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Yıl 2016, ICAFR 16 Özel Sayısı, 756 - 770, 01.10.2016


The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between institutional management and earnings management. Within this context, the dataset of 35 companies that were in institutional management index and have been consistently traded between 2009-2014 in stock market Istanbul, by using panel regression analysis. Discretionary accruals are considered as earnings management index and modified Jones model is used to calculate. As institutional management index, the number of members in the board, the number of independent members in the board, the member’s ownership ratio, institutional investor’s percentage, independence of inspection committee and the size of inspection committee are used. Also has been taken advantage from two control variables owner’s equity profitability and financial leverage in this study. As a result of the analysis, it is not detected a statistically significant relationship between institutional management and earnings management


  • Abbott L. J., Young P., ve Parker, S. (2000). The Effects Of Audit Committee Activity And Independence On Corporate Fraud, Managerial Finance, Vol. 26, 55-67.
  • AlFayoumi, A. B., ve Alexander, D. (2010). Ownership Structure and Earnings Management in Emerging Markets: The Case of Jordan, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 38, 28-47.
  • Ali Shah, S., Zulfiqar, S.A.B., ve Hasan, A. (2009). Corporate Governance and Earnings Management an Empirical Evidence Form Pakistani Listed Companies, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.26, No.4, 624-638.
  • Alkdai, H., Khalifa, H., ve Mustafa, M., H. (2012). Audit Committee Characteristics And Earnings Management In Malaysian Shariah-Compliant Companies, Business and Management Review, Vol:2(2), 52 – 61.
  • Alves S. (2012). Ownership Structure and Earnings Management: Evidence from, Portugal, Australian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, Vol:6(2), Ss. 56- 74.
  • Aren, S. (2003). Yöneticilerin Kar Yönetimiyle İlgili Tutumları ve İMKB’de Bir Uygulama, TC Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Gebze.
  • Arı, M. (2008). Kurumsal Yönetim ve Finansal Raporlamanın Güvenirliği, OsmanGazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Ekim, 3(2), Eskişehir.
  • Aygün, M., Aysel A. (2015). Firma Büyüklüğü Ve Borçlanmanın Kar Yönetimi Üzerindeki Etkisi, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 66 – Nisan, Issn: 2146- 3042, 87-96.
  • Bartov, E., Gul, F. A. ve Tsui, J. S. L. (2001). Discretionary-accruals models and audit qualifications, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 30(3), 421-452.
  • Bayırlı, R., (2006). Yaratıcı Muhasebe Etik Firma Değeri ve Örnek Bir Uygulama, Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Muhasebe Finansman Bilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Beasley, M. (1996). An Empirical Analysis of the Relation Between Board of Director Composition and Financial Statement Fraud, The Accounting Review, 71(4), 443–466.
  • Bebchuk, L. (1994). Efficient and inefficient sales of corporate control, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109, 957-994.
  • Bhat, G., Ole-Kristian H. ve Tony K. (2006). Does Corporate Governance Transparency Affect The Accuracy of Forecasts?, Accounting & Finance, 46 (5), 715–732.
  • Chtourou, S., Marrakchi, J. B., ve Lucie, C., (2001). Corporate Governance And Earnings Management, abstract=275053.
  • Dechow, P. M., Sloan, R. ve Sweeney, A. (1996). Causes and Consequences of Earnings Manipulations: An analysis of Firms Subject to Enforcement Actions by the SEC, Contemporary AccountingRresearch, 13:1-36.
  • Deshmukh, S., Keith M. H. ve Carl L. (2004). Stock Options Expensing and Corporate Governance, Strategic Finance, 86 (1).
  • Eccles, R.G., (2004). Hopes and Fears for Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance, Balance Sheet, 12 (2).
  • Forker, J. J. (1992). Corporate Governance and Disclosure Quality, Accounting and Business Research, 22(86): 111–124.
  • Garcia, L. S., Emiliano R. B., ve Manuel O. P. (2012). Audit Committee And Internal Audit And The Quality Of Earnings: Empirical Evidence From Spanish Companies, Journal Of Management And Governance, Volume 16, Number 2, 305-331.
  • Gujarati, D. N., Porter, D. C., Çeviren Şenesen, G.G., Şenesen Ü. (2012). Temel Ekonometri, Literatür yayınlar, İstanbul.
  • Habbash, M. (2010). The Effectiveness of Corporate Governance and External Audit On Constraining Earnings Management Practice in The UK, Doctor of Philosophy, Durham University Business School.
  • Healy, P. M. ve Wahlen, J. M. (1999). A review of the earnings management literature and its implications for Standard setting, Accounting Horizons, 13(4):365– 383.Hutchinson, M. R. , Percy, M. ve Erkurtoğlu, L. (2008), An investigation of the association between corporate governannce, earnings management and the effect of governance reforms, Accounting Research Journal, 21(3):239–262.
  • Inaam, Z., Hliouı, K., ve Zehri, F. (2012). The Effect Of Audit Committee Characteristics On Real Activities Manipulation In The Tunisian Context, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.2 Number 2, 1-15.
  • Ishak, I., Mohamad, N. H., Nik, M., Zaki, S., A., ve Abdul, R. (2011). Family Control and Earnings Management: Malaysia Evidence, 2.International Conference on Economics, Business and Management, Vol.22, 44-49.
  • Jaggi, B., Sidney, L., ve Ferdinand, G., (2009). Family Control, Board Independence And Earnings Management: Evidence Based On Hong Kong Firms, Journal Account Public Policy, Vol: 28, 281-300.
  • Jensen, M. C. ve Meckling, W. H. (1976). Theory of The Firm: Manageral Behaviour, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics, 3, 305- 360.
  • Karacaer, Semra ve Pelin Ö. (2010). “Denetim Firmasının Büyüklüğü ve Kâr Yönetimi İlişkisi: İMKB Şirketleri Üzerinde Ampirik Bir Araştırma”, Muhasebe Ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 48 –Ekim.
  • Klein, A. (2003). Likely Effects of Stock Exchange Governance Proposals and Sarbanes- Oxley on Corporate Boards and Financial Reporting, Accounting Horizons, 17 (4), 343–355.
  • Koh, P. S. (2003). On The Association Between Institutional Ownership And Aggressive Corporate Earnings Management In Australia, The British Accounting Review, Vol: 35 (2), 105-128.
  • Kouki, M., Elkhaldi, A. , Atri, H. ve Souid, S. (2011). Does Corporate GOvernance Constrain Earnings Mangement? Evidence from US Firms, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 35: 58–71.
  • Kurşunel, Fahri ve Alkan Alper Tunga (2005). İşletmelerde Kazanç Yönetimi Uygulamalarının Arkaplanı, Selçuk Üniversitesi MYO Dergisi, Cilt:8 Sayı:1-2 S. 171-182, Konya,,.
  • Küçüksözen, C. (2004). Finansal Bilgi Manipülasyonu: Nedenleri, Yöntemleri, Amaçları, Teknikleri, Sonuçları Ve İMKB Şirketleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma, T.C. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Bölümü Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Larcker, D. P., Scott, A. R., ve İrem A. T. (2005). How Important Is Corpo rate Governance?,
  • Liu, G., ve Sun, J. (2010). Director Tenure and Independent Audit Committee Effectiveness, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 51, s. 176-189.
  • McKEE, E. T. (2005). Earnings Management: An Executive Perspective, Thompson Corpororation, United States of America.
  • Memiş, M. Ü., Çetenak E. H. (2012). Kurumsal Yönetimin Kazanç Yönetimi Uygulamaları Üzerine Etkisi: İmkb’de İşlem Gören Şirketler Üzerine Uygulama, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 21, Sayı:3.
  • Mulford, W.C., Comiskey, E.E. (1996). Financial Warnings, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork.
  • Mulford, W.C., Comiskey, E.E. (2002). The Financial Numbers Game, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork.
  • OECD (2004). Principles of Corporate Governance
  • Rebai I., (2011). Institutional Investors Heterogeneity And Earnings Management: The R&D Investment Strategy, International Journal of Business Research and Management, Volume l, Issue 3, 122-131.
  • Rezaee, Z. (2005). Causes, Consequences, And Deterence Of Financial Statement Fraud, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 16
  • Riahi, Y., ve Ben Arab, M. (2011). Disclosure frequency and earnings management: An analysis in the Tunisian context, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, Vol. 3(3), 47-59.
  • Roodposhti, F. ve R., Chashmi, S. A. N. (2011). The Impact Of Corporate Governance Mechanisms On Earnings Management, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5(11), 4143-4151.
  • Schipper, K. (1989). Commentary on Earnings Management, Accounting Horizons, 3(4):91–102.
  • Scott, W. (1997). Financial Accounting Theory, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall
  • Uyar, S. (2004). Kurumsal Şeffaflığın Sağlanmasında Kurumsal Yönetim (Corporate Governance) Anlayışının Önemi, Mali Çözüm Dergisi, İSMMO Yayınları, Sayı:66, İstanbul.
  • Xie, B., Wallace, N., Davidson P., ve Dadalt, J. (2003). Earnings Management and Corporate Governance: The Roles of the Board and the Audit Committee, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 9, Number 3, 295-317.
  • Yaşar, Alpaslan (2011). “Bağımsız Dış Denetim Kalitesinin Kar Yönetimi Üzerine Etkisi: İMKB’de Kayıtlı İşletmeler Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Yeo, G., , P., Tan , K., Ho, ve S., Chen (2002). Corporate Ownership Structure And The Informativeness Of Earnings, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Volume 29, 1023-1046.
  • Yermack, D. (1996). Higher market valuation of a company with a small board of directors, Journal of Financial Economics, 40: 185–211.
  • Zahra, S. ve Pearce, J. (1989). Boards of Directors and Corporate Financial Performance: A Review and Integrative Model, Journal of Mangement, 15(2):291- 334.
  • Zhou Jian, ve Ken Y., C. (2004). Audit Committee, Board Characteristics and Earnings Management 05midyear/papers/ZHOU_CG_EM_DEC16A.pdf. Banks


Yıl 2016, ICAFR 16 Özel Sayısı, 756 - 770, 01.10.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı, kurumsal yönetim ve kazanç yönetimi uygulamaları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu kapsamda Borsa İstanbul’da 2009-2014 yılları arasında sürekli işlem gören ve Kurumsal Yönetim Endeksinde yer alan 35 şirketin verileri kullanarak ve panel veri yöntemiyle analiz yapılmıştır. Çalışmada kazanç yönetimi göstergesi olarak isteğe bağlı tahakkuklar dikkate alınmış olup, Düzeltilmiş Jones modeli kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Kurumsal yönetim göstergesi olarak; yönetim kurulunun üye sayısı, bağımsız üye sayısı, üyelerinin sahiplik oranı ve kurumsal yatırımcı yüzdesi, denetim komitesinin bağımsızlığı ile denetim komitesinin büyüklüğü kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca iki kontrol değişkeninden özkaynak karlılığı ve finansal kaldıraç yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda kurumsal yönetim ve kazanç yönetimi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilememiştir.


  • Abbott L. J., Young P., ve Parker, S. (2000). The Effects Of Audit Committee Activity And Independence On Corporate Fraud, Managerial Finance, Vol. 26, 55-67.
  • AlFayoumi, A. B., ve Alexander, D. (2010). Ownership Structure and Earnings Management in Emerging Markets: The Case of Jordan, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 38, 28-47.
  • Ali Shah, S., Zulfiqar, S.A.B., ve Hasan, A. (2009). Corporate Governance and Earnings Management an Empirical Evidence Form Pakistani Listed Companies, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.26, No.4, 624-638.
  • Alkdai, H., Khalifa, H., ve Mustafa, M., H. (2012). Audit Committee Characteristics And Earnings Management In Malaysian Shariah-Compliant Companies, Business and Management Review, Vol:2(2), 52 – 61.
  • Alves S. (2012). Ownership Structure and Earnings Management: Evidence from, Portugal, Australian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, Vol:6(2), Ss. 56- 74.
  • Aren, S. (2003). Yöneticilerin Kar Yönetimiyle İlgili Tutumları ve İMKB’de Bir Uygulama, TC Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Gebze.
  • Arı, M. (2008). Kurumsal Yönetim ve Finansal Raporlamanın Güvenirliği, OsmanGazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Ekim, 3(2), Eskişehir.
  • Aygün, M., Aysel A. (2015). Firma Büyüklüğü Ve Borçlanmanın Kar Yönetimi Üzerindeki Etkisi, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 66 – Nisan, Issn: 2146- 3042, 87-96.
  • Bartov, E., Gul, F. A. ve Tsui, J. S. L. (2001). Discretionary-accruals models and audit qualifications, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 30(3), 421-452.
  • Bayırlı, R., (2006). Yaratıcı Muhasebe Etik Firma Değeri ve Örnek Bir Uygulama, Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Muhasebe Finansman Bilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Beasley, M. (1996). An Empirical Analysis of the Relation Between Board of Director Composition and Financial Statement Fraud, The Accounting Review, 71(4), 443–466.
  • Bebchuk, L. (1994). Efficient and inefficient sales of corporate control, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109, 957-994.
  • Bhat, G., Ole-Kristian H. ve Tony K. (2006). Does Corporate Governance Transparency Affect The Accuracy of Forecasts?, Accounting & Finance, 46 (5), 715–732.
  • Chtourou, S., Marrakchi, J. B., ve Lucie, C., (2001). Corporate Governance And Earnings Management, abstract=275053.
  • Dechow, P. M., Sloan, R. ve Sweeney, A. (1996). Causes and Consequences of Earnings Manipulations: An analysis of Firms Subject to Enforcement Actions by the SEC, Contemporary AccountingRresearch, 13:1-36.
  • Deshmukh, S., Keith M. H. ve Carl L. (2004). Stock Options Expensing and Corporate Governance, Strategic Finance, 86 (1).
  • Eccles, R.G., (2004). Hopes and Fears for Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance, Balance Sheet, 12 (2).
  • Forker, J. J. (1992). Corporate Governance and Disclosure Quality, Accounting and Business Research, 22(86): 111–124.
  • Garcia, L. S., Emiliano R. B., ve Manuel O. P. (2012). Audit Committee And Internal Audit And The Quality Of Earnings: Empirical Evidence From Spanish Companies, Journal Of Management And Governance, Volume 16, Number 2, 305-331.
  • Gujarati, D. N., Porter, D. C., Çeviren Şenesen, G.G., Şenesen Ü. (2012). Temel Ekonometri, Literatür yayınlar, İstanbul.
  • Habbash, M. (2010). The Effectiveness of Corporate Governance and External Audit On Constraining Earnings Management Practice in The UK, Doctor of Philosophy, Durham University Business School.
  • Healy, P. M. ve Wahlen, J. M. (1999). A review of the earnings management literature and its implications for Standard setting, Accounting Horizons, 13(4):365– 383.Hutchinson, M. R. , Percy, M. ve Erkurtoğlu, L. (2008), An investigation of the association between corporate governannce, earnings management and the effect of governance reforms, Accounting Research Journal, 21(3):239–262.
  • Inaam, Z., Hliouı, K., ve Zehri, F. (2012). The Effect Of Audit Committee Characteristics On Real Activities Manipulation In The Tunisian Context, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.2 Number 2, 1-15.
  • Ishak, I., Mohamad, N. H., Nik, M., Zaki, S., A., ve Abdul, R. (2011). Family Control and Earnings Management: Malaysia Evidence, 2.International Conference on Economics, Business and Management, Vol.22, 44-49.
  • Jaggi, B., Sidney, L., ve Ferdinand, G., (2009). Family Control, Board Independence And Earnings Management: Evidence Based On Hong Kong Firms, Journal Account Public Policy, Vol: 28, 281-300.
  • Jensen, M. C. ve Meckling, W. H. (1976). Theory of The Firm: Manageral Behaviour, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics, 3, 305- 360.
  • Karacaer, Semra ve Pelin Ö. (2010). “Denetim Firmasının Büyüklüğü ve Kâr Yönetimi İlişkisi: İMKB Şirketleri Üzerinde Ampirik Bir Araştırma”, Muhasebe Ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 48 –Ekim.
  • Klein, A. (2003). Likely Effects of Stock Exchange Governance Proposals and Sarbanes- Oxley on Corporate Boards and Financial Reporting, Accounting Horizons, 17 (4), 343–355.
  • Koh, P. S. (2003). On The Association Between Institutional Ownership And Aggressive Corporate Earnings Management In Australia, The British Accounting Review, Vol: 35 (2), 105-128.
  • Kouki, M., Elkhaldi, A. , Atri, H. ve Souid, S. (2011). Does Corporate GOvernance Constrain Earnings Mangement? Evidence from US Firms, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 35: 58–71.
  • Kurşunel, Fahri ve Alkan Alper Tunga (2005). İşletmelerde Kazanç Yönetimi Uygulamalarının Arkaplanı, Selçuk Üniversitesi MYO Dergisi, Cilt:8 Sayı:1-2 S. 171-182, Konya,,.
  • Küçüksözen, C. (2004). Finansal Bilgi Manipülasyonu: Nedenleri, Yöntemleri, Amaçları, Teknikleri, Sonuçları Ve İMKB Şirketleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma, T.C. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Bölümü Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Larcker, D. P., Scott, A. R., ve İrem A. T. (2005). How Important Is Corpo rate Governance?,
  • Liu, G., ve Sun, J. (2010). Director Tenure and Independent Audit Committee Effectiveness, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 51, s. 176-189.
  • McKEE, E. T. (2005). Earnings Management: An Executive Perspective, Thompson Corpororation, United States of America.
  • Memiş, M. Ü., Çetenak E. H. (2012). Kurumsal Yönetimin Kazanç Yönetimi Uygulamaları Üzerine Etkisi: İmkb’de İşlem Gören Şirketler Üzerine Uygulama, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 21, Sayı:3.
  • Mulford, W.C., Comiskey, E.E. (1996). Financial Warnings, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork.
  • Mulford, W.C., Comiskey, E.E. (2002). The Financial Numbers Game, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork.
  • OECD (2004). Principles of Corporate Governance
  • Rebai I., (2011). Institutional Investors Heterogeneity And Earnings Management: The R&D Investment Strategy, International Journal of Business Research and Management, Volume l, Issue 3, 122-131.
  • Rezaee, Z. (2005). Causes, Consequences, And Deterence Of Financial Statement Fraud, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 16
  • Riahi, Y., ve Ben Arab, M. (2011). Disclosure frequency and earnings management: An analysis in the Tunisian context, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, Vol. 3(3), 47-59.
  • Roodposhti, F. ve R., Chashmi, S. A. N. (2011). The Impact Of Corporate Governance Mechanisms On Earnings Management, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5(11), 4143-4151.
  • Schipper, K. (1989). Commentary on Earnings Management, Accounting Horizons, 3(4):91–102.
  • Scott, W. (1997). Financial Accounting Theory, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall
  • Uyar, S. (2004). Kurumsal Şeffaflığın Sağlanmasında Kurumsal Yönetim (Corporate Governance) Anlayışının Önemi, Mali Çözüm Dergisi, İSMMO Yayınları, Sayı:66, İstanbul.
  • Xie, B., Wallace, N., Davidson P., ve Dadalt, J. (2003). Earnings Management and Corporate Governance: The Roles of the Board and the Audit Committee, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 9, Number 3, 295-317.
  • Yaşar, Alpaslan (2011). “Bağımsız Dış Denetim Kalitesinin Kar Yönetimi Üzerine Etkisi: İMKB’de Kayıtlı İşletmeler Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Yeo, G., , P., Tan , K., Ho, ve S., Chen (2002). Corporate Ownership Structure And The Informativeness Of Earnings, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Volume 29, 1023-1046.
  • Yermack, D. (1996). Higher market valuation of a company with a small board of directors, Journal of Financial Economics, 40: 185–211.
  • Zahra, S. ve Pearce, J. (1989). Boards of Directors and Corporate Financial Performance: A Review and Integrative Model, Journal of Mangement, 15(2):291- 334.
  • Zhou Jian, ve Ken Y., C. (2004). Audit Committee, Board Characteristics and Earnings Management 05midyear/papers/ZHOU_CG_EM_DEC16A.pdf. Banks
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Selim Cengiz Bu kişi benim

Yusuf Gör Bu kişi benim

Serkan Terzi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 ICAFR 16 Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Cengiz, S., Gör, Y., & Terzi, S. (2016). KURUMSAL YÖNETİM ve KAZANÇ YÖNETİMİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ: BORSA İSTANBUL’DA İŞLEM GÖREN ŞİRKETLER ÜZERİNE UYGULAMA. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 12(12), 756-770.