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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 183 - 197, 01.06.2006


Increasing interest in strategic management has given rise to various business functions to deal with their role in strategic management process. Human resource management trys to integrate itself into strategic management process through strategic human resource management SHRM . The emergence of resource-based view of the firm RBV in strategic management field has affected SHRM substantially. According to RBV, the main determinant of sustainable competitive advantage is firm resources, and human resource is one of the important firm resources. This thought shows that RBV and SHRM are in a natural match. Today, RBV has become the most frequently used model in SHRM field. In this study, after briefly stating the main thoughts of both RBV and SHRM, how RBV can be applied to SHRM was examined by reviewing the literature


  • Amit, P. ve Schoemaker, P.J.H. (1993); “Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent,” Strategic Management Journal, 14: 33-46.
  • Baird, L. ve Meshoulam, I. (1988); “Managing Two Fits of Strategic Human Resource Management,” Academy of Management Review, 13 (1): 116-128.
  • Barney, J. (1991) “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage,” Journal of Management, 17 (1): 99-120.
  • Barney, J. B. ve Wright, P. M. (1998); “On Becoming a Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resources in Gaining Competitive Advantage,” Human Resource Man- agement, 37 (1): 31-46.
  • Becker, B. ve Gerhart, B. (1996); “The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: Progress and Prospects,” Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 779-801.
  • Boxall, P. (1996); “The Staretgic HRM Debate and the Resource-based View of the Firm,” Human Resource Management Journal, 6 (3): 59-75.
  • Boxall, P. (1998); “Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Human Resource Strat- egy: Towards a Theory of Industry Dynamics,” Human Resource Management Re- view, 8 (3): 265-288.
  • Bowman, C. ve Ambrosini, V. (2003); “How the Resource-based and Dynamic Capabil- ity Views of the Firm Inform Corporate-level Strategy,” British Journal of Man- agement, 14: 289-303.
  • Collis, D. J. (1994); “Research Note: How Valuable are Organizational Capabilities?,” Strategic Management Journal, 15:143-152.
  • Collis, D. ve Montgomery, C. A. (1998); Corporate Strategy: A Resource-Based Ap- proach, McGraw-Hill: Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Combs, J.G. ve Ketchen, D.J. (1999); “Explaining Interfirm Cooperation and Perform- ance: Toward a Reconciliation of Predictions from the Resource-based
  • Vıew and Organızatıonal Economics,” Strategic Management Journal, 20: 867–888.
  • Delery, J. E. ve Doty, D. H. (1996); “Modes of Theorizing in Starategic Human Re- source Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Performance Predictions,” Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 802-835.
  • Fahy, J. (2000); “The Resource-based View of the Firm: Some Stumbling-blocks on the Road to Understanding Sustainable Competitive Advantage,” Journal of European Industrial Training, 24 (2/3/4): 94 (article-html).
  • Fernandez, E., Montes, J. M. ve Vazquez, C. J. (2000); “Typology and Strategic Analy- sis of Intangible Resources A Resource-based Approach,” Technovation, 20: 81- 92.
  • Grant, R. M. (1991a); Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applica- tions, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Grant, R. M. (1991b); “The Resource-based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Impli- cations for Strategy Formulation,”California Management Review, Spring: 114- 134.
  • Hooley, G., Broderick, A. ve Moller, K. (1998); “Competitive Positioning and the Re- source-based View of the Firm,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6: 97-15.
  • Hoopes, D. G., Madsenz, T. ve Walker, G. (2003); “Guest Edıtors’ Introductıon to the Special Issue: Why is There a Resource-based Vıew? Toward a Theory of Com- petitive Heterogeneity,” Strategic Management Journal, 24: 889–902.
  • Kamoche, K. (1996); “Strategic Human Resource Management Within a Resource- capability View of the Firm,”. Journal of Management Studies, 33 (2): 213-233.
  • Karami, Azhdar, Analoui F. Ve Cusworth J. (2004); “Strategic Human Resource Man- agement and Resource-based Approach: The Evidence From the British Manufac- turing Industry,” Management Research News. 27 (6): 50-68.
  • Lado, A. A. ve Wilson, M. C. (1994); “Human Resource Systems and Sustained Com- petitive Advantage: A Competence-based Perspective,” Academy of Management Review, 19 (4): 699-727.
  • Lengnick-Hall, C. A. ve Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (1988); “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Review of the Literature and a Proposed Typology,” Academy of Management Review, 13 (3): 454-470.
  • Mueller, F. (1996); “Human Resources As Strategic Assets: An Evolutionary Resource- Based Theory,” Journal of Management Studies, 33 (6): 757-785.
  • Peteraf, M. A. (1993); “The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource- Based View,” Strategic Management Journal. 14: 179-191.
  • Pfeffer, J. (1995); “Producing Sustainable Competitive Advantage Through the Effec- tive Management of People,” Academy of Management Executive, 9 (1): 55-72.
  • Richard, O. C. ve Johnson, N. B. (2001); “Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness and Firm Performance,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12 (2): 299-310.
  • Saa-Perez, P. ve Garcia-Falcon, J. M. (2002); “A Resource-based View of Human Re- source Management and Organizational Capabilities Development,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13 (1): 123-140.
  • Tecee, D. J., Pisano, G. ve Shuen, A .(1997); “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Man- agement,” Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7):509-533.
  • Truss, C. ve Gratton, L. (1994); “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Concep- tual Approach,” The International Human Resource Management, 5 (3): 663-686.
  • Wernerfelt, B. (1984); “A Resource-based View of the Firm,” Strategic Management Journal, 5: 171-180.
  • Wright, P. M. ve McMahan, G. C. (1992); “Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Hu- man Resource Management,” Journal of Management, 18 (2): 295-320.
  • Wright, P. M., McMahan, G. C. ve McWilliams, A. (1994); “Human Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based Perspective,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5 (2): 301-326.
  • Wright, P. (1998); “Strategy-HR Fit: Does It Really Matter?,” Human Resource Plan- ning, 21 (4): 56-57.
  • Wright, P. M., Dunford, B. B. ve Snell, S. A. (2001); “Human Resources and the Re- source-based View of the Firm,” Journal of Management, 27: 701-721.

Kaynaklara Dayalı Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 183 - 197, 01.06.2006


Stratejik yönetime olan ilginin her geçen gün artması, değişik işletme fonksiyonlarının stratejik yönetim sürecindeki rolleri konusuna olan ilgiyi de arttırmıştır. İnsan kaynakları yönetimi, stratejik yönetim sürecine stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi SİKY ile bütünleşmeye çalışmaktadır. Stratejik yönetim alanında kaynaklara dayalı işletme modelinin KDİM ortaya çıkışı, SİKY’yi önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. KDİM’ye göre, sürdürülebilir rekabet üstünlüğünün temel belirleyicisi işletme kaynaklarıdır ve insan kaynakları işletmenin önemli kaynaklarından biridir. Bu düşünce KDİM ve SİKY’nin doğal bir uyum içerisinde olduklarını göstermektedir. KDİM bugün SİKY alanında en sık kullanılan model haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, KDİM ve SİKY’nin temel görüşleri kısaca açıklandıktan sonra, KDİM’nin SİKY’ye nasıl uygulanacağı literatür taramasına dayalı olarak incelenmiştir.


  • Amit, P. ve Schoemaker, P.J.H. (1993); “Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent,” Strategic Management Journal, 14: 33-46.
  • Baird, L. ve Meshoulam, I. (1988); “Managing Two Fits of Strategic Human Resource Management,” Academy of Management Review, 13 (1): 116-128.
  • Barney, J. (1991) “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage,” Journal of Management, 17 (1): 99-120.
  • Barney, J. B. ve Wright, P. M. (1998); “On Becoming a Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resources in Gaining Competitive Advantage,” Human Resource Man- agement, 37 (1): 31-46.
  • Becker, B. ve Gerhart, B. (1996); “The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: Progress and Prospects,” Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 779-801.
  • Boxall, P. (1996); “The Staretgic HRM Debate and the Resource-based View of the Firm,” Human Resource Management Journal, 6 (3): 59-75.
  • Boxall, P. (1998); “Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Human Resource Strat- egy: Towards a Theory of Industry Dynamics,” Human Resource Management Re- view, 8 (3): 265-288.
  • Bowman, C. ve Ambrosini, V. (2003); “How the Resource-based and Dynamic Capabil- ity Views of the Firm Inform Corporate-level Strategy,” British Journal of Man- agement, 14: 289-303.
  • Collis, D. J. (1994); “Research Note: How Valuable are Organizational Capabilities?,” Strategic Management Journal, 15:143-152.
  • Collis, D. ve Montgomery, C. A. (1998); Corporate Strategy: A Resource-Based Ap- proach, McGraw-Hill: Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Combs, J.G. ve Ketchen, D.J. (1999); “Explaining Interfirm Cooperation and Perform- ance: Toward a Reconciliation of Predictions from the Resource-based
  • Vıew and Organızatıonal Economics,” Strategic Management Journal, 20: 867–888.
  • Delery, J. E. ve Doty, D. H. (1996); “Modes of Theorizing in Starategic Human Re- source Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Performance Predictions,” Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 802-835.
  • Fahy, J. (2000); “The Resource-based View of the Firm: Some Stumbling-blocks on the Road to Understanding Sustainable Competitive Advantage,” Journal of European Industrial Training, 24 (2/3/4): 94 (article-html).
  • Fernandez, E., Montes, J. M. ve Vazquez, C. J. (2000); “Typology and Strategic Analy- sis of Intangible Resources A Resource-based Approach,” Technovation, 20: 81- 92.
  • Grant, R. M. (1991a); Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applica- tions, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Grant, R. M. (1991b); “The Resource-based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Impli- cations for Strategy Formulation,”California Management Review, Spring: 114- 134.
  • Hooley, G., Broderick, A. ve Moller, K. (1998); “Competitive Positioning and the Re- source-based View of the Firm,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6: 97-15.
  • Hoopes, D. G., Madsenz, T. ve Walker, G. (2003); “Guest Edıtors’ Introductıon to the Special Issue: Why is There a Resource-based Vıew? Toward a Theory of Com- petitive Heterogeneity,” Strategic Management Journal, 24: 889–902.
  • Kamoche, K. (1996); “Strategic Human Resource Management Within a Resource- capability View of the Firm,”. Journal of Management Studies, 33 (2): 213-233.
  • Karami, Azhdar, Analoui F. Ve Cusworth J. (2004); “Strategic Human Resource Man- agement and Resource-based Approach: The Evidence From the British Manufac- turing Industry,” Management Research News. 27 (6): 50-68.
  • Lado, A. A. ve Wilson, M. C. (1994); “Human Resource Systems and Sustained Com- petitive Advantage: A Competence-based Perspective,” Academy of Management Review, 19 (4): 699-727.
  • Lengnick-Hall, C. A. ve Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (1988); “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Review of the Literature and a Proposed Typology,” Academy of Management Review, 13 (3): 454-470.
  • Mueller, F. (1996); “Human Resources As Strategic Assets: An Evolutionary Resource- Based Theory,” Journal of Management Studies, 33 (6): 757-785.
  • Peteraf, M. A. (1993); “The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource- Based View,” Strategic Management Journal. 14: 179-191.
  • Pfeffer, J. (1995); “Producing Sustainable Competitive Advantage Through the Effec- tive Management of People,” Academy of Management Executive, 9 (1): 55-72.
  • Richard, O. C. ve Johnson, N. B. (2001); “Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness and Firm Performance,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12 (2): 299-310.
  • Saa-Perez, P. ve Garcia-Falcon, J. M. (2002); “A Resource-based View of Human Re- source Management and Organizational Capabilities Development,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13 (1): 123-140.
  • Tecee, D. J., Pisano, G. ve Shuen, A .(1997); “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Man- agement,” Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7):509-533.
  • Truss, C. ve Gratton, L. (1994); “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Concep- tual Approach,” The International Human Resource Management, 5 (3): 663-686.
  • Wernerfelt, B. (1984); “A Resource-based View of the Firm,” Strategic Management Journal, 5: 171-180.
  • Wright, P. M. ve McMahan, G. C. (1992); “Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Hu- man Resource Management,” Journal of Management, 18 (2): 295-320.
  • Wright, P. M., McMahan, G. C. ve McWilliams, A. (1994); “Human Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based Perspective,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5 (2): 301-326.
  • Wright, P. (1998); “Strategy-HR Fit: Does It Really Matter?,” Human Resource Plan- ning, 21 (4): 56-57.
  • Wright, P. M., Dunford, B. B. ve Snell, S. A. (2001); “Human Resources and the Re- source-based View of the Firm,” Journal of Management, 27: 701-721.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ahmet Seviçin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Seviçin, A. (2006). Kaynaklara Dayalı Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 2(3), 183-197.