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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5, 179 - 191, 01.06.2007


Today, in the leadership literature, the contingency approach is accepted. According to this approach, it is necessary to define the features and behaviors of the leaders and observers and relate them with the critical dimensions of the situation such as; the structure, technology and environment of the organization. The purpose of the study is to determine the perceptions of the managers who work in Turkish defense industry about the prioritization of the leadership components such as the leader himself, his followers, the task structure, structure of the organization and culture. In the study, in the light of the data obtained from the sample, through the “analytical hierarchy process” and similarities and differences will be comparably determined and interpreted


  • Adler, Nancy (1991), International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 2nd Ed., Pws-Kent, Boston.
  • Aktaş, Ramazan vd. (2001), Karar Analizleri, Ankara, KHO Basımevi.
  • Alam S.S. and Ghoss Shrabonti (2002), “Ranking by AHP: A Rough Approach”, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information, Vol.:1, pp.185- 190.
  • Alamoush, Muwaffaq I. (2000), “Using Performance Indices And Analytical Hierarchy Process To Select Best Dispatch Option Of Energy Markets”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.: 104, Issue: 8, pp. 681-688.
  • Alamoush, Muwaffaq I. (2004), “Using Performance Indices and AHP To Select Best Dispatch Option of Energy Markets”, Proceedings of International Conference on Universities Power Engineeering, Vol.:2, pp.999-1003.
  • Alban, R.J. and A. Beverly (2000), “The Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ-LGV): A Convergent and Discriminant Validation Study”, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Vol.21, No.6, pp. 280-296.
  • Ayman, Ron (1993), “Leadership Perception: The Role Of Gender And Culture”, in Chemers, M. and Ayman, R. (Eds), Leadership Theory and Research, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 137-166.
  • Bass, Bernard (1985), Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, The Free Press, New York.
  • Bass, Bernard and Bruce Avolio (1994), Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Transformational Leadership, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
  • Chen, C. and B. Lin (2004), “The Effects Of Environment, Knowledge Attribute, Organizational Climate, And Firm Characteristics On Knowledge Sourcing Decision”, R&D Management, Vol.: 34(2), pp. 137-146.
  • Cheng, L. (2005), “The Evaluation And Analysis On Medical Service Quality Of Inpatient Department Of Public&Nonprofit Hospital”, International Conference On Services Systems And Services Management, Proceedings of ICSSSM '05, Vol.:2, pp. 1506-1510.
  • Clark, K. et. al. (1994), Impact of Leadership, Center for Creative Leadership Publications, North Carolina.
  • Clark, Kenneth, Miriam Clark and David Campbell (1994), Impact Of Leadership, Center For Creative Leadership Publications, North Carolina.
  • Conger, J.A., & Kanungo, R.N. (1988), The Empowerment Process: Integrating Theory And Practice. Academy Of Management Review, No.:13, pp. 471-483.
  • Crary Michael, Lowery Nozick and Lyn Whitaker (2002), “Sizing The Us Destroyer Fleet”, European Journal Of Operational Research, Vol.136, No. 3, pp.680–695.
  • Daft, Richard (1999), Leadership, The Dryden Press, Forth Worth, New York.
  • Dural, Burçin (2002), Atatürk’ün Liderlik Sırları, Okumuş Adam Publications, İstanbul
  • Evren R. ve F. Ülengin (1992), Yönetimde Karar Verme, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Yayınları, Sayı:14 78, İstanbul.
  • Frair Les (1995), “Student Peer Evaluations Using The AHP Method”, Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference, Vol.: 2, pp.4c3.1-4c.3.5
  • House, Robert (1977), “A 1976 Theory Of Charismatic Leadership” In Hunt J.G And Larson, L.L.(Eds), Leadership: The Cutting Edge, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, Pp.189-207.
  • Huang, Shi-Ming et. al. (2001), “Assessing Risk In ERP Projects: Identify And Prioritize The Factors”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.:104, Issue:8, Pp. 681-688.
  • Liang-Chih, Huang, Peitsang WU, Bih-Shiaw JAW and Yen Hui WU (2001), “A Study of Applying Fuzzy AHP on Management Talent Evaluation Model”, Proceedings of IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, Vol.:3, pp. 1482-1488.
  • Longsheng, Cheng (2005), “The Evaluation And Analysis On Medical Service Quality Of Inpatient Department Of Public&Nonprofit Hospital”, Proceedings Of ICSSSM (International Conference On Service Systems And Services Management), Vol.:2, Pp.1506-1510.
  • Machiavelli, Niccolo (1999), Prens, (Çeviren, B. Toksoy), Oğlak Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Michael, Uzoka E. (2006), AHP Based System for Strategic Evaulation of Finacial İnformation, İnformation Knowledge Systems Management, IOS Press, 2005- 2006, pp.49-61.
  • Murakoshi Hiroyuki, Tsuyoshi Kawarasaki and Koichiro Ochimizu (2001), “Comparison Using AHP Web-Based Learning With Classroom Learning”, Proceedings of Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops, pp.67- 73.
  • Parthiban, P., K.Ganesh, S.Naryanan and R.Dhanalakshmi (2004), “Preferences Based Decision Making Model (PDM) for Faculty Course Assignment Problem”, Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Vol.:3, pp.1338-1341.
  • Patanakul Peerasit, Dragan Miloseviç and Timothy Anderson (2003), “Assigning Projects to Project Managers in a Multiple Project Management Environment: A Pilot Study of a Decision Support Model”, Proceedings of International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET ’03), Technology Management for Reshaping the World, pp.236-245.
  • Peterson, Mark and James Hunt (1997), “International Perspectives On Leadership”, Leadership Quarterly, Vol.8, No.3, pp.203-231.
  • Rost, J. (1993), Leadership for the 21 Century, Praeger Pub., Connenticut.
  • Saaty, T. (1980), The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill Pub., New York.
  • Sashkin, Marshal (1988), “The Visionary Leader” in Conger, J. and Kanungo, R. (Eds), Charismatic Leadership The Elusive Factor in Organizational Effectiveness, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, pp.122-160.
  • Shi-Jie Chen, Li Lin (2004), “Modeling Team Member Characteristics for the Formation of a Multifunctionel Team in Concurrent Engineering”, Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.: 51, No: 2, pp.111-124.
  • Smith, Peter and Michael Bond (1993), Social Psychology Across Cultures: Analysis and Perspectives, Allyn and Bacon, Needham.
  • Triandis, Harry (1993), “The Contingency Model in Cross-cultural Perspective” in Chemers, M. and Ayman, R. (Eds), Leadership Theory and Research, Academic Press, San Diego, pp.167-188.
  • Yukl, G. (1991), Leadership in Organizations, Prentice Hall Pub., New Jersey.


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5, 179 - 191, 01.06.2007


Günümüzde, liderlik literatüründe “Her durumda geçerli en iyi liderlik tarzı diye bir şey yoktur” görüşündeki durumsallık yaklaşımı kabul edilmektedir. Bu yaklaşıma göre; liderlik sürecinin tam olarak anlaşılması ve etkili liderlik biçiminin ortaya çıkarılabilmesi için, liderlerin davranışları ile özelliklerini tanımlamak ve bunları örgütün yapısı, ortamı gibi durumun önemli boyutları ile ilişkilendirmek gereklidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, savunma sanayi sektöründe çalışan orta kademe yöneticilerin ve proje ekibinin, liderin kendisi, izleyicileri, görev yapısı, örgütsel yapı ve kültür gibi liderlik bileşenlerinin önceliklendirilmesi hakkında algılamalarının belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada, örneklemden alınan veriler ışığında, “Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci” ile bu alandaki benzerlikler ve farklılıklar karşılaştırmalı olarak belirlenecek ve yorumlanacaktır.


  • Adler, Nancy (1991), International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 2nd Ed., Pws-Kent, Boston.
  • Aktaş, Ramazan vd. (2001), Karar Analizleri, Ankara, KHO Basımevi.
  • Alam S.S. and Ghoss Shrabonti (2002), “Ranking by AHP: A Rough Approach”, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information, Vol.:1, pp.185- 190.
  • Alamoush, Muwaffaq I. (2000), “Using Performance Indices And Analytical Hierarchy Process To Select Best Dispatch Option Of Energy Markets”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.: 104, Issue: 8, pp. 681-688.
  • Alamoush, Muwaffaq I. (2004), “Using Performance Indices and AHP To Select Best Dispatch Option of Energy Markets”, Proceedings of International Conference on Universities Power Engineeering, Vol.:2, pp.999-1003.
  • Alban, R.J. and A. Beverly (2000), “The Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ-LGV): A Convergent and Discriminant Validation Study”, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Vol.21, No.6, pp. 280-296.
  • Ayman, Ron (1993), “Leadership Perception: The Role Of Gender And Culture”, in Chemers, M. and Ayman, R. (Eds), Leadership Theory and Research, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 137-166.
  • Bass, Bernard (1985), Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, The Free Press, New York.
  • Bass, Bernard and Bruce Avolio (1994), Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Transformational Leadership, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
  • Chen, C. and B. Lin (2004), “The Effects Of Environment, Knowledge Attribute, Organizational Climate, And Firm Characteristics On Knowledge Sourcing Decision”, R&D Management, Vol.: 34(2), pp. 137-146.
  • Cheng, L. (2005), “The Evaluation And Analysis On Medical Service Quality Of Inpatient Department Of Public&Nonprofit Hospital”, International Conference On Services Systems And Services Management, Proceedings of ICSSSM '05, Vol.:2, pp. 1506-1510.
  • Clark, K. et. al. (1994), Impact of Leadership, Center for Creative Leadership Publications, North Carolina.
  • Clark, Kenneth, Miriam Clark and David Campbell (1994), Impact Of Leadership, Center For Creative Leadership Publications, North Carolina.
  • Conger, J.A., & Kanungo, R.N. (1988), The Empowerment Process: Integrating Theory And Practice. Academy Of Management Review, No.:13, pp. 471-483.
  • Crary Michael, Lowery Nozick and Lyn Whitaker (2002), “Sizing The Us Destroyer Fleet”, European Journal Of Operational Research, Vol.136, No. 3, pp.680–695.
  • Daft, Richard (1999), Leadership, The Dryden Press, Forth Worth, New York.
  • Dural, Burçin (2002), Atatürk’ün Liderlik Sırları, Okumuş Adam Publications, İstanbul
  • Evren R. ve F. Ülengin (1992), Yönetimde Karar Verme, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Yayınları, Sayı:14 78, İstanbul.
  • Frair Les (1995), “Student Peer Evaluations Using The AHP Method”, Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference, Vol.: 2, pp.4c3.1-4c.3.5
  • House, Robert (1977), “A 1976 Theory Of Charismatic Leadership” In Hunt J.G And Larson, L.L.(Eds), Leadership: The Cutting Edge, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, Pp.189-207.
  • Huang, Shi-Ming et. al. (2001), “Assessing Risk In ERP Projects: Identify And Prioritize The Factors”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.:104, Issue:8, Pp. 681-688.
  • Liang-Chih, Huang, Peitsang WU, Bih-Shiaw JAW and Yen Hui WU (2001), “A Study of Applying Fuzzy AHP on Management Talent Evaluation Model”, Proceedings of IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, Vol.:3, pp. 1482-1488.
  • Longsheng, Cheng (2005), “The Evaluation And Analysis On Medical Service Quality Of Inpatient Department Of Public&Nonprofit Hospital”, Proceedings Of ICSSSM (International Conference On Service Systems And Services Management), Vol.:2, Pp.1506-1510.
  • Machiavelli, Niccolo (1999), Prens, (Çeviren, B. Toksoy), Oğlak Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Michael, Uzoka E. (2006), AHP Based System for Strategic Evaulation of Finacial İnformation, İnformation Knowledge Systems Management, IOS Press, 2005- 2006, pp.49-61.
  • Murakoshi Hiroyuki, Tsuyoshi Kawarasaki and Koichiro Ochimizu (2001), “Comparison Using AHP Web-Based Learning With Classroom Learning”, Proceedings of Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops, pp.67- 73.
  • Parthiban, P., K.Ganesh, S.Naryanan and R.Dhanalakshmi (2004), “Preferences Based Decision Making Model (PDM) for Faculty Course Assignment Problem”, Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Vol.:3, pp.1338-1341.
  • Patanakul Peerasit, Dragan Miloseviç and Timothy Anderson (2003), “Assigning Projects to Project Managers in a Multiple Project Management Environment: A Pilot Study of a Decision Support Model”, Proceedings of International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET ’03), Technology Management for Reshaping the World, pp.236-245.
  • Peterson, Mark and James Hunt (1997), “International Perspectives On Leadership”, Leadership Quarterly, Vol.8, No.3, pp.203-231.
  • Rost, J. (1993), Leadership for the 21 Century, Praeger Pub., Connenticut.
  • Saaty, T. (1980), The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill Pub., New York.
  • Sashkin, Marshal (1988), “The Visionary Leader” in Conger, J. and Kanungo, R. (Eds), Charismatic Leadership The Elusive Factor in Organizational Effectiveness, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, pp.122-160.
  • Shi-Jie Chen, Li Lin (2004), “Modeling Team Member Characteristics for the Formation of a Multifunctionel Team in Concurrent Engineering”, Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.: 51, No: 2, pp.111-124.
  • Smith, Peter and Michael Bond (1993), Social Psychology Across Cultures: Analysis and Perspectives, Allyn and Bacon, Needham.
  • Triandis, Harry (1993), “The Contingency Model in Cross-cultural Perspective” in Chemers, M. and Ayman, R. (Eds), Leadership Theory and Research, Academic Press, San Diego, pp.167-188.
  • Yukl, G. (1991), Leadership in Organizations, Prentice Hall Pub., New Jersey.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Akif Tabak Bu kişi benim

Mustafa Polat Bu kişi benim

Mustafa Polat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5

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