grimm, J., Lombard, A.E. and Wolf, B. (2012). Cyberbullying: It doesn’t stop after high school graduation. In L.A. Wankel, & C. Wankel (Eds.), Misbehavior online in higher education (Cutting edge technologies in higher education, volume 5). Emerald Group Limited Publishing Limited, 207-242.
  • Smith, J.A. & Yoon, J. (2012). Cyberbullying Presence, extent, & forms in a Midwestern post-secondary institution. In Proceedings of the Information Systems Educators Conference-New Orleans Louisiana, 29 (1945) 1-27.
  • Smith, P.K., Mahdavi J., Carvalho M., et al. (2008). Cyberbullying: Its nature and impact in secondary school pupils. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 49, 376-385.
  • Tokunaga, R.S. (2010). Following you home from school: A critical review and synthesis of research on cyberbullying victimization. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 277-287.
  • Vandebosch, H. & Van Cleemput, K. (2008). Defining cyberbullying: A qualitative approach into perceptions of youngsters. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 11 (4), 499-503.
  • Walker, C.M., Sockman, B.R. & Koehn, S. (2011). An exploratory study of cyberbullying with undergraduate university students. TechTrends, 55(2), 31.
  • Wensley, K & Campbell, M. (2012). Heterosexual and nonheterosexual young university students’ I nvolvement in traditional and cyber forms of bullying. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social
  • Networking, 15 (12), 649-654,
  • Wall Street Journal (2010, September 30). Cyberbullying goes to college. Retrieved from
  • Williams, K.C. (2011). A study of the presence of relational aggression in the adult population (Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis database. (1494246).
  • Yamada, D. (2008). Workplace bullying and ethical leadership. Journal of Value-Based Leadership, 1(2).
  • Ybarra, M.L., Diener-West, M. & Leaf, P.J. (2007). Examining the overlap in internet harassment and school bullying: Implications for school intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41(6) (6 Suppl1) S542-55.
  • Zacchilli, T.A. & Valerio, C.Y. (March 2011). The knowledge and prevalence of cyberbullying in a College sample. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 11-23.
  • Zalaquett, C.P. & Chatters, S.S.J. (January-March 2014). Cyberbullying in college: Frequency, characteristics, and practical implications. Sage Open,1-8.
  • Zang, A.T.; Land, L.P.W. & Dick G. (2010) Key influences of cyber-bullying for university students. PACIS 2010 Proceedings. Paper 83.

Cyberbullying among College Students: A Look at Its Prevalence at a U.S. Catholic University

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 101 - 107, 15.05.2018


The intention of this study was to make a positive contribution to the scant literature on cyberbullying at the post-secondary level. Participants were 187 undergraduate students matriculated at a large U.S. Northeastern metropolitan Roman Catholic university. The focus of the study was on the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration at the university. Eight students (4.3%) indicated that they were victims of cyberbullying at the university level; a total of 14 (7.5%) students acknowledged having participated in bullying at that level. A significant finding had to do with the comfort level of students in reporting cyberbullying. A comparison of the results of our study to those of the only other study of cyberbullying conducted at an institution of higher learning with the same religious affiliation revealed similar results.


  • Ang, R.P., & Goh, D.H. (2010). Cyberbullying among adolescents: The role of affective and cognitive empathy, and gender. Child Psychology and Human Development, 41(4), 387-397.
  • Aricak, T., Slyahhan, S. & Memmedov, M.A. (2008). Cyberbullying among Turkish adolescents. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), June 7, 253-261.
  • Baldasare, A., Bauman, S., Goldman, L., & Robie, A. (2012). Cyberbullying? Voices of college students. In Wankel, L. & Wankel, C. (Eds.), Misbehavior Online in Higher Education (Cutting Edge
  • Technologies in Higher Education, Volume 5), Emerald Group Publishing Limited), pp. 127-155.
  • Beale, A.V., & Hall, K.R. (2007). Cyberbullying: What school administrators (and parents) can do. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 81(1), 8-12.
  • Belsey, B. (2008). Cyberbullying.
  • Campbell, M. A. (2005). Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 15(1), 68-76.
  • Cowie, H., Bauman, S., Coyne, I., Myers, G., Porhola, M., & Almeida, A. (2013). Cyberbullying amongst university students. An an emergent cause for concern? In Cyberbullying through the new media: Findings from an international network. London, Psychology Press, pp.165-177.
  • Cyberbullying Research Center: http://
  • Dilmac, B. (2009). Psychological needs as a predictor of cyber bullying: A preliminary report on college students. Educational science & practice, 9 (3), 1307- 1325.
  • Englander, E. (2009). Cyberbullying and information exposure: User generated content in post-secondary education, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 46(2), 215-228.
  • Fapohunda,T.M. (2013). Managing workplace bullying. Journal of Human Resource Management, 1(3), 39-47.
  • Farrington, D.P. (1993). Understanding and preventing bullying, Crime and Justice, 17, 381-458.
  • Faucher, C., Cassidy W., & Jackson M. (2015). From sandbox to the inbox::Comparing the acts, impacts, and solutions of bullying in K-12, higher education , and the workplace. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(6).
  • Faucher, C., Jackson, M. & Cassidy,W. (2014). Cyberbullying among university students: Gendered experiences, impacts, and perspectives. Educational Research International.
  • Finkelhor D., Mitchell, K., & Wolak J. (2000). Online victimization: A report on the nation’s youth, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Bulletin, Alexandria VA, US Department of Justice, Washington DC, USA.
  • Finn, J. (2004). A survey of online harassment at a university campus, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(4), 468-483.
  • Gough, H.G. & Heilbrun, A.B. (1983). The adjective check list manual. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Haber, J.D. & Haber, S.B.(2007). Cyberbullying: A “virtual camp” nightmare? Camping Magazine, 80, 52-57.
  • Hanewald, R. (2009). Cyberbullying research: The current state, Australian Educational Computing: Journal of the Australian Council for Computers in Education, 24 (1), 10-15.
  • Hazier, R., Hoover, J., & Oliver, R. (1992). What kids say about bullying, The Executive Educator, 14(11), 20-22.
  • Herelick, D.M.L (2011). Recognizing and confronting workplace bullying. Good Company, 5(9).
  • Herring, S.C. (2002). Cyber violence: Recognizing and resisting abuse in online environments. Asian Women, 14, 187-212.
  • Holladay, J. (2011). Cyberbullying. Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, 76(5), 4-9.
  • Johnson, L.D. (2012). Cyberbullying among college students. Online Journal of Rural and Urban Research 2 (1).
  • Kowalski, R., Limber, S. & Agatston, P. (2007). Cyberbullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishers.
  • Kowalski, R.M., Toth, A. & Morgan, M. (2018). Bullying and cyberbullying in adulthood and the workplace, The Journal of Social Psychology, 158 (1).
  • Kraft, E.M. & Wang, J. (2010). An exploratory study of the cyberbullying and cyberstalking experiences and factors related to victimization of students at a public liberal arts college. The International Journal of Technoethics, 1 (4).
  • Li, Q. (2007). New bottle but old wine: A research Study of Cyber bullying in Schools, Computers and Human Behavior, 23, 177.
  • Li, Q. (2008). A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents’ experience of cyberbullying, Educational Research, 50 (3), 223-234
  • Luker, J.M. & Curchack, B.C. (2017). International perceptions of cyberbullying within higher education, Adult Learning, 28(4), 144-156.
  • Lund, E.M. & Ross, S.W. (2017). Bullying perpetration, victimization, and demographic differences in college students: A review of the literature. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 18 (3), 348-360.
  • MacDonald, C. D. & Roberts-Pittman B. (2010). Cyberbullying among college students: Prevalence and demographic differences, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 2003-2009.
  • Minor, M.A., Smith, G.S. & Brashen, H. (2013).Cyberbullying in higher education. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 3 (1), 15-29.
  • Molluzzo, J.C. & Lawler, J. P. (2012). A study of the perceptions of college students on cyberbullying. Information Systems Educational Journal, 10 (4), 84-109.
  • Norman, J.O. (2016). Bullying among university students. International Journal of Emotional Education, suppl. Special Issue, 8 (1), 127-128.
  • Olweus, D. (1973).Hackkycklingar och oversittare: Forskning om skolmobbning, Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell.
  • Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at schools: What we know and what we can do. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Olweus, D. and Limber, S.P. (2003). The Olweus bullying prevention program: Implementation and evaluation over two decades Retrieved from:
  • Patchin, J.W, & Hinduja, S. (2006). Bullies move beyond the schoolyard: A preliminary look at cyberbullying.Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4, 148-169.
  • Porhola, M. (2012). How experiences of bullying affect the well-being of students? Paper presented at the 16th Nordic Congress for Student Health. Helsinki’ Finland.
  • Porhola, M. & Kuntu, K. Experiences of bullying & victimization in higher education in Finland: Prevalence rates according to university type and gender.
  • Raskauskas, J., & Stoltz, A.D. (2007). Involvement in traditional and electronic bullying among adolescents, Developmental Psychology, 43(3), 564-575.
  • Rigby, K. (2003). Consequences of bullying in schools, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (9), 583-590.
  • Rigby, K. (2014). Defining bullying: A new look at an old concept. Bullying in Brief. Retrieved from:
  • http:/
  • Schenk, A.M., & Fremouves, W. J. (2012). Prevalence, psychological impact, and coping of cyberbully victims among college students. Journal of School Violence, 11(1), 21-37.
  • Selkie, E.M. (2015). Cyberbullying takes a toll on college students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.
  • Selke, E.M, Kota, R., Chan, Y. & Moreno, M. (2015) Cyberbullying, depression, and problem alcohol use in female college students: A multisite study.Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18 (2), 79-86.
  • Selke, E. & Moreno, M. (2016). Cyberbullying and college students: What can be done? Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Suicide, Telepsychiatry.
  • Sellers, M., Wray, G., Meeker, N. & Moulton, S. (2009). Cyberbullying in higher education. In T. Bastiaens et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (2009), Chesapeake VA: AACE, 2298-2303.
  • Shariff, S. (2005).Cyber-dilemnas in the new millennium, McGill Journal of Education, 40 (3), 467-487.
  • Shariff, S. and Gouin, R. (2006). “Cyber-dilemmas: Gendered hierarchies, new technologies & cyber-safety in schools,” Atlantis- A Women’s Studies Journal, 31(1), 26-36.
  • Slovak, K.,Crabb, H.& Stryffeler,B (2015). Perceptions and experiences of cyberbullying at a faith-based university, Social Work & Christianity, 42 (2), 149-164.
  • Smith, K.J., Grimm, J., Lombard, A.E. and Wolf, B. (2012). Cyberbullying: It doesn’t stop after high school graduation. In L.A. Wankel, & C. Wankel (Eds.), Misbehavior online in higher education (Cutting edge technologies in higher education, volume 5). Emerald Group Limited Publishing Limited, 207-242.
  • Smith, J.A. & Yoon, J. (2012). Cyberbullying Presence, extent, & forms in a Midwestern post-secondary institution. In Proceedings of the Information Systems Educators Conference-New Orleans Louisiana, 29 (1945) 1-27.
  • Smith, P.K., Mahdavi J., Carvalho M., et al. (2008). Cyberbullying: Its nature and impact in secondary school pupils. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 49, 376-385.
  • Tokunaga, R.S. (2010). Following you home from school: A critical review and synthesis of research on cyberbullying victimization. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 277-287.
  • Vandebosch, H. & Van Cleemput, K. (2008). Defining cyberbullying: A qualitative approach into perceptions of youngsters. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 11 (4), 499-503.
  • Walker, C.M., Sockman, B.R. & Koehn, S. (2011). An exploratory study of cyberbullying with undergraduate university students. TechTrends, 55(2), 31.
  • Wensley, K & Campbell, M. (2012). Heterosexual and nonheterosexual young university students’ I nvolvement in traditional and cyber forms of bullying. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social
  • Networking, 15 (12), 649-654,
  • Wall Street Journal (2010, September 30). Cyberbullying goes to college. Retrieved from
  • Williams, K.C. (2011). A study of the presence of relational aggression in the adult population (Thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis database. (1494246).
  • Yamada, D. (2008). Workplace bullying and ethical leadership. Journal of Value-Based Leadership, 1(2).
  • Ybarra, M.L., Diener-West, M. & Leaf, P.J. (2007). Examining the overlap in internet harassment and school bullying: Implications for school intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41(6) (6 Suppl1) S542-55.
  • Zacchilli, T.A. & Valerio, C.Y. (March 2011). The knowledge and prevalence of cyberbullying in a College sample. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 11-23.
  • Zalaquett, C.P. & Chatters, S.S.J. (January-March 2014). Cyberbullying in college: Frequency, characteristics, and practical implications. Sage Open,1-8.
  • Zang, A.T.; Land, L.P.W. & Dick G. (2010) Key influences of cyber-bullying for university students. PACIS 2010 Proceedings. Paper 83.
Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

May A. Webber Bu kişi benim

Albert C. Ovedovitz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Webber, M. A., & Ovedovitz, A. C. (2018). Cyberbullying among College Students: A Look at Its Prevalence at a U.S. Catholic University. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 4(2), 101-107.