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Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 16, 25.06.2020


In this study, ore deposit investigations were realized using with the geological, geophysical and geochemical methods on the ophiolitic rocks exposed in Bozkır (Konya) region. Accordingly, samples were taken from the study area to represent the study area and lithology. From the samples taken, operations were performed on 17 stones-6 placers (stream sediments) samples. These separated samples were sent to Canada for chemical analysis. In geophysical study, Resistivity (Electrical Resistivity) method was preferred in which the changes of the layers in the vertical direction were examined. Aterwards, correlation and regression analysis of the 31 components analyzed were performed in order to interpret the geochemical events in the rocks in the study area. As a result of all the findings, interpretations were made and the study was completed. Working in the fields of electrical geophysical methods on the basis of resistivity levels / units tried to be determined. As a result of the data obtained in Bozkır hydrothermal permeable metal-rich and magnetite-rich altered gabbro and spilite silicified levels were determined formations.

Destekleyen Kurum

Coordination Office of Scientific Research Projects (BAP) of Selçuk University

Proje Numarası

BAP’s Project No: 10201087


Thanks This study contains a part of the master’s thesis that themes “Heavy And Precious Metal Exploration Using With Geophysical Methods In The Ophiolitic Rocks Exposed Bozkır (Konya) And Hatip-Çayirbaği (Meram-Konya) Regions” in the Department of Geology Engineering of the Institute of Science of Selçuk University. This study contains a part of the master’s thesis. We thank forever for the Coordination Office of Scientific Research Projects (BAP) of Selçuk University


  • [1]Dilek, Y., Sandvol, E., 2009. Seismic structure, crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of the Anatolian-African plate boundary and the Cenozoic orogenic belts in the Eastern Mediterranean region, in Murphy, J.B., Kappie, J.D., and Hynes, A.J., eds., Ancient Orogens and Modern Analogues Geological Society of London Special Publication 327:127 –160.
  • [2] Blumenthal, M. M., 1944. Series and structure of Taurus mountain range south of the steppe İÜFF Mec Ser., B 9/2:95–125.
  • [3] Blumenthal, M. M., 1956. The issue of stratigraphy of the Taurus margins and schist-radiolarite formation in the southwest of Karaman-Konya basin, Journal of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute Journal 48:1–36.
  • [4] Özgül, N., 1971. The importance of blocking action on the structural development of the northern part of the Central Taurus Turkey. Geological Congress Bulletin 14: 85-101
  • [5] Özgül, N., 1976. Some basic geological features of the Taurus Mountains. Bulletin of Geological Society of Turkey 19:5-78.
  • [6] Özgül, N., 1997. B Stratigraphy of Tectono-Stratigraphic Units in Bozkır-Hadim-Taşkent (Northern Part of Middle Taurus). Indirect Mineral Research and Exploration Institute Journal 119: 117-174.
  • [7] Monod, O., 1977. Recherches géologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie) These Université de Paris Sud ″ Centre D Orsay (yayınlanmamış: 442 pp.)
  • [8] Demirkol, C., 1981. Geology of the northwest of Sultandağ and its relations with Beyşehir-Hoyran nappment TÜBİTAK Basic Sciences Research Group, Project no: TBAG-382, Ankara (unpublished): 56 pp.
  • [9] Özçelik, Ö., 1984. Geology, tectonic evolution and petroleum opportunities of the Bozkır region in Taurus Mountains. PhD Thesis, (unpublished), 89 pp.
  • [10] Karadağ, M. M., 1987. Geological, petrographical and genetic investigation of bauxites in Seydişehir region. PhD Thesis (unpublished), 156 pp.
  • [11] Öncel, M. S., 1995. Mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical investigation of bauxite occurrences and geology of Şarkikaraağaç-Yalvaç (Isparta). PhD Thesis, Selcuk University.
  • [12] Altunsoy, M., 2000. Organic geochemical properties of Carboniferous and Permian units south of Lake Suğla (Konya), Journal of Earth Sciences 22:163-182.
  • [13] Turan, A., 2000a. Structural properties of the region between Korualan-Bağbaşı (Hadim-Konya) DEU Journal of Eng. Faculty of Science and Engineering Volume 2 3:51-66.
  • [14] Turan, A., 2000b. Stratigraphy of Taurus Mountains between Karaköy (Gündoğmuş) and Hadim DEÜ Journal of Science and Engineering 2 1:61-89.
  • [15] Horasan, B. Y., Temur, S., 2006. Sızma (Konya) mercury deposits related to the side rock alteration due to epithermal solutions. TMMOB JMO Turk Geol Bull 49(3):41–65.
  • [16] Öztürk, A., 2008. Investigation of platinum group elements. gold and other placer metals in ophiolitic rocks around Bozkır (Konya) and their associated placers. PhD Thesis, 222 pp.
  • [17] Özgül, N., 1984. The geology of Alanya. Turkey Geological Congress Bulletin, Ketin's Symposium:97-120.
  • [18] Graciansky, P. C., 1972. Reserches géologiques dans le Taurus Lycien occidental. Thèse Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris-Sud Orsay, 79 pp.
  • [19] Brunn, J. H., et al., 1971. Outline of the geology of the western Taurids. In Geology and history of Turkey (ed. Campbell, A. S.), Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya Tripoli:225-255.
  • [20] Koçyiğit, A., 1978. Sarikaya-Üçbaş (Karaman) The geology of the region. Turkey Geological Congress Bulletin 21: 77-86.
  • [21] Göncüoğlu, M. C., Dirik, K., Kozlu, H., 1996-1997. Pre-alpine and alpine terranes in Turkey: explanatory notes to the terane map of Turkey, Ann Geol Pays Hell 37:1-3.
  • [22] Yılmaz, A., Yılmaz, H., 2013. Ophiolites and Ophiolitic Melanges of Turkey: A Review Geological Bulletin of Turkey 56:119-172.
  • [23] Sarıfakıoğlu, E., Sevin, M., Dilek, Y., 2017. Turkey Ophiolites. MTA Special Publication Series-35 Ankara:100 p.
  • [24] Görür, N., Oktay, F. Y., Seymen, I., Şengör, A. M. C., 1984. Palaeotectonic evolution of the Tuzgölü basin complex, Central Turkey: sedimentary record of a Neo-Tethyan closure İn: Dixon. J.E. & Robertson. A.H.F. (eds). The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean Geological Society London Special Publications 17:81-96.
  • [25] Şengör, A. M. C., Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics 75:181-241.
  • [26] Lytwyn, J. N., Casey, J. F., 1995. The geochemistry of postkinematic mafic dike swarms and subophiolitic metabasites, Pozant›-Karsant› ophiolite, Turkey: Evidence for ridge subduction. Geological Society of American Bulletin 107:830-850.
  • [27] Polat, A., Casey, J. F., 1995. A structural record of the emplacement of the Pozant›-Karsant› ophiolite onto the Menderes-Taurus block in the late Cretaceous, eastern Taurides, Turkey Journal of Structural Geology 17:1673-1688.
  • [28] Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L., 1997. Counterclockwise PTt trajectory from the metamorphic sole of a Neo-Tethyan ophiolite (Turkey) Tectonophysics 280:295-310 doi:
  • [29] Collins, A. S., Robertson, A. H. F., 1998. Processes of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene episodic thrust sheet translation in the Lycian Taurides, SW Turkey Journal of the Geological Society, London 155:759-772.
  • [30] Dilek, Y., Thy, P., Hacker, B., Grundvig, S., 1999. Structure and petrology of Tauride ophiolites and mafic dike intrusions (Turkey): Implications for the Neotethyan ocean Geological Society of America Bulletin 111:1192-1216 doi:
  • [31] Kayabalı, İ., 1992. Geological, mineralogical and genetic investigation of barite occurrences in Alanözü and Habiller (Karaman) region. PhD Thesis (unpublished), 120 pp. [32] Kuşçu, M., 1982. Geology and Pb-Zn deposits of Göktepe (Ermenek) region. PhD Thesis (unpublished), 125 pp.
  • [33] Patyk-Kara, N. G., Gorelikova, N. V., Bardeeva, E. G., Shevelev, A. G., 2001. Mineralogy of placers: modern approaches and solutions. Lithology and Mineral Resources 36:393-405 doi:
  • [34] Van der Oever, F., 2000. Aruba—a geochemical baseline study, Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands. J Geosci 79(4):467–477.
  • [35] Horasan, B. Y., Ozturk, A., 2019. Evaluation of Boron Concentration in Akhüyük (Ereğli) Geothermal Source in terms of Medical Geology. International Journal of Environmental Trends (IJENT) 3 (2),127-141 ISSN: 2602-4160.
  • [36] Horasan, B. Y., Arik, F., 2019. Assessing heavy metal pollution in the surface soils of Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Carpathian J Earth Environ Sci 14(1):107–118.
  • [37] Horasan, B. Y., Ozturk, A., Unal, Y., 2020. Geochemical and anthropogenic factors controlling the heavy metal accumulatıon in the soils of Sarayonu Ladık link roads. Carpathian J Earth Environ Sci 15(1):145–156.
  • [38] Horasan, B. Y. The environmental impact of the abandoned mercury mines on the settlement and agricultural lands; Ladik (Konya, Turkey). Environ Earth Sci 79, 237 (2020).
  • [39] Purves, D., 1966. Contamination of urban garden soils with copper and boron. Nature 210:1077–1078.
  • [40] Purves, D., Mackenzie, E. J., 1969. Trace element contamination of parklands İn Manta DS.
  • [41] Zierenberg, R. A., Schiffman, P., Jonasson, I. R., Tosdal, R., Pickthorn, W., McClain, J., 1995. Alteration of basalt hyaloclastite at the off-axis Sea Cliff hydrothermal field, Gorda Ridge Chemical Geology 126:77-99.
  • [42] Honnorez, J., 2003. Hydrothermal alteration vs. ocean-floor metamorphism. A comparison between two case histories: the TAG hydrothermal mound (Mid- Atlantic Ridge) vs. DSDP/ODP Hole 504B (Equatorial East Pacific) C R Geoscience 335:781–824.
  • [43] Öztürk, A., Baykal, A., 2012. Heavy and Precious Metal Exploration using with Geophysical Methods in The Ophiolitic Rocks Exposed Hatıp-Çayırbağı (Meram-Konya) Region Journal of Fac EngArch Selcuk Univ 27(4):149-167.
  • [44] Henderson, F. B., 1969. Hydrothermal Alteration and Ore Deposition in Serpentinite-type Mercury Deposits Economic Geology 64:489- 499.
  • [45] Aydal, D., 1988. Containing Solid Gold Listvenite in the vehicle, Kastamonu, Turkey 20 years at Hacettepe University of Geosciences Symposium, Abstracts, Ankara.
  • [46] Aydal, D., 1989a. Gold-bearing listwaenites in the Araç¸ Massif, Kastamonu, Turkey Terra Nova 2:43-52.
  • [47] Aydal, D. 1989b. Hatay- Kızıldağ Solid Gold concentrating them in Southeast, 43 Turkey Geological Congress, Abstracts, Ankara.
  • [48] Tüysüz, N., Erler, A., 1993. Geochemistry and evolution of listwaenites in the Kağızman region (Kars, NE-Turkey) Chemie der Erde:315–329.
  • [49] Reçber, A., 1995. Geology and geochemistry of the listvenites around Mihalıççık (Eskişehir). Master Thesis, Ankara University.
  • [50] Koç, Ş., Kadıoğlu, Y. K., 1996. Mineralogy, geochemistry and precious metal content of Karacakaya (Yunusemre-Eskişehir) listwaenites. Ofioliti 21:125–130.
  • [51] Reçber, A., Koç, Ş., Kadıoğlu, Y. K., 1997. Geology and petrography of hydrothermally altered Yunusemre (Eskişehir) serpentinites Selcuk University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geological Engineering, 20th Year Geology Symposium, Abstracts, Konya 88 pp.
  • [52] Kadıoğlu, Y. K., Dilek, Y., Foland, K. A., 2006. Slab breakoff and syncollisional origin of the Late Cretaceous magmatism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. Turkey. in: Postcollisional Tectonics and Magmatism in the Mediterranean Region and Asia Geological Society of America Special Publication 409:381-415.
  • [53] Shcheka, G. G., Lehmann, B., Gierth, E., Gömann, K., Wallianos, A., 2004b. Macrocrystals of Pt–Fe alloy from the Kondyor PGE placer deposit, Khabarovskiy kray, Russia: trace-element content, mineral inclusions and reaction assemblages. The Canadian Mineralogist 42:601-617 doi:
  • [54] Shcheka, G. G., Solianik, A. N., Lehmann, B., Bieniok, A., Amthauer, G., Topa, D., Laflamme, J. H. G., 2004c. Euhedral crystals of ferroan platinum, cooperite and mertieite-II from alluvial sediments of the Darya river, Aldan Shield, Russia 68:871-885.
  • [55] Shcheka, G. G., Lehmann, B., 2007. Gold overprint of PGE alloy: an example from the Fadeevka Au-PGE placer, Russian Far East. Mineralogy and Petrology 89:275-282 doi:
  • [56] Malitch, K. N., Badanina, I. Y., 1998. Natural polycomponent solid solutions of the system Ru-Os-Ir-Pt-Fe and their genetic and applied significance. In: Doklady earth sciences, vol 8. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.(Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд), pp 1089-1092.
  • [57] Malitch, K., Auge, T., Badanina, I. Y., Goncharov, M., Junk, S., Pernicka, E., 2002. Os-rich nuggets from Au-PGE placers of the Maimecha-Kotui Province, Russia: a multi-disciplinary study. Mineralogy and Petrology 76:121-148.
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 16, 25.06.2020


Proje Numarası

BAP’s Project No: 10201087


  • [1]Dilek, Y., Sandvol, E., 2009. Seismic structure, crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of the Anatolian-African plate boundary and the Cenozoic orogenic belts in the Eastern Mediterranean region, in Murphy, J.B., Kappie, J.D., and Hynes, A.J., eds., Ancient Orogens and Modern Analogues Geological Society of London Special Publication 327:127 –160.
  • [2] Blumenthal, M. M., 1944. Series and structure of Taurus mountain range south of the steppe İÜFF Mec Ser., B 9/2:95–125.
  • [3] Blumenthal, M. M., 1956. The issue of stratigraphy of the Taurus margins and schist-radiolarite formation in the southwest of Karaman-Konya basin, Journal of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute Journal 48:1–36.
  • [4] Özgül, N., 1971. The importance of blocking action on the structural development of the northern part of the Central Taurus Turkey. Geological Congress Bulletin 14: 85-101
  • [5] Özgül, N., 1976. Some basic geological features of the Taurus Mountains. Bulletin of Geological Society of Turkey 19:5-78.
  • [6] Özgül, N., 1997. B Stratigraphy of Tectono-Stratigraphic Units in Bozkır-Hadim-Taşkent (Northern Part of Middle Taurus). Indirect Mineral Research and Exploration Institute Journal 119: 117-174.
  • [7] Monod, O., 1977. Recherches géologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie) These Université de Paris Sud ″ Centre D Orsay (yayınlanmamış: 442 pp.)
  • [8] Demirkol, C., 1981. Geology of the northwest of Sultandağ and its relations with Beyşehir-Hoyran nappment TÜBİTAK Basic Sciences Research Group, Project no: TBAG-382, Ankara (unpublished): 56 pp.
  • [9] Özçelik, Ö., 1984. Geology, tectonic evolution and petroleum opportunities of the Bozkır region in Taurus Mountains. PhD Thesis, (unpublished), 89 pp.
  • [10] Karadağ, M. M., 1987. Geological, petrographical and genetic investigation of bauxites in Seydişehir region. PhD Thesis (unpublished), 156 pp.
  • [11] Öncel, M. S., 1995. Mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical investigation of bauxite occurrences and geology of Şarkikaraağaç-Yalvaç (Isparta). PhD Thesis, Selcuk University.
  • [12] Altunsoy, M., 2000. Organic geochemical properties of Carboniferous and Permian units south of Lake Suğla (Konya), Journal of Earth Sciences 22:163-182.
  • [13] Turan, A., 2000a. Structural properties of the region between Korualan-Bağbaşı (Hadim-Konya) DEU Journal of Eng. Faculty of Science and Engineering Volume 2 3:51-66.
  • [14] Turan, A., 2000b. Stratigraphy of Taurus Mountains between Karaköy (Gündoğmuş) and Hadim DEÜ Journal of Science and Engineering 2 1:61-89.
  • [15] Horasan, B. Y., Temur, S., 2006. Sızma (Konya) mercury deposits related to the side rock alteration due to epithermal solutions. TMMOB JMO Turk Geol Bull 49(3):41–65.
  • [16] Öztürk, A., 2008. Investigation of platinum group elements. gold and other placer metals in ophiolitic rocks around Bozkır (Konya) and their associated placers. PhD Thesis, 222 pp.
  • [17] Özgül, N., 1984. The geology of Alanya. Turkey Geological Congress Bulletin, Ketin's Symposium:97-120.
  • [18] Graciansky, P. C., 1972. Reserches géologiques dans le Taurus Lycien occidental. Thèse Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris-Sud Orsay, 79 pp.
  • [19] Brunn, J. H., et al., 1971. Outline of the geology of the western Taurids. In Geology and history of Turkey (ed. Campbell, A. S.), Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya Tripoli:225-255.
  • [20] Koçyiğit, A., 1978. Sarikaya-Üçbaş (Karaman) The geology of the region. Turkey Geological Congress Bulletin 21: 77-86.
  • [21] Göncüoğlu, M. C., Dirik, K., Kozlu, H., 1996-1997. Pre-alpine and alpine terranes in Turkey: explanatory notes to the terane map of Turkey, Ann Geol Pays Hell 37:1-3.
  • [22] Yılmaz, A., Yılmaz, H., 2013. Ophiolites and Ophiolitic Melanges of Turkey: A Review Geological Bulletin of Turkey 56:119-172.
  • [23] Sarıfakıoğlu, E., Sevin, M., Dilek, Y., 2017. Turkey Ophiolites. MTA Special Publication Series-35 Ankara:100 p.
  • [24] Görür, N., Oktay, F. Y., Seymen, I., Şengör, A. M. C., 1984. Palaeotectonic evolution of the Tuzgölü basin complex, Central Turkey: sedimentary record of a Neo-Tethyan closure İn: Dixon. J.E. & Robertson. A.H.F. (eds). The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean Geological Society London Special Publications 17:81-96.
  • [25] Şengör, A. M. C., Yılmaz, Y., 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics 75:181-241.
  • [26] Lytwyn, J. N., Casey, J. F., 1995. The geochemistry of postkinematic mafic dike swarms and subophiolitic metabasites, Pozant›-Karsant› ophiolite, Turkey: Evidence for ridge subduction. Geological Society of American Bulletin 107:830-850.
  • [27] Polat, A., Casey, J. F., 1995. A structural record of the emplacement of the Pozant›-Karsant› ophiolite onto the Menderes-Taurus block in the late Cretaceous, eastern Taurides, Turkey Journal of Structural Geology 17:1673-1688.
  • [28] Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L., 1997. Counterclockwise PTt trajectory from the metamorphic sole of a Neo-Tethyan ophiolite (Turkey) Tectonophysics 280:295-310 doi:
  • [29] Collins, A. S., Robertson, A. H. F., 1998. Processes of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene episodic thrust sheet translation in the Lycian Taurides, SW Turkey Journal of the Geological Society, London 155:759-772.
  • [30] Dilek, Y., Thy, P., Hacker, B., Grundvig, S., 1999. Structure and petrology of Tauride ophiolites and mafic dike intrusions (Turkey): Implications for the Neotethyan ocean Geological Society of America Bulletin 111:1192-1216 doi:
  • [31] Kayabalı, İ., 1992. Geological, mineralogical and genetic investigation of barite occurrences in Alanözü and Habiller (Karaman) region. PhD Thesis (unpublished), 120 pp. [32] Kuşçu, M., 1982. Geology and Pb-Zn deposits of Göktepe (Ermenek) region. PhD Thesis (unpublished), 125 pp.
  • [33] Patyk-Kara, N. G., Gorelikova, N. V., Bardeeva, E. G., Shevelev, A. G., 2001. Mineralogy of placers: modern approaches and solutions. Lithology and Mineral Resources 36:393-405 doi:
  • [34] Van der Oever, F., 2000. Aruba—a geochemical baseline study, Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands. J Geosci 79(4):467–477.
  • [35] Horasan, B. Y., Ozturk, A., 2019. Evaluation of Boron Concentration in Akhüyük (Ereğli) Geothermal Source in terms of Medical Geology. International Journal of Environmental Trends (IJENT) 3 (2),127-141 ISSN: 2602-4160.
  • [36] Horasan, B. Y., Arik, F., 2019. Assessing heavy metal pollution in the surface soils of Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Carpathian J Earth Environ Sci 14(1):107–118.
  • [37] Horasan, B. Y., Ozturk, A., Unal, Y., 2020. Geochemical and anthropogenic factors controlling the heavy metal accumulatıon in the soils of Sarayonu Ladık link roads. Carpathian J Earth Environ Sci 15(1):145–156.
  • [38] Horasan, B. Y. The environmental impact of the abandoned mercury mines on the settlement and agricultural lands; Ladik (Konya, Turkey). Environ Earth Sci 79, 237 (2020).
  • [39] Purves, D., 1966. Contamination of urban garden soils with copper and boron. Nature 210:1077–1078.
  • [40] Purves, D., Mackenzie, E. J., 1969. Trace element contamination of parklands İn Manta DS.
  • [41] Zierenberg, R. A., Schiffman, P., Jonasson, I. R., Tosdal, R., Pickthorn, W., McClain, J., 1995. Alteration of basalt hyaloclastite at the off-axis Sea Cliff hydrothermal field, Gorda Ridge Chemical Geology 126:77-99.
  • [42] Honnorez, J., 2003. Hydrothermal alteration vs. ocean-floor metamorphism. A comparison between two case histories: the TAG hydrothermal mound (Mid- Atlantic Ridge) vs. DSDP/ODP Hole 504B (Equatorial East Pacific) C R Geoscience 335:781–824.
  • [43] Öztürk, A., Baykal, A., 2012. Heavy and Precious Metal Exploration using with Geophysical Methods in The Ophiolitic Rocks Exposed Hatıp-Çayırbağı (Meram-Konya) Region Journal of Fac EngArch Selcuk Univ 27(4):149-167.
  • [44] Henderson, F. B., 1969. Hydrothermal Alteration and Ore Deposition in Serpentinite-type Mercury Deposits Economic Geology 64:489- 499.
  • [45] Aydal, D., 1988. Containing Solid Gold Listvenite in the vehicle, Kastamonu, Turkey 20 years at Hacettepe University of Geosciences Symposium, Abstracts, Ankara.
  • [46] Aydal, D., 1989a. Gold-bearing listwaenites in the Araç¸ Massif, Kastamonu, Turkey Terra Nova 2:43-52.
  • [47] Aydal, D. 1989b. Hatay- Kızıldağ Solid Gold concentrating them in Southeast, 43 Turkey Geological Congress, Abstracts, Ankara.
  • [48] Tüysüz, N., Erler, A., 1993. Geochemistry and evolution of listwaenites in the Kağızman region (Kars, NE-Turkey) Chemie der Erde:315–329.
  • [49] Reçber, A., 1995. Geology and geochemistry of the listvenites around Mihalıççık (Eskişehir). Master Thesis, Ankara University.
  • [50] Koç, Ş., Kadıoğlu, Y. K., 1996. Mineralogy, geochemistry and precious metal content of Karacakaya (Yunusemre-Eskişehir) listwaenites. Ofioliti 21:125–130.
  • [51] Reçber, A., Koç, Ş., Kadıoğlu, Y. K., 1997. Geology and petrography of hydrothermally altered Yunusemre (Eskişehir) serpentinites Selcuk University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geological Engineering, 20th Year Geology Symposium, Abstracts, Konya 88 pp.
  • [52] Kadıoğlu, Y. K., Dilek, Y., Foland, K. A., 2006. Slab breakoff and syncollisional origin of the Late Cretaceous magmatism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. Turkey. in: Postcollisional Tectonics and Magmatism in the Mediterranean Region and Asia Geological Society of America Special Publication 409:381-415.
  • [53] Shcheka, G. G., Lehmann, B., Gierth, E., Gömann, K., Wallianos, A., 2004b. Macrocrystals of Pt–Fe alloy from the Kondyor PGE placer deposit, Khabarovskiy kray, Russia: trace-element content, mineral inclusions and reaction assemblages. The Canadian Mineralogist 42:601-617 doi:
  • [54] Shcheka, G. G., Solianik, A. N., Lehmann, B., Bieniok, A., Amthauer, G., Topa, D., Laflamme, J. H. G., 2004c. Euhedral crystals of ferroan platinum, cooperite and mertieite-II from alluvial sediments of the Darya river, Aldan Shield, Russia 68:871-885.
  • [55] Shcheka, G. G., Lehmann, B., 2007. Gold overprint of PGE alloy: an example from the Fadeevka Au-PGE placer, Russian Far East. Mineralogy and Petrology 89:275-282 doi:
  • [56] Malitch, K. N., Badanina, I. Y., 1998. Natural polycomponent solid solutions of the system Ru-Os-Ir-Pt-Fe and their genetic and applied significance. In: Doklady earth sciences, vol 8. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.(Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд), pp 1089-1092.
  • [57] Malitch, K., Auge, T., Badanina, I. Y., Goncharov, M., Junk, S., Pernicka, E., 2002. Os-rich nuggets from Au-PGE placers of the Maimecha-Kotui Province, Russia: a multi-disciplinary study. Mineralogy and Petrology 76:121-148.
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Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Jeoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Alican Öztürk

Ahmet Baykal

Proje Numarası BAP’s Project No: 10201087
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, A., & Baykal, A. (2020). Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method. Uluslararası Çevresel Eğilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 1-16.
AMA Öztürk A, Baykal A. Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method. IJENT. Haziran 2020;4(1):1-16.
Chicago Öztürk, Alican, ve Ahmet Baykal. “Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method”. Uluslararası Çevresel Eğilimler Dergisi 4, sy. 1 (Haziran 2020): 1-16.
EndNote Öztürk A, Baykal A (01 Haziran 2020) Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method. Uluslararası Çevresel Eğilimler Dergisi 4 1 1–16.
IEEE A. Öztürk ve A. Baykal, “Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method”, IJENT, c. 4, sy. 1, ss. 1–16, 2020.
ISNAD Öztürk, Alican - Baykal, Ahmet. “Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method”. Uluslararası Çevresel Eğilimler Dergisi 4/1 (Haziran 2020), 1-16.
JAMA Öztürk A, Baykal A. Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method. IJENT. 2020;4:1–16.
MLA Öztürk, Alican ve Ahmet Baykal. “Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method”. Uluslararası Çevresel Eğilimler Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 1-16.
Vancouver Öztürk A, Baykal A. Evaluation of Heavy and Precious Metal Potentials in Ophiolitic Rocks in Bozkır (Konya-Türkiye) Region by Resistivity and Geochemical Method. IJENT. 2020;4(1):1-16.

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