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Yıl 2019, , 532 - 541, 01.04.2019


The purpose of this study is to examine the role of attitudinal and behavioral attachment perceptions as well as age, gender and club funship variables A total of 554 voluntary participants, who were selected through covenience sampling with face to face interviews, have contributed the study. In the analysis of the data, we have used descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis as well as binary logistic regression analysis.Findings indicate that the model consisting of gender, age, club funship, attitudinal and behavioral attachment variables are found to be significant. Of the variables included in the model, age, club funship and behavioral attachment found to have a significant affect on the purchase behaviour. Implications for academic and practice are derived from the findings and several proposals are sugggested for the literature


  • Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: Free Press.
  • Back, K. J., & Parks, S. (2003). A brand loyalty model involving cognitive, affective, and conative brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 27(4), 419-435.
  • Bauer, H. H., Stokburger-Sauer, N.E., Exler, S. (2008). Brand image and fan loyalty in professional team sport: A refined model and empirical assessment. Journal of sport Management, 22(2), 205-226.
  • BBC News. (2018). Juventus, 24 saatte 60 milyon dolarlık Ronaldo forması sattı. Erişim Tarihi: 21.07.2018,
  • Bentler, P. M., & Speckart, G. (1981). Attitudes “cause” behaviors: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40(2), 226-238.
  • Biscaia, R., Ross, S., Yoshida, M., Correia, A., Rosado, A., & Marôco, J. (2016). Investigating the role of fan club membership on perceptions of team brand equity in football. Sport Management Review, 19(2), 157-170.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2016). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. 22. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Coşkun, R., Altunışık, R., & Yıldırım, E. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri SPSS uygulamalı. 9. Baskı, Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncılık.
  • Cronin, J. J., Brady, M. K., & Hult, T. G. M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing. 76(2), 193-218.
  • Dick, A. S., & Basu, K. (1994). Customer loyalty: Toward an integrated conceptual framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dietz-Uhler, B., Harrick, E. A., End, C., & Jaquemotte, L. (2000). Sex differences in sport fan behavior and reasons for being a sport fan. Journal of Sport Behavior, 23, 219-232.
  • Fink, J.S., Trail, G.T., & Anderson, D.F. (2003). Environmental factors associated with spectator attendance and sport consumption behavior: Gender and team differences. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 11, 8–19.
  • Giray, C., & Salman, G. G. (2008). Fenerbahçe taraftarlarının takımlarına yönelik psikolojik bağlılıkları ile saldırganlıkla ilgili tutumları arasındaki ilişki. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 7(13), 147-157.
  • Gladden, J. M., & Milne, G. R. (1999). Examining the importance of brand equity in professional sport. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 8(1), 21-29.
  • Gladden, J. M., Irwin, R. L., & Sutton, W. A. (2001). Managing North American major professional sport teams in the new millennium: A focus on building brand equity. Journal of Sport Management, 15(4), 297-317.
  • Hill, B., & Green, B. C. (2000). Repeat attendance as a function of involvement, loyalty, and the sportscape across three football contexts. Sport Management Review, 3, 145-162.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Keh, H. T., & Xie, Y. (2009). Corporate reputation and customer behavioral intentions: The roles of trust, identification and commitment. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(7), 732-742.
  • Koo, G. Y., & Hardin, R. (2008). Difference in interrelationship between spectators’ motives and behavioral intentions based on emotional attachment. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 17(1), 30-43.
  • Kunkel, T., Funk, D., & Hill, B. (2013). Brand architecture, drivers of consumer involvement, and brand loyalty with professional sport leagues and teams. Journal of Sport Management, 27(3), 177-192.
  • Ladhari, R., Morales, M., & Zaaboub, E. (2017, Ağustos). Loyalty to sports teams: The role of brand personality and emotional attachment in the context of professional hockey teams. AC-TTSS 2017 Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prag/Çek Cumhuriyeti, 792-793.
  • Lee, S., H. Shin, Park, J. J., & Kwon, O. (2010). A brand loyalty model utilizing team identification and customer satisfaction in the licensed sports product industry. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research. 5, 60-67.
  • Mullin, B. J., Hardy. S., & Sutton, W. A. (2007). Sport Marketing. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence consumer loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 63, 33-44.
  • Papadimitriou D., & Apostolopoulou, A. (2018). Capturing the meanings of sport licensed products. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(5), 433-449.
  • Peter, J. P., & Olson, J. C. (1993). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy (3. Baskı), Chicago: Irwin.
  • Tsiotsou, R. H. (2013). Sport team loyalty: Integrating relationship marketing and a hierarchy of effects. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(6), 458-471.
  • Türker, N., Ölçer, H., & Aydın, A. (2016). Yerel Halkın serbest zaman değerlendirme alışkanlıkları: Safranbolu Örneği. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 49-62.
  • Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The behavioral consequences of service quality. The Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31-46.
  • James, J., & Ridinguer, L. (2002). Female and male sport fans: A comparison of sport consumption motives. Journal of Sport Behavior, 25(3), 260-278.


Yıl 2019, , 532 - 541, 01.04.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı, taraftarların, tutumsal ve davranışsal bağlılık düzeyleri ile yaş, cinsiyet ve kulüp taraftarlık değişkenlerinin, satın alma davranışlarına etkilerini belirlemektir. Araştırma bağlamında kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen ve yüz yüze mülakatlar yoluyla görüşülen 554 gönüllü katılımcı üzerinde anket uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler ile açımlayıcı faktör analizi ve lojistik regresyon analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Beş bağımsız değişkenin cinsiyet, yaş, taraftarı olunan kulüp, tutumsal ve davranışsal bağlılık yer aldığı model istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bulunmuştur. Bulgular bağımsız değişkenlerden üç tanesinin yaş, kulüp ve davranışsal bağlılık modele anlamlı etkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulguların alanyazına ve uygulamacılara katkısı değerlendirilerek gelecek çalışmalar için çeşitli öneriler geliştirilmiştir.


  • Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: Free Press.
  • Back, K. J., & Parks, S. (2003). A brand loyalty model involving cognitive, affective, and conative brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 27(4), 419-435.
  • Bauer, H. H., Stokburger-Sauer, N.E., Exler, S. (2008). Brand image and fan loyalty in professional team sport: A refined model and empirical assessment. Journal of sport Management, 22(2), 205-226.
  • BBC News. (2018). Juventus, 24 saatte 60 milyon dolarlık Ronaldo forması sattı. Erişim Tarihi: 21.07.2018,
  • Bentler, P. M., & Speckart, G. (1981). Attitudes “cause” behaviors: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40(2), 226-238.
  • Biscaia, R., Ross, S., Yoshida, M., Correia, A., Rosado, A., & Marôco, J. (2016). Investigating the role of fan club membership on perceptions of team brand equity in football. Sport Management Review, 19(2), 157-170.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2016). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. 22. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Coşkun, R., Altunışık, R., & Yıldırım, E. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri SPSS uygulamalı. 9. Baskı, Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncılık.
  • Cronin, J. J., Brady, M. K., & Hult, T. G. M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing. 76(2), 193-218.
  • Dick, A. S., & Basu, K. (1994). Customer loyalty: Toward an integrated conceptual framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dietz-Uhler, B., Harrick, E. A., End, C., & Jaquemotte, L. (2000). Sex differences in sport fan behavior and reasons for being a sport fan. Journal of Sport Behavior, 23, 219-232.
  • Fink, J.S., Trail, G.T., & Anderson, D.F. (2003). Environmental factors associated with spectator attendance and sport consumption behavior: Gender and team differences. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 11, 8–19.
  • Giray, C., & Salman, G. G. (2008). Fenerbahçe taraftarlarının takımlarına yönelik psikolojik bağlılıkları ile saldırganlıkla ilgili tutumları arasındaki ilişki. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 7(13), 147-157.
  • Gladden, J. M., & Milne, G. R. (1999). Examining the importance of brand equity in professional sport. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 8(1), 21-29.
  • Gladden, J. M., Irwin, R. L., & Sutton, W. A. (2001). Managing North American major professional sport teams in the new millennium: A focus on building brand equity. Journal of Sport Management, 15(4), 297-317.
  • Hill, B., & Green, B. C. (2000). Repeat attendance as a function of involvement, loyalty, and the sportscape across three football contexts. Sport Management Review, 3, 145-162.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Keh, H. T., & Xie, Y. (2009). Corporate reputation and customer behavioral intentions: The roles of trust, identification and commitment. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(7), 732-742.
  • Koo, G. Y., & Hardin, R. (2008). Difference in interrelationship between spectators’ motives and behavioral intentions based on emotional attachment. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 17(1), 30-43.
  • Kunkel, T., Funk, D., & Hill, B. (2013). Brand architecture, drivers of consumer involvement, and brand loyalty with professional sport leagues and teams. Journal of Sport Management, 27(3), 177-192.
  • Ladhari, R., Morales, M., & Zaaboub, E. (2017, Ağustos). Loyalty to sports teams: The role of brand personality and emotional attachment in the context of professional hockey teams. AC-TTSS 2017 Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prag/Çek Cumhuriyeti, 792-793.
  • Lee, S., H. Shin, Park, J. J., & Kwon, O. (2010). A brand loyalty model utilizing team identification and customer satisfaction in the licensed sports product industry. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research. 5, 60-67.
  • Mullin, B. J., Hardy. S., & Sutton, W. A. (2007). Sport Marketing. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence consumer loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 63, 33-44.
  • Papadimitriou D., & Apostolopoulou, A. (2018). Capturing the meanings of sport licensed products. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(5), 433-449.
  • Peter, J. P., & Olson, J. C. (1993). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy (3. Baskı), Chicago: Irwin.
  • Tsiotsou, R. H. (2013). Sport team loyalty: Integrating relationship marketing and a hierarchy of effects. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(6), 458-471.
  • Türker, N., Ölçer, H., & Aydın, A. (2016). Yerel Halkın serbest zaman değerlendirme alışkanlıkları: Safranbolu Örneği. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 49-62.
  • Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The behavioral consequences of service quality. The Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31-46.
  • James, J., & Ridinguer, L. (2002). Female and male sport fans: A comparison of sport consumption motives. Journal of Sport Behavior, 25(3), 260-278.
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Bölüm Research Article

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Remzi Altunışık Bu kişi benim

Cihan Ayhan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

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