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The Effect of Emotional Expression Deficits on Employee Attrition: The Mediating Role of Conscientious Intelligence in the Relationship between Alexithymia and Quiet Quitting

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 149 - 169


This study investigated the mediating role of conscientious intelligence in the relationship between alexithymia and quiet quitting. Data were collected from a sample of 330 individuals employed in both the private and public sectors, using the Quiet Quitting Scale, the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and the Conscientious Intelligence Scale. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 26 and the PROCESS macro (Model 4). The findings indicated that the mean scores for alexithymia, quiet quitting, and conscientious intelligence were notably high among employees. A significant positive relationship was found between alexithymia and quiet quitting, while a negative relationship was found between conscientious intelligence and quiet quitting. Importantly, conscientious intelligence was found to partially mediate the relationship between alexithymia and quiet quitting. Specifically, the effect of alexithymia on quiet quitting was attenuated in individuals with higher levels of conscientious intelligence. In addition, the study examines the differences between participants' demographic characteristics and the variables. The findings are summarized. These findings suggest that interventions designed to enhance emotional awareness and conscientious intelligence in organizational contexts may play a crucial role in reducing psychological attrition and quiet quitting behaviors among employees.


  • Adamowicz, J. L., Sirotiak, Z., & Thomas, E. B. K. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and somatic symptoms: Examining the role of specific types of childhood maltreatment and alexithymia. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 16(Suppl 1), S2–S9.
  • Aktı, Ü., Giderler, C., Duran, C., Behdioğlu, S., & Boz, D. (2017). Vicdani zekâ ölçeği geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması, İslam Medeniyeti Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(3), 329-349.
  • Anand, A., Doll, J., & Ray, P. (2024). Drowning in silence: A scale development and validation of quiet quitting and quiet firing, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32(4), 721-743.
  • Arslanoğlu, A. &Tabur, A. (2019). The effect of conscientious intelligence on the ability to manage patient expectations: Example from a university hospital. Medicine Science, 8(4), 1017-1024.
  • Avcı, N. (2023). Örgütsel sinizm, örgütsel sessizlik, işte sözde var olma ve sessiz istifa arasındaki ilişkiler: İstanbul Maltepe Belediyesi örneği. Vizyoner Dergisi, 14(39), 968-989.
  • Boy, Y., & Sürmeli, M. (2023). Quiet quitting: a significant risk for global healthcare, Journal of Global Health, 13, 3014,
  • Butts, J.B. (2019). Ethics in professional nursing practice, J.B., Butts & K.L. Rich (Eds.), In Nursing Ethics: Across the curriculum and into practice (pp. 59–94). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Constantz, J. (2022). Quiet quitters’ make up half of the US workforce, Gallup finds, Bloomberg, Coversano, C., Di Giuseppe, M., Miccoli, M., Ciacchini, R., Gemignani, A., & Orru, G. (2020). mindfulness, age and gender as protective factors against psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemic. Front. Psychol. 11: 1900.
  • Cruise, K.E., & Becerra, R. (2018). Alexithymia and problematic alcohol use: A critical update, Addictive Behaviors, 77, 232-246. Çapık, C. (2014). İstatistiksel güç analizi ve hemşirelik araştırmalarında kullanımı: Temel bilgiler. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(4), 268-274.
  • Daugherty, G., Kelly, R.C., & Kvilhaug, S. (2024). What is quiet quitting—and is it a real trend?, Formica, S. & Sfodera, F. (2022). The great resignation and quiet quitting paradigm shifts: An overview of current situation and future research directions, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 31(8), 899-907.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Foster, A. (2022). The surprising origin of the ‘quiet quitting’ trend sweeping multiple countries.,
  • Frewen, P. A., Dozois, D. J. A., Neufeld, R. W. J., & Lanius, R. A. (2008). Meta-analysis of alexithymia in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21(2), 243-246.
  • Gallup. (2023). State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report, Gallup, Washington, DC, pp. 1-95.
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.) Pearson.
  • Goetz, D.B., Johnson, E.C., Naugle, A.E., & Borges, L.M. (2020). Alexithymia, state‐emotion dysregulation, and eating disorder symptoms: A mediation model, Clinical Psychologist. 24(2), 166-175.
  • Güleç, H., Köse, S., Yazıcı, M., Çıtak, S., Evren, C., Borckardt, J., & Sayar, K. (2009). The Turkish version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20): Reliability, validity, and factorial structure. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 19(3), 214-220.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri (5. Baskı). Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hamouche, S., Koritos, C., & Papastathopoulos, A. (2023). Quiet quitting: Relationship with other concepts and implications for tourism and hospitality, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(12), 4297-4312,
  • Hannani, S., Kamali, N., Amiri, F., & Hosseini, A.F. (2018). The relationship between spiritual intelligence and moral distress in operating room students. Medical Ethics Journal, 11(42), 23–33.
  • Harter, J. (2022). Is quiet quitting real?,
  • Haviland, M.G., Hendryx, M.S., Shaw, D.G., & Henry, J.P. (1994). Alexithymia in women and men hospitalized for psychoactive substance dependence. Comprehensive psychiatry, 35(2), 124-128.
  • Hogeveen, J., & Grafman, J. (2021). Alexithymia. Handb Clin Neurol, 183, 47-62.
  • Kieraité, M., Böttig, J.J., Novoselac, A., Noboa, V., Seifritz, E., Rufer, M., Egger, S.T., & Weidt, S. (2024). “Our similarities are different” The relationship between alexithymia and depression. Psychiatry Research, 340, Article no: 116099.
  • Lak, S., Zahedi, S., Davodabady, F., & Khosravani, M. (2018). Conscience understanding among nurses working at education hospital of Arak. Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión, 13(3), 246–250.
  • Lamb, C., Evans, M., Babenko-Mould, Y., Wong, C. A., & Kirkwood, K. W. (2019). Conscience, conscientious objection, and nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 26(1), 37–49.
  • Li, M., Yuan, Y., Cheng, X., Wang, Y., & Xu, Z. (2024). Childhood maltreatment and insomnia in college students: The role of alexithymia and psychological distress. Acta Psychologica, 243, Article no: 104149,
  • Lord, J. (2022). Quiet quitting is a new name for an old method of industrial action.
  • Lumley, M.A., Neely, L.C., & Burger, A.J. (2007). The assessment of alexithymia in medical settings: Implications for health outcomes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89(3), 230-246.
  • Lyvers, M., Cutinho, D., & Thorberg, F.A. (2020). Alexithymia, impulsivity, disordered social media use, mood and alcohol use in relation to facebook self-disclosure, Computers in Human Behavior, 103, 174-180.
  • Malhotra, N. K., & Dash, S. (2011). Marketing research: An applied orientation. Pearson Publishing. Marchetti, D., Verrocchio, M.C., & Porcelli, P. (2019). Gambling problems and alexithymia: A systematic review, Brain Sciences, 9(8), 191.
  • McFarlane, A.C., & Van Hooff, M. (2009). Impact of childhood exposure to a natural disaster on adult mental health: 20-year longitudinal follow-up study. Br J Psychiatry, 195(2), 142-148.
  • Nemiah, J., Freyberger, H.,&Sifneos, P.E. (1976). Alexithymia:A vies of the psychosomatic. In, O.W. Hill (Ed.), Modern Tends in Psychosomatic Medicine, 3, 430-439. Butterworths.
  • Nimmi, P.M., Syed, F., Manjaly, N.B., & Harsha, G. (2024). Employee’s narrative on quiet quitting: A qualitative analysis. Employee Relations, 46(7), 1406-1421.
  • Özcan, S. (2021). The relationship between nurses' conscientious intelligence levels and care behaviors: A cross-sectional study. Clinical Ethics, 1–8.
  • Pant, N., & Srivastava, S.K. (2019). The impact of spiritual intelligence, gender and educational background on mental health among college students. Journal of Religion and Health, 58(1), 87–108.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Allan, A., Robinson, K., & Dandy, J. (2017). Establishing the theoretical components of alexithymia via factor analysis: Introduction and validation of the attention-appraisal model of alexithymia, Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 341-352.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Robinson, K., & Dandy, J. (2018). Assessing alexithymia: Psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in nonclinical and psychiatric samples. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40, 276-287. Rocha, H.C.F., Duarte, M., Dominique-Ferreira, S. (2024). The impact of Work-life conflict on employees’ emotional well-being and the adoption of quiet quitting—A study case applied to the Portuguese hospitality industry. In Carvalho, J.V., Abreu, A., Liberato, D., Rebolledo, J.A.D. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 384. Springer.
  • Saarijarvi, S., Salminen, J. K., & Toikka, T. (2006). Temporal stability of alexithymia over a five-year period in outpatients with major depression. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 75(2), 107-112.
  • Schmitt, D. P., Long, A. E., McPhearson, A., O'Brien, K., Remmert, B., & Shah, S. H. (2017). Personality and gender differences in global perspective. International Journal of Psychology, 52(S1), 45–56.
  • Serenko, A. (2024). The human capital management perspective on quiet quitting: Recommendations for employees, managers, and national policymakers. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(1), 27-43,
  • Solomon, Z., & Mikulincer, M. (2006). Trajectories of PTSD: A 20-year longitudinal study, Am J Psychiatry, 163(4), 659-666.
  • Sweetnam, T.J., & Flack, M. (2023). Ready, set, …and difficultly slowing down: What role does alexithymia, emotional regulation and interoceptive awareness play in exercise dependence?. Acta Psychological, 237, Article no: 103958,
  • Tarhan, N. (2022). Mesnevi Terapi. Timaş Publications.
  • Taylor, G.J., Bagby, R.M., & Parker, J.D.A. (1997). Disorders of affect regulation: Alexithymia in medical and psychiatric illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Torunsky, N.T., Knauz, S., Vilares, I., Marcoulides, K.M., & Koutstaal, W. (2023). What is the relationship between alexithymia and experiential avoidance? A latent analysis using three alexithymia questionnaires. Personality and Individual Differences, 214, Article no: 112308.
  • Weiss, H.M., & Cropanzano, R. (1996). Affeetive events theory: A theoretical diseussion of the strueture, causes and consequenees of affeetive experienees at work, Research in Organisational Behavior, 18, 1-79.
  • Wicker, S., & Van Hein, J. (2023). Justice perceptions, quiet quitting & personality. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
  • Wilmot, M.P., & Ones, D.S. (2019). A century of research on conscientiousness at work, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, 116(46), 23004-23010.
  • Wogu, I.A.P., Agoha, B.E., Sholarin, A.M., Oyeyemi, A., & Evbuoma, K.I. (2015). The conscious being & the problem of consciousness: Implications for theory and practice for 21 st century researchers. Discovery and Innovation, 11, 1–7.
  • Yıkılmaz, İ. (2022, 15 October). Quiet quitting: a conceptual investigation [Paper Presentation], Anadolu 10th International Conference on Social Science, Diyarbakır, pp. 581-591.
  • Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2022). Quiet Quitting Is About Bad Bosses, Not Bad Employees. Harvard Business Review.

Duygusal İfade Eksikliğinin İşten Kopuşa Etkisi: Çalışanlarda Aleksitimi ve Sessiz İstifa İlişkisinde Vicdani Zekânın Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 149 - 169


Bu çalışmada, aleksitimi ve sessiz istifa arasındaki ilişkide vicdani zekânın aracı rolü incelenmektedir. Özel ve kamu sektöründe çalışan 330 kişiden oluşan örneklem grubundan elde edilen veriler, Sessiz İstifa Ölçeği, Aleksitimi Ölçeği ve Vicdani Zekâ Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında gerçekleştirilen analizler SPSS 26 ve Process Macro (Model 4) ile yürütülmüştür. Bulgular, çalışanların aleksitimi, sessiz istifa ve vicdani zekâ ortalama puanlarının dikkate değer seviyelerde olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, aleksitimi ile sessiz istifa arasında pozitif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki bulunduğu, vicdani zekâ ile sessiz istifa arasında ise negatif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, aleksitimi ve sessiz istifa arasındaki ilişkide vicdani zekânın kısmi aracılık rolü üstlendiği tespit edilmiştir. Yüksek vicdani zekâ düzeyine sahip bireylerde aleksitiminin sessiz istifa üzerindeki etkisinin zayıfladığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmada katılımcıların demografik özellikleri ile değişkenler arasındaki farklılıklar da incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular özetlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, örgütsel bağlamda çalışanların duygusal farkındalık düzeylerini artırmaya yönelik müdahalelerin, işten psikolojik kopuşu önlemede önemli bir rol oynayabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Adamowicz, J. L., Sirotiak, Z., & Thomas, E. B. K. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and somatic symptoms: Examining the role of specific types of childhood maltreatment and alexithymia. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 16(Suppl 1), S2–S9.
  • Aktı, Ü., Giderler, C., Duran, C., Behdioğlu, S., & Boz, D. (2017). Vicdani zekâ ölçeği geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması, İslam Medeniyeti Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(3), 329-349.
  • Anand, A., Doll, J., & Ray, P. (2024). Drowning in silence: A scale development and validation of quiet quitting and quiet firing, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32(4), 721-743.
  • Arslanoğlu, A. &Tabur, A. (2019). The effect of conscientious intelligence on the ability to manage patient expectations: Example from a university hospital. Medicine Science, 8(4), 1017-1024.
  • Avcı, N. (2023). Örgütsel sinizm, örgütsel sessizlik, işte sözde var olma ve sessiz istifa arasındaki ilişkiler: İstanbul Maltepe Belediyesi örneği. Vizyoner Dergisi, 14(39), 968-989.
  • Boy, Y., & Sürmeli, M. (2023). Quiet quitting: a significant risk for global healthcare, Journal of Global Health, 13, 3014,
  • Butts, J.B. (2019). Ethics in professional nursing practice, J.B., Butts & K.L. Rich (Eds.), In Nursing Ethics: Across the curriculum and into practice (pp. 59–94). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Constantz, J. (2022). Quiet quitters’ make up half of the US workforce, Gallup finds, Bloomberg, Coversano, C., Di Giuseppe, M., Miccoli, M., Ciacchini, R., Gemignani, A., & Orru, G. (2020). mindfulness, age and gender as protective factors against psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemic. Front. Psychol. 11: 1900.
  • Cruise, K.E., & Becerra, R. (2018). Alexithymia and problematic alcohol use: A critical update, Addictive Behaviors, 77, 232-246. Çapık, C. (2014). İstatistiksel güç analizi ve hemşirelik araştırmalarında kullanımı: Temel bilgiler. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(4), 268-274.
  • Daugherty, G., Kelly, R.C., & Kvilhaug, S. (2024). What is quiet quitting—and is it a real trend?, Formica, S. & Sfodera, F. (2022). The great resignation and quiet quitting paradigm shifts: An overview of current situation and future research directions, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 31(8), 899-907.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Foster, A. (2022). The surprising origin of the ‘quiet quitting’ trend sweeping multiple countries.,
  • Frewen, P. A., Dozois, D. J. A., Neufeld, R. W. J., & Lanius, R. A. (2008). Meta-analysis of alexithymia in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21(2), 243-246.
  • Gallup. (2023). State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report, Gallup, Washington, DC, pp. 1-95.
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.) Pearson.
  • Goetz, D.B., Johnson, E.C., Naugle, A.E., & Borges, L.M. (2020). Alexithymia, state‐emotion dysregulation, and eating disorder symptoms: A mediation model, Clinical Psychologist. 24(2), 166-175.
  • Güleç, H., Köse, S., Yazıcı, M., Çıtak, S., Evren, C., Borckardt, J., & Sayar, K. (2009). The Turkish version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20): Reliability, validity, and factorial structure. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 19(3), 214-220.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri (5. Baskı). Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hamouche, S., Koritos, C., & Papastathopoulos, A. (2023). Quiet quitting: Relationship with other concepts and implications for tourism and hospitality, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(12), 4297-4312,
  • Hannani, S., Kamali, N., Amiri, F., & Hosseini, A.F. (2018). The relationship between spiritual intelligence and moral distress in operating room students. Medical Ethics Journal, 11(42), 23–33.
  • Harter, J. (2022). Is quiet quitting real?,
  • Haviland, M.G., Hendryx, M.S., Shaw, D.G., & Henry, J.P. (1994). Alexithymia in women and men hospitalized for psychoactive substance dependence. Comprehensive psychiatry, 35(2), 124-128.
  • Hogeveen, J., & Grafman, J. (2021). Alexithymia. Handb Clin Neurol, 183, 47-62.
  • Kieraité, M., Böttig, J.J., Novoselac, A., Noboa, V., Seifritz, E., Rufer, M., Egger, S.T., & Weidt, S. (2024). “Our similarities are different” The relationship between alexithymia and depression. Psychiatry Research, 340, Article no: 116099.
  • Lak, S., Zahedi, S., Davodabady, F., & Khosravani, M. (2018). Conscience understanding among nurses working at education hospital of Arak. Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión, 13(3), 246–250.
  • Lamb, C., Evans, M., Babenko-Mould, Y., Wong, C. A., & Kirkwood, K. W. (2019). Conscience, conscientious objection, and nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 26(1), 37–49.
  • Li, M., Yuan, Y., Cheng, X., Wang, Y., & Xu, Z. (2024). Childhood maltreatment and insomnia in college students: The role of alexithymia and psychological distress. Acta Psychologica, 243, Article no: 104149,
  • Lord, J. (2022). Quiet quitting is a new name for an old method of industrial action.
  • Lumley, M.A., Neely, L.C., & Burger, A.J. (2007). The assessment of alexithymia in medical settings: Implications for health outcomes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89(3), 230-246.
  • Lyvers, M., Cutinho, D., & Thorberg, F.A. (2020). Alexithymia, impulsivity, disordered social media use, mood and alcohol use in relation to facebook self-disclosure, Computers in Human Behavior, 103, 174-180.
  • Malhotra, N. K., & Dash, S. (2011). Marketing research: An applied orientation. Pearson Publishing. Marchetti, D., Verrocchio, M.C., & Porcelli, P. (2019). Gambling problems and alexithymia: A systematic review, Brain Sciences, 9(8), 191.
  • McFarlane, A.C., & Van Hooff, M. (2009). Impact of childhood exposure to a natural disaster on adult mental health: 20-year longitudinal follow-up study. Br J Psychiatry, 195(2), 142-148.
  • Nemiah, J., Freyberger, H.,&Sifneos, P.E. (1976). Alexithymia:A vies of the psychosomatic. In, O.W. Hill (Ed.), Modern Tends in Psychosomatic Medicine, 3, 430-439. Butterworths.
  • Nimmi, P.M., Syed, F., Manjaly, N.B., & Harsha, G. (2024). Employee’s narrative on quiet quitting: A qualitative analysis. Employee Relations, 46(7), 1406-1421.
  • Özcan, S. (2021). The relationship between nurses' conscientious intelligence levels and care behaviors: A cross-sectional study. Clinical Ethics, 1–8.
  • Pant, N., & Srivastava, S.K. (2019). The impact of spiritual intelligence, gender and educational background on mental health among college students. Journal of Religion and Health, 58(1), 87–108.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Allan, A., Robinson, K., & Dandy, J. (2017). Establishing the theoretical components of alexithymia via factor analysis: Introduction and validation of the attention-appraisal model of alexithymia, Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 341-352.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Robinson, K., & Dandy, J. (2018). Assessing alexithymia: Psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in nonclinical and psychiatric samples. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40, 276-287. Rocha, H.C.F., Duarte, M., Dominique-Ferreira, S. (2024). The impact of Work-life conflict on employees’ emotional well-being and the adoption of quiet quitting—A study case applied to the Portuguese hospitality industry. In Carvalho, J.V., Abreu, A., Liberato, D., Rebolledo, J.A.D. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 384. Springer.
  • Saarijarvi, S., Salminen, J. K., & Toikka, T. (2006). Temporal stability of alexithymia over a five-year period in outpatients with major depression. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 75(2), 107-112.
  • Schmitt, D. P., Long, A. E., McPhearson, A., O'Brien, K., Remmert, B., & Shah, S. H. (2017). Personality and gender differences in global perspective. International Journal of Psychology, 52(S1), 45–56.
  • Serenko, A. (2024). The human capital management perspective on quiet quitting: Recommendations for employees, managers, and national policymakers. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(1), 27-43,
  • Solomon, Z., & Mikulincer, M. (2006). Trajectories of PTSD: A 20-year longitudinal study, Am J Psychiatry, 163(4), 659-666.
  • Sweetnam, T.J., & Flack, M. (2023). Ready, set, …and difficultly slowing down: What role does alexithymia, emotional regulation and interoceptive awareness play in exercise dependence?. Acta Psychological, 237, Article no: 103958,
  • Tarhan, N. (2022). Mesnevi Terapi. Timaş Publications.
  • Taylor, G.J., Bagby, R.M., & Parker, J.D.A. (1997). Disorders of affect regulation: Alexithymia in medical and psychiatric illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Torunsky, N.T., Knauz, S., Vilares, I., Marcoulides, K.M., & Koutstaal, W. (2023). What is the relationship between alexithymia and experiential avoidance? A latent analysis using three alexithymia questionnaires. Personality and Individual Differences, 214, Article no: 112308.
  • Weiss, H.M., & Cropanzano, R. (1996). Affeetive events theory: A theoretical diseussion of the strueture, causes and consequenees of affeetive experienees at work, Research in Organisational Behavior, 18, 1-79.
  • Wicker, S., & Van Hein, J. (2023). Justice perceptions, quiet quitting & personality. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
  • Wilmot, M.P., & Ones, D.S. (2019). A century of research on conscientiousness at work, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, 116(46), 23004-23010.
  • Wogu, I.A.P., Agoha, B.E., Sholarin, A.M., Oyeyemi, A., & Evbuoma, K.I. (2015). The conscious being & the problem of consciousness: Implications for theory and practice for 21 st century researchers. Discovery and Innovation, 11, 1–7.
  • Yıkılmaz, İ. (2022, 15 October). Quiet quitting: a conceptual investigation [Paper Presentation], Anadolu 10th International Conference on Social Science, Diyarbakır, pp. 581-591.
  • Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2022). Quiet Quitting Is About Bad Bosses, Not Bad Employees. Harvard Business Review.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İstihdam
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sevda Demir 0000-0003-1172-973X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 11 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Şubat 2025
Kabul Tarihi 4 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, S. (2025). The Effect of Emotional Expression Deficits on Employee Attrition: The Mediating Role of Conscientious Intelligence in the Relationship between Alexithymia and Quiet Quitting. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5(1), 149-169.